Jiyuan Zhang


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Dip-ramp-plateau for Dyson Brownian motion from the identity on U(N) 2024 Peter J. Forrester
Mario Kieburg
Shi‐Hao Li
Jiyuan Zhang
+ PDF Chat Optimal convergence rate of the explicit Euler method for convection–diffusion equations II: High dimensional cases 2023 Qifeng Zhang
Jiyuan Zhang
Zhi‐zhong Sun
+ Advances and Challenges of Epidemic Outbreaks in the Post-COVID-19 Era in China 2023 Chao Zhang
Jiyuan Zhang
Fu‐Sheng Wang
+ PDF Chat Cyclic PĂłlya Ensembles on the Unitary Matrices and their Spectral Statistics 2023 Mario Kieburg
Shi‐Hao Li
Jiyuan Zhang
Peter J. Forrester
+ A rate of convergence when generating stable invariant Hermitian random matrix ensembles 2023 Mario Kieburg
Jiyuan Zhang
+ PDF Chat Derivative principles for invariant ensembles 2022 Mario Kieburg
Jiyuan Zhang
+ Optimal convergence rate of the explicit Euler method for convection-diffusion equations II: high dimensional cases 2022 Qifeng Zhang
Jiyuan Zhang
Zhizhong Sun
+ Dip-ramp-plateau for Dyson Brownian motion from the identity on $U(N)$ 2022 Peter J. Forrester
Mario Kieburg
Shi‐Hao Li
Jiyuan Zhang
+ PDF Chat Harmonic analysis for rank-1 randomised Horn problems 2021 Jiyuan Zhang
Mario Kieburg
Peter J. Forrester
+ Stable distributions and domains of attraction for unitarily invariant Hermitian random matrix ensembles 2021 Mario Kieburg
Jiyuan Zhang
+ PDF Chat Response to Malkovsky 2020 Qing‐Lei Zeng
Fanpu Ji
Jiyuan Zhang
+ PDF Chat Corank-1 projections and the randomised Horn problem 2020 Peter J. Forrester
Jiyuan Zhang
+ Parametrising correlation matrices 2020 Peter J. Forrester
Jiyuan Zhang
+ Fast and memory-efficient algorithms for high-order Tucker decomposition 2020 Jiyuan Zhang
Jinoh Oh
Kijung Shin
Evangelos E. Papalexakis
Christos Faloutsos
Hwanjo Yu
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov Exponents for Some Isotropic Random Matrix Ensembles 2020 Peter J. Forrester
Jiyuan Zhang
+ Derivative principles for invariant ensembles 2020 Mario Kieburg
Jiyuan Zhang
+ Cyclic PĂłlya Ensembles on the Unitary Matrices and their Spectral Statistics 2020 Mario Kieburg
Shi-Hao Li
Jiyuan Zhang
Peter J. Forrester
+ Harmonic analysis for rank-1 Randomised Horn Problems 2019 Jiyuan Zhang
Mario Kieburg
Peter J. Forrester
+ PDF Chat Volumes and distributions for random unimodular complex and quaternion lattices 2018 Peter J. Forrester
Jiyuan Zhang
+ Parametrising correlation matrices 2018 Peter J. Forrester
Jiyuan Zhang
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Log-Gases and Random Matrices 2010 Peter J. Forrester
+ PDF Chat Hurwitz and the origins of random matrix theory in mathematics 2017 Persi Diaconis
Peter J. Forrester
+ PDF Chat Multiplicative convolution of real asymmetric and real anti-symmetric matrices 2019 Mario Kieburg
Peter J. Forrester
J. R. Ipsen
+ PDF Chat Spherical Functions Approach to Sums of Random Hermitian Matrices 2017 Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
Pablo RomĂĄn
+ PDF Chat Polynomial Ensembles and Pólya Frequency Functions 2020 Yanik-Pascal Förster
Mario Kieburg
Holger Kösters
+ Horn's problem and Harish-Chandra's integrals. Probability density functions 2018 Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ On the distribution of the spectrum of the sum of two hermitian or real symmetric matrices 2006 Avital Frumkin
Assaf Goldberger
+ Differential Operators on a Semisimple Lie Algebra 1957 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ PDF Chat Products of random matrices from polynomial ensembles 2019 Mario Kieburg
Holger Kösters
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues of sums of Hermitian matrices 1962 Alfred Horn
+ Horn’s problem and Fourier analysis 2018 Jacques Faraut
+ Biorthogonal ensembles 1998 Alexei Borodin
+ PDF Chat Corank-1 projections and the randomised Horn problem 2020 Peter J. Forrester
Jiyuan Zhang
+ PDF Chat Harmonic analysis for rank-1 randomised Horn problems 2021 Jiyuan Zhang
Mario Kieburg
Peter J. Forrester
+ PDF Chat From orbital measures to Littlewood–Richardson coefficients and hive polytopes 2018 Robert Coquereaux
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ The symplectic and algebraic geometry of Horn's problem 2000 Allen Knutson
+ The planar approximation. II 1980 C. Itzykson
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ Honeycombs and sums of Hermitian matrices 2000 Allen Knutson
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Products of Complex Rectangular and Hermitian Random Matrices 2020 Mario Kieburg
+ Muttalib–Borodin ensembles in random matrix theory — realisations and correlation functions 2017 Peter J. Forrester
Dong Wang
+ PDF Chat Stable bundles, representation theory and Hermitian operators 1998 Anton A. Klyachko
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues, invariant factors, highest weights, and Schubert calculus 2000 William Fulton
+ PDF Chat Exact relation between singular value and eigenvalue statistics 2016 Mario Kieburg
Holger Kösters
+ Linear Algebra to Quantum Cohomology: The Story of Alfred Horn's Inequalities 2001 Rajendra Bhatia
+ PDF Chat Derivation of determinantal structures for random matrix ensembles in a new way 2010 Mario Kieburg
Thomas Guhr
+ PDF Chat Interpretations of some parameter dependent generalizations of classical matrix ensembles 2004 Peter J. Forrester
Eric M. Rains
+ PDF Chat Duistermaat–Heckman measure and the mixture of quantum states 2019 Lin Zhang
Yixin Jiang
Junde Wu
+ A Brownian-Motion Model for the Eigenvalues of a Random Matrix 1962 Freeman J. Dyson
+ PDF Chat Nonstandard symmetry classes in mesoscopic normal-superconducting hybrid structures 1997 Alexander Altland
Martin R. Zirnbauer
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalue Distributions of Reduced Density Matrices 2014 Matthias Christandl
Brent Doran
Stavros Kousidis
Michael Walter
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal and symplectic Harish-Chandra integrals and matrix product ensembles 2018 Peter J. Forrester
J. R. Ipsen
Dang-Zheng Liu
Lun Zhang
+ Nonintersecting Brownian motions on the unit circle 2016 Karl Liechty
Dong Wang
+ PDF Chat Additive matrix convolutions of PĂłlya ensembles and polynomial ensembles 2019 Mario Kieburg
+ PDF Chat On Horn’s Problem and Its Volume Function 2019 Robert Coquereaux
Colin McSwiggen
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ Über die Erzeugung der Invarianten durch Integration 1963 Adolf Hurwitz
+ PDF Chat Rayleigh theorem, projection of orbital measures and spline functions 2015 Jacques Faraut
+ PDF Chat Harmonic analysis with respect to heat kernel measure 2000 Brian C. Hall
+ On Wishart distribution: Some extensions 2011 JosĂ© A. Dı ́az-GarcĂ­a
Ramón Gutiérrez Jåimez
+ PDF Chat Some exact correlations in the Dyson Brownian motion model for transitions to the CUE 1996 Peter J. Forrester
+ Generating random correlation matrices based on partial correlations 2005 Harry Joe
+ PDF Chat Random-matrix theory of quantum transport 1997 C. W. J. Beenakker
+ Aspects of Multivariate Statistical Theory 1984 Leon Jay Gleser
Robb J. Muirhead
+ Exact solution of the lock step model of vicious walkers 1990 Peter J. Forrester
+ Schur complements and statistics 1981 Diane Valérie Ouellette
+ PDF Chat Distribution of random correlation matrices: Hyperspherical parameterization of the Cholesky factor 2015 Mohsen Pourahmadi
Xiao Wang
+ Random Matrix Theory and Wireless Communications 2004 Antonia M. Tulino
Sergio VerdĂș
+ Central limit theorem for the heat kernel measure on the unitary group 2010 Thierry LĂ©vy
MylĂšne MaĂŻda
+ Generating random correlation matrices based on vines and extended onion method 2009 Daniel Lewandowski
Dorota Kurowicka
Harry Joe
+ PDF Chat Multilevel Dyson Brownian motions via Jack polynomials 2014 Vadim Gorin
Mykhaylo Shkolnikov
+ PDF Chat Brownian particles with electrostatic repulsion on the circle: Dyson's model for unitary random matrices revisited 2001 Emmanuel CĂ©pa
Dominique LĂ©pingle