Sue‐Anne McLachlan


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Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Melissa M. Moore 3
Robert K. Mahar 3
Wei Hong 3
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Bayesian adaptive designs for multi-arm trials: an orthopaedic case study 2020 Elizabeth Ryan
Sarah E Lamb
Esther Williamson
Simon Gates
+ PDF Chat Using Bayesian adaptive designs to improve phase III trials: a respiratory care example 2019 Elizabeth Ryan
Julie Bruce
Andrew Metcalfe
Nigel Stallard
Sarah E Lamb
Kert Viele
Duncan Young
Simon Gates
+ PDF Chat When to keep it simple – adaptive designs are not always useful 2019 James Wason
Peter Brocklehurst
Christina Yap
+ PDF Chat Improving clinical trials using Bayesian adaptive designs: a breast cancer example 2022 Wei Hong
Sue‐Anne McLachlan
Melissa M. Moore
Robert K. Mahar
+ Evaluation of Sample Size and Power for Analyses of Survival with Allowance for Nonuniform Patient Entry, Losses to Follow-Up, Noncompliance, and Stratification 1986 John M. Lachin
Mary A. Foulkes
+ Not Too Big, Not Too Small: A Goldilocks Approach To Sample Size Selection 2014 Kristine Broglio
Jason T. Connor
Scott Berry
+ Monitoring event times in early phase clinical trials: some practical issues 2005 Peter F. Thall
Leiko H. Wooten
Nizar M. Tannir
+ I-SPY 2: An Adaptive Breast Cancer Trial Design in the Setting of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy 2009 AD Barker
C C Sigman
Kelloff Gj
NM Hylton
DA Berry
L. Esserman
+ Novel designs for multi‐arm clinical trials with survival outcomes with an application in ovarian cancer 2003 Patrick Royston
Mahesh Parmar
Wendi Qian
+ Statistical controversies in clinical research: scientific and ethical problems with adaptive randomization in comparative clinical trials 2015 P. Thall
Patricia S. Fox
J. Kyle Wathen
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Adaptive Randomized Trial Design for Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma 2012 Lorenzo Trippa
Eudocia Q. Lee
Patrick Y. Wen
Tracy T. Batchelor
Timothy F. Cloughesy
Giovanni Parmigiani
Brian M. Alexander
+ PDF Chat Practical Bayesian adaptive randomisation in clinical trials 2007 Peter F. Thall
J. Kyle Wathen
+ Predictive Probability of Success and the Assessment of Futility in Large Outcomes Trials 2006 Benjamin Trzaskoma
Andreas Sashegyi
+ PDF Chat A comparison of Bayesian adaptive randomization and multi‐stage designs for multi‐arm clinical trials 2014 James Wason
Lorenzo Trippa
+ PDF Chat Outcome-adaptive randomization for a delayed outcome with a short-term predictor: imputation-based designs 2014 Mi‐Ok Kim
Chunyan Liu
Feifang Hu
J. Jack Lee
+ Tables of the number of patients required in clinical trials using the logrank test 1982 Laurence S. Freedman
+ Defensive efficacy interim design: Dynamic benefit/risk ratio view using probability of success 2016 Zhongwen Tang
+ Bayesian survival analysis in clinical trials: What methods are used in practice? 2016 Caroline Brard
Gwénaël Le Teuff
Marie‐Cécile Le Deley
Lisa V. Hampson
+ Comparison of multi-arm multi-stage design and adaptive randomization in platform clinical trials 2017 Jianchang Lin
Veronica Bunn
+ PDF Chat Comparing three regularization methods to avoid extreme allocation probability in response-adaptive randomization 2017 Yining Du
John D. Cook
J. Jack Lee
+ BOP2: Bayesian optimal design for phase II clinical trials with simple and complex endpoints 2017 Heng Zhou
J. Jack Lee
Ying Yuan
+ Bayesian Adaptive Randomization and Trial Monitoring with Predictive Probability for Time-to-Event Endpoint 2017 Guosheng Yin
Nan Chen
J. Jack Lee
+ PDF Chat Adaptive Global Innovative Learning Environment for Glioblastoma: GBM AGILE 2017 Brian M. Alexander
Sujuan Ba
Mitchel S. Berger
Donald A. Berry
Webster K. Cavenee
Susan M. Chang
Timothy F. Cloughesy
Tao Jiang
Mustafa Khasraw
Wenbin Li
+ PDF Chat Interim Futility Monitoring Assessing Immune Therapies With a Potentially Delayed Treatment Effect 2018 Edward L. Korn
Boris Freidlin
+ TOP: Time-to-Event Bayesian Optimal Phase II Trial Design for Cancer Immunotherapy 2019 Ruitao Lin
Robert L. Coleman
Ying Yuan
+ PDF Chat Bayesian adaptive trials offer advantages in comparative effectiveness trials: an example in status epilepticus 2013 Jason T. Connor
Jordan Elm
Kristine Broglio
+ Bayesian Adaptive Methods for Clinical Trials 2010 Scott Berry
Bradley P. Carlin
J. Jack Lee
Peter Müller
+ PDF Chat Flexible sequential designs for multi‐arm clinical trials 2014 Dominic Magirr
Nigel Stallard
Thomas Jaki
+ Sample-Size Formula for the Proportional-Hazards Regression Model 1983 David Schoenfeld
+ Optimal Futility Interim Design: A Predictive Probability of Success Approach with Time-to-Event Endpoint 2014 Zhongwen Tang
+ PDF Chat Response-Adaptive Randomization for Survival Trials: The Parametric Approach 2007 Lanju Zhang
William F. Rosenberger
+ PDF Chat Optimal two-stage designs for phase II clinical trials 1989 Richard Simon
+ Interim analysis: The alpha spending function approach 1994 David L. DeMets
K. K. Gordon Lan
+ Bayesian statistical method was underused despite its advantages in the assessment of implantable medical devices 2010 Leslie Pibouleau
Sylvie Chevret