Loong‐Fah Cheong


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Nighttime Stereo Depth Estimation using Joint Translation-Stereo Learning: Light Effects and Uninformative Regions 2020 Aashish Sharma
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Lionel Heng
Robby T. Tan
+ Single-Image Camera Response Function Using Prediction Consistency and Gradual Refinement 2020 Aashish Sharma
Robby T. Tan
Loong‐Fah Cheong
+ Estimation of Camera Response Function using Prediction Consistency and Gradual Refinement with an Extension to Deep Learning. 2020 Aashish Sharma
Robby T. Tan
Loong‐Fah Cheong
+ PDF Chat Automatic Target Detection for Sparse Hyperspectral Images 2020 Ahmad Bitar
Jean–Philippe Ovarlez
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Ali Chehab
+ Estimation of Camera Response Function using Prediction Consistency and Gradual Refinement with an Extension to Deep Learning 2020 Aashish Sharma
Robby T. Tan
Loong‐Fah Cheong
+ Nighttime Stereo Depth Estimation using Joint Translation-Stereo Learning: Light Effects and Uninformative Regions. 2019 Aashish Sharma
Lionel Heng
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Robby T. Tan
+ PDF Chat 3D Rigid Motion Segmentation with Mixed and Unknown Number of Models 2019 Xun Xu
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Zhuwen Li
+ PDF Chat Heavy Rain Image Restoration: Integrating Physics Model and Conditional Adversarial Learning 2019 Ruoteng Li
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Robby T. Tan
+ Sparse and Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition for Automatic Target Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery 2019 Ahmad Bitar
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Jean–Philippe Ovarlez
+ Learning for Multi-Model and Multi-Type Fitting 2019 Xun Xu
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Zhuwen Li
+ Learning for Multi-Type Subspace Clustering 2019 Xun Xu
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Zhuwen Li
+ Baseline Desensitizing In Translation Averaging 2019 Bingbing Zhuang
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Gim Hee Lee
+ Rolling-Shutter-Aware Differential SfM and Image Rectification 2019 Bingbing Zhuang
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Gim Hee Lee
+ Nighttime Stereo Depth Estimation using Joint Translation-Stereo Learning: Light Effects and Uninformative Regions 2019 Aashish Sharma
Lionel Heng
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Robby T. Tan
+ Target And Background Separation in Hyperspectral Imagery for Automatic Target Detection 2018 Ahmad Bitar
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Jean–Philippe Ovarlez
+ PDF Chat Baseline Desensitizing in Translation Averaging 2018 Bingbing Zhuang
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Gim Hee Lee
+ Target and Background Separation in Hyperspectral Imagery for Automatic Target Detection 2018 Ahmad Bitar
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Jean–Philippe Ovarlez
+ Motion Segmentation by Exploiting Complementary Geometric Models 2018 Xun Xu
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Zhuwen Li
+ Target And Background Separation in Hyperspectral Imagery for Automatic Target Detection 2018 Ahmad Bitar
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Jean–Philippe Ovarlez
+ Single Image Deraining using Scale-Aware Multi-Stage Recurrent Network 2017 Ruoteng Li
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Robby T. Tan
+ PDF Chat Sparsity-Based cholesky factorization and its application to hyperspectral anomaly detection 2017 Ahmad Bitar
Jean‐Philippe Ovarlez
Loong‐Fah Cheong
+ PDF Chat Rolling-Shutter-Aware Differential SfM and Image Rectification 2017 Bingbing Zhuang
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Gim Hee Lee
+ PDF Chat Two-Stream Flow-Guided Convolutional Attention Networks for Action Recognition 2017 An V. Tran
Loong‐Fah Cheong
+ Simultaneous Clustering and Model Selection: Algorithm, Theory and Applications 2017 Zhuwen Li
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Shuoguang Yang
Kim-Chuan Toh
+ Robust Optical Flow Estimation in Rainy Scenes 2017 Ruoteng Li
Robby T. Tan
Loong‐Fah Cheong
+ Two-stream Flow-guided Convolutional Attention Networks for Action Recognition 2017 An V. Tran
Loong‐Fah Cheong
+ Single Image Deraining using Scale-Aware Multi-Stage Recurrent Network 2017 Ruoteng Li
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Robby T. Tan
+ Simultaneous Clustering and Model Selection for Tensor Affinities 2016 Zhuwen Li
Shuoguang Yang
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Kim-Chuan Toh
+ PDF Chat Practical Matrix Completion and Corruption Recovery Using Proximal Alternating Robust Subspace Minimization 2014 Yuxiang Wang
Choon Meng Lee
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Kim-Chuan Toh
+ PDF Chat Robust Low-Rank Subspace Segmentation with Semidefinite Guarantees 2010 Yuzhao Ni
Ju Sun
Xiao‐Tong Yuan
Shuicheng Yan
Loong‐Fah Cheong
+ Robust Low-Rank Subspace Segmentation with Semidefinite Guarantees 2010 Yuzhao Ni
Ju Sun
Xiao‐Tong Yuan
Shuicheng Yan
Loong‐Fah Cheong
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Robust Recovery of Subspace Structures by Low-Rank Representation 2012 Guangcan Liu
Zhouchen Lin
Shuicheng Yan
Ju Sun
Yong Yu
Yi Ma
+ PDF Chat A Singular Value Thresholding Algorithm for Matrix Completion 2010 Jian‐Feng Cai
Emmanuel J. Candès
Zuowei Shen
+ PDF Chat A tutorial on spectral clustering 2007 Ulrike von Luxburg
+ Detection algorithms for hyperspectral imaging applications 2002 Dimitris G. Manolakis
Gary A. Shaw
+ PDF Chat Robust anomaly detection in Hyperspectral Imaging 2014 Joana Frontera–Pons
Miguel A. Veganzones
Santiago Velasco-Forero
Frédéric Pascal
Jean‐Philippe Ovarlez
J. Chanussot
+ PDF Chat Sparse Subspace Clustering: Algorithm, Theory, and Applications 2013 Ehsan Elhamifar
René Vidal
+ PDF Chat Hybrid Linear Modeling via Local Best-Fit Flats 2012 Teng Zhang
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+ PDF Chat Stable Principal Component Pursuit 2010 Zihan Zhou
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+ PDF Chat Generalized Robust Shrinkage Estimator and Its Application to STAP Detection Problem 2014 Frédéric Pascal
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+ PDF Chat Robust principal component analysis? 2011 Emmanuel J. Candès
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+ PDF Chat Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition 2016 Kaiming He
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+ Shrinkage covariance matrix estimator applied to STAP detection 2014 Fréderic Pascal
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+ Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization 2014 Diederik P. Kingma
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+ PDF Chat Generalized principal component analysis (GPCA) 2005 René Vidal
Yi Ma
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+ PDF Chat Hyperspectral Anomaly Detectors Using Robust Estimators 2015 Joana Frontera–Pons
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Frédéric Pascal
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+ PDF Chat Enhancing Sparsity by Reweighted ℓ 1 Minimization 2008 Emmanuel J. Candès
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+ Optimization Algorithms on Subspaces: Revisiting Missing Data Problem in Low-Rank Matrix 2008 Pei Chen
+ PDF Chat DehazeNet: An End-to-End System for Single Image Haze Removal 2016 Bolun Cai
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+ PDF Chat Sparsity-Based cholesky factorization and its application to hyperspectral anomaly detection 2017 Ahmad Bitar
Jean‐Philippe Ovarlez
Loong‐Fah Cheong
+ PDF Chat A collaborative framework for 3D alignment and classification of heterogeneous subvolumes in cryo-electron tomography 2012 Oleg Kuybeda
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+ PDF Chat Robust shrinkage estimation of high-dimensional covariance matrices 2010 Yilun Chen
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+ PDF Chat Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution 2016 Justin Johnson
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+ PDF Chat Motion Segmentation by Exploiting Complementary Geometric Models 2018 Xun Xu
Loong Fah Cheong
Zhuwen Li
+ PDF Chat Nearly unbiased variable selection under minimax concave penalty 2010 Cun‐Hui Zhang
+ PDF Chat Deep clustering: Discriminative embeddings for segmentation and separation 2016 John R. Hershey
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+ PDF Chat Robust camera location estimation by convex programming 2015 Onur Özyeşil
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+ PDF Chat Long-term recurrent convolutional networks for visual recognition and description 2015 Jeff Donahue
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Marcus Rohrbach
Subhashini Venugopalan
Trevor Darrell
Kate Saenko
+ PDF Chat Estimation of Subspace Arrangements with Applications in Modeling and Segmenting Mixed Data 2008 Yi Ma
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+ Geometric motion segmentation and model selection 1998 Philip H. S. Torr
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+ Geometric Models of Rolling-Shutter Cameras 2005 Marci Meingast
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+ None 1998 C. W. Gear
+ Analysis of Multi-stage Convex Relaxation for Sparse Regularization 2010 Tong Zhang
+ Multilinear operators for higher-order decompositions. 2006 Tamara G. Kolda
+ PDF Chat Decoding by Linear Programming 2005 Emmanuel J. Candès
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Approximating Symmetric Positive Semidefinite Tensors of Even Order 2012 Angelos Barmpoutis
Jeffrey Ho
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+ PDF Chat Guaranteed Minimum-Rank Solutions of Linear Matrix Equations via Nuclear Norm Minimization 2010 Benjamin Recht
Maryam Fazel
Pablo A. Parrilo
+ Robust Principal Components 1989 Larry P. Ammann
+ PDF Chat ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2015 Olga Russakovsky
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+ PDF Chat Multi-way Clustering Using Super-Symmetric Non-negative Tensor Factorization 2006 Amnon Shashua
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+ A Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm for Linear Inverse Problems 2009 Amir Beck
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