Lun Zhang


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The multiplicative constant in asymptotics of higher-order analogues of the Tracy-Widom distribution 2025 Dan Dai
Wen‐Gao Long
Shuai‐Xia Xu
Luming Yao
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Large gap asymptotics of the hard edge tacnode process 2024 Junwen Liu
Luming Yao
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Scalable Multi-Objective Optimization for Robust Traffic Signal Control in Uncertain Environments 2024 Weian Guo
Wuzhao Li
Zhiou Zhang
Lun Zhang
Li Li
Dongyang Li
+ PDF Chat Transient asymptotics of the modified Camassa–Holm equation 2024 Taiyang Xu
Yiling Yang
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat On the gap probability of the tacnode process 2024 Luming Yao
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of the Hard Edge Pearcey Determinant 2024 Luming Yao
Lun Zhang
+ On the gap probability of the tacnode process 2023 Luming Yao
Lun Zhang
+ Asymptotic expansion of the hard-to-soft edge transition 2023 Luming Yao
Lun Zhang
+ Convergence analysis of Hermite approximations for analytic functions 2023 Haiyong Wang
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Extending Combinatorial Regulatory Network Modeling to Include Activity Control and Decay Modulation 2022 Bree Cummins
Marcio Gameiro
TomĂĄĆĄ Gedeon
Shane Kepley
Konstantin Mischaikow
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat On the deformed Pearcey determinant 2022 Dan Dai
Shuai‐Xia Xu
Lun Zhang
+ Gap probability for the hard edge Pearcey process 2022 Dan Dai
Shuai‐Xia Xu
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat A vector Riemann-Hilbert approach to the Muttalib-Borodin ensembles 2021 Dong Wang
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of Fredholm Determinant Associated with the Pearcey Kernel 2021 Dan Dai
Shuai‐Xia Xu
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Computing Linear Extensions for Polynomial Posets Subject to Algebraic Constraints 2021 Shane Kepley
Konstantin Mischaikow
Lun Zhang
+ Extending combinatorial regulatory network modeling to include activity control and decay modulation 2021 Bree Cummins
Marcio Gameiro
TomĂĄĆĄ Gedeon
Shane Kepley
Konstantin Mischaikow
Lun Zhang
+ A vector Riemann-Hilbert approach to the Muttalib-Borodin ensembles 2021 Dong Wang
Lun Zhang
+ Computing linear extensions for Boolean lattices with algebraic constraints 2020 Shane Kepley
Konstantin Mischaikow
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Large n Limit for the Product of Two Coupled Random Matrices 2020 Guilherme L. F. Silva
Lun Zhang
+ On integrals of the tronquée solutions and the associated Hamiltonians for the Painlevé II equation 2020 Dan Dai
Shuai‐Xia Xu
Lun Zhang
+ Computing linear extensions for polynomial posets subject to algebraic constraints 2020 Shane Kepley
Konstantin Mischaikow
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Gaussian Unitary Ensembles with Pole Singularities Near the Soft Edge and a System of Coupled Painlevé XXXIV Equations 2019 Dan Dai
Shuai‐Xia Xu
Lun Zhang
+ On integrals of the tronquée solutions and the associated Hamiltonians for the Painlevé II equation 2019 Dan Dai
Shuai‐Xia Xu
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal and symplectic Harish-Chandra integrals and matrix product ensembles 2018 Peter J. Forrester
J. R. Ipsen
Dang-Zheng Liu
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Gap Probability at the Hard Edge for Random Matrix Ensembles with Pole Singularities in the Potential 2018 Dan Dai
Shuai‐Xia Xu
Lun Zhang
+ Gap probability at the hard edge for random matrix ensembles with pole singularities in the potential 2017 Dan Dai
Shuai‐Xia Xu
Lun Zhang
+ Orthogonal and symplectic Harish-Chandra integrals and matrix product ensembles 2017 Peter J. Forrester
J. R. Ipsen
Dang-Zheng Liu
Lun Zhang
+ Jacobi polynomials on the Bernstein ellipse 2017 Haiyong Wang
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Bulk and soft-edge universality for singular values of products of Ginibre random matrices 2016 Dang-Zheng Liu
Dong Wang
Lun Zhang
+ Mixed type multiple orthogonal polynomials associated with the modified Bessel functions and products of two coupled random matrices 2016 Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat On Wright’s generalized Bessel kernel 2016 Lun Zhang
+ Remarks on the Wright's generalized Bessel kernel 2016 Lun Zhang
+ Mixed type multiple orthogonal polynomials associated with the modified Bessel functions and products of two coupled random matrices 2016 Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Location of Poles for the Hastings–McLeod Solution to the Second PainlevĂ© Equation 2015 Min Huang
Shuai‐Xia Xu
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Local Universality in Biorthogonal Laguerre Ensembles 2015 Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat On Certain Wronskians of Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials 2014 Lun Zhang
+ Transitions Between Critical Kernels: From the Tacnode Kernel and Critical Kernel in the Two-Matrix Model to the Pearcey Kernel 2014 Dries Geudens
Lun Zhang
+ Multiple orthogonal polynomials associated with an exponential cubic weight 2014 Walter Van Assche
Galina Filipuk
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Singular Values of Products of Ginibre Random Matrices, Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials and Hard Edge Scaling Limits 2014 Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
Lun Zhang
+ Bulk and soft-edge universality for singular values of products of Ginibre random matrices 2014 Dang-Zheng Liu
Dong Wang
Lun Zhang
+ Location of Poles for the Hastings-McLeod Solution to the Second Painlevé Equation 2014 Min Huang
Shuai‐Xia Xu
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat A note on the limiting mean distribution of singular values for products of two Wishart random matrices 2013 Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Universality and critical behaviour in the chiral two-matrix model 2013 Steven Delvaux
Dries Geudens
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Ladder operators and differential equations for multiple orthogonal polynomials 2013 Galina Filipuk
Walter Van Assche
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat The generalized Krawtchouk polynomials and the fifth Painlevé equation 2013 Lies Boelen
Galina Filipuk
Christophe Smet
Walter Van Assche
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Non-intersecting squared Bessel paths with one positive starting and ending point 2012 Steven Delvaux
Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
Pablo RomĂĄn
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat The recurrence coefficients of semi-classical Laguerre polynomials and the fourth Painlevé equation 2012 Galina Filipuk
Walter Van Assche
Lun Zhang
+ Transitions between critical kernels: from the tacnode kernel and critical kernel in the two-matrix model to the Pearcey kernel 2012 Dries Geudens
Lun Zhang
+ The generalized Krawtchouk polynomials and the fifth Painlevé equation 2012 Lies Boelen
Galina Filipuk
Christophe Smet
Walter Van Assche
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Critical behavior of nonintersecting Brownian motions at a tacnode 2011 Steven Delvaux
Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
Lun Zhang
+ Non-intersecting squared Bessel paths with one positive starting and ending point 2011 Steven Delvaux
Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
Pablo RomĂĄn
Lun Zhang
+ Asymptotic expansions and fast computation of oscillatory Hilbert transforms 2011 Haiyong Wang
Lun Zhang
Daan Huybrechs
+ On tronquée solutions of the first Painlevé hierarchy 2010 Dan Dai
Lun Zhang
+ Critical behavior of non-intersecting Brownian motions at a tacnode 2010 Steven Delvaux
Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
Lun Zhang
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrices: A Riemann-Hilbert Approach 2000 Percy Deift
+ Biorthogonal ensembles 1998 Alexei Borodin
+ Classical and Quantum Orthogonal Polynomials in One Variable 2005 Mourad E. H. Ismail
+ Log-Gases and Random Matrices 2010 Peter J. Forrester
+ The Riemann–Hilbert approach to strong asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials on [−1,1] 2004 Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
K. T-R McLaughlin
Walter Van Assche
M. Vanlessen
+ PDF Chat Level-spacing distributions and the Airy kernel 1994 Craig A. Tracy
Harold Widom
+ Uniform asymptotics for polynomials orthogonal with respect to varying exponential weights and applications to universality questions in random matrix theory 1999 Percy Deift
T. Kriecherbauer
K. T-R McLaughlin
Stephanos Venakides
Xin Zhou
+ A boundary value problem associated with the second painlevïżœ transcendent and the Korteweg-de Vries equation 1980 S. P. Hastings
John Mcleod
+ PDF Chat Level spacing distributions and the Bessel kernel 1994 Craig A. Tracy
Harold Widom
+ PDF Chat Products of rectangular random matrices: Singular values and progressive scattering 2013 Gernot Akemann
J. R. Ipsen
Mario Kieburg
+ PDF Chat Singular Values of Products of Ginibre Random Matrices, Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials and Hard Edge Scaling Limits 2014 Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Singular value correlation functions for products of Wishart random matrices 2013 Gernot Akemann
Mario Kieburg
Lu Wei
+ The spectrum edge of random matrix ensembles 1993 Peter J. Forrester
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of non-intersecting Brownian motions and a <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mn>4</mml:mn><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:mn>4</mml:mn></mml:math> Riemann–Hilbert problem 2008 Evi Daems
Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
Willem Veys
+ Riemann-Hilbert Problems for Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials 2001 Walter Van Assche
Jeffrey S. Geronimo
Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
+ PDF Chat Universal singularity at the closure of a gap in a random matrix theory 1998 E. Brézin
S. Hikami
+ PDF Chat Singular values of products of random matrices and polynomial ensembles 2014 Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
Dries Stivigny
+ PDF Chat A Steepest Descent Method for Oscillatory Riemann--Hilbert Problems. Asymptotics for the MKdV Equation 1993 Percy Deift
Xin Zhou
+ The isomonodromy approach to matric models in 2D quantum gravity 1992 A. S. Fokas
A. R. Its
A. V. Kitaev
+ A Riemann-Hilbert Approach to Asymptotic Problems Arising in the Theory of Random Matrix Models, and also in the Theory of Integrable Statistical Mechanics 1997 Percy Deift
Alexander Its
Xin Zhou
+ PDF Chat Large n Limit of Gaussian Random Matrices with External Source, Part III: Double Scaling Limit 2006 Pavel Bleher
Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
+ PDF Chat Non-Intersecting Squared Bessel Paths and Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials for Modified Bessel Weights 2008 Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
Andrei Martı́nez-Finkelshtein
Franck Wielonsky
+ PDF Chat Recent Exact and Asymptotic Results for Products of Independent Random Matrices 2015 Gernot Akemann
J. R. Ipsen
+ The Special Functions and Their Approximations 1972 C. W. Clenshaw
Yudell L. Luke
+ PDF Chat Level spacing of random matrices in an external source 1998 E. Brézin
S. Hikami
+ PDF Chat A Phase Transition for Nonintersecting Brownian Motions, and the Painleve II Equation 2009 Steven Delvaux
Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
+ PDF Chat PDEs for the Gaussian ensemble with external source and the Pearcey distribution 2006 Mark Adler
Pierre van Moerbeke
+ PDF Chat Critical behavior of nonintersecting Brownian motions at a tacnode 2011 Steven Delvaux
Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
Lun Zhang
+ Multiple orthogonal polynomials of mixed type and non-intersecting Brownian motions 2007 Evi Daems
Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
+ The Pearcey Process 2006 Craig A. Tracy
Harold Widom
+ Fredholm determinants, Jimbo‐Miwa‐Ueno τ‐functions, and representation theory 2002 Alexei Borodin
Percy Deift
+ PDF Chat Cauchy–Laguerre Two-Matrix Model and the Meijer-G Random Point Field 2013 Marco Bertola
M. Gekhtman
Jacek Szmigielski
+ PDF Chat Multi-critical unitary random matrix ensembles and the general Painlevé II equation 2008 Tom Claeys
Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
M. Vanlessen
+ Multiple orthogonal polynomials 1998 Alexander Ivanovich Aptekarev
+ Multiple orthogonal polynomials in random matrix theory 2010 Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
+ PDF Chat Universality of the double scaling limit in random matrix models 2005 Tom Claeys
Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
+ PDF Chat Local Universality in Biorthogonal Laguerre Ensembles 2015 Lun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Multiple orthogonal polynomial ensembles 2010 Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
+ PDF Chat A note on the limiting mean distribution of singular values for products of two Wishart random matrices 2013 Lun Zhang
+ Nonintersecting random walks in the neighborhood of a symmetric tacnode 2013 Mark Adler
Patrik L. Ferrari
Pierre van Moerbeke
+ PDF Chat A note on biorthogonal ensembles 2008 Patrick Desrosiers
Peter J. Forrester
+ Multiple orthogonal polynomials of mixed type: Gauss–Borel factorization and the multi-component 2D Toda hierarchy 2011 Carlos Álvarez-Fernández
U. Fidalgo Prieto
Manuel Mañas
+ PDF Chat A critical phenomenon in the two-matrix model in the quartic/quadratic case 2013 Maurice Duits
Dries Geudens
+ PDF Chat Double scaling limit in the random matrix model: The Riemann‐Hilbert approach 2003 Pavel Bleher
Alexander Its
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues and singular values of products of rectangular Gaussian random matrices 2010 Z. Burda
Andrzej Jarosz
Giacomo Livan
Maciej A. Nowak
Artur ƚwięch
+ PDF Chat Product of Ginibre matrices: Fuss-Catalan and Raney distributions 2011 K. A. Penson
Karol ƻyczkowski
+ PDF Chat Energy correlations for a random matrix model of disordered bosons 2006 T. Lueck
H.-J. Sommers
Martin R. Zirnbauer
+ PDF Chat Recherches sur les transcendantes de M. Painlevé et l'étude asymptotique des équations différentielles du second ordre 1913 Pierre Boutroux
+ PDF Chat Weakly admissible vector equilibrium problems 2012 Adrien Hardy
Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
+ PDF Chat Singular Values of Products of Ginibre Random Matrices 2016 N. S. Witte
Peter J. Forrester