Robert Schneider


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On the $q$-factorization of power series 2025 Robert Schneider
Andrew V. Sills
Hunter Waldron
+ PDF Chat Partition-theoretic model of prime distribution 2024 Aidan Botkin
Madeline Locus Dawsey
David J. Hemmer
Matthew Just
Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Composition-theoretic series and false theta functions 2024 William Keith
Robert Schneider
Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat Algebra of overpartitions 2024 Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Analysis and combinatorics of partition zeta functions 2024 Robert Schneider
Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat Element-specific ultrafast lattice dynamics in monolayer WSe2 2024 Hendrik Jung
Shuo Dong
Daniela Zahn
Thomas Vasileiadis
H. Seiler
Robert Schneider
Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos
Victoria C. A. Taylor
Rudolf Bratschitsch
Ralph Ernstorfer
+ Partition-theoretic Frobenius-type limit formulas 2024 Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Mathematics of the MML functional quantizer modules for VCV Rack software synthesizer 2024 Michael G. Maxwell
Caroline McCarthy
Joshua Pfeffer
Maxwell Schneider
Robert Schneider
Andrew V. Sills
+ Composition-theoretic series in partition theory 2023 Robert Schneider
Andrew V. Sills
+ Excitonic absorption signatures of twisted bilayer <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">WSe</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> by electron energy-loss spectroscopy 2023 Steffi Y. Woo
Alberto Zobelli
Robert Schneider
Ashish Arora
Johann A. Preuß
Benjamin J. Carey
Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos
Maurizia Palummo
Rudolf Bratschitsch
Luiz H. G. Tizei
+ Integer mixtures and their generating functions 2023 Philip Cuthbertson
Robert Schneider
+ Engineering 2D material exciton lineshape with graphene/h-BN encapsulation 2023 Steffi Y. Woo
Fuhui Shao
Ashish Arora
Robert Schneider
Nian-Jheng Wu
Andrew J. Mayne
Ching‐Hwa Ho
Mauro Och
Cecilia Mattevi
Antoine Reserbat‐Plantey
+ PDF Chat Semi-modular forms from Fibonacci–Eisenstein series 2022 Agbolade Akande
Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat High‐Performance Broadband Faraday Rotation Spectroscopy of 2D Materials and Thin Magnetic Films 2022 Benjamin J. Carey
Nils Kolja Wessling
Paul Steeger
Christoph Klusmann
Robert Schneider
Mario Fix
Robert Schmidt
M. Albrecht
Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos
Rudolf Bratschitsch
+ PDF Chat Substrate influence on transition metal dichalcogenide monolayer exciton absorption linewidth broadening 2022 Fuhui Shao
Steffi Y. Woo
Nian-Jheng Wu
Robert Schneider
Andrew J. Mayne
Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos
Ashish Arora
Benjamin J. Carey
Johann A. Preuß
Noémie Bonnet
+ PDF Chat A “supernormal” partition statistic 2022 Madeline Locus Dawsey
Matthew Just
Robert Schneider
+ Infinite series for $π/3$ and other identities 2022 Robert Schneider
+ Combinatorial formulas for arithmetic density 2022 Robert Schneider
Andrew V. Sills
+ Composition-theoretic series in partition theory 2022 Robert Schneider
Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat Partition Eisenstein series and semi-modular forms 2021 Matthew Just
Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Partition-theoretic formulas for arithmetic densities, II 2021 Ken Ono
Robert Schneider
Ian Wagner
+ Partition Eisenstein series and semi-modular forms. 2021 Matthew Just
Robert Schneider
+ Semi-modular forms from Fibonacci-Eisenstein series 2021 Agbolade Akande
Robert Schneider
+ Computational study of non-unitary partitions 2021 Agbolade Patrick Akande
Tyler Genao
Summer Haag
Maurice D. Hendon
Neelima Pulagam
Robert Schneider
A. V. Sills
+ A "supernormal" partition statistic 2021 Madeline Locus Dawsey
Matthew Just
Robert Schneider
+ Partition-theoretic Abelian theorems 2020 Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Sequentially congruent partitions and partitions into squares 2020 Robert Schneider
James A. Sellers
Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Analysis and combinatorics of partition zeta functions 2020 Robert Schneider
Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat Digit sums and generating functions 2020 Maxwell Schneider
Robert Schneider
+ Eulerian series, zeta functions and the arithmetic of partitions 2020 Robert Schneider
+ Partition-theoretic Abel-Frobenius type limit formulas 2020 Robert Schneider
+ Sequentially congruent partitions and partitions into squares 2019 Robert Schneider
James A. Sellers
Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Sequentially Congruent Partitions and Related Bijections 2019 Maxwell Schneider
Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Sequentially Congruent Partitions and Related Bijections 2019 Maxwell Schneider
Robert Schneider
+ Phonon-assisted emission and absorption of individual color centers in hexagonal boron nitride 2019 Daniel Wigger
Robert Schmidt
O. Del Pozo-Zamudio
Johann A. Preuß
Philipp Tonndorf
Robert Schneider
Paul Steeger
Johannes Kern
Yashar Khodaei
J. Sperling
+ The product of parts or "norm" of a partition 2019 Andrew V. Sills
Robert Schneider
+ Nuclear partitions and a formula for $p(n)$ 2019 Robert Schneider
+ Sequentially congruent partitions and partitions into squares 2019 Robert Schneider
James A. Sellers
Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Zeeman spectroscopy of excitons and hybridization of electronic states in few-layer WSe <sub>2</sub> , MoSe <sub>2</sub> and MoTe <sub>2</sub> 2018 Ashish Arora
Maciej Koperski
A. O. Slobodeniuk
Karol Nogajewski
Robert Schmidt
Robert Schneider
Maciej R. Molas
Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos
Rudolf Bratschitsch
M. Potemski
+ Digit sums and $q$-series generating functions 2018 Maxwell Schneider
Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Alternating “strange” functions 2018 Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Jacobi’s triple product, mock theta functions, unimodal sequences and the q-bracket 2018 Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Phonon Sidebands in Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides 2017 Dominik Christiansen
Malte Selig
Gunnar Berghäuser
Robert Schmidt
Iris Niehues
Robert Schneider
Ashish Arora
Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos
Rudolf Bratschitsch
Ermin Malić
+ The importance of being "strange" 2017 Robert Schneider
+ Alternating "strange" functions 2017 Robert Schneider
+ Explorations in the Theory of Partition Zeta Functions 2017 Ken Ono
Larry Rolen
Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Partition-Theoretic Formulas for Arithmetic Densities 2017 Ken Ono
Robert Schneider
Ian Wagner
+ Alternating "strange" functions 2017 Robert Schneider
+ Partition-theoretic formulas for arithmetic densities 2017 Ken Ono
Robert Schneider
Ian Wagner
+ Jacobi's triple product, mock theta functions, unimodal sequences and the $q$-bracket 2016 Robert Schneider
+ Jacobi's triple product, mock theta functions, and the $q$-bracket 2016 Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Arithmetic of partitions and the $q$-bracket operator 2016 Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Partition zeta functions 2016 Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat SLED phenomenology: curvature vs. volume 2016 Florian Niedermann
Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Fine-tuning with brane-localized flux in 6D supergravity 2016 Florian Niedermann
Robert Schneider
+ Arithmetic of partitions and the $q$-bracket operator 2016 Robert Schneider
+ Arithmetic of partitions and the $q$-bracket operator 2016 Robert Schneider
+ Jacobi's triple product, mock theta functions, unimodal sequences and the $q$-bracket 2016 Robert Schneider
+ Explorations in the theory of partition zeta functions 2016 Ken Ono
Larry Rolen
Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Brane induced gravity: Ghosts and naturalness 2015 Ludwig Eglseer
Florian Niedermann
Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Cosmology on a cosmic ring 2015 Florian Niedermann
Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Radially stabilized inflating cosmic strings 2015 Florian Niedermann
Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Universe as a cosmic string 2015 Florian Niedermann
Robert Schneider
Stefan G. Hofmann
Justin Khoury
+ Combinatorial applications of Möbius inversion 2014 Marie Jameson
Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat A Golden Product Identity for<i>e</i> 2014 Robert Schneider
+ A Non-Pythagorean Musical Scale Based on Logarithms 2013 Robert Schneider
+ Al-Jabar: A Mathematical Game of Strategy 2013 Cyrus Hettle
Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Interpretation of the Weyl tensor 2013 Stefan G. Hofmann
Florian Niedermann
Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Microscopic picture of non-relativistic classicalons 2013 Felix Berkhahn
Sophia Müller
Florian Niedermann
Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat A “strange” vector-valued quantum modular form 2013 Larry Rolen
Robert Schneider
+ A Non-Pythagorean Musical Scale Based on Logarithms 2013 Robert Schneider
+ Al-Jabar: A Mathematical Game of Strategy 2013 Cyrus Hettle
Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Uncovering Ramanujan’s “Lost” Notebook: an oral history 2012 Robert Schneider
+ A Golden Pair of Identities in the Theory of Numbers 2011 Robert Schneider
+ A smoothing property of the Henkin and Szegö projections 1980 Patrick Ahern
Robert Schneider
+ Holomorphic Lipschitz Functions in Pseudoconvex Domains 1979 Patrick Ahern
Robert Schneider
+ Isometries of H∞ 1975 Patrick Ahern
Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Unit Preserving Isometries are Homomorphisms in Certain Lp 1975 Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Some theorems in Fourier analysis on symmetric sets 1969 Robert Schneider
+ On certain homomorphisms of restriction algebras of symmetric sets 1968 Robert Schneider
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Theory of Partitions 1984 George E. Andrews
+ PDF Chat Arithmetic of partitions and the $q$-bracket operator 2016 Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Partition zeta functions 2016 Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Partitions, quasimodular forms, and the Bloch–Okounkov theorem 2015 Don Zagier
+ The Character of the Infinite Wedge Representation 2000 Spencer Bloch
Andreĭ Okounkov
+ Basic Hypergeometric Series and Applications. 1990 Ranjan Roy
N. J. Fine
+ The Web of Modularity: Arithmetic of the Coefficients of Modular Forms and 𝑞-series 2003 Ken Ono
+ Number theory in the spirit of Ramanujan 2007 Bruce C. Berndt
+ PDF Chat On p-adic modular forms and the Bloch–Okounkov theorem 2016 Michael Griffin
Marie Jameson
Sarah Trebat-Leder
+ PDF Chat A “strange” vector-valued quantum modular form 2013 Larry Rolen
Robert Schneider
Ken Ono
Robert C. Rhoades
+ Explorations in the Theory of Partition Zeta Functions 2017 Ken Ono
Larry Rolen
Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Jacobi’s triple product, mock theta functions, unimodal sequences and the q-bracket 2018 Robert Schneider
+ PDF Chat Unimodal sequences and “strange” functions: a family of quantum modular forms 2015 Kathrin Bringmann
Amanda Folsom
Robert C. Rhoades
+ Number Theory in the Spirit of Ramanujan 2006 Bruce C. Berndt
+ PDF Chat Dyson’s crank of a partition 1988 George E. Andrews
Frank G. Garvan
+ Modular Functions and Dirichlet Series in Number Theory 1990 Tom M. Apostol
+ PDF Chat On an additive arithmetic function 1977 Krishnaswami Alladi
P. Erdős
+ Duality between prime factors and an application to the prime number theorem for arithmetic progressions 1977 Krishnaswami Alladi
+ An essay on continued fractions 1985 Myra F. Wyman
Bostwick F. Wyman
+ PDF Chat Unimodal sequences and quantum and mock modular forms 2012 Jennifer S. Bryson
Ken Ono
Sarah Pitman
Robert C. Rhoades
+ Eulerian series, zeta functions and the arithmetic of partitions 2020 Robert Schneider
+ Quantum modular forms 2017 Kathrin Bringmann
Amanda Folsom
Ken Ono
Larry Rolen
+ Technically natural cosmological constant from supersymmetric 6D brane backreaction 2012 C. P. Burgess
Leo van Nierop
+ PDF Chat Charting the landscape of modified gravity 2007 Nemanja Kaloper
Derrick Kiley
+ PDF Chat Partition-Theoretic Formulas for Arithmetic Densities 2017 Ken Ono
Robert Schneider
Ian Wagner
+ Euler: The Master of Us All 1999 William Dunham
+ Vassiliev invariants and a strange identity related to the Dedekind eta-function 2001 Don Zagier
+ PDF Chat Singular hypersurfaces and thin shells in general relativity 1967 W. Israel
+ PDF Chat Hecke-type double sums, Appell-Lerch sums, and mock theta functions, I 2014 Dean Hickerson
Eric T. Mortenson
+ q-series identities and values of certain L-functions 2001 George E. Andrews
Jorge Jiménez Urroz
Ken Ono
+ Ramanujan: Twelve Lectures on Subjects Suggested by His Life and Work 1978 G. H. Hardy
+ Ramanujan's “Lost” Notebook V: Euler's partition identity 1986 George E. Andrews
+ An Introduction to Ramanujan's “Lost” Notebook 1979 George E. Andrews
+ Harmonic Maass Forms and Mock Modular Forms: Theory and Applications 2017 Kathrin Bringmann
Amanda Folsom
Ken Ono
Larry Rolen
+ PDF Chat Eichler integrals of Eisenstein series as q-brackets of weighted t-hook functions on partitions 2021 Kathrin Bringmann
Ken Ono
Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Radial limits of mock theta functions 2015 Kathrin Bringmann
Larry Rolen
+ PDF Chat A century of complex Tauberian theory 2002 J. Korevaar
+ PDF Chat Diluting the cosmological constant in infinite volume extra dimensions 2003 Gia Dvali
Gregory Gabadadze
Mikhail Shifman
+ PDF Chat <i>Colloquium</i> : Excitons in atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides 2018 Gang Wang
Alexey Chernikov
M. M. Glazov
Tony F. Heinz
X. Marie
T. Amand
B. Urbaszek
+ Approaching the intrinsic photoluminescence linewidth in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers 2017 Obafunso Ajayi
Jenny Ardelean
Gabriella D. Shepard
Jue Wang
Abhinandan Antony
Takeshi Taniguchi
Kenji Watanabe
Tony F. Heinz
Stefan Strauf
X-Y. Zhu
+ PDF Chat A new formula for Chebotarev Densities 2017 Madeline Locus Dawsey
+ “Strange” combinatorial quantum modular forms 2016 Amanda Folsom
Caleb Ki
Yen Nhi Truong Vu
Bowen Yang
+ PDF Chat Excitonic resonances in thin films of WSe<sub>2</sub>: from monolayer to bulk material 2015 Ashish Arora
Maciej Koperski
Karol Nogajewski
J. Marcus
C. Faugeras
M. Potemski
+ PDF Chat Universe as a cosmic string 2015 Florian Niedermann
Robert Schneider
Stefan G. Hofmann
Justin Khoury
+ PDF Chat Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger 2016 B. P. Abbott
R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
M. R. Abernathy
F. Acernese
K. Ackley
C. Adams
T. Adams
P. Addesso
R. X. Adhikari
+ PDF Chat Excitonic Linewidth Approaching the Homogeneous Limit in <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>MoS</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math> -Based van der Waals Heterostructures 2017 Fabian Cadiz
Emmanuel Courtade
Cédric Robert
Gang Wang
Yuxia Shen
H. Cai
Takashi Taniguchi
Kenji Watanabe
H. Carrère
Delphine Lagarde
+ PDF Chat Multiple harmonic series 1992 Michael E. Hoffman
+ Mock Theta Functions 2002 Sander Zwegers
+ PDF Chat Gravity on a brane in infinite-volume extra space 2001 Gia Dvali
Gregory Gabadadze