Ioannis Petrides


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Topological Solitons in Square-root Graphene Nanoribbons Controlled by Electric Fields 2024 Haiyue Huang
Mamun Sarker
Percy Zahl
C. Stephen Hellberg
Jeremy Levy
Ioannis Petrides
Alexander Sinitskii
Prineha Narang
+ PDF Chat Probing Electromagnetic Nonreciprocity with Quantum Geometry of Photonic States 2024 Ioannis Petrides
Jonathan B. Curtis
Marie E. Wesson
Amir Yacoby
Prineha Narang
+ Finite-momentum instability of a dynamical axion insulator 2023 Jonathan B. Curtis
Ioannis Petrides
Prineha Narang
+ Ultrafast Dynamics of the Topological Semimetal GdSb$_{x}$Te$_{2-x-ÎŽ}$ In the Presence and Absence of a Charge Density Wave 2023 Robert J. Kirby
Angela Montanaro
Francesca Giusti
André Koch-Liston
Shiming Lei
Ioannis Petrides
Prineha Narang
Kenneth S. Burch
Daniele Fausti
Gregory D. Scholes
+ Multiphoton Spectroscopy of a Dynamical Axion Insulator 2023 Olivia Liebman
Jonathan B. Curtis
Ioannis Petrides
Prineha Narang
+ Probing Electromagnetic Nonreciprocity with Quantum Geometry of Photonic States 2023 Ioannis Petrides
Jonathan B. Curtis
Marie E. Wesson
Amir Yacoby
Prineha Narang
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical treatment of spinor topological effects in driven inhomogeneous insulators under external electromagnetic fields 2022 Ioannis Petrides
Oded Zilberberg
+ PDF Chat Axial Higgs mode detected by quantum pathway interference in RTe3 2022 Yiping Wang
Ioannis Petrides
Grant McNamara
M. Mofazzel Hosen
Shiming Lei
Yueh-Chun Wu
James L. Hart
Hongyan Lv
Jun Yan
Di Xiao
+ A semiclassical treatment of spinor topological effects in driven, inhomogeneous insulators under external electromagnetic fields 2022 Ioannis Petrides
Oded Zilberberg
+ Photoinduced Band Renormalization Effects in ZrSiS Topological Nodal-line Semimetal 2022 Somnath Biswas
Ioannis Petrides
Robert J. Kirby
Catrina Oberg
Sebastian Klemenz
Caroline Weinberg
Austin M. Ferrenti
Prineha Narang
Leslie M. Schoop
Gregory D. Scholes
+ Finite-Momentum Instability of Dynamical Axion Insulator 2022 Jonathan B. Curtis
Ioannis Petrides
Prineha Narang
+ PDF Chat Higher-order topological insulators, topological pumps and the quantum Hall effect in high dimensions 2020 Ioannis Petrides
Oded Zilberberg
+ PDF Chat High-order topological insulators from high-dimensional Chern insulators 2019 Ioannis Petrides
Oded Zilberberg
+ PDF Chat Six-dimensional quantum Hall effect and three-dimensional topological pumps 2018 Ioannis Petrides
Hannah M. Price
Oded Zilberberg
+ Non-quantized square-root topological insulators: a realization in photonic Aharonov-Bohm cages 2018 Mark Kremer
Ioannis Petrides
Eric Meyer
Matthias Heinrich
Oded Zilberberg
Alexander Szameit
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Topological pumping over a photonic Fibonacci quasicrystal 2015 Mor Verbin
Oded Zilberberg
Yoav Lahini
Yaacov E. Kraus
Yaron Silberberg
+ PDF Chat Exploring 4D quantum Hall physics with a 2D topological charge pump 2018 Michael Lohse
C. Schweizer
Hannah M. Price
Oded Zilberberg
Immanuel Bloch
+ PDF Chat A Thouless quantum pump with ultracold bosonic atoms in an optical superlattice 2015 Michael Lohse
C. Schweizer
Oded Zilberberg
Monika Aidelsburger
Immanuel Bloch
+ PDF Chat Classification of topological quantum matter with symmetries 2016 Ching‐Kai Chiu
Jeffrey C. Y. Teo
Andreas P. Schnyder
Shinsei Ryu
+ PDF Chat Topological States and Adiabatic Pumping in Quasicrystals 2012 Yaacov E. Kraus
Yoav Lahini
Zohar Ringel
Mor Verbin
Oded Zilberberg
+ PDF Chat Four-Dimensional Quantum Hall Effect in a Two-Dimensional Quasicrystal 2013 Yaacov E. Kraus
Zohar Ringel
Oded Zilberberg
+ PDF Chat Photonic topological boundary pumping as a probe of 4D quantum Hall physics 2018 Oded Zilberberg
Sheng Huang
Jonathan Guglielmon
Mohan Wang
Kevin P. Chen
Yaacov E. Kraus
Mikael C. Rechtsman
+ PDF Chat Topological field theory of time-reversal invariant insulators 2008 Xiao‐Liang Qi
Taylor L. Hughes
Shou-Cheng Zhang
+ PDF Chat Topological insulators and superconductors 2011 Xiao-Liang Qi
Shou-Cheng Zhang
+ Quasiperiodicity and topology transcend dimensions 2016 Yaacov E. Kraus
Oded Zilberberg
+ PDF Chat <i>Colloquium</i>: Topological insulators 2010 M. Zahid Hasan
C. L. Kane
+ PDF Chat Six-dimensional quantum Hall effect and three-dimensional topological pumps 2018 Ioannis Petrides
Hannah M. Price
Oded Zilberberg
+ PDF Chat Topolectrical-circuit realization of topological corner modes 2018 Stefan Imhof
Christian Berger
Florian Bayer
Johannes Brehm
L. W. Molenkamp
T. Kießling
Frank Schindler
Ching Hua Lee
Martin Greiter
Titus Neupert
+ PDF Chat Minimal models for Wannier-type higher-order topological insulators and phosphorene 2018 Motohiko Ezawa
+ PDF Chat Topological insulators and superconductors: tenfold way and dimensional hierarchy 2010 Shinsei Ryu
Andreas P. Schnyder
Akira Furusaki
Andreas W. W. Ludwig
+ PDF Chat Observation of a phononic quadrupole topological insulator 2018 Marc Serra-GarcĂ­a
Valerio Peri
Roman SĂŒsstrunk
Osama R. Bilal
Tom Larsen
Luis Guillermo Villanueva
Sebastian D. Huber
+ PDF Chat Higher-Order Bulk-Boundary Correspondence for Topological Crystalline Phases 2019 Luka Trifunovic
Piet W. Brouwer
+ PDF Chat Topological crystalline materials: General formulation, module structure, and wallpaper groups 2017 Ken Shiozaki
Masatoshi Sato
Kiyonori Gomi
+ PDF Chat Reflection-Symmetric Second-Order Topological Insulators and Superconductors 2017 Josias Langbehn
Yang Peng
Luka Trifunovic
Felix von Oppen
Piet W. Brouwer
+ PDF Chat Virtual topological insulators with real quantized physics 2015 Emil Prodan
+ PDF Chat Edge states at an intersection of edges of a topological material 2017 Koji Hashimoto
Xi Wu
Taro Kimura
+ PDF Chat Topological Insulators from Group Cohomology 2016 A. Alexandradinata
Zhijun Wang
B. Andrei Bernevig
+ PDF Chat Topological Classification of Crystalline Insulators through Band Structure Combinatorics 2017 Jorrit Kruthoff
Jan de Boer
Jasper van Wezel
C. L. Kane
Robert-Jan Slager
+ PDF Chat Nonstandard symmetry classes in mesoscopic normal-superconducting hybrid structures 1997 Alexander Altland
Martin R. Zirnbauer
+ PDF Chat Electric multipole moments, topological multipole moment pumping, and chiral hinge states in crystalline insulators 2017 Wladimir A. Benalcazar
B. Andrei Bernevig
Taylor L. Hughes
+ PDF Chat Topological quadrupolar semimetals 2018 Mao Lin
Taylor L. Hughes
+ Quantized electric multipole insulators 2017 Wladimir A. Benalcazar
B. Andrei Bernevig
Taylor L. Hughes
+ PDF Chat Second-order topological insulators and superconductors with an order-two crystalline symmetry 2018 Max Geier
Luka Trifunovic
Max S.M. Hoskam
Piet W. Brouwer
+ PDF Chat Higher-order topological phases: A general principle of construction 2019 Dumitru Călugăru
Vladimir Juričić
Bitan Roy
+ PDF Chat Masses in graphenelike two-dimensional electronic systems: Topological defects in order parameters and their fractional exchange statistics 2009 Shinsei Ryu
Christopher Mudry
Chang-Yu Hou
Claudio Chamon
+ PDF Chat Higher-Order Topology, Monopole Nodal Lines, and the Origin of Large Fermi Arcs in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>X</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Te</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math> ( <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>X</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mi>Mo</mml:mi><mml:mo>,</mml:mo
 2019 Zhijun Wang
Benjamin J. Wieder
Jian Li
Binghai Yan
B. Andrei Bernevig
+ PDF Chat Second-order Dirac superconductors and magnetic field induced Majorana hinge modes 2019 Sayed Ali Akbar Ghorashi
Xiang Hu
Taylor L. Hughes
Enrico Rossi
+ PDF Chat Topological Equivalence between the Fibonacci Quasicrystal and the Harper Model 2012 Yaacov E. Kraus
Oded Zilberberg
+ PDF Chat Topological Crystalline Insulators 2011 Liang Fu
+ PDF Chat Quantized Rabi oscillations and circular dichroism in quantum Hall systems 2018 D. T. Tran
Nigel R. Cooper
Nathan Goldman
+ PDF Chat The Bulk-Edge Correspondence for Disordered Chiral Chains 2018 Gian Michele Graf
Jacob Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Electromagnetic response of quantum Hall systems in dimensions five and six and beyond 2018 Ching Hua Lee
Yuzhu Wang
Youjian Chen
Xiao Zhang
+ Higher-order topology in bismuth 2018 Frank Schindler
Zhijun Wang
Maia G. Vergniory
Ashley M. Cook
Anil Murani
Shamashis Sengupta
A. Kasumov
R. Deblock
Sangjun Jeon
Ilya Drozdov
+ PDF Chat Wave-packet dynamics in slowly perturbed crystals: Gradient corrections and Berry-phase effects 1999 Ganesh Sundaram
Qian Niu
+ PDF Chat Probing topology by “heating”: Quantized circular dichroism in ultracold atoms 2017 Duc Thanh Tran
Alexandre Dauphin
Adolfo G. Grushin
P. Zoller
Nathan Goldman
+ PDF Chat Experimental measurement of the Berry curvature from anomalous transport 2017 Martin Wimmer
Hannah M. Price
Iacopo Carusotto
U. Peschel
+ PDF Chat Measurement of Chern numbers through center-of-mass responses 2016 Hannah M. Price
Oded Zilberberg
Tomoki Ozawa
Iacopo Carusotto
Nathan Goldman
+ PDF Chat On the Hamiltonian nature of semiclassical equations of motion in the presence of an electromagnetic field and Berry curvature 2005 Konstantin Y. Bliokh
+ PDF Chat Berry Phase, Hyperorbits, and the Hofstadter Spectrum 1995 Ming-Che Chang
Qian Niu
+ PDF Chat Berry phase, hyperorbits, and the Hofstadter spectrum: Semiclassical dynamics in magnetic Bloch bands 1996 Ming-Che Chang
Qian Niu
+ PDF Chat Topological quantum matter with ultracold gases in optical lattices 2016 Nathan Goldman
Jan Carl Budich
P. Zoller
+ PDF Chat Four-Dimensional Quantum Hall Effect with Ultracold Atoms 2015 Hannah M. Price
Oded Zilberberg
Tomoki Ozawa
Iacopo Carusotto
Nathan Goldman
+ PDF Chat Measuring the Chern number of Hofstadter bands with ultracold bosonic atoms 2014 Monika Aidelsburger
Michael Lohse
C. Schweizer
Marcos Atala
Julio T. Barreiro
Sylvain NascimbĂšne
Nigel R. Cooper
Immanuel Bloch
Nathan Goldman
+ PDF Chat Berry Phase Correction to Electron Density of States in Solids 2005 Di Xiao
Junren Shi
Qian Niu
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical dynamics of electrons in magnetic Bloch bands: A Hamiltonian approach 2006 Pierre Gosselin
F MĂ©nas
Alain BĂ©rard
Hervé Mohrbach