Michael Gil’


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Delay-dependent stability conditions for delay differential equations with unbounded operators in Banach spaces 2024 Michael I. Gil’
+ An inequality for eigenvalues of nuclear operators via traces and the generalized Hoffman–Wielandt theorem 2024 Michael I. Gil’
+ Bounds for the Relative and Absolute Spectral Variations of Matrices 2024 Michael I. Gil’
+ An inequality for imaginary parts of eigenvalues of non-compact operators with Hilbert-Schmidt Hermitian components 2024 Michael I. Gil’
+ Inequalities for imaginary parts of eigenvalues of Schatten–von Neumann operators 2023 Michael I. Gil’
+ Variations of real and imaginary parts of eigenvalues of compact operators under perturbations 2023 Michael I. Gil’
+ Delay-dependent stability conditions for differential–difference equations with small commutators in a banach space 2023 Michael I. Gil’
+ Bounds for Similarity Condition Numbers of Unbounded Operators 2023 Michael Gil’
+ Inequalities for Sums and Products of Complex Zeros of Solutions to ODE with Polynomial Right Parts 2022 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Bounds for absolute values and imaginary parts of matrix eigenvalues via traces 2022 Michael Gil’
+ PDF Chat On matching distance between eigenvalues of unbounded operators 2022 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat On localization of the eigenvalues of matrices "close" to triangular ones 2022 Michael Gil’
+ PDF Chat The Gershgorin Type Theorem on Localization of the Eigenvalues of Infinite Matrices and Zeros of Entire Functions 2022 Michael Gil’
+ PDF Chat Delay-dependent input-output stability conditions for non-autonomous neutral type differential equations in a Banach space 2022 Michael I. Gil’
+ On Dyson–Phillips type approach to differential equations with variable operators in a Banach space 2021 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Bounds for Eigenvalues and Determinants of Matrices. A Survey 2021 Michael I. Gil’
+ A refined bound for the spectral variations of matrices 2021 Michael I. Gil’
+ Perturbation bounds for angular sectors of spectra of unbounded operators 2021 Michael I. Gil’
+ Spectrum localization of a perturbed operator in a strip and applications 2021 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Delay-Dependent Stability Conditions for Non-autonomous Functional Differential Equations with Several Delays in a Banach Space 2021 Michael I. Gil’
+ Localization and Perturbation of Complex Zeros of Solutions to Second Order Differential Equations with Polynomial Coefficients. A Survey 2021 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat On similarity of an arbitrary matrix to a block diagonal matrix 2021 Michael I. Gil’
+ Spectrum Perturbations of Linear Operators in a Banach Space 2021 Michael I. Gil’
+ Perturbations of Operator Functions: A Survey 2021 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat On angular localization of spectra of perturbed operators 2020 Michael I. Gil’
+ Perturbations of determinants of nuclear operators in a Hilbert space 2020 Michael Gil’
+ On location of spectra of unbounded operators in the right half-plane 2020 Michael I. Gil’
+ A new inequality for the Hausdorff distance between spectra of two matrices 2020 Michael I. Gil’
+ Conservation of the number of zeros of entire functions inside and outside a circle under perturbations 2020 Michael Gil’
+ Perturbations of determinants of matrices 2020 Michael I. Gil’
+ An inequality between resolvents and determinants for operators in a Banach space 2020 Michael I. Gil’
+ Norm Estimates for a Semigroup Generated by the Sum of Two Operators with an Unbounded Commutator 2019 Michael I. Gil’
+ Conservation of the number of the eigenvalues of two-parameter matrix problems in bounded domains under perturbations 2019 Michael I. Gil’
+ Solution Estimates for Semilinear Non-autonomous Evolution Equations with Differentiable Linear Parts 2019 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Spectrum perturbations of compact operators in a Banach space 2019 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Stability Conditions for Perturbed Semigroups on a Hilbert Space via Commutators 2019 Michael I. Gil’
+ A norm estimate for evolution operators of equations with the Lipschitz property in a Banach space 2019 Michael I. Gil’
+ Conservation of the numbers of characteristic values of polynomial and entire matrix pencils inside and outside a circle under perturbations 2019 Michael Gil’
+ PDF Chat Solution Estimates for the Discrete Lyapunov Equation in a Hilbert Space and Applications to Difference Equations 2019 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat On location in a half-plane of zeros of perturbed first order entire functions 2019 Michael I. Gil’
+ Inequalities for Solutions of Linear Differential Equations in a Banach Space and Integro–Differential Equations 2019 Michael I. Gil’
+ Stability of Linear Systems with the Generalized Lipschitz Property 2019 Michael Gil’
+ PDF Chat Stability of linear equations with differentiable operators in a hilbert space 2018 Michael I. Gil’
+ Stability conditions for non-autonomous linear differential equations in a Hilbert space via commutators 2018 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Stability conditions for non-autonomous linear differential equations in a Hilbert space via commutators 2018 Michael Gil’
+ Conservation of the Number of Eigenvalues of Finite Dimensional and Compact Operators Inside and Outside Circle 2018 Michael Gil’
+ Norm estimates for function Lyapunov equations and applications 2018 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Estimates for Solutions of Differential Equations in a Banach Space via Commutators 2018 Michael I. Gil’
+ Semigroups of sums of two operators with small commutators 2018 Michael I. Gil’
+ On the Spectrum of a Nonlinear Two Parameter Matrix Eigenvalue Problem 2018 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Resolvents of functions of operators with Hilbert-Schmidt hermitian components 2018 Michael Gil’
+ Norm estimates for functions of a Hilbert–Schmidt operator nonregular on the convex hull of the spectrum 2017 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Exponentials of Sums of Operators in a Banach Space 2017 Michael Gil’
+ PDF Chat Norm estimates for functions of non-selfadjoint operators nonregular on the convex hull of the spectrum 2017 Michael I. Gil’
+ Discrete Spectra of Compactly Perturbed Normal Operators 2017 Michael Gil’
+ Determinants of Schatten-von Neumann Operators 2017 Michael Gil’
+ Inequalities Between Determinants and Inverse Operators 2017 Michael Gil’
+ Determinants of Orlicz Type Operators 2017 Michael Gil’
+ Bounds for Eigenvalues and Determinants via Self-Commutators 2017 Michael Gil’
+ Operators on Tensor Products of Euclidean Spaces and Matrix Equations 2017 Michael Gil’
+ Spectral Variations of Compact Operators in a Hilbert Space 2017 Michael Gil’
+ Bounds for Determinants of Linear Operators and Their Applications 2017 Michael I. Gil’
+ Multiplicative Representations of Resolvents 2017 Michael Gil’
+ Bounds for Determinants of Linear Operators and their Applications 2017 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat A bound for the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of generalized commutators of nonself-adjoint operators 2017 Michael I. Gil’
+ Norm Estimates for Powers of Products of Operators in a Banach Space 2017 Michael Gil’
+ A sharp bound for the Frobenius norm of self-commutators of matrices 2016 Michael I. Gil’
Rigoberto Del Carmen Medina Leyton
+ PDF Chat On Stability of Vector Nonlinear Integrodifferential Equations 2016 Michael I. Gil’
+ Perturbations of invariant subspaces of compact operators 2016 Michael I. Gil’
+ Stability of sums of operators 2016 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat An inequality for similarity condition numbers of unbounded operators with Schatten - von Neumann Hermitian components 2016 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Stability and Boundedness of Solutions to Nonautonomous Parabolic Integrodifferential Equations 2016 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Inequalities for zeros of solutions to second order ODE with one singular point 2016 Michael Gil’
+ Kronecker’s Products and Kronecker’s Sums of Operators 2016 Michael Gil’
+ Perturbations of invariant subspaces of operators with Hilbert–Schmidt Hermitian components 2015 Michael I. Gil’
+ Resolvents of operators on tensor products of Euclidean spaces 2015 Michael I. Gil’
+ Sums of zeros of solutions to second order differential equations with polynomial coefficients 2015 Michael Gil’
+ On inequalities for eigenvalues of 2 × 2 matrices with Schatten–von Neumann entries 2015 Michael Gil’
+ Norm estimates for functions of two non-commuting operators 2015 Michael I. Gil’
+ Stability of linear nonautonomous multivariable systems with differentiable matrices 2015 Michael I. Gil’
+ On condition numbers of spectral operators in a hilbert space 2015 Michael I. Gil’
+ Inequalities for eigenvalues of compact operators in a Hilbert space 2015 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat On Stability of Linear Barbashin Type Integrodifferential Equations 2015 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Norm Estimates for Solutions of Polynomial Operator Equations 2015 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Bounds for Products of Zeros of Solutions to Nonhomogeneous ODE with Polynomial Coefficients 2015 Michael I. Gil’
+ A Bound for Imaginary Parts of Eigenvalues of Hilbert - Schmidt Operators 2015 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Spectral approximations of unbounded operators of the type ``Normal Plus Compact'' 2014 Michael I. Gil’
+ Bounds for eigenvalues of Schatten–von Neumann operators via self-commutators 2014 Michael I. Gil’
+ Sums of zeros of solutions to non-homogeneous ODE with polynomial coefficients 2014 Michael I. Gil’
+ A norm estimate for holomorphic operator functions in an ordered Banach space 2014 Michael I. Gil’
+ Norm estimate for the inverse of a linear pencil with Hilbert–Schmidt operators 2014 Michael Gil’
+ The $$L^p$$ L p -Version of the Generalized Bohl–Perron Principle for Neutral Type Functional Differential Equations 2014 Michael I. Gil’
+ Linear Time-Variant NDEs 2014 Michael Gil’
+ Bounds for Characteristic Values of NDEs 2014 Michael Gil’
+ Nonlinear Vector NDEs 2014 Michael Gil’
+ Linear Differential Delay Equations 2014 Michael Gil’
+ Absolute Stability of Scalar NDEs 2014 Michael Gil’
+ Stability of neutral functional differential equations 2014 Michael I. Gil’
+ Stability of Neutral Type Vector Functional Differential Equations with Small Principal Terms 2014 Michael I. Gil’
+ Preliminaries 2014 Michael Gil’
+ PDF Chat A bound for condition numbers of matrices 2014 Michael I. Gil’
+ Resolvents of operators inverse to Schatten–von Neumann ones 2013 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Matrix equations with diagonalizable coefficients 2013 Michael I. Gil’
+ A new identity for resolvents of matrices 2013 Michael Gil'
+ PDF Chat Perturbations of Polynomials with Operator Coefficients 2013 Michael I. Gil’
+ On Aizerman's type problem for neutral type systems 2013 Michael I. Gil’
+ Stability of Vector Differential Delay Equations 2013 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat A New Identity for Resolvents of Operators 2013 Michael I. Gil’
+ Multiplicative Representations of Solutions 2013 Michael I. Gil’
+ Steady States of Differential Delay Equations 2013 Michael I. Gil’
+ Scalar Nonlinear Equations 2013 Michael Gil’
+ Forced Oscillations in Vector Semi-Linear Equations 2013 Michael Gil’
+ Equations Close to Autonomous and Ordinary Differential Ones 2013 Michael Gil’
+ Nonlinear Vector Equations 2013 Michael Gil’
+ Time-invariant Linear Systems with Delay 2013 Michael Gil’
+ Linear Equations with Oscillating Coefficients 2013 Michael Gil’
+ Inequalities for regularized determinants of operators with the Nakano type modulars 2013 Michael I. Gil’
+ Stability of vector differential delay equations 2013 Michael Gil’
+ Periodic Systems 2013 Michael I. Gil’
+ Stability of Vector Differential Delay Equations 2013 Michael I. Gil’
+ Linear Equations with Slowly Varying Coefficients 2013 Michael Gil’
+ PDF Chat Perturbations of Regularized Determinants of Operators in a Banach Space 2012 Michael I. Gil’
+ The generalized Bohl–Perron principle for the neutral type vector functional differential equations 2012 Michael I. Gil’
+ Spectral approximations of unbounded nonselfadjoint operators 2012 Michael I. Gil’
+ Perturbation of zeros of solutions to second order differential equations with polynomial coefficients 2012 Michael I. Gil’
+ Bounds and positivity conditions for operator valued functions in a Hilbert lattice 2012 Michael I. Gil’
+ Resolvent and spectrum of a nonselfadjoint differential operator in a Hilbert space 2012 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Localization and Perturbations of Roots to Systems of Polynomial Equations 2012 Michael I. Gil’
+ On Sums of Zeros of Infinity Order Entire Functions 2012 Michael Gil’
+ Perturbations of Operator Functions in a Hilbert Space 2012 Michael I. Gil’
+ Coupled systems of equations with entire and polynomial functions 2012 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Ideals of compact operators with Nakano type norms in a Hilbert space 2012 Michael Gil’
+ PDF Chat Ideals of compact operators with the Orlicz norms 2011 Michael I. Gil’
+ Perturbations of Multipliers of Systems of Periodic Ordinary Differential Equations 2011 Leonid Berezansky
Michael I. Gil’
L. Troib
+ PDF Chat Stability of retarded systems with slowly varying coefficient 2011 Michael I. Gil’
+ Positivity conditions and bounds for Green’s functions for higher order two-point BVP 2011 Michael I. Gil’
+ An estimate for the resolvent of a non-self-adjoint differential operator on the half-line 2011 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Estimates for resolvents and functions of operator pencils on tensor products of Hilbert spaces 2011 Michael I. Gil’
+ TheL p -Version of the Generalized Bohl-Perron Principle for Vector Equations with Infinite Delay 2011 Michael I. Gil’
Ben Gurion
+ PDF Chat Stability of functional differential equations with oscillating coefficients and distributed delays 2011 Michael Gil’
+ Stability of vector functional differential equations with oscillating coefficients 2011 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Norm estimates for functions of two non-commuting matrices 2011 Michael I. Gil’
+ Bounds for Zeros of Solutions of Second Order Differential Equations with Polynomial Coefficients 2010 Michael I. Gil’
+ Norm estimates for functions of matrices with simple spectrum 2010 Michael I. Gil’
+ Bounds for the spectrum of a matrix differential operator with a damping term 2010 Michael I. Gil’
+ Estimates for functions of two commuting infinite matrices and applications 2010 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Perturbations of functions of diagonalizable matrices 2010 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Sums of real parts of eigenvalues of perturbed matrices 2010 Michael I. Gil’
+ Localization and Perturbation of Zeros of Entire Functions 2009 Michael I. Gil’
+ Meromorphic functions of matrix arguments and applications 2009 Michael I. Gil’
+ Perturbations of Functions of Operators in a Banach Space 2009 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Estimates for the Green functions of nonautonomous higher order differential equations 2009 Michael Gil’
+ A transform of finite order entire functions and perturbations of zeros 2009 Michael Gil’
+ PDF Chat Spectrum and Functions of Operators on Direct Families of Banach Spaces 2009 Michael Gil’
+ Two sided bounds and positivity conditions for the Green function to periodic problem for a higher order ODE 2009 Michael I. Gil’
+ Lower bounds and positivity conditions for Green's functions to second order differential-delay equations 2009 Michael I. Gil’
+ Bounds for Fractional Powers of Operators in a Hilbert Space and Constants in Moment Inequalities 2009 Michael I. Gil’
+ Two-sided bounds and perturbation results for regularized determinants of infinite order compact operators 2008 Michael I. Gil’
+ Norm estimates for functions of two operators on tensor products of Hilbert spaces 2008 Michael I. Gil’
+ Estimates for Green’s Function of a Vector Differential Equation with Variable Delays 2008 Michael I. Gil’
+ Spectrum and resolvent of a partial integral operator 2008 Michael I. Gil’
+ Estimates for Entries of Matrix Valued Functions of Infinite Matrices 2008 Michael I. Gil’
+ <i>L</i><sup>2</sup>‐absolute and input‐to‐state stabilities of equations with nonlinear causal mappings 2008 Michael I. Gil’
+ The freezing method for Volterra integral equations in a Banach space 2008 Michael I. Gil’
Ben Gurion
+ Lower and upper bounds for canonical products 2007 Michael I. Gil’
+ Identities for sums of characteristic values of entire matrix pencils 2007 Michael I. Gil’
+ Positive Solutions of Equations with Nonlinear Causal Mappings 2007 Michael I. Gil’
+ Sums of characteristic values of compact polynomial operator pencils 2007 Michael I. Gil’
+ Bounds for counting functions of finite order entire functions 2007 Michael I. Gil’
+ A bound for functions defined on a normed space 2007 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Solution Estimates for Semilinear Difference-Delay Equations with Continuous Time 2007 Michael I. Gil’
Sui Sun Cheng
+ PDF Chat Spectrum of infinite block matrices and pi-triangular operators 2007 Michael I. Gil’
+ Research Article Solution Estimates for Semilinear Difference-Delay Equations with Continuous Time 2007 Michael Gil’
Sui Sun Cheng
+ PDF Chat Estimates for absolute values of matrix functions 2007 Michael I. Gil’
+ The freezing method for abstract nonlinear difference equations 2006 Rigoberto Medina
Michael I. Gil’
+ Equalities for roots of entire functions of order less than two 2006 Michael I. Gil’
+ Periodic solutions of nonlinear vector difference equations 2006 Michael I. Gil’
+ Difference equations in normed spaces : stability and oscillations 2006 Michael I. Gil’
+ Identities for sums of powers of roots of entire functions 2005 Michael I. Gil’
+ Regular Functions of Operators on Tensor Products of Hilbert Spaces 2005 Michael I. Gil’
+ Delay difference equations in Banach spaces 2005 Rigoberto Medina
Michael I. Gil’
+ On variations of characteristic values of entire matrix pencils 2005 Michael I. Gil’
+ Existence of Steady States. Positive and Nontrivial Steady States 2005 Michael I. Gil’
+ 10. Aizerman’s Problem for Nonautonomous Systems 2005 Michael I. Gil’
+ Appendix A. Bounds for Eigenvalues of Matrices 2005 Michael I. Gil’
+ 4. Dissipative and Piecewise Constant Systems 2005 Michael I. Gil’
+ 3. Systems with Slowly Varying Coefficients 2005 Michael I. Gil’
+ 6. The Aizerman Problem 2005 Michael I. Gil’
+ 5. Nonlinear Systems with Autonomous Linear Parts 2005 Michael I. Gil’
+ Positive solutions of nonautonomous linear higher order difference equations 2005 Michael I. Gil’
+ Stability of Nonlinear Systems with Differentiable Linear Parts 2005 Michael Gil’
+ Positive solutions to a semilinear higher-order ODE on the half-line 2005 Michael Gil’
+ Stability of abstract nonlinear nonautonomous differential–delay equations with unbounded history-responsive operators 2005 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Norm estimates for functions of two commuting matrices 2005 Michael I. Gil’
Rigoberto Medina
+ Explicit stability conditions for continuous systems : a functional analytic approach 2005 Michael I. Gil’
+ Positive Invertibility of Nonselfadjoint Operators 2004 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Relations for Imaginary Parts of Zeros of Entire Functions 2004 Michael I. Gil’
+ Bounds for characteristic values of entire matrix pencils 2004 Michael I. Gil’
+ Multidimensional Volterra Difference Equations 2004 Rigoberto Medina
Michael Gil’
+ PDF Chat INVERTIBILITY AND SPECTRA OF OPERATORS ON TENSOR PRODUCTS OF HILBERT SPACES This research was supported by the Kamea Fund. 2004 Michael Gil’
+ Estimates for norms of resolvents of~operators on tensor products of Hilbert spaces 2004 Michael I. Gil’
+ Positive Periodic Solutions of Abstract Difference Equations 2004 Michael I. Gil’
Shugui Kang
Guang Zhang
+ Operator Functions and Localization of Spectra 2003 Michael Gil’
+ Generalized Aizerman–Myshkis problem for abstract differential-delay equations 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ Operator functions in theory of nonlinear continuous, discrete and retarded control systems 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ On the generalized Aizerman-Myshkis problem for retarded distributed parameters systems 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ Inner bounds for the spectrum of quasinormal operators 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ Stability and boundedness of solutions of Stieltjes Differential Equations 2003 Michael I. Gil’
Peter E. Kloeden
+ PDF Chat Spectrum perturbations of operators on tensor products of Hilbert spaces 2003 Michael Gil’
+ PDF Chat A Priori Solution Estimates for Nonlinear Vector Integral Equations 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ 12 Relatively Compact Perturbations of Normal Operators 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ 19 Zeros of Entire Functions 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ 16 Hille - Tamarkin Integral Operators 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ 4 Localization of Eigenvalues of Finite Matrices 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ 3 Invertibility of Finite Matrices 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ 11 Relatively P-Triangular Operators 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ 7 Functions of Non-compact Operators 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ 2 Norms of Matrix-Valued Functions 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ 15 Operator Matrices 2003 Michael Gil’
+ 9 Spectrum Localization of Nonself-adjoint Operators 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ 6 Norm Estimates for Functions of Compact Operators in a Hilbert Space 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ 13 Infinite Matrices in Hilbert Spaces and Differential Operators 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ 8 Bounded Perturbations of Nonselfadjoint Operators 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ 17 Integral Operators in Space L ℞ 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ 14 Integral Operators in Space L 2 2003 Michael Gil’
+ Operator functions and localization of spectra 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ Operator Functions and Localization of Spectra 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ Boundedness of solutions of nonlinear differential delay equations with positive Green functions and the Aizerman–Myshkis problem 2002 Michael I. Gil’
+ Solution estimates for abstract nonlinear time-variant differential-delay equations 2002 Michael I. Gil’
+ None 2002 Michael Gil’
+ Aizerman's Problem for Discrete Systems 2002 Michael I. Gil’
Rigoberto Medina
+ The Freezing Method for Linear Difference Equations 2002 Michael I. Gil’
Rigoberto Medina
+ Stability of solutions for nonlinear nonautonomous differential-delay equations in Hilbert spaces. 2002 Michael I. Gil’
+ A bound for the spectral variation of two matrices. 2002 Michael I. Gil’
+ Stability of nonlinear time variant infinite dimensional systems with delay 2001 Michael Gil’
+ Aizerman's Problem for Orbital Stability and Forced Oscillations 2001 Michael I. Gil’
+ On spectral variations under relatively bounded perturbations 2001 Michael I. Gil’
+ On invertibility and positive invertibility of matrices 2001 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Invertibility and Positive Invertibility of Integral Operators in $L^\infty$ 2001 Michael I. Gil’
+ None 2001 Michael I. Gil’
+ None 2001 Michael I. Gil’
+ Existence and stability of periodic solutions of semilinear neutral type systems 2001 Michael I. Gil’
+ Approximations of Zeros of Entire Functions by Zeros of Polynomials 2000 Michael I. Gil’
+ Perturbations of zeros of a class of entire functions 2000 Michael I. Gil’
+ Inequalities for Imaginary Parts of Zeros of Entire Functions 2000 Michael I. Gil’
+ Stability of Fredholm Type Integro-parabolic Equations 2000 Michael I. Gil’
+ Invertibility Conditions and Bounds for Spectra of Matrix Integral Operators 2000 Michael I. Gil’
+ Perturbations of simple eigenvectors¶of linear operators 1999 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Stability of a time discrete perturbed dynamical system with delay 1999 Michael I. Gil’
Sui Sun Cheng
+ The input–output version of Aizerman's conjecture 1998 Michael I. Gil’
Amit Ailon
+ On global stability of parabolic systems with delay 1998 Michael I. Gil’
+ Semilinear Equations in Banach Spaces with Time-Variant Linear Parts 1998 Michael Gil’
+ Nonlinear Finite Dimensional Systems With Autonomous Linear Parts 1998 Michael Gil’
+ Semilinear Equations in Banach Spaces with Constant Linear Parts 1998 Michael Gil’
+ Nonlinear Neutral Type Functional Differential Systems 1998 Michael Gil’
+ Nonlinear Finite Dimensional Systems with Time-Variant Linear Parts 1998 Michael Gil’
+ Linear Autonomous Systems with Delay 1998 Michael Gil’
+ Estimates for Matrix-Valued Functions 1998 Michael Gil’
+ Strongly Continuous Semigroups 1998 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat On absolute stability of nonlinear systems with small delays 1998 Michael I. Gil’
Amit Ailon
Byung-Ha Ahn
+ Essentially Nonlinear Finite Dimensional Systems 1998 Michael I. Gil’
+ Stability of Finite and Infinite Dimensional Systems 1998 Michael I. Gil’
+ Stability of finite and infinite dimensional systems 1998 Michael Gil’
+ PDF Chat On the generalized Wazewski inequality for retarded systems 1998 Michael I. Gil’
+ None 1998 Michael I. Gil’
+ Linear Neutral Type Systems 1998 Michael Gil’
+ Linear Time-Variant Equations in Banach Spaces 1998 Michael Gil’
+ PDF Chat Stability of Linear Evolution Equations in Lattice Normed Spaces 1996 Michael Gil’
+ Norm estimations for operator-valued functions and applications 1995 Michael I. Gil’
+ On absolute stability of differential-delay systems 1994 Michael I. Gil’
+ Estimate for the norm of matrix-valued functions 1993 Michael Gil’
+ PDF Chat On an estimate for the norm of a function of a quasihermitian operator 1992 Michael Gil’
+ Perturbation of the spectra of operators of a certain class 1991 Michael I. Gil’
+ On the paper ?Conditions for the uniform well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for an equation with variable operator in a Hilbert space? 1991 Michael Gil’
+ Stability of essentially nonlinear nonstationary systems 1989 Michael I. Gil’
+ Single-loop systems with several nonlinearities satisfying the generalized Aizerman-Kalman conjecture 1987 Michael Gil’
+ Conditions for the uniform well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for an equation with variable operator in a Hilbert space 1987 Michael Gil’
+ Estimates of the norm of the resolvent of a non-self-adjoint operator which is ?nearly? self-adjoint or unitary 1983 Michael Gil’
+ Estimation of the norm of the resolvent of a completely continuous operator 1979 Michael I. Gil’
+ An approximate method of inverse laplace transformation for functions of many variables 1974 Michael I. Gil’
L.L. Shargorodskaya
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Operator functions and localization of spectra 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ Operator Functions and Localization of Spectra 2003 Michael I. Gil’
+ Stability of Solutions of Differential Equations in Banach Space 2002 Ju. Daleckiĭ
M. Г. Крейн
+ Introduction to the theory of linear nonselfadjoint operators 1969 M. Г. Крейн
Israel Gohberg
+ Norm estimations for operator-valued functions and applications 1995 Michael I. Gil’
+ Stability of finite and infinite dimensional systems 1998 Michael Gil’
+ Stability of the solutions of differential equations in Banach space 1972 М. К. Керимов
+ Introduction to the Theory of Linear Non-selfadjoint Operators 1969 Israel Gohberg
+ Theory and Applications of Volterra Operators in Hilbert Space 2004 Israel Gohberg
M. Г. Крейн
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Stability of solutions of differential equations in Banach space 1975 Juan Jorge Schäffer
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ Nonlinear Parabolic and Elliptic Equations 1993 C. V. Pao
+ Applied Theory of Functional Differential Equations 1992 V. Kolmanovskii
A. Myshkis
+ Stability of Finite and Infinite Dimensional Systems 1998 Michael I. Gil’
+ Estimate for the norm of matrix-valued functions 1993 Michael Gil’
+ Localization and perturbation of zeros of entire functions 2011 14
+ Introduction to Functional Differential Equations 1993 Jack K. Hale
Sjoerd M. Verduyn Lunel
+ Invertibility Conditions and Bounds for Spectra of Matrix Integral Operators 2000 Michael I. Gil’
+ Orthogonal rational matrix‐valued functions on the unit circle: Recurrence relations and a Favard‐type theorem 2006 Bernd Fritzsche
Bernd Kirstein
Andreas Lasarow
+ Introduction to Functional Differential Equations 1993 Jack K. Hale
Sjoerd M. Verduyn Lunel
+ Triangular and Jordan representations of linear operators 1971 M. S. Brodskiĭ
+ Traces and Determinants of Linear Operators 2000 Israel Gohberg
Seymour Goldberg
Nahum Krupnik
+ Theory of Functional Differential Equations 1977 Jack K. Hale
+ PDF Chat Geometric Theory of Semilinear Parabolic Equations 1981 Daniel Henry
+ Eigenvalue Distribution of Compact Operators 1986 Hermann König
+ Stability of Functional Differential Equations 1986 10
+ PDF Chat A bound for condition numbers of matrices 2014 Michael I. Gil’
+ An Introduction to Operator Polynomials 1989 Leiba Rodman
+ Bounds for Determinants of Linear Operators and Their Applications 2017 Michael I. Gil’
+ Linear operators. Part II. Spectral theory 2003 Nelson Dunford
Jacob T. Schwartz
+ Partial Integral Operators and Integro-Differential Equations 2000 9
+ Solution of equations in Euclidean and Banach spaces 1973 Alexander Ostrowski
+ PDF Chat Stability of Linear Evolution Equations in Lattice Normed Spaces 1996 Michael Gil’
+ Zeros of solutions of certain second order linear differential equation 2006 Jin Tu
Zong-Xuan Chen
+ Spectral Theory of Non-Self-Adjoint Two-Point Differential Operators 1999 John Locker
+ Estimates for Entries of Matrix Valued Functions of Infinite Matrices 2008 Michael I. Gil’
+ Bounds for eigenvalues of Schatten–von Neumann operators via self-commutators 2014 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat On the Schatten class membership of Hankel operators on the unit ball 2002 Jingbo Xia
+ Introduction to Tensor Products of Banach Spaces 2002 Raymond A. Ryan
+ Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its Applications 1990 Eberhard Zeidler
+ Bounds for Zeros of Solutions of Second Order Differential Equations with Polynomial Coefficients 2010 Michael I. Gil’
+ Spectrum and resolvent of a partial integral operator 2008 Michael I. Gil’
+ PDF Chat Dual Szegö pairs of sequences of rational matrix‐valued functions 2006 Andreas Lasarow
+ Resolvents of operators on tensor products of Euclidean spaces 2015 Michael I. Gil’
+ Semigroups of Linear Operators and Applications to Partial Differential Equations 1983 A. Pazy
+ PDF Chat Traces and determinants of linear operators 1996 Israel Gohberg
Seymour Goldberg
Naum Krupnik
+ Differential Equations: Stability, Oscillations, Time Lags 1967 H. A. Antosiewicz
A. Halanay
+ PDF Chat Condition number estimates for combined potential boundary integral operators in acoustic scattering 2009 Simon N. Chandler‐Wilde
Ivan G. Graham
S. Langdon
Marko Lindner