Ikuo Ichinose


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Strong and weak symmetries and their spontaneous symmetry breaking in mixed states emerging from the quantum Ising model under multiple decoherence 2024 Takahiro Orito
Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Intrinsic mixed state topological order in a stabilizer system under stochastic decoherence 2024 Yoshihito Kuno
Takahiro Orito
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Strong-to-weak symmetry breaking states in stochastic dephasing stabilizer circuits 2024 Yoshihito Kuno
Takahiro Orito
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Hierarchy of emergent cluster states by measurement from symmetry-protected-topological states with large symmetry to a subsystem cat state 2024 Yoshihito Kuno
Takahiro Orito
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Measurement-only dynamical phase transition of topological and boundary order in toric code and gauge Higgs models 2024 Takahiro Orito
Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Hierarchy of emergent cluster states by measurement from symmetry-protected-topological states with large symmetry to subsystem cat state 2024 Yoshihito Kuno
Takahiro Orito
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Measurement-only dynamical phase transition of topological and boundary order in toric code and gauge-Higgs models 2024 Takahiro Orito
Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Bulk-measurement-induced boundary phase transition in toric code and gauge Higgs model 2024 Yoshihito Kuno
Takahiro Orito
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Interplay between lattice gauge theory and subsystem codes 2023 Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Production of lattice gauge Higgs topological states in a measurement-only quantum circuit 2023 Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ Production of lattice gauge-Higgs topological states in measurement-only quantum circuit 2023 Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ Interplay between lattice gauge theory and subsystem codes 2023 Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ Bulk-Measurement-Induced Boundary Phase Transition in Toric Code and Gauge-Higgs Model 2023 Yoshihito Kuno
Takahiro Orito
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Purification and scrambling in a chaotic Hamiltonian dynamics with measurements 2022 Yoshihito Kuno
Takahiro Orito
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Quantum information spreading in random spin chains with topological order 2022 Takahiro Orito
Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Information spreading and scrambling in disorder-free multiple-spin-interaction models 2022 Yoshihito Kuno
Takahiro Orito
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Localization and slow-thermalization in a cluster spin model 2022 Yoshihito Kuno
Takahiro Orito
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Deformation of localized states and state transitions in systems of randomly hopping interacting fermions 2022 Takahiro Orito
Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ Information spreading and scrambling in disorder-free multiple-spin interacting models 2022 Yoshihito Kuno
Takahiro Orito
Ikuo Ichinose
+ Purification and scrambling in a chaotic Hamiltonian dynamics with measurements 2022 Yoshihito Kuno
Takahiro Orito
Ikuo Ichinose
+ Emergence symmetry protected topological phase in spatially tuned measurement-only circuit 2022 Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ Deformation of localized states and state transitions in interacting random-hopping fermions 2021 Takahiro Orito
Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Interplay and competition between disorder and flat band in an interacting Creutz ladder 2021 Takahiro Orito
Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Flat-band full localization and symmetry-protected topological phase on bilayer lattice systems 2021 Ikuo Ichinose
Takahiro Orito
Yoshihito Kuno
+ PDF Chat Nonthermalized dynamics of flat-band many-body localization 2021 Takahiro Orito
Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Exact projector Hamiltonian, local integrals of motion, and many-body localization with symmetry-protected topological order 2020 Takahiro Orito
Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ Critical and many-body localized phases under disorders with power-law correlations 2020 Takahiro Orito
Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ Effects of power-law correlated disorders in XXZ spin chain: Many-body localized to thermal phase transition and its critical regime 2020 Takahiro Orito
Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ Flat-band many-body localization and ergodicity breaking in the Creutz ladder 2019 Yoshihito Kuno
Takahiro Orito
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Topological order versus many-body localization in periodically modulated spin chains 2019 Takahiro Orito
Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Glassy dynamics from quark confinement: Atomic quantum simulation of the gauge-Higgs model on a lattice 2019 Jonghoon Park
Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ Extended stream functions for dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensations: Snake instability of dark soliton in ultra-cold atoms as an example 2019 Takahiro Orito
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Out-of-equilibrium dynamics of multiple second-order quantum phase transitions in an extended Bose-Hubbard model: Superfluid, supersolid, and density wave 2018 Keita Shimizu
Takahiro Hirano
Jonghoon Park
Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Localization and delocalization of fermions in a background of correlated spins 2018 Tetsuya Takaishi
Kazuhiko Sakakibara
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ (De)localization of Fermions in Correlated-Spin Background 2018 Tetsuya Takaishi
Kazuhiko Sakakibara
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ Dynamics of first-order quantum phase transitions in extended Bose–Hubbard model: from density wave to superfluid and vice versa 2018 Keita Shimizu
Takahiro Hirano
Jonghoon Park
Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Generalized lattice Wilson–Dirac fermions in (1 + 1) dimensions for atomic quantum simulation and topological phases 2018 Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
Yoshiro Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of a quantum phase transition in the Bose-Hubbard model: Kibble-Zurek mechanism and beyond 2018 Keita Shimizu
Yoshihito Kuno
Takahiro Hirano
Ikuo Ichinose
+ Various topological Mott insulators and topological bulk charge pumping in strongly-interacting boson system in one-dimensional superlattice 2017 Yoshihito Kuno
Keita Shimizu
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Phase diagrams of Bose-Hubbard model and antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 models on a honeycomb lattice 2017 Takashi Nakafuji
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Quantum simulation of ( <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:math> )-dimensional U(1) gauge-Higgs model on a lattice by cold Bose gases 2017 Yoshihito Kuno
Shinya Sakane
Kenichi Kasamatsu
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Phase diagrams of the extended Bose-Hubbard model in one dimension by Monte-Carlo simulation with the help of a stochastic-series expansion 2017 Keima Kawaki
Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Bosonic analogs of the fractional quantum Hall state in the vicinity of Mott states 2017 Yoshihito Kuno
Keita Shimizu
Ikuo Ichinose
+ Phase diagrams of extended Bose-Hubbard model in one dimension by Monte-Carlo simulation with stochastic-series expansion 2017 Keima Kawaki
Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ Vortex dynamics in lattice Bose gases in a synthesized magnetic field with a random noise and a dissipation: Study by the stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation 2017 Ryosuke Kato
Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Atomic quantum simulation of a three-dimensional U(1) gauge-Higgs model 2016 Yoshihito Kuno
Shinya Sakane
Kenichi Kasamatsu
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Phase diagram of dipolar hard-core bosons on a honeycomb lattice 2016 Takashi Nakafuji
Takeshi Ito
Yuya Nagamori
Ikuo Ichinose
+ Extended Bose-Hubbard model and atomic quantum simulation of U(1) gauge-Higgs model in (1 + 1) dimensions 2016 Yoshihito Kuno
Keima Kawaki
Shinya Sakane
Kenichi Kasamatsu
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Phase diagrams of the Bose-Hubbard model and the Haldane-Bose-Hubbard model with complex hopping amplitudes 2015 Yoshihito Kuno
Takashi Nakafuji
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Real-time dynamics and proposal for feasible experiments of lattice gauge–Higgs model simulated by cold atoms 2015 Yoshihito Kuno
Kenichi Kasamatsu
Yoshiro Takahashi
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ Two-component Bose gas trapped by harmonic and annular potentials: Supercurrent, vortex flow and instability of superfluidity by Rabi coupling 2015 Hayato Ino
Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ Proposal for feasible experiments of cold-atom quantum simulator of U(1) lattice gauge-Higgs model 2014 Yoshihito Kuno
Kenichi Kasamatsu
Yoshiro Takahashi
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Superfluidity and solid order in a two-component Bose gas with dipolar interactions in an optical lattice 2014 Yoshihito Kuno
Keita Suzuki
Ikuo Ichinose
+ Lattice gauge theory for condensed matter physics: ferromagnetic superconductivity as its example 2014 Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ Random-field-induced order in a bosonic t-J model 2014 Yoshihito Kuno
Takamasa Mori
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Superfluid, Supersolid, and Checkerboard Solid in Two-Component Bosons in an Optical Lattice: Study by Means of Gross–Pitaevskii Theory and Monte-Carlo Simulations 2014 Yoshihito Kuno
Keita Suzuki
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Effective Field Theory for Two-Species Bosons in an Optical Lattice: Multiple Order, the Nambu–Goldstone Bosons, the Higgs Mode, and Vortex Lattice 2013 Yoshihito Kuno
Keita Suzuki
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Atomic Quantum Simulation of the Lattice Gauge-Higgs Model: Higgs Couplings and Emergence of Exact Local Gauge Symmetry 2013 Kenichi Kasamatsu
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ Two-species repulsive bosons in an optical lattice: Phase diagram, the Nambu-Goldstone bosons, the Higgs mode and vortex lattice 2013 Yoshihito Kuno
Kenta Suzuki
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Effective field theories for two-component repulsive bosons on lattice and their phase diagrams 2013 Yoshihito Kuno
Keisuke Kataoka
Ikuo Ichinose
+ Atomic Quantum Simulation of Lattice Gauge-Higgs Model: Local Gauge Symmetry and its Breaking as Higgs Couplings 2012 Kenichi Kasamatsu
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ Local Gauge Symmetry and its Breaking as Higgs Couplings in Atomic Quantum Simulation of Dynamical Gauge Fields 2012 Kenichi Kasamatsu
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Bosonic<i>t</i>–<i>J</i>Model in a Stacked Triangular Lattice and Its Phase Diagram 2012 Keisuke Kataoka
Yoshihito Kuno
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Phase structure of repulsive hard-core bosons in a stacked triangular lattice 2012 Hidetoshi Ozawa
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Possibility of Exciton Mediated Superconductivity in Nano-Sized Sn/Si Core–Shell Clusters: A Process Technology towards Heterogeneous Material in Nano-Scale 2012 Yuichiro Kurokawa
Takehiko Hihara
Ikuo Ichinose
K. Sumiyama
+ PDF Chat Possibility of Exciton Mediated Superconductivity in Nano-Sized Sn/Si Core–Shell Clusters: A Process Technology towards Heterogeneous Material in Nano-Scale 2012 Yuichiro Kurokawa
Takehiko Hihara
Ikuo Ichinose
K. Sumiyama
+ PDF Chat Lattice Ginzburg-Landau model of a ferromagnetic<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math>-wave pairing phase in superconducting materials and an inhomogeneous coexisting state 2012 Akihiro Shimizu
Hidetoshi Ozawa
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Finite-temperature phase diagram of two-component bosons in a cubic optical lattice: Three-dimensional<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:math>-<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>J</mml:mi></mml:math>model of hard-core bosons 2012 Y. Nakano
Takumi Ishima
Naohiro Kobayashi
Takahiro Yamamoto
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ Crystal, Superfluid, Supersolid and Hetero-Structure in System of Two-Component Boson with Strong On-Site Repulsions in a Cubic Optical Lattice 2011 Ikuo Ichinose
Takumi Ishima
Naohiro Kobayashi
Yoshihito Kuno
+ Lattice Gauge Model of a Ferromagnetic p-wave Pairing Phase in Superconducting Materials and the Inhomogeneous Coexisting State 2011 Akihiro Shimizu
Hidetoshi Ozawa
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Effective field theory for Sp(<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>) antiferromagnets and their phase structure 2011 Keisuke Kataoka
Shinya Hattori
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Phase structure of the anisotropic antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on a layered triangular lattice: Spiral state and deconfined spin liquid 2011 Kazuya Nakane
Takeshi Kamijo
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Antiferromagnetic, metal-insulator, and superconducting phase transitions in underdoped cuprates: Slave-fermion<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="bold-italic">t</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="bold-italic">J</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>model in the hopping expansion 2011 Akihiro Shimizu
Koji Aoki
Kazuhiko Sakakibara
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ Crystal, Superfluids, Supersolid and Hetero-Structure in System of Two-Component Strongly-Correlated Bosons in a Cubic Optical Lattice 2011 Ikuo Ichinose
Takumi Ishima
Naohiro Kobayashi
Yoshihito Kuno
+ Antiferromagnetic Order and Bose-Einstein Condensation in Strongly-Correlated Cold-Atom Systems: Bosonic t-J Model in the Double-CP^1 Representation 2010 Y. Nakano
Takumi Ishima
Naohiro Kobayashi
Kazuhiko Sakakibara
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Phase structure of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>Z</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math>gauge theories for frustrated antiferromagnets in two dimensions 2009 Kazuya Nakane
Akihiro Shimizu
Ikuo Ichinose
+ Magnetic order, Bose-Einstein condensation, and superfluidity in a bosonic<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>t</mml:mi><mml:mtext>−</mml:mtext><mml:mi>J</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>model of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mtext>CP</mml:mtext></mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math>spinons and doped Higgs holons 2009 Koji Aoki
Kazuhiko Sakakibara
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Phase structure and critical behavior of multi-Higgs U(1) lattice gauge theory in three dimensions 2009 T. Ono
Shunsuke Doi
Yuki Hori
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ Effects of disorder on a lattice Ginzburg-Landau model of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>d</mml:mi></mml:math>-wave superconductors and superfluids 2009 Tomonori Shimizu
Shunsuke Doi
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ Magnetic Order and Superconductivity in the Bosonic t-J Model of CP$^1$ Spinons and Doped Bosonic Holons 2008 Koji Aoki
Kazuhiko Sakakibara
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
Ikuo Ichinose
Yuki Moribe
+ PDF Chat Four-dimensional<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mtext>CP</mml:mtext></mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:msup><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">U</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:math>lattice gauge theory for three-dimensional antiferromagnets: Phase structure, gauge bosons, and spin liquid 2008 Kenji Sawamura
Takashi Hiramatsu
Katsuhiro Ozaki
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ Phase Structure and Critical Behavior of Multi-Higgs U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory in Three Dimensions 2007 T. Ono
Shunsuke Doi
Yuki Hori
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Quantum critical phenomena of unconventional superconductors: U(1) gauge model of link Cooper pair 2007 Kenji Sawamura
Ikuo Ichinose
Yuki Moribe
+ PDF Chat Quantum phase transition in lattice model of unconventional superconductors 2007 Kenji Sawamura
Yuki Moribe
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Phase structure of a U(1) lattice gauge theory with dual gauge fields 2007 T. Ono
Yuki Moribe
Shunsuke Takashima
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
Kazuhiko Sakakibara
+ Multi-Higgs U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory in Three Dimensions 2007 T. Ono
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ Four-dimensional CP$^1+$ U(1) lattice gauge theory for 3D antiferromagnets: Phase structure, gauge bosons and spin liquid 2007 Kenji Sawamura
Takashi Hiramatsu
Katsuhiro Ozaki
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ Phase Structure and Critical Behavior of Multi-Higgs U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory in Three Dimensions 2007 T. Ono
Doi S
Y. Hori
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Phase structure of lattice model of unconventional superconductors 2006 T. Ono
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Three phases in the three-dimensional Abelian-Higgs model with nonlocal gauge interactions 2006 Shunsuke Takashima
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
Kazuhiko Sakakibara
+ PDF Chat Deconfinement of spinons on critical points: Multiflavor<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mi>CP</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:msup><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">U</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:math>lattice gauge theory in three dimensions 2006 Shunsuke Takashima
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Phase structure of a 3D nonlocal U(1) gauge theory: deconfinement by gapless matter fields 2005 Gaku Arakawa
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
Kazuhiko Sakakibara
Shunsuke Takashima
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mi>CP</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:msup><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">U</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:math>lattice gauge theory in three dimensions: Phase structure, spins, gauge bosons, and instantons 2005 Shunsuke Takashima
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Deconfinement Phase Transition in a 3D Nonlocal U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory 2005 Gaku Arakawa
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
Kazuhiko Sakakibara
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous symmetry breakings in Z2 gauge theories for doped quantum dimer and eight-vertex models 2005 Ikuo Ichinose
Daisuke Yoshioka
+ PDF Chat Self-duality and phase structure of the 4D random-plaquette gauge model 2005 Gaku Arakawa
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
Koujin Takeda
+ PDF Chat Néel-dimer transition in an antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model and deconfinement of spinons at the critical point 2004 Daisuke Yoshioka
Gaku Arakawa
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Phase structure of the random-plaquette gauge model: accuracy threshold for a toric quantum memory 2004 Takuya Ohno
Gaku Arakawa
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat ZN Gauge theories on a lattice and quantum memory 2003 Gaku Arakawa
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Gauge theory of composite fermions: Particle-flux separation in quantum Hall systems 2003 Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Quantum spin chains with nonlocally-correlated random exchange coupling and random-mass Dirac fermions 2003 Koujin Takeda
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Effects of Correlated Noise in Random-Mass Dirac Fermions 2002 Koujin Takeda
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Particle-Flux Separation and Quasi-excitations in Quantum Hall Systems 2002 Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Random-Mass Dirac Fermions in an Imaginary Vector Potential: Delocalization Transition and Localization Length 2001 Koujin Takeda
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Effective gauge-field theory of the<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>t</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>J</mml:mi></mml:math>model in the charge-spin separated state and its transport properties 2001 Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
Masaru Onoda
+ Multi-flavor Dirac fermions in a random vector potential: Lattice supersymmetry and localization 2001 Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Lattice QCD with the overlap fermions at strong gauge coupling (II) 2001 Ikuo Ichinose
Keiichi Nagao
+ PDF Chat Comment on “Confinement of Slave Particles in U(1) Gauge Theories of Strongly Interacting Electrons” 2001 Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ Random-Mass Dirac Fermions in an Imaginary Vector Potential (II): Long-Range Correlated Random Mass 2001 Kenta Takeda
Ikuo Ichinose
+ Random-Mass Dirac Fermions in an Imaginary Vector Potential (I): Delocalization Transition and Localization Length 2001 Kenta Takeda
Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Spin-Gap Effect on Resistivity in the<i><i>t</i></i>-<i><i>J</i></i>Model 2000 Masaru Onoda
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetry on a lattice and Dirac fermions in a random vector potential 2000 Ikuo Ichinose
+ PDF Chat Lattice QCD with the overlap fermions at strong gauge coupling 2000 Ikuo Ichinose
Keiichi Nagao
Keiichi Nagao
+ Pions in Lattice QCD with the Overlap Fermions at Strong Gauge Coupling 2000 Ikuo Ichinose
Keiichi Nagao
+ PDF Chat Localized and extended states in one-dimensional disordered system: random-mass Dirac fermions 1999 Koujin Takeda
Toyohiro Tsurumaru
Ikuo Ichinose
Masaomi Kimura
+ PDF Chat Non-locally correlated disorder and delocalization in one dimension (II). Localization length 1999 Ikuo Ichinose
Masaomi Kimura
+ PDF Chat Non-locally correlated disorder and delocalization in one dimension (I): Density of states 1999 Ikuo Ichinose
Masaomi Kimura
+ PDF Chat Pion mass and the PCAC relation in the overlap fermion formalism: Gauged Gross–Neveu model on a lattice 1999 Ikuo Ichinose
Keiichi Nagao
+ PDF Chat Integrable impurity model with spin and flavor: Model inspired by resonant tunneling in quantum dots 1999 Osamu TSUCHIYA
Ikuo Ichinose
Yasuyuki Kayama
+ Gauged Gross--Neveu model with overlap fermions 1999 Ikuo Ichinose
Keiichi Nagao
+ PDF Chat Resistivity in the Spin-Gap State of the t-J Model 1998 Masaru Onoda
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Low-energy excitations in two-leg and three-leg quantum spin ladders 1998 Ikuo Ichinose
Yasuyuki Kayama
+ PDF Chat Quasiexcitations and superconductivity in the<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>t</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>J</mml:mi></mml:math>model on a ladder 1998 Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Fluctuation Effects of Gauge Fields in the Slave-Boson t-J Model 1998 Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
Kazuhiko Sakakibara
+ PDF Chat Solitons in Chern–Simons Theories of Nonrelativistic <font>CP</font><sup>N-1</sup> Models: Spin Textures in the Quantum Hall Effect 1997 Ikuo Ichinose
Akira Sekiguchi
+ PDF Chat Topological solitons in Chern-Simons theories for the double-layer fractional quantum Hall effect 1997 Ikuo Ichinose
Akira Sekiguchi
+ PDF Chat Particle-flux separation of electrons in the half-filled Landau level: Chargeon-fluxon approach 1997 Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Finite-temperature properties of a gauge theory of nonrelativistic fermions 1996 Masaru Onoda
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ Statistics of holons and spinons in the t-J model 1996 Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
K. Sakakibara
+ Instability of the Non-Fermi-Liquid Fixed Point in the Dissipative Gauge Theory of Fermions (I)Impurity Effects 1996 Hiroshi Takano
Masaru Onoda
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ Statistics of holons and spinons in the t-J model 1996 Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
Keita Sakakibara
+ PDF Chat Entropies of scalar fields on three dimensional black holes 1995 Ikuo Ichinose
Yuji Satoh
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mi>CP</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:msup><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">U</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:math>lattice gauge theory in three dimensions: Phase structure, spins, gauge bosons, and instantons 2005 Shunsuke Takashima
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
+ PDF Chat Many-body physics with ultracold gases 2008 Immanuel Bloch
Jean Dalibard
W. Zwerger
+ An introduction to lattice gauge theory and spin systems 1979 John B. Kogut
+ PDF Chat Effective gauge-field theory of the<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>t</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>J</mml:mi></mml:math>model in the charge-spin separated state and its transport properties 2001 Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
Masaru Onoda
+ PDF Chat Deconfinement Phase Transition in a 3D Nonlocal U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory 2005 Gaku Arakawa
Ikuo Ichinose
Tetsuo Matsui
Kazuhiko Sakakibara
+ PDF Chat <i>Colloquium</i> : Many-body localization, thermalization, and entanglement 2019 Dmitry A. Abanin
Ehud Altman
Immanuel Bloch
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+ PDF Chat Fault-tolerant quantum computation by anyons 2003 Alexei Kitaev
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+ PDF Chat Néel-dimer transition in an antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model and deconfinement of spinons at the critical point 2004 Daisuke Yoshioka
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