N Heussen


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The impact of allocation bias on test decisions in clinical trials with multiple endpoints using multiple testing strategies 2024 Stefanie Schoenen
N Heussen
Johan Verbeeck
R.-D Hilgers
+ Methodological approaches for generating robust evidence from trials in rare diseases 2024 Ralf-Dieter Hilgers
N Heussen
+ PDF Chat Confidence interval comparison: Precision of maximum likelihood estimates in LLOQ affected data 2023 Tanja Bülow
R.-D Hilgers
N Heussen
+ PDF Chat Randomization-Based Inference for Clinical Trials with Missing Outcome Data 2023 N Heussen
R.-D Hilgers
William F. Rosenberger
Xiao Tan
Diane Uschner
+ PDF Chat A roadmap to using randomization in clinical trials 2021 Vance W. Berger
Louis Bour
Kerstine Carter
Jonathan Chipman
Colin Everett
N Heussen
Catherine Hewitt
R.-D Hilgers
Yuqun Luo
Jone Renteria
+ PDF Chat A roadmap to using randomization in clinical trials 2021 Vance W. Berger
Louis Bour
Kerstine Carter
Jonathan Chipman
Colin Everett
N Heussen
Catherine Hewitt
R.-D Hilgers
Yuqun Luo
Jone Renteria
+ PDF Chat Randomization in survival studies: An evaluation method that takes into account selection and chronological bias 2019 Marcia Viviane Rückbeil
R.-D Hilgers
N Heussen
+ PDF Chat Design and analysis of stratified clinical trials in the presence of bias 2019 R.-D Hilgers
Martin Manolov
N Heussen
William F. Rosenberger
+ Likelihood Ratio, negatives 2019 R.-D Hilgers
N Heussen
S Stanzel
+ Konkordanz-Korrelationskoeffizient nach Lin 2019 R.-D Hilgers
N Heussen
S Stanzel
+ Likelihood Ratio, positives 2019 R.-D Hilgers
N Heussen
S Stanzel
+ PDF Chat Kendall’s compound F 2019 K Ketamin
Kageyama Reaktion
C Vidal
W.-R. Külpmann
Englischer Begriff
W.-R Külpmann Englischer
Kalium Kallidin
W Hübl
S Holdenrieder
P Stieber
+ Observations below multiple lower limits of quantification: How to estimate the mean and variance 2018 Tanja Berger
R.-D Hilgers
N Heussen
+ PDF Chat The impact of selection bias in randomized multi-arm parallel group clinical trials 2018 Diane Uschner
R.-D Hilgers
N Heussen
+ PDF Chat <b>randomizeR</b>: An <i>R</i> Package for the Assessment and Implementation of Randomization in Clinical Trials 2018 Diane Uschner
David Schindler
R.-D Hilgers
N Heussen
+ PDF Chat ERDO - a framework to select an appropriate randomization procedure for clinical trials 2017 R.-D Hilgers
Diane Uschner
William F. Rosenberger
N Heussen
+ PDF Chat Assessing the impact of selection bias on test decisions in trials with a time‐to‐event outcome 2017 Marcia Viviane Rückbeil
R.-D Hilgers
N Heussen
+ PDF Chat Estimating the reliability of repeatedly measured endpoints based on linear mixed‐effects models. A tutorial 2016 Wim Van der Elst
Geert Molenberghs
R.-D Hilgers
Geert Verbeke
N Heussen
+ Correction: “Influence of Selection Bias on the Test Decision – A Simulation Study” 2014 Miriam Tamm
Erhard Cramer
Lieven Nils Kennes
N Heussen
+ Choice of the Reference Set in a Randomization Test Based on Linear Ranks in the Presence of Missing Values 2012 Lieven Nils Kennes
R.-D Hilgers
N Heussen
+ Influence of Selection Bias on the Test Decision 2011 Miriam Tamm
Erhard Cramer
Lieven Nils Kennes
N Heussen
+ The impact of selection bias on test decisions in randomized clinical trials 2011 Lieven Nils Kennes
Erhard Cramer
R.-D Hilgers
N Heussen
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Minimizing predictability while retaining balance through the use of less restrictive randomization procedures 2003 Vance W. Berger
Anastasia Ivanova
Maria Deloria Knoll
+ PDF Chat Design for the Control of Selection Bias 1957 David Blackwell
J. L. Hodges
+ Quantifying the Magnitude of Baseline Covariate Imbalances Resulting from Selection Bias in Randomized Clinical Trials 2005 Vance W. Berger
+ The impact of selection bias on test decisions in randomized clinical trials 2011 Lieven Nils Kennes
Erhard Cramer
R.-D Hilgers
N Heussen
+ Some Restricted randomization rules in sequential designs 1983 José Francisco Soares
Changbao Wu
+ Comparing MTI randomization procedures to blocked randomization 2015 Vance W. Berger
Klejda Bejleri
Rebecca Agnor
+ Selection Bias and Covariate Imbalances in Randomized Clinical Trials 2005 Vance W. Berger
+ Influence of Selection Bias on the Test Decision 2011 Miriam Tamm
Erhard Cramer
Lieven Nils Kennes
N Heussen
+ Randomization in Clinical Trials: Theory and Practice 2002 William F. Rosenberger
John M. Lachin
+ Inference for Blocked Randomization under a Selection Bias Model 2015 Lieven Nils Kennes
William F. Rosenberger
R.-D Hilgers
+ PDF Chat Assessing the impact of selection bias on test decisions in trials with a time‐to‐event outcome 2017 Marcia Viviane Rückbeil
R.-D Hilgers
N Heussen
+ Forcing a sequential experiment to be balanced 1971 Bradley Efron
+ PDF Chat ERDO - a framework to select an appropriate randomization procedure for clinical trials 2017 R.-D Hilgers
Diane Uschner
William F. Rosenberger
N Heussen
+ Chronological Bias in Randomized Clinical Trials Arising from Different Types of Unobserved Time Trends 2014 Miriam Tamm
R.-D Hilgers
+ Biased coin design with imbalance tolerance 1999 Yung-Pin Chen
+ Randomization in Clinical Trials 2002 William F. Rosenberger
John M. Lachin
+ Detecting Selection Bias in Randomized Clinical Trials 1999 Vance W. Berger
Derek V. Exner
+ PDF Chat <b>randomizeR</b>: An <i>R</i> Package for the Assessment and Implementation of Randomization in Clinical Trials 2018 Diane Uschner
David Schindler
R.-D Hilgers
N Heussen
+ Statistical Principles for Clinical Trials 1998 Robert R. Kay
+ Sequential Treatment Allocation Using Biased Coin Designs 1984 Richard L. Smith
+ Adjusting for observable selection bias in block randomized trials 2005 Anastasia Ivanova
Robert Barrier
Vance W. Berger
+ Analysis of accrual randomized clinical trials with balanced groups in strata 1978 John P. Matts
Richard B. McHugh
+ Randomization in Clinical Trials 2015 William F. Rosenberger
John M. Lachin
+ PDF Chat The impact of selection bias in randomized multi-arm parallel group clinical trials 2018 Diane Uschner
R.-D Hilgers
N Heussen
+ PDF Chat A New ‘Biased Coin Design’ for the Sequential Allocation of Two Treatments 2004 Alessandro Baldi Antognini
Alessandra Giovagnoli
+ PDF Chat Randomization: The forgotten component of the randomized clinical trial 2018 William F. Rosenberger
Diane Uschner
Yanying Wang
+ The impact of randomization on the analysis of clinical trials 2011 G. Rosenkranz
+ The role of randomization in clinical trials 1982 P. Armitage
+ A New Proposal for Setting Parameter Values in Restricted Randomization Methods 2007 Guenther Kundt
+ Selecting a Biased-Coin Design 2014 Anthony C. Atkinson
+ Selection Bias and Covariate Imbalances in Randomized Clinical Trials 2005 Vance W. Berger
+ Re‐randomization tests in clinical trials 2019 Michael A. Proschan
Lori E. Dodd
+ Randomization in Clinical Trials: Theory and Practice; 2003 J. N. S. Matthews
+ PDF Chat Design and analysis of stratified clinical trials in the presence of bias 2019 R.-D Hilgers
Martin Manolov
N Heussen
William F. Rosenberger
+ On the use of randomization tests following adaptive designs 2015 Arkaitz Galbete
William F. Rosenberger
+ Seven myths of randomisation in clinical trials 2012 Stephen Senn
+ Hadamard randomization: a valid restriction of random permuted blocks 2003 R. A. Bailey
Peter R. Nelson
+ PDF Chat Properties of the urn randomization in clinical trials 1988 L. J. Wei
John M. Lachin
+ Trials: The worst possible design (except for all the rest) 2011 Vance T. Berger
+ A Graphical Comparison of Response-Adaptive Randomization Procedures 2013 Nancy Flournoy
Linda M. Haines
William F. Rosenberger
+ Pros and cons of permutation tests in clinical trials 2000 Vance W. Berger
+ Allocation of Patients to Treatment in Clinical Trials 1979 Stuart J. Pocock
+ PDF Chat A better alternative to stratified permuted block design for subject randomization in clinical trials 2014 Wenle Zhao
+ A Class of Designs for Sequential Clinical Trials 1977 L. J. Wei
+ Statistical properties of randomization in clinical trials 1988 John M. Lachin
+ Restricted Randomization Designs in Clinical Trials 1979 Richard Simon
+ Properties of permuted-block randomization in clinical trials 1988 John P. Matts
John M. Lachin
+ PDF Chat Adaptive Clinical Trials: The Promise and the Caution 2010 Donald A. Berry
+ PDF Chat Handling Covariates in the Design of Clinical Trials 2008 William F. Rosenberger
Oleksandr Sverdlov
+ PDF Chat Quantitative comparison of randomization designs in sequential clinical trials based on treatment balance and allocation randomness 2011 Wenle Zhao
Yanqiu Weng
Qi Wu
Yuko Y. Palesch