Mohab Safey El Din


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Gröbner Bases for Polynomial Ideals and Applications 2025 Christian Eder
Rafael Mohr
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Solving parameter-dependent semi-algebraic systems 2024 Louis Gaillard
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Optimized Gröbner basis algorithms for maximal determinantal ideals and critical point computations 2024 Sriram Gopalakrishnan
Vincent Neiger
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Proofs of Path Disconnectedness using Time-Dependent Barrier Functions 2024 Didier Henrion
Jared Miller
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Solving parameter-dependent semi-algebraic systems 2024 Louis Gaillard
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Optimized Gr\"obner basis algorithms for maximal determinantal ideals and critical point computations 2024 Sriram Gopalakrishnan
Vincent Neiger
Mohab Safey El Din
+ On the degree of varieties of sum of squares 2024 Andrew L. Ferguson
Giorgio Ottaviani
Mohab Safey El Din
Ettore Teixeira Turatti
+ PDF Chat Computing roadmaps in unbounded smooth real algebraic sets II: algorithm and complexity 2024 RĂ©mi Prebet
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ PDF Chat Stability analysis of a bacterial growth model through computer algebra 2023 AgustĂ­n Gabriel Yabo
Mohab Safey El Din
Jean‐Baptiste Caillau
Jean‐Luc GouzĂ©
+ PDF Chat A Direttissimo Algorithm for Equidimensional Decomposition 2023 Christian Eder
Pierre Lairez
Rafael Mohr
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Faster real root decision algorithm for symmetric polynomials 2023 George Labahn
Cordian Riener
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
Thi Xuan Vu
+ Fast Algorithms for Discrete Differential Equations 2023 Alin Bostan
Hadrien Notarantonio
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Refined F5 Algorithms for Ideals of Minors of Square Matrices 2023 Sriram Gopalakrishnan
Vincent Neiger
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Computing roadmaps in unbounded smooth real algebraic sets I: Connectivity results 2023 RĂ©mi Prebet
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ PDF Chat A signature-based algorithm for computing the nondegenerate locus of a polynomial system 2023 Christian Eder
Pierre Lairez
Rafael Mohr
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Sum of Squares Decompositions of Polynomials over their Gradient Ideals with Rational Coefficients 2023 Victor Magron
Mohab Safey El Din
Vu Trung Hieu
+ Refined $F_5$ Algorithms for Ideals of Minors of Square Matrices 2023 Sriram Gopalakrishnan
Vincent Neiger
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Algebraic certificates for the truncated moment problem 2023 Didier Henrion
Simone Naldi
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Fast Algorithms for Discrete Differential Equations 2023 Alin Bostan
Hadrien Notarantonio
Mohab Safey El Din
+ A Direttissimo Algorithm for Equidimensional Decomposition 2023 Christian Eder
Pierre Lairez
Rafael Mohr
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Computing critical points for invariant algebraic systems 2022 Jean‐Charles Faugùre
George Labahn
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
Thi Xuan Vu
+ PDF Chat Positive dimensional parametric polynomial systems, connectivity queries and applications in robotics 2022 Jose Capco
Mohab Safey El Din
Josef Schicho
+ Deciding Cuspidality of Manipulators through Computer Algebra and Algorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry 2022 Damien Chablat
RĂ©mi Prebet
Mohab Safey El Din
Durgesh Haribhau Salunkhe
Philippe Wenger
+ PDF Chat Exact SOHS Decompositions of Trigonometric Univariate Polynomials with Gaussian Coefficients 2022 Victor Magron
Mohab Safey El Din
Markus Schweighofer
Vu Trung Hieu
+ PDF Chat Algorithms for Discrete Differential Equations of Order 1 2022 Alin Bostan
Frédéric Chyzak
Hadrien Notarantonio
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Faster Change of Order Algorithm for Gröbner Bases under Shape and Stability Assumptions 2022 Jérémy Berthomieu
Vincent Neiger
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat On the degree of varieties of sum of squares 2022 Andrew L. Ferguson
Mohab Safey El Din
Ettore Teixeira Turatti
Giorgio Ottaviani
+ Towards signature-based gröbner basis algorithms for computing the nondegenerate locus of a polynomial system 2022 Christian Eder
Pierre Lairez
Rafael Mohr
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Globally Optimal Solution to Inverse Kinematics of 7DOF Serial Manipulator 2022 Pavel Trutman
Mohab Safey El Din
Didier Henrion
TomĂĄĆĄ Pajdla
+ PDF Chat Gröbner bases and critical values: The asymptotic combinatorics of determinantal systems 2022 Jérémy Berthomieu
Alin Bostan
Andrew Ferguson
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Computing the set of asymptotic critical values of polynomial mappings from smooth algebraic sets 2022 Jérémy Berthomieu
Andrew L. Ferguson
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat New efficient algorithms for computing Gröbner bases of saturation ideals (F4SAT) and colon ideals (Sparse-FGLM-colon) 2022 Jérémy Berthomieu
Christian Eder
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Generalized polar varieties, fibers and connectivity in unbounded smooth real algebraic sets 2022 RĂ©mi Prebet
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ Exact SOHS decompositions of trigonometric univariate polynomials with Gaussian coefficients 2022 Victor Magron
Mohab Safey El Din
Markus Schweighofer
Trung Hieu Vu
+ Faster change of order algorithm for Gröbner bases under shape and stability assumptions 2022 Jérémy Berthomieu
Vincent Neiger
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Gröbner bases and critical values: The asymptotic combinatorics of determinantal systems 2022 Alin Bostan
Jérémy Berthomieu
Andrew L. Ferguson
Mohab Safey El Din
+ New efficient algorithms for computing Gröbner bases of saturation ideals (F4SAT) and colon ideals (Sparse-FGLM-colon) 2022 Jérémy Berthomieu
Christian Eder
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Solving parametric systems of polynomial equations over the reals through Hermite matrices 2021 Huu Phuoc Le
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Guessing Gröbner bases of structured ideals of relations of sequences 2021 Jérémy Berthomieu
Mohab Safey El Din
+ msolve 2021 Jérémy Berthomieu
Christian Eder
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Computing the Dimension of Real Algebraic Sets 2021 Pierre Lairez
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Faster One Block Quantifier Elimination for Regular Polynomial Systems of Equations 2021 Huu Phuoc Le
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat On exact Reznick, Hilbert-Artin and Putinar's representations 2021 Victor Magron
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat On the computation of asymptotic critical values of polynomial maps and applications 2021 Jérémy Berthomieu
Andrew Ferguson
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Homotopy techniques for solving sparse column support determinantal polynomial systems 2021 George Labahn
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
Thi Xuan Vu
+ On the computation of asymptotic critical values of polynomial maps and applications 2021 Jérémy Berthomieu
Andrew L. Ferguson
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Sum of Squares Decompositions of Polynomials over their Gradient Ideals with Rational Coefficients 2021 Victor Magron
Mohab Safey El Din
Trung-Hieu Vu
+ PDF Chat Exact algorithms for semidefinite programs with degenerate feasible set 2020 Didier Henrion
Simone Naldi
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Solving determinantal systems using homotopy techniques 2020 Jon D. Hauenstein
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
Thi Xuan Vu
+ PDF Chat Cooperativity, absolute interaction, and algebraic optimization 2020 Nidhi Kaihnsa
Yue Ren
Mohab Safey El Din
Johannes W. R. Martini
+ Guessing Gr{\"o}bner Bases of Structured Ideals of Relations of Sequences 2020 Jérémy Berthomieu
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Homotopy techniques for solving sparse column support determinantal polynomial systems 2020 George Labahn
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
Thi Xuan Vu
+ PDF Chat Towards fast one-block quantifier elimination through generalised critical values 2020 Jérémy Berthomieu
Andrew Ferguson
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Computing the real isolated points of an algebraic hypersurface 2020 Huu Phuoc Le
Mohab Safey El Din
Timo de Wolff
+ PDF Chat Robots, computer algebra and eight connected components 2020 Jose Capco
Mohab Safey El Din
Josef Schicho
+ Connectivity in Semi-Algebraic Sets I 2020 Hoon Hong
James Rohal
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ Guessing Gr{ö}bner Bases of Structured Ideals of Relations of Sequences 2020 Jérémy Berthomieu
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Homotopy techniques for solving sparse column support determinantal polynomial systems 2020 George Labahn
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
Thi Xuan Vu
+ PDF Chat Computing real radicals and S-radicals of polynomial systems 2019 Mohab Safey El Din
Zhi-Hong Yang
Lihong Zhi
+ Real root finding for low rank linear matrices 2019 Didier Henrion
Simone Naldi
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Special Issue on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation: ISSAC 2017 2019 Mohab Safey El Din
Chee Yap
+ Computing the Volume of Compact Semi-Algebraic Sets 2019 Pierre Lairez
Marc Mezzarobba
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Cooperativity, Absolute Interaction, and Algebraic Optimization 2019 Nidhi Kaihnsa
Yue Ren
Mohab Safey El Din
Johannes W. R. Martini
+ On Exact Polya, Hilbert-Artin and Putinar's Representations. 2018 Victor Magron
Mohab Safey El Din
+ R <scp>eal</scp> c <scp>ertify</scp> 2018 Victor Magron
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Real Root Finding for Equivariant Semi-algebraic Systems 2018 Cordian Riener
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat On the Complexity of Computing Real Radicals of Polynomial Systems 2018 Mohab Safey El Din
Zhi-Hong Yang
Lihong Zhi
+ PDF Chat On Exact Polya and Putinar's Representations 2018 Victor Magron
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Exact Algorithms for Semidefinite Programs with Degenerate Feasible Set 2018 Didier Henrion
Simone Naldi
Mohab Safey El Din
+ RealCertify: a Maple package for certifying non-negativity 2018 Victor Magron
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Solving determinantal systems using homotopy techniques 2018 Jonathan D. Hauenstein
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
Thi Xuan Vu
+ Exact algorithms for semidefinite programs with degenerate feasible set 2018 Didier Henrion
Simone Naldi
Mohab Safey El Din
+ A Lower Bound on the Positive Semidefinite Rank of Convex Bodies 2018 Hamza Fawzi
Mohab Safey El Din
+ RealCertify: a Maple package for certifying non-negativity 2018 Victor Magron
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Exact algorithms for semidefinite programs with degenerate feasible set 2018 Didier Henrion
Simone Naldi
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Solving determinantal systems using homotopy techniques 2018 Jonathan D. Hauenstein
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
Thi Xuan Vu
+ On Exact Polya and Putinar's Representations 2018 Victor Magron
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Bit complexity for multi-homogeneous polynomial system solving—Application to polynomial minimization 2017 Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ PDF Chat SPECTRA – a Maple library for solving linear matrix inequalities in exact arithmetic 2017 Didier Henrion
Simone Naldi
Mohab Safey El Din
+ A lower bound on the positive semidefinite rank of convex bodies 2017 Hamza Fawzi
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat A Nearly Optimal Algorithm for Deciding Connectivity Queries in Smooth and Bounded Real Algebraic Sets 2017 Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ Algorithms for Weighted Sums of Squares Decomposition of Non-negative Univariate Polynomials 2017 Victor Magron
Mohab Safey El Din
Markus Schweighofer
+ PDF Chat Algebraic-geometric techniques for the feedback classification and robustness of the optimal control of a pair of Bloch equations with application to Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2017 Bernard Bonnard
Olivier Cots
Jean‐Charles Faugùre
Alain Jacquemard
Jérémy Rouot
Mohab Safey El Din
Thibaut Verron
+ A lower bound on the positive semidefinite rank of convex bodies 2017 Hamza Fawzi
Mohab Safey El Din
+ SPECTRA -a Maple library for solving linear matrix inequalities in exact arithmetic 2016 Mohab Safey El Din
Didier Henrion
Simone Naldi
Mohab Safey
El Din
+ PDF Chat SPECTRA -- a Maple library for solving linear matrix inequalities in exact arithmetic 2016 Mohab Safey El Din
Didier Henrion
Simone Naldi
Mohab Safey
El Din
+ PDF Chat Critical Point Computations on Smooth Varieties 2016 Mohab Safey El Din
Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer
+ PDF Chat Determinantal Sets, Singularities and Application to Optimal Control in Medical Imagery 2016 Bernard Bonnard
Jean‐Charles Faugùre
Alain Jacquemard
Mohab Safey El Din
Thibaut Verron
+ Bit complexity for multi-homogeneous polynomial system solving Application to polynomial minimization 2016 Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ Critical Point Computations on Smooth Varieties: Degree and Complexity bounds 2016 Mohab Safey El Din
Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer
+ PDF Chat Exact Algorithms for Linear Matrix Inequalities 2016 Didier Henrion
Simone Naldi
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Critical Point Computations on Smooth Varieties: Degree and Complexity bounds 2016 Mohab Safey El Din
Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer
+ Bit complexity for multi-homogeneous polynomial system solving Application to polynomial minimization 2016 Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ PDF Chat On the complexity of computing Gröbner bases for weighted homogeneous systems 2015 Jean‐Charles FaugĂšre
Mohab Safey El Din
Thibaut Verron
+ Exact algorithms for linear matrix inequalities 2015 Didier Henrion
Simone Naldi
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Real root finding for determinants of linear matrices 2015 Didier Henrion
Simone Naldi
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Optimizing a Parametric Linear Function over a Non-compact Real Algebraic Variety 2015 Feng Guo
Mohab Safey El Din
Chu Wang
Lihong Zhi
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic Algorithm for Computing the Dimension of Real Algebraic Sets 2015 Ivan Bannwarth
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Real Root Finding for Rank Defects in Linear Hankel Matrices 2015 Didier Henrion
Simone Naldi
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Polynomial Interrupt Timed Automata 2015 BĂ©atrice BĂ©rard
Serge Haddad
Claudine Picaronny
Mohab Safey El Din
Mathieu Sassolas
+ Real root finding for rank defects in linear Hankel matrices 2015 Didier Henrion
Simone Naldi
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Polynomial Interrupt Timed Automata 2015 BĂ©atrice BĂ©rard
Serge Haddad
Claudine Picaronny
Mohab Safey El Din
Mathieu Sassolas
+ PDF Chat Algorithmes efficaces en géométrie algébrique réelle 2015 Mohab Safey El Din
+ Exact algorithms for linear matrix inequalities 2015 Didier Henrion
Simone Naldi
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Polynomial Interrupt Timed Automata 2015 BĂ©atrice BĂ©rard
Serge Haddad
Claudine Picaronny
Mohab Safey El Din
Mathieu Sassolas
+ Real root finding for rank defects in linear Hankel matrices 2015 Didier Henrion
Simone Naldi
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Real root finding for determinants of linear matrices 2014 Didier Henrion
Simone Naldi
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat A Baby Step–Giant Step Roadmap Algorithm for General Algebraic Sets 2014 Saugata Basu
Marie-Françoise Roy
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ PDF Chat Computing necessary integrability conditions for planar parametrized homogeneous potentials 2014 Alin Bostan
Thierry Combot
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Intrinsic complexity estimates in polynomial optimization 2014 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Probabilistic Algorithm for Polynomial Optimization over a Real Algebraic Set 2014 Aurélien Greuet
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Real root finding for determinants of linear matrices 2014 Didier Henrion
Simone Naldi
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Probabilistic Algorithm for Polynomial Optimization over a Real Algebraic Set 2013 Aurélien Greuet
Mohab Safey El Din
+ A nearly optimal algorithm for deciding connectivity queries in smooth and bounded real algebraic sets 2013 Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ PDF Chat Critical point methods and effective real algebraic geometry 2013 Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat On the complexity of computing gröbner bases for quasi-homogeneous systems 2013 Jean‐Charles FaugĂšre
Mohab Safey El Din
Thibaut Verron
+ Intrinsic complexity estimates in polynomial optimization 2013 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Mohab Safey El Din
+ On the complexity of the generalized MinRank problem 2013 Jean‐Charles Faugùre
Mohab Safey El Din
Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer
+ On the Complexity of Computing Gröbner Bases for Quasi-homogeneous Systems 2013 Jean‐Charles FaugĂšre
Mohab Safey El Din
Thibaut Verron
+ Computing Gröbner bases for quasi-homogeneous systems 2013 Jean‐Charles FaugĂšre
Mohab Safey El Din
Thibaut Verron
+ On the Complexity of Computing Gr\"obner Bases for Quasi-homogeneous Systems 2013 Jean‐Charles Faugùre
Mohab Safey El Din
Thibaut Verron
+ PDF Chat A probabilistic algorithm to compute the real dimension of a semi-algebraic set 2013 Mohab Safey El Din
Elias Tsigaridas
+ A probabilistic algorithm to compute the real dimension of a semi-algebraic set 2013 Mohab Safey El Din
Elias Tsigaridas
+ On the Complexity of Computing Gröbner Bases for Quasi-homogeneous Systems 2013 Jean‐Charles FaugĂšre
Mohab Safey El Din
Thibaut Verron
+ Probabilistic Algorithm for Polynomial Optimization over a Real Algebraic Set 2013 Aurélien Greuet
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Intrinsic complexity estimates in polynomial optimization 2013 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Mohab Safey El Din
+ A nearly optimal algorithm for deciding connectivity queries in smooth and bounded real algebraic sets 2013 Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ Critical points and Gröbner bases 2012 Jean‐Charles FaugĂšre
Mohab Safey El Din
Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer
+ Critical Points and Gr 2012 Jean‐Charles Faugùre
Mohab Safey El Din
Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer
+ Critical Points and Gr\"obner Bases: the Unmixed Case 2012 Jean‐Charles Faugùre
Mohab Safey El Din
Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer
+ A baby step-giant step roadmap algorithm for general algebraic sets 2012 Saugata Basu
Marie-Françoise Roy
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ A baby step-giant step roadmap algorithm for general algebraic sets 2012 Saugata Basu
Marie-Françoise Roy
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ On the Complexity of the Generalized MinRank Problem 2011 Jean‐Charles Faugùre
Mohab Safey El Din
Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer
+ Global optimization of polynomials restricted to a smooth variety using sums of squares 2011 Aurélien Greuet
Feng Guo
Mohab Safey El Din
Lihong Zhi
+ On the Complexity of the Generalized MinRank Problem 2011 Jean‐Charles Faugùre
Mohab Safey El Din
Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer
+ PDF Chat Gröbner bases of bihomogeneous ideals generated by polynomials of bidegree <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math>: Algorithms and complexity 2010 Jean‐Charles FaugĂšre
Mohab Safey El Din
Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer
+ Stability Analysis of Numerical Schemes with a Variant Quantifier Elimination Algorithm over the Reals 2010 Mohab Safey El Din
+ Global optimization of polynomials using generalized critical values and sums of squares 2010 Feng Guo
Mohab Safey El Din
Lihong Zhi
+ Fast Algorithms for Real Solving Polynomial Systems of Inequalities/inequations 2010 Mohab Safey El Din
+ Gr\"obner Bases of Bihomogeneous Ideals generated by Polynomials of Bidegree (1,1): Algorithms and Complexity 2010 Jean‐Charles Faugùre
Mohab Safey El Din
Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer
+ PDF Chat Computing Rational Points in Convex Semialgebraic Sets and Sum of Squares Decompositions 2010 Mohab Safey El Din
Lihong Zhi
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of polar varieties 2010 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ Gröbner Bases of Bihomogeneous Ideals generated by Polynomials of Bidegree (1,1): Algorithms and Complexity 2010 Jean‐Charles FaugĂšre
Mohab Safey El Din
Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer
+ Computing rational points in convex semi-algebraic sets and SOS decompositions 2009 Mohab Safey El Din
Lihong Zhi
+ De l'algĂšbre linĂ©aire Ă  la rĂ©solution des systĂšmes polynomiaux 2009 Jean‐Charles FaugĂšre
Mohab Safey El Din
+ On the geometry of polar varieties 2009 B. Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ A baby steps/giant steps Monte Carlo algorithm for computing roadmaps in smooth compact real hypersurfaces 2009 Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ Computing the global optimum of a multivariate polynomial over the reals 2008 Mohab Safey El Din
+ Real solving polynomial systems of inequalities: the case of bounded sets of solutions 2007 Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Testing Sign Conditions on a Multivariate Polynomial and Applications 2007 Mohab Safey El Din
+ Generalized critical values and testing sign conditions on a polynomial 2006 Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Computing roadmaps in smooth real algebraic sets 2006 Marc Mezzarobba
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Solvers for ALgebraic Systems and Applications 2006 Fabrice Rouillier
Laurence Bourcier
Jean‐Charles Faugùre
Amir Hashemi
Mohab Safey El Din
Philippe Trébuchet
Sylvain Lacharte
Guillaume Moroz
Sajjad Rahmany
Rong Xiao
+ Strong bi-homogeneous BĂ©zout theorem and its use in effective real algebraic geometry 2006 Mohab Safey El Din
Philippe Trébuchet
+ Strong bi-homogeneous B ezout theorem and its use in eectiv e real algebraic geometry 2006 Mohab Safey El Din
+ Computing Sampling Points on a Singular Real Hypersurface using Lagrange's System 2005 Mohab Safey El Din
+ Generalized Critical Values and Solving Polynomial Inequalities 2004 Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Properness Defects of Projections and Computation of at Least One Point in Each Connected Component of a Real Algebraic Set 2004 Mohab Safey El Din
ïżœric Schost
+ Strong Bi-homogeneous BĂ©zout's Theorem and degree bounds for algebraic optimization 2004 Mohab Safey El Din
Philippe Trébuchet
+ On the practical computation of one point in each connected component of a semi-algebraic set defined by a polynomial system of equations and non-strict inequalities 2004 Colas Le Guernic
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Polar varieties and computation of one point in each connected component of a smooth real algebraic set 2003 Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ Real Solving for Positive Dimensional Systems 2002 Philippe Aubry
Fabrice Rouillier
Mohab Safey El Din
+ New Results - Zéros réels des systÚmes de dimension positive 2002 Philippe Aubry
Fabrice Rouillier
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Resolution reelle des systemes polynomiaux en dimension positive 2001 Mohab Safey El Din
+ Finding at Least One Point in Each Connected Component of a Real Algebraic Set Defined by a Single Equation 2000 Fabrice Rouillier
Marie-Françoise Roy
Mohab Safey El Din
+ New Structure Theorem for Subresultants 2000 Henri Lombardi
Marie-Françoise Roy
Mohab Safey El Din
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Polar varieties and computation of one point in each connected component of a smooth real algebraic set 2003 Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ PDF Chat A Nearly Optimal Algorithm for Deciding Connectivity Queries in Smooth and Bounded Real Algebraic Sets 2017 Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ Generalized polar varieties: geometry and algorithms 2005 B. Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of polar varieties 2010 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ PDF Chat Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry 1996 David Eisenbud
+ Probabilistic Algorithm for Polynomial Optimization over a Real Algebraic Set 2014 Aurélien Greuet
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Basic Algebraic Geometry 2 1994 Igor R. Shafarevich
+ Solving Zero-Dimensional Systems Through the Rational Univariate Representation 1999 Fabrice Rouillier
+ Finding at Least One Point in Each Connected Component of a Real Algebraic Set Defined by a Single Equation 2000 Fabrice Rouillier
Marie-Françoise Roy
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Polar varieties and efficient real elimination 2001 B. Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
G. M. Mbakop
+ Global Optimization with Polynomials and the Problem of Moments 2001 Jean B. Lasserre
+ Polar Varieties, Real Equation Solving, and Data Structures: The Hypersurface Case 1997 B. Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
G. M. Mbakop
+ When polynomial equation systems can be “solved” fast? 1995 M Giusti
Joos Heintz
J. E. Morais
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ PDF Chat Testing Sign Conditions on a Multivariate Polynomial and Applications 2007 Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat Properness Defects of Projections and Computation of at Least One Point in Each Connected Component of a Real Algebraic Set 2004 Mohab Safey El Din
ïżœric Schost
+ Straight-line programs in geometric elimination theory 1998 M Giusti
Joos Heintz
J. E. Morais
J. Morgenstem
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ Computing Parametric Geometric Resolutions 2003 x C ric Schost
+ Real Solving for Positive Dimensional Systems 2002 Philippe Aubry
Fabrice Rouillier
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat On the Complexity of Computing Critical Points with Gröbner Bases 2014 Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer
+ Intrinsic complexity estimates in polynomial optimization 2014 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Mohab Safey El Din
+ PDF Chat A Baby Step–Giant Step Roadmap Algorithm for General Algebraic Sets 2014 Saugata Basu
Marie-Françoise Roy
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ On the complexity of the generalized MinRank problem 2013 Jean‐Charles Faugùre
Mohab Safey El Din
Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer
+ Computing the equidimensional decomposition of an algebraic closed set by means of lifting fibers 2003 Grégoire Lecerf
+ Critical Points and Gr\"obner Bases: the Unmixed Case 2012 Jean‐Charles Faugùre
Mohab Safey El Din
Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer
+ PDF Chat Computing Rational Points in Convex Semialgebraic Sets and Sum of Squares Decompositions 2010 Mohab Safey El Din
Lihong Zhi
+ Zeros, multiplicities, and idempotents for zero-dimensional systems 1996 MarĂ­a Emilia Alonso GarcĂ­a
Eberhard Becker
Marie-Françoise Roy
Thorsten Wörmann
+ Polar Varieties and Efficient Real Equation Solving: The Hypersurface Case 1996 B. Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Rainer Mandel
G. M. Mbakop
+ Computing sum of squares decompositions with rational coefficients 2008 Helfried Peyrl
Pablo A. Parrilo
+ PDF Chat Deformation Techniques for Sparse Systems 2008 Gabriela Jeronimo
Guillermo Matera
Pablo SolernĂł
Ariel Waissbein
+ Sparse FGLM algorithms 2016 Jean‐Charles Faugùre
Chenqi Mou
+ Bit complexity for multi-homogeneous polynomial system solving—Application to polynomial minimization 2017 Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ PDF Chat Degeneracy Loci and Polynomial Equation Solving 2014 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Grégoire Lecerf
Guillermo Matera
Pablo SolernĂł
+ PDF Chat The algebraic degree of semidefinite programming 2008 Jiawang Nie
Kristian Ranestad
Bernd Sturmfels
+ PDF Chat Exact Algorithms for Linear Matrix Inequalities 2016 Didier Henrion
Simone Naldi
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Real Algebraic Geometry 1998 Frédéric Mangolte
Jean-Philippe Rolin
Kurdyka Krzysztof
Saugata Basu
Victoria Powers
+ Global optimization of polynomials restricted to a smooth variety using sums of squares 2011 Aurélien Greuet
Feng Guo
Mohab Safey El Din
Lihong Zhi
+ Generalized polar varieties and an efficient real elimination 2004 Bernd Bank
M Giusti
Joos Heintz
Luis Miguel Pardo
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Degree of Polynomial Optimization 2009 Jiawang Nie
Kristian Ranestad
+ Computing an equidimensional decomposition of an algebraic variety by means of geometric resolutions 2000 Grégoire Lecerf
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds for diophantine approximations 1997 M Giusti
Joos Heintz
K. HĂ€gele
J. E. Morais
Luis Miguel Pardo
José Luis Montaña
+ PDF Chat Divide and Conquer Roadmap for Algebraic Sets 2014 Saugata Basu
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+ Critical points and Gröbner bases 2012 Jean‐Charles FaugĂšre
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+ Testing sets for properness of polynomial mappings 1999 Zbigniew Jelonek
+ The complexity of partial derivatives 1983 Walter BĂ€ur
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+ Computing roadmaps of semi-algebraic sets on a variety 1999 Saugata Basu
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+ Computing the global optimum of a multivariate polynomial over the reals 2008 Mohab Safey El Din
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