Visualizing Critical Correlations Near the Metal-Insulator Transition in Ga <sub>1-</sub> <i> <sub>x</sub> </i> Mn <i> <sub>x</sub> </i> As

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2010-02-05

Citations: 231



Electronic states in disordered conductors on the verge of localization are predicted to exhibit critical spatial characteristics indicative of the proximity to a metal- insulator phase transition. We have used scanning tunneling microscopy to visualize electronic states in Ga1-xMnxAs samples close to this transition. Our measurements show that doping-induced disorder produces strong spatial variations in the local tunneling conductance across a wide range of energies. Near the Fermi energy, where spectroscopic signatures of electron-electron interaction are the most prominent, the electronic states exhibit a diverging spatial correlation length. Power-law decay of the spatial correlations is accompanied by log-normal distributions of the local density of states and multifractal spatial characteristics. Our method can be used to explore critical correlations in other materials close to a quantum critical point.


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