Mehdi Benallegue


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Humanoid Robot RHP Friends: Seamless Combination of Autonomous and Teleoperated Tasks in a Nursing Context 2024 Mehdi Benallegue
Guillaume Lorthioir
Antonin Dallard
Rafael Cisneros
Iori Kumagai
Mitsuharu Morisawa
Hiroshi Kaminaga
Masaki Murooka
Antoine AndrĂŠ
Pierre Gergondet
+ PDF Chat Motion Accuracy and Computational Effort in QP-based Robot Control 2024 SĂŠlim Chefchaouni
Mehdi Benallegue
Adrien Escande
Pierre-Brice Wieber
+ The Kinetics Observer: A Tightly Coupled Estimator for Legged Robots 2023 Arnaud Demont
Mehdi Benallegue
A. Benallègue
Pierre Gergondet
Antonin Dallard
Rafael Cisneros
Masaki Murooka
Fumio Kanehiro
+ PDF Chat Enhanced Visual Feedback with Decoupled Viewpoint Control in Immersive Humanoid Robot Teleoperation using SLAM 2022 Yang Chen
Leyuan Sun
Mehdi Benallegue
Rafael Cisneros
Rohan Pratap Singh
Kenji Kaneko
Arnaud Tanguy
Guillaume Caron
Kenji Suzuki
Abderrahmane Kheddar
+ PDF Chat Learning Bipedal Walking On Planned Footsteps For Humanoid Robots 2022 Rohan Pratap Singh
Mehdi Benallegue
Mitsuharu Morisawa
Rafael Cisneros
Fumio Kanehiro
+ Learning Bipedal Walking On Planned Footsteps For Humanoid Robots 2022 Rohan Pratap Singh
Mehdi Benallegue
Mitsuharu Morisawa
Rafael Cisneros
Fumio Kanehiro
+ PDF Chat Rapid Pose Label Generation through Sparse Representation of Unknown Objects 2021 Rohan Pratap Singh
Mehdi Benallegue
Yusuke Yoshiyasu
Fumio Kanehiro
+ Rapid Pose Label Generation through Sparse Representation of Unknown Objects. 2020 Rohan Pratap Singh
Mehdi Benallegue
Yusuke Yoshiyasu
Fumio Kanehiro
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov-Stable Orientation Estimator for Humanoid Robots 2020 Mehdi Benallegue
Rafael Cisneros
A. Benallègue
Yacine Chitour
Mitsuharu Morisawa
Fumio Kanehiro
+ Velocity-aided IMU-based Attitude Estimation 2020 Mehdi Benallegue
A. Benallègue
Rafael Cisneros
Yacine Chitour
+ PDF Chat Instance-specific 6-DoF Object Pose Estimation from Minimal Annotations 2020 Rohan Pratap Singh
Iori Kumagai
Antonio Gabas
Mehdi Benallegue
Yusuke Yoshiyasu
Fumio Kanehiro
+ PDF Chat On the mechanical contribution of head stabilization to passive dynamics of anthropometric walkers 2019 Mehdi Benallegue
Jean‐Paul Laumond
Alain Berthoz
+ Tilt estimator for 3D non-rigid pendulum based on a tri-axial accelerometer and gyrometer 2018 Mehdi Benallegue
A. Benallègue
Yacine Chitour
+ Tilt estimator for 3D non-rigid pendulum based on a tri-axial accelerometer and gyrometer 2018 Mehdi Benallegue
A. Benallègue
Yacine Chitour
+ PDF Chat Tilt estimator for 3D non-rigid pendulum based on a tri-axial accelerometer and gyrometer 2017 Mehdi Benallegue
A. Benallègue
Yacine Chitour
+ Metastability for High-Dimensional Walking Systems on Stochastically Rough Terrain 2013 Mehdi Benallegue
Jean–Paul Laumond
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Domain randomization for transferring deep neural networks from simulation to the real world 2017 Josh Tobin
Rachel Fong
Alex Ray
Jonas Schneider
Wojciech Zaremba
Pieter Abbeel
+ PDF Chat You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection 2016 Joseph Redmon
Santosh Divvala
Ross Girshick
Ali Farhadi
+ SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector 2016 Wei Liu
Dragomir Anguelov
Dumitru Erhan
Christian Szegedy
Scott Reed
Cheng-Yang Fu
Alexander C. Berg
+ PoseCNN: A Convolutional Neural Network for 6D Object Pose Estimation in Cluttered Scenes 2018 Xiang Yu
Tanner Schmidt
Venkatraman Narayanan
Dieter Fox
+ PDF Chat 6-DoF object pose from semantic keypoints 2017 Georgios Pavlakos
Xiaowei Zhou
Aaron Chan
Konstantinos G. Derpanis
Kostas Daniilidis
+ PDF Chat BB8: A Scalable, Accurate, Robust to Partial Occlusion Method for Predicting the 3D Poses of Challenging Objects without Using Depth 2017 Mahdi Rad
Vincent Lepetit
+ A global exponential observer for velocity-aided attitude estimation 2016 Philippe Martin
Ioannis Sarras
Minh‐Duc Hua
Tarek Hamel
+ PDF Chat Multi-view self-supervised deep learning for 6D pose estimation in the Amazon Picking Challenge 2017 Andy Zeng
Kuan‐Ting Yu
Shuran Song
Daniel Suo
Ed Walker
Alberto RodrĂ­guez
Jianxiong Xiao
+ PDF Chat A Dataset for Improved RGBD-Based Object Detection and Pose Estimation for Warehouse Pick-and-Place 2016 Colin Rennie
Rahul Shome
Kostas E. Bekris
Alberto F. De Souza
+ PDF Chat SegICP: Integrated deep semantic segmentation and pose estimation 2017 Jay Ming Wong
Vincent Kee
Tiffany Le
Syler Wagner
Gian-Luca Mariottini
Abraham R. Schneider
Lei Hamilton
Rahul Chipalkatty
Mitchell Hebert
David Johnson
+ PDF Chat Label Fusion: A Pipeline for Generating Ground Truth Labels for Real RGBD Data of Cluttered Scenes 2018 Pat Marion
Pete Florence
Lucas Manuelli
Russ Tedrake
+ PDF Chat ScanNet: Richly-Annotated 3D Reconstructions of Indoor Scenes 2017 Angela Dai
Anne Lynn S. Chang
Manolis Savva
Maciej Halber
Thomas Funkhouser
Matthias Nießner
+ PDF Chat EasyLabel: A Semi-Automatic Pixel-wise Object Annotation Tool for Creating Robotic RGB-D Datasets 2019 Markus Suchi
Timothy Patten
David Fischinger
Markus Vincze
+ PDF Chat Instance-specific 6-DoF Object Pose Estimation from Minimal Annotations 2020 Rohan Pratap Singh
Iori Kumagai
Antonio Gabas
Mehdi Benallegue
Yusuke Yoshiyasu
Fumio Kanehiro
+ PDF Chat The Effects of Visual and Control Latency on Piloting a Quadcopter Using a Head-Mounted Display 2018 Jingbo Zhao
Robert S. Allison
Margarita Vinnikov
Sion Jennings
+ PDF Chat PVNet: Pixel-Wise Voting Network for 6DoF Pose Estimation 2019 Sida Peng
Yuan Liu
Qixing Huang
Xiaowei Zhou
Hujun Bao
+ PDF Chat Harvesting Multiple Views for Marker-Less 3D Human Pose Annotations 2017 Georgios Pavlakos
Xiaowei Zhou
Konstantinos G. Derpanis
Kostas Daniilidis
+ PDF Chat Learning Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation from Multi-view Images 2018 Helge Rhodin
FrĂŠdĂŠric Meyer
JĂśrg SpĂśrri
Erich MĂźller
Victor Constantin
Pascal Fua
Isinsu Katircioglu
Mathieu Salzmann
+ PDF Chat Stair Climbing Stabilization of the HRP-4 Humanoid Robot using Whole-body Admittance Control 2019 StĂŠphane Caron
Abderrahmane Kheddar
Olivier Tempier
+ Self-supervised 6D Object Pose Estimation for Robot Manipulation 2019 Xinke Deng
Xiang Yu
Arsalan Mousavian
Clemens Eppner
Timothy Bretl
Dieter Fox
+ Contact-aided invariant extended Kalman filtering for robot state estimation 2020 Ross Hartley
Maani Ghaffari
Ryan M. Eustice
Jessy W. Grizzle
+ Velocity-aided IMU-based Attitude Estimation 2020 Mehdi Benallegue
A. Benallègue
Rafael Cisneros
Yacine Chitour
+ PDF Chat Self-supervised 6D Object Pose Estimation for Robot Manipulation 2020 Xinke Deng
Yu Xiang
Arsalan Mousavian
Clemens Eppner
Timothy Bretl
Dieter Fox
+ PDF Chat Learning quadrupedal locomotion over challenging terrain 2020 Joonho Lee
Jemin Hwangbo
Lorenz Wellhausen
Vladlen Koltun
Marco Hutter
+ PDF Chat Learning Natural Locomotion Behaviors for Humanoid Robots Using Human Bias 2020 Chuanyu Yang
Kai Yuan
Shuai Heng
Taku Komura
Zhibin Li
+ PDF Chat Learning symmetric and low-energy locomotion 2018 Wenhao Yu
Greg Turk
C. Karen Liu
+ PDF Chat ALLSTEPS: Curriculum‐driven Learning of Stepping Stone Skills 2020 Zhaoming Xie
Hung Yu Ling
Nam Hee Kim
Michiel van de Panne
+ PDF Chat Robust Feedback Motion Policy Design Using Reinforcement Learning on a 3D Digit Bipedal Robot 2021 Guillermo A. Castillo
Bowen Weng
Wei Zhang
Ayonga Hereid
+ Blind Bipedal Stair Traversal via Sim-to-Real Reinforcement Learning 2021 Jonah Siekmann
Kevin Green
John Warila
Alan Fern
Jonathan Hurst
+ PDF Chat NimbRo Avatar: Interactive Immersive Telepresence with Force-Feedback Telemanipulation 2021 Max Schwarz
Christian Lenz
Andre Rochow
Michael Schreiber
Sven Behnke
+ PDF Chat Low-Latency Immersive 6D Televisualization with Spherical Rendering 2021 Max Schwarz
Sven Behnke
+ PDF Chat Reinforcement Learning for Robust Parameterized Locomotion Control of Bipedal Robots 2021 Zhongyu Li
Xuxin Cheng
Xue Bin Peng
Pieter Abbeel
Sergey Levine
Glen Berseth
Koushil Sreenath
+ PDF Chat Sim-to-Real Learning of All Common Bipedal Gaits via Periodic Reward Composition 2021 Jonah Siekmann
Yesh Godse
Alan Fern
Jonathan Hurst
+ PDF Chat DeepWalk: Omnidirectional Bipedal Gait by Deep Reinforcement Learning 2021 Diego RodrĂ­guez
Sven Behnke
+ PDF Chat Sim-to-Real Learning of Footstep-Constrained Bipedal Dynamic Walking 2022 Helei Duan
Ashish Malik
Jeremy Dao
Aseem Saxena
Kevin Green
Jonah Siekmann
Alan Fern
Jonathan Hurst
+ Deep Object Pose Estimation for Semantic Robotic Grasping of Household Objects 2018 Jonathan Tremblay
Thang To
Balakumar Sundaralingam
Xiang Yu
Dieter Fox
Stan Birchfield
+ Metastability for High-Dimensional Walking Systems on Stochastically Rough Terrain 2013 Mehdi Benallegue
Jean–Paul Laumond
+ PDF Chat The Invariant Extended Kalman Filter as a Stable Observer 2016 Axel Barrau
Silvère Bonnabel
+ PDF Chat Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks 2016 Shaoqing Ren
Kaiming He
Ross Girshick
Jian Sun
+ PDF Chat Postural control during quiet standing following cervical muscular fatigue: effects of changes in sensory inputs 2005 Nicolas Vuillerme
Nicolas Pinsault
Jacques Vaillant
+ PDF Chat State estimation for a humanoid robot 2014 Nicholas Rotella
Michael Bloesch
Ludovic Righetti
Stefan Schaal
+ PDF Chat Robust sensor fusion for robot attitude estimation 2014 Philipp Allgeuer
Sven Behnke
+ PDF Chat Stacked Hourglass Networks for Human Pose Estimation 2016 Alejandro Newell
Kaiyu Yang
Jia Deng
+ PDF Chat T-LESS: An RGB-D Dataset for 6D Pose Estimation of Texture-Less Objects 2017 Tomåť Hodaň
Pavel Haluza
Štěpán Obdržálek
Jiřı́ Matas
Manolis Lourakis
Xenophon Zabulis
+ PDF Chat Tilt estimator for 3D non-rigid pendulum based on a tri-axial accelerometer and gyrometer 2017 Mehdi Benallegue
A. Benallègue
Yacine Chitour
+ PDF Chat Asymptotically Stable Walking of a Five-Link Underactuated 3-D Bipedal Robot 2009 Christine Chevallereau
Jessy W. Grizzle
Ching‐Long Shih
+ Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms 2017 John Schulman
Filip Wolski
Prafulla Dhariwal
Alec Radford
Oleg Klimov
+ PDF Chat Real-Time Seamless Single Shot 6D Object Pose Prediction 2018 Bugra Tekin
Sudipta N. Sinha
Pascal Fua
+ PDF Chat 3D Human Pose Estimation With 2D Marginal Heatmaps 2019 Aiden Nibali
Zhen He
Stuart Morgan
Luke A. Prendergast
+ Learning agile and dynamic motor skills for legged robots 2019 Jemin Hwangbo
Joonho Lee
Alexey Dosovitskiy
C. Dario Bellicoso
Vassilios Tsounis
Vladlen Koltun
Marco Hutter