Avery St. Dizier


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Double orthodontia formulas and Lascoux positivity 2024 Linus Setiabrata
Avery St. Dizier
+ On the Support of Grothendieck Polynomials 2024 Karola Mészáros
Linus Setiabrata
Avery St. Dizier
+ M-Convexity of Vexillary Grothendieck Polynomials via Bubbling 2024 Elena S. Hafner
Karola Mészáros
Linus Setiabrata
Avery St. Dizier
+ On the Degree of Grothendieck Polynomials 2024 Matt Dreyer
Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ PDF Chat Presenting the cohomology of a Schubert variety: Proof of the minimality conjecture 2023 Avery St. Dizier
Alexander Yong
+ M-convexity of Grothendieck polynomials via bubbling 2023 Elena S. Hafner
Karola Mészáros
Linus Setiabrata
Avery St. Dizier
+ PDF Chat Schubert polynomials as projections of Minkowski sums of Gelfand-Tsetlin polytopes 2022 Ricky Ini Liu
Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ PDF Chat Generalized Permutahedra and Schubert Calculus 2022 Avery St. Dizier
Alexander Yong
+ On the support of Grothendieck polynomials 2022 Karola Mészáros
Linus Setiabrata
Avery St. Dizier
+ On the degree of Grothendieck polynomials 2022 Matt Dreyer
Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ Presenting the cohomology of a Schubert variety: Proof of the minimality conjecture 2022 Avery St. Dizier
Alexander Yong
+ Logarithmic concavity of Schur and related polynomials 2021 June Huh
Jacob P. Matherne
Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ PDF Chat Principal Specialization of Dual Characters of Flagged Weyl Modules 2021 Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
Arthur Tanjaya
+ PDF Chat An orthodontia formula for Grothendieck polynomials 2021 Karola Mészáros
Linus Setiabrata
Avery St. Dizier
+ Principal specialization of dual characters of flagged Weyl modules 2021 Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
Arthur Tanjaya
+ Principal specialization of dual characters of flagged Weyl modules 2021 Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
Arthur Tanjaya
+ An orthodontia formula for Grothendieck polynomials 2020 Karola Mészáros
Linus Setiabrata
Avery St. Dizier
+ PDF Chat From generalized permutahedra to Grothendieck polynomials via flow polytopes 2020 Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ Degrees of symmetric Grothendieck polynomials and Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity 2020 Jenna Rajchgot
Ren Yi
Colleen Robichaux
Avery St. Dizier
Anna Weigandt
+ PDF Chat Zero-one Schubert polynomials 2020 Alex Fink
Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ An orthodontia formula for Grothendieck polynomials 2020 Karola Mészáros
Linus Setiabrata
Avery St. Dizier
+ Generalized permutahedra and Schubert calculus 2020 Avery St. Dizier
Alexander Yong
+ Degrees of symmetric Grothendieck polynomials and Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity 2019 Jenna Rajchgot
Ren Yi
Colleen Robichaux
Avery St. Dizier
Anna Weigandt
+ Logarithmic concavity of Schur and related polynomials 2019 June Huh
Jacob P. Matherne
Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ Zero-one Schubert polynomials 2019 Alex Fink
Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ Gelfand-Tsetlin polytopes: a story of flow and order polytopes 2019 Ricky Ini Liu
Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ PDF Chat Gelfand--Tsetlin Polytopes: A Story of Flow and Order Polytopes 2019 Ricky Ini Liu
Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ Degrees of symmetric Grothendieck polynomials and Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity 2019 Jenna Rajchgot
Yi Ren
Colleen Robichaux
Avery St. Dizier
Anna Weigandt
+ Logarithmic concavity of Schur and related polynomials 2019 June Huh
Jacob P. Matherne
Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ Zero-one Schubert polynomials 2019 Alex Fink
Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ Gelfand-Tsetlin polytopes: a story of flow and order polytopes 2019 Ricky Ini Liu
Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ Schubert polynomials as projections of Minkowski sums of Gelfand-Tsetlin polytopes 2019 Ricky Ini Liu
Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ Schubert polynomials as integer point transforms of generalized permutahedra 2018 Alex Fink
Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ Schubert polynomials as integer point transforms of generalized permutahedra 2017 Alex Fink
Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ From generalized permutahedra to Grothendieck polynomials via flow polytopes 2017 Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ Schubert polynomials as integer point transforms of generalized permutahedra 2017 Alex Fink
Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ From generalized permutahedra to Grothendieck polynomials via flow polytopes 2017 Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Newton polytopes in algebraic combinatorics 2019 Cara Monical
Neriman Tokcan
Alexander Yong
+ The Yang-Baxter equation, symmetric functions, and Schubert polynomials 1996 Sergey Fomin
Anatol N. Kirillov
+ Schubert polynomials as integer point transforms of generalized permutahedra 2018 Alex Fink
Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ PDF Chat RC-Graphs and Schubert Polynomials 1993 Nantel Bergeron
Sara Billey
+ PDF Chat Schubert polynomials and Bott-Samelson varieties 1998 PĂ©ter Magyar
+ PDF Chat Gröbner geometry of Schubert polynomials 2005 Allen Knutson
Ezra Miller
+ Key polynomials and a flagged Littlewood—Richardson rule 1995 Victor Reiner
Mark Shimozono
+ PDF Chat Some Combinatorial Properties of Schubert Polynomials 1993 Sara Billey
William Jockusch
Richard P. Stanley
+ Schubert Polynomials and the Nilcoxeter Algebra 1994 Sergey Fomin
Richard P. Stanley
+ PDF Chat A Unified Approach to Combinatorial Formulas for Schubert Polynomials 2004 Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat The Prism tableau model for Schubert polynomials 2017 Anna Weigandt
Alexander Yong
+ PDF Chat Zero-one Schubert polynomials 2020 Alex Fink
Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ PDF Chat Newton polytopes and symmetric Grothendieck polynomials 2017 Laura Escobar
Alexander Yong
+ Subword complexes in Coxeter groups 2003 Allen Knutson
Ezra Miller
+ PDF Chat Back stable Schubert calculus 2021 Thomas Lam
Seung Jin Lee
Mark Shimozono
+ Kostant Partitions Functions and Flow Polytopes 2008 Welleda Baldoni
Michèle Vergne
+ PDF Chat Permutohedra, Associahedra, and Beyond 2009 Alexander Postnikov
+ Degrees of symmetric Grothendieck polynomials and Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity 2020 Jenna Rajchgot
Ren Yi
Colleen Robichaux
Avery St. Dizier
Anna Weigandt
+ Flags, Schubert polynomials, degeneracy loci, and determinantal formulas 1992 William Fulton
+ Balanced Labellings and Schubert Polynomials 1997 Sergey Fomin
Curtis Greene
Victor Reiner
Mark Shimozono
+ Newton Polytopes in Algebraic Combinatorics 2017 Cara Monical
Neriman Tokcan
Alexander Yong
+ PDF Chat From generalized permutahedra to Grothendieck polynomials via flow polytopes 2020 Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ Symmetric Functions Schubert Polynomials and Degeneracy Loci 2001 Laurent Manivel
John Swallow
+ PDF Chat A Combinatorial Formula for Nonsymmetric Macdonald Polynomials 2008 J. Haglund
Mark Haiman
Nicholas A. Loehr
+ From generalized permutahedra to Grothendieck polynomials via flow polytopes 2017 Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ PDF Chat Bumpless pipe dreams and alternating sign matrices 2021 Anna Weigandt
+ Logarithmic concavity of Schur and related polynomials 2021 June Huh
Jacob P. Matherne
Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ PDF Chat Matroid Polytopes and their Volumes 2009 Federico Ardila
Carolina Benedetti
Jeffrey Doker
+ Syzygies des variétés déterminantales 1978 Alain Lascoux
+ PDF Chat A vector partition function for the multiplicities of slkC 2004 Sara Billey
Victor Guillemin
Etienne Rassart
+ PDF Chat Two poset polytopes 1986 Richard P. Stanley
+ Cohomology of Vector Bundles and Syzygies 2003 Jerzy Weyman
+ PDF Chat Schubert polynomials as projections of Minkowski sums of Gelfand-Tsetlin polytopes 2022 Ricky Ini Liu
Karola Mészáros
Avery St. Dizier
+ A generalization of the Littlewood-Richardson rule and the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence 1981 Andrei Zelevinsky
+ Specht series for skew representations of symmetric groups 1979 Gordon James
M.H Peel
+ Ueber den Zusammenhang zwischen einigen Formen von symmetrischen Functionen. 1882 Claudia Kostka
+ Young Tableaux: With Applications to Representation Theory and Geometry 1996 William Fulton
+ Some Schubert shenanigans 2017 Richard P. Stanley
+ PDF Chat Multivariate stable polynomials: theory and applications 2010 David G. Wagner
+ PDF Chat Example of a non-log-concave Duistermaat-Heckman measure 1996 Yael Karshon
+ On multivariate Newton-like inequalities 2009 Leonid Gurvits
+ PDF Chat Classification of Ding's Schubert Varieties: Finer Rook Equivalence 2007 Mike Develin
Jeremy L. Martin
Victor Reiner
+ Marked chain-order polytopes 2016 Xin Fang
Ghislain Fourier
+ Projections of orbits and asymptotic behavior of multiplicities for compact connected Lie groups 1982 Gerrit Heckman
+ PDF Chat Two combinatorial applications of the Aleksandrov-Fenchel inequalities 1981 Richard P. Stanley
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of Smooth Schubert Varieties in Partial Flag Manifolds 2002 Vesselin Gasharov
Victor Reiner
+ Combinatorial Commutative Algebra 2005 Ezra Miller
Bernd Sturmfels
+ PDF Chat An Invitation to the Generalized Saturation Conjecture 2004 Anatol N. Kirillov
+ PDF Chat Gelfand–Tsetlin polytopes and Feigin–Fourier–Littelmann–Vinberg polytopes as marked poset polytopes 2011 Federico Ardila
Thomas Bliem
Dido Salazar