Camila Bräutigam


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Matteo Smerlak 3
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Distribution of the Fittest Individuals and the Rate of Muller's Ratchet in a Model with Overlapping Generations 2013 Jakob J. Metzger
Stephan Eule
+ PDF Chat Extinction Times for Birth-Death Processes: Exact Results, Continuum Asymptotics, and the Failure of the Fokker--Planck Approximation 2005 Charles R. Doering
Khachik Sargsyan
Leonard M. Sander
+ PDF Chat Loss of Least-Loaded Class in Asexual Populations Due to Drift and Epistasis 2008 Kavita Jain
+ PDF Chat Extinction Rates for Fluctuation-Induced Metastabilities: A Real-Space WKB Approach 2007 David A. Kessler
Nadav M. Shnerb
+ Fixation of a deleterious allele under mutation pressure and finite selection intensity 2011 Michael Assaf
Mauro Mobilia
+ PDF Chat The traveling-wave approach to asexual evolution: Muller's ratchet and speed of adaptation 2007 Igor M. Rouzine
Éric Brunet
Claus O. Wilke
+ PDF Chat Impact of deleterious passenger mutations on cancer progression 2013 Christopher D. McFarland
Kirill S. Korolev
Gregory V. Kryukov
Shamil Sunyaev
Leonid A. Mirny
+ PDF Chat Stochastic models of population extinction 2010 Otso Ovaskainen
Baruch Meerson
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations of Fitness Distributions and the Rate of Muller’s Ratchet 2012 Richard A. Neher
Boris I. Shraiman
+ PDF Chat Beneficial Mutation–Selection Balance and the Effect of Linkage on Positive Selection 2007 Michael M. Desai
Daniel S. Fisher
+ Limit theorems for stationary distributions 1975 M. Frank Norman