Charles W. Curtis


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On the irreducible components of a Gelfand–Graev representation of a finite Chevalley group 2020 Charles W. Curtis
+ Zeta Functions and Functional Equations Associated with the Components of the Gelfand-Graev Representations of a Finite Reductive Group 2019 Charles W. Curtis
Ken-ichi Shinoda
+ Sketches from His Life and Work 2016 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat Notes on the structure constants of Hecke algebras of induced representations of finite Chevalley groups 2015 Charles W. Curtis
+ The Mathematical Writings of Évariste Galois–A Book Review 2012 Charles W. Curtis
+ New Directions in Representation Theory 2012 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat On problems concerning the Bruhat decomposition and structure constants of Hecke algebras of finite Chevalley groups 2009 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat Semi-simple rings and group algebras 2006 Charles W. Curtis
Irving Reiner
+ Splitting fields and separable algebras 2006 Charles W. Curtis
Irving Reiner
+ Non-semi-simple rings 2006 Charles W. Curtis
Irving Reiner
+ PDF Chat Algebraic number theory 2006 Charles W. Curtis
Irving Reiner
+ Frobenius algebras 2006 Charles W. Curtis
Irving Reiner
+ Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Associative Algebras 2006 Charles W. Curtis
Irving Reiner
+ Richard Brauer: Sketches from His Life and Work 2003 Charles W. Curtis
+ Representation Theory of Finite Groups: from Frobenius to Brauer 2001 Charles W. Curtis
+ Polynomial representations of đș𝐿_{𝑛}(ℂ) 1999 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat Some 19th-century algebra and number theory 1999 Charles W. Curtis
+ Frobenius and the invention of character theory 1999 Charles W. Curtis
+ Pioneers of Representation Theory: Frobenius, Burnside, Schur, and Brauer 1999 Charles W. Curtis
+ Unitary Kloosterman Sums and the Gelfand–Graev Representation of GL2 1999 Charles W. Curtis
Ken-ichi Shinoda
+ A Norm Map for Endomorphism Algebras of Gelfand-Graev Representations 1997 Charles W. Curtis
Toshiaki Shoji
+ On the Endomorphism Algebras of Gelfand-Graev Representations 1994 Charles W. Curtis
+ Representation theory of finite groups: From frobenius to brauer 1992 Charles W. Curtis
+ A century of representation theory of finite groups 1990 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat A further refinement of the Bruhat decomposition 1988 Charles W. Curtis
+ A Further Refinement of the Bruhat Decomposition 1988 Charles W. Curtis
+ The Hecke algebra of a finite Coxeter group 1987 Charles W. Curtis
+ Topics in the theory of representations of finite groups 1986 Charles W. Curtis
+ On Lusztig's isomorphism theorem for Hecke algebras 1985 Charles W. Curtis
+ Vector Spaces with an Inner Product 1984 Charles W. Curtis
+ Dual Vector Spaces and Multilinear Algebra 1984 Charles W. Curtis
+ Vector Spaces and Systems of Linear Equations 1984 Charles W. Curtis
+ Linear Transformations and Matrices 1984 Charles W. Curtis
+ Polynomials and Complex Numbers 1984 Charles W. Curtis
+ Truncation and duality in the character ring of a finite group of Lie type 1980 Charles W. Curtis
+ Homology representations of finite groups 1980 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat Representations of finite groups of Lie type 1979 Charles W. Curtis
+ A Note on the Connections between the Generalized Characters of Deligne and Lusztig and the Cuspidal Characters of Reductive Groups over Finite Fields 1976 Charles W. Curtis
+ The 2-Transitive Permutation Representations of the Finite Chevalley Groups 1976 Charles W. Curtis
William M. Kantor
Gary M. Seitz
+ PDF Chat The 2-transitive permutation representations of the finite Chevalley groups 1976 Charles W. Curtis
William M. Kantor
Gary M. Seitz
+ PDF Chat Reduction theorems for characters of finite groups of Lie type* 1975 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Buildings of spherical type and finite $BN$-pairs 1975 Charles W. Curtis
+ Théorie de hodge, II . C[*]-algebras of operators on a half-space, I . C[*]-algebras of operators on a half-space II, index theory . Hecke algebras and characters of parabolic type of finite groups with (B, N)-pairs . Three dimensional pictures for thom's parabolic umbilic . An extension of Whitney's spectral theorem 1972 Pierre Deligne
L. A. Coburn
Ronald G. Douglas
Charles W. Curtis
N. Iwahori
Robert W. Kilmoyer
A. N. Godwin
Jean-Claude Tougeron
+ On centralizer rings and characters of representations of finite groups 1968 Charles W. Curtis
Timothy Fossum
+ A character-theoretic criterion for a coset geometry to be a generalized polygon 1967 Charles W. Curtis
+ The steinberg character of a finite group with a (B, N)-pair 1966 Charles W. Curtis
+ Central extensions of groups of Lie type. 1965 Charles W. Curtis
+ Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Associative Algebras. 1965 F. E. J. Linton
Charles W. Curtis
Irving Reiner
+ Irreducible representations of finite groups of Lie type. 1965 Charles W. Curtis
+ Irreducible representations of finite groups of Lie type. 1965 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat Groups with a Bruhat decomposition 1964 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat An isomorphism theorem for certain finite groups 1963 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat A Note on Induced Modules 1961 Charles W. Curtis
+ Studies in Mathematics, Volume II. Euclidean Geometry Based on Ruler and Protractor Axioms. Second Revised Edition. 1961 Charles W. Curtis
+ Euclidean geometry based on ruler and protractor axioms 1961 Charles W. Curtis
P. H. Daus
Robert J. Walker
+ PDF Chat On projective representations of certain finite groups 1960 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat On Projective Representations of Certain Finite Groups 1960 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat On the Dimensions of the Irreducible Modules of Lie Algebras of Classical Type 1960 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat On the dimensions of the irreducible modules of Lie algebras of classical type 1960 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat Representations of Lie Algebras of Classical Type with Applications to Linear Groups 1960 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Frobenius rings and Galois theory 1959 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat Modules whose annihilators are direct summands 1958 Charles W. Curtis
+ Modular Lie Algebras II 1957 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat Modular Lie algebras. II 1957 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat On Lie algebras of algebraic linear transformations 1956 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat Modular Lie Algebras. I 1956 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat Modular Lie algebras. I 1956 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat A Note on the Representations of Nilpotent Lie Algebras 1954 Charles W. Curtis
+ The structure of non-semisimple algebras 1954 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat A note on the representations of nilpotent Lie algebras 1954 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Extensions of Hilbert Rings 1953 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative extensions of Hilbert rings 1953 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat A Note on Noncommutative Polynomials 1952 Charles W. Curtis
+ On Additive Ideal Theory in General Rings 1952 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat A note on noncommutative polynomials 1952 Charles W. Curtis
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Sur certains groupes simples 1955 Catherine Chevalley
+ Representations of Reductive Groups Over Finite Fields 1976 Pierre Deligne
G. Lusztig
+ Decomposition of gelfand-graev characters of gl<sub>3</sub>(q) 1976 Bomshik Chang
+ On the Gelfand-Graev Representations of a Reductive Group over a Finite Field 1993 C. W. Curtis
+ Representability of Lie Algebras and Lie Groups by Matrices 1937 Garrett Birkhoff
+ PDF Chat On the degrees and rationality of certain characters of finite Chevalley groups 1972 Clark T. Benson
C. W. Curtis
+ On Representations of Lie Algebras 1949 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ PDF Chat Prime Power Representations of Finite Linear Groups II 1957 Robert Steinberg
+ PDF Chat On Some Applications of the Universal Enveloping Algebra of a Semisimple Lie Algebra 1951 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ Restricted Lie Algebras of Characteristic p 1941 Nathan Jacobson
+ Some irreducible complex representations of a finite group with BN pair 1969 Robert W. Kilmoyer
+ PDF Chat Unipotent elements and characters of finite chevalley groups 1975 Noriaki Kawanaka
+ On some geometric aspects of Bruhat orderings. I. A finer decomposition of Bruhat cells 1985 Vinay V. Deodhar
+ ThéorÚme de Bruhat et sous-groupes paraboliques 1962 Jacques Tits
+ The steinberg character of a finite group with a (B, N)-pair 1966 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat Modular theory of group characters 1907 L. E. Dickson
+ PDF Chat Representations of Lie Algebras of Classical Type with Applications to Linear Groups 1960 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat Prime Power Representations Of Finite Linear Groups 1956 Robert Steinberg
+ Hecke algebras and characters of parabolic type of finite groups with (B, N)-pairs 1971 C. W. Curtis
N. Iwahori
Robert W. Kilmoyer
+ The nonexistence of certain generalized polygons 1964 Walter Feit
Graham Higman
+ PDF Chat A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory 1990 Kenneth Ireland
Michael Rosen
+ PDF Chat Reduction theorems for characters of finite groups of Lie type* 1975 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat Modular representations of split đ”đ‘ pairs 1969 Forrest A. Richen
+ PDF Chat Numbers of solutions of equations in finite fields 1949 André Weil
+ Groups with a (B, N)-pair of rank 2. I 1973 Paul Fong
Gary M. Seitz
+ Lectures on Chevalley Groups 2016 Robert Steinberg
+ A Further Refinement of the Bruhat Decomposition 1988 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat On the Dimensions of the Irreducible Modules of Lie Algebras of Classical Type 1960 Charles W. Curtis
+ Representations of Coxeter groups and Hecke algebras 1979 David Kazhdan
G. Lusztig
+ On the structure of a Hecke ring of a Chevalley group over a finite field 1964 Nagayoshi Iwahori
+ PDF Chat On the Degrees and Rationality of Certain Characters of Finite Chevalley Groups 1972 C. T. Benson
C. W. Curtis
+ Principal series representations of finite Chevalley groups 1978 Robert W. Kilmoyer
+ On the Steinberg characters of finite Chevalley groups 1970 James Green
+ Groupes et algĂšbres de Lie 1971 NicolĂĄs Bourbaki
+ PDF Chat Lie Algebras of Classical Type 1957 William Hobson Mills
George B. Seligman
+ PDF Chat A geometric approach to the representations of the full linear group over a Galois field 1951 Richard H. Steinberg
+ On the structure of (M 0)-and (M u)-modules 1953 Hirosi Nagao
Tadasi Nakayama
+ Some Ring Theorems With Applications to Modular Representations 1946 Cecil J. Nesbitt
Robert Thrall
+ PDF Chat On some applications of the universal enveloping algebra of a semisimple Lie algebra 1951 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ Representations of Finite Chevalley Groups 1978 G. Lusztig
+ PDF Chat On Maximally Central Algebras 1951 GorĂŽ Azumaya
+ PDF Chat The classification of finite simple groups I. Simple groups and local analysis 1979 Daniel Gorenstein
+ Corrections and Additions to "On the Degrees and Rationality of Certain Characters of Finite Chevalley Groups" 1975 C. W. Curtis
+ New light on Frobenius' creation of the theory of group characters 1974 Thomas Hawkins
+ La Géométrie des Groupes Classiques 1963 Jean Dieudonné
+ Zur Darstellungstheorie der Gruppen endlicher Ordnung. II 1959 Richard Brauer
+ PDF Chat Corrections and additions to: ‘‘On the degrees and rationality of certain characters of finite Chevalley groups” (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. {\bf 165}\ (1972), 251–273) by C. T. Benson and Curtis 1975 C. W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat On projective representations of certain finite groups 1960 Charles W. Curtis
+ On the degrees of Steinberg characters of Chevalley groups 1974 Robert B. Howlett
+ Über Lie’sche Ringe mit Primzahlcharakteristik 1939 Hans Zassenhaus