Terence Tao


Terence Tao is an Australian-American mathematician renowned for his extraordinary contributions to various fields of mathematics. Born on July 17, 1975, in Adelaide, Australia, Tao displayed exceptional mathematical talent from a young age. He participated in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) at ages 10, 11, and 12, winning bronze, silver, and gold medals respectively, and went on to achieve two more gold medals with perfect scores at ages 14 and 15.

Education and Career:

  • Ph.D. at a Young Age: Tao earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from Flinders University by the age of 16. He then received his Ph.D. from Princeton University at 21 under the supervision of Elias Stein.

  • Professor at UCLA: He joined the faculty of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and became a full professor at just 24 years old.

Contributions to Mathematics:

Terence Tao's work spans a broad spectrum of mathematical fields, including:

  • Harmonic Analysis

  • Partial Differential Equations

  • Additive Combinatorics

  • Analytic Number Theory

  • Random Matrix Theory

  • Compressed Sensing

Notable Achievements:

  • Fields Medal (2006): Often called the "Nobel Prize of Mathematics," Tao received this prestigious award for his contributions to partial differential equations, combinatorics, harmonic analysis, and additive number theory.

  • Breakthroughs in Number Theory: Along with mathematician Ben Green, he proved the Green-Tao Theorem, which states that there are arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions of prime numbers.

  • Royal Society Fellowship: Elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in 2007.

  • MacArthur Fellowship: Received the "Genius Grant" in 2006.

  • Royal Medal (2014): Awarded by the Royal Society for his contributions to mathematics.

Publications and Outreach:

  • Research Papers and Books: Tao has authored hundreds of research papers and several influential books that are highly regarded in the mathematical community.

  • Educational Blog: He maintains a popular mathematical blog where he writes about various topics, providing insights and fostering education and collaboration.


Terence Tao is widely respected not only for his profound research contributions but also for his ability to explain complex mathematical concepts with clarity. His work has had a significant impact on modern mathematics, inspiring both contemporaries and the next generation of mathematicians.

Personal Attributes:

Colleagues often describe Tao as humble and approachable, despite his towering achievements. He is known for his collaborative spirit, having worked with over 30 co-authors on various mathematical papers.

Current Work:

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Terence Tao continues to teach and conduct research at UCLA, contributing to advancements in mathematics and mentoring students.

All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat EVA-S2PLoR: A Secure Element-wise Multiplication Meets Logistic Regression on Heterogeneous Database 2025 Terence Tao
S. Andrew Peng
Tianyu Mei
S.H. Li
Haogang Zhu
+ PDF Chat On the distribution of eigenvalues of GUE and its minors at fixed index 2024 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Higher uniformity of arithmetic functions in short intervals II. Almost all intervals 2024 Kaisa MatomÀki
Maksym RadziwiƂƂ
Xuancheng Shao
Terence Tao
Joni TerÀvÀinen
+ PDF Chat EVA-S3PC: Efficient, Verifiable, Accurate Secure Matrix Multiplication Protocol Assembly and Its Application in Regression 2024 S. Andrew Peng
Tianrui Liu
Terence Tao
D.X. Zhao
Hao Sheng
Haogang Zhu
+ PDF Chat Pointwise convergence of bilinear polynomial averages over the primes 2024 Ben Krause
Hamed Mousavi
Terence Tao
Joni TerÀvÀinen
+ Adjoint Brascamp–Lieb inequalities 2024 Jonathan Bennett
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Planar point sets with forbidden $4$-point patterns and few distinct distances 2024 Terence Tao
+ PDF Sumsets and entropy revisited 2024 Ben Green
Freddie Manners
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Dense sets of natural numbers with unusually large least common multiples 2024 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat A counterexample to the periodic tiling conjecture 2024 Rachel Greenfeld
Terence Tao
+ PDF A lower bound on the mean value of the ErdƑs–Hooley Delta function 2024 Kevin Ford
Dimitris Koukoulopoulos
Terence Tao
+ PDF Monotone Nondecreasing Sequences of the Euler Totient Function 2024 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Marton's Conjecture in abelian groups with bounded torsion 2024 W. T. Gowers
Ben Green
Freddie Manners
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat The structure of arbitrary Conze–Lesigne systems 2024 Asgar Jamneshan
Or Shalom
Terence Tao
+ PDF The convergence of an alternating series of ErdƑs, assuming the Hardy–Littlewood prime tuples conjecture 2024 Terence Tao
+ 1. Does One Have to be a Genius to Do Maths? by Terence Tao 2024 Terence Tao
+ Sums of GUE matrices and concentration of hives from correlation decay of eigengaps 2023 Hariharan Narayanan
Scott Sheffield⋆
Terence Tao
+ Quantitative bounds for Gowers uniformity of the Möbius and von Mangoldt functions 2023 Terence Tao
Joni TerÀvÀinen
+ Infinite partial sumsets in the primes 2023 Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ PDF An upper bound on the mean value of the ErdƑs–Hooley Delta function 2023 Dimitris Koukoulopoulos
Terence Tao
+ PDF Perfectly Packing a Square by Squares of Nearly Harmonic Sidelength 2023 Terence Tao
+ PDF Large prime gaps and probabilistic models 2023 William D. Banks
Kevin Ford
Terence Tao
+ PDF Measurable Tilings by Abelian Group Actions 2023 Jan GrebĂ­k
Rachel Greenfeld
Våclav Rozhoƈ
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Higher uniformity of bounded multiplicative functions in short intervals on average 2023 Kaisa MatomÀki
Maksym RadziwiƂƂ
Terence Tao
Joni TerÀvÀinen
Tamar Ziegler
+ PDF Undecidable Translational Tilings with Only Two Tiles, or One Nonabelian Tile 2023 Rachel Greenfeld
Terence Tao
+ Infinite partial sumsets in the primes 2023 Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ The structure of totally disconnected Host--Kra--Ziegler factors, and the inverse theorem for the $U^k$ Gowers uniformity norms on finite abelian groups of bounded torsion 2023 Asgar Jamneshan
Or Shalom
Terence Tao
+ A Host--Kra ${\mathbf F}_2^ω$-system of order $5$ that is not Abramov of order $5$, and non-measurability of the inverse theorem for the $U^6({\mathbf F}_2^n)$ norm 2023 Asgar Jamneshan
Or Shalom
Terence Tao
+ An upper bound on the mean value of the ErdƑs-Hooley Delta function 2023 Dimitris Koukoulopoulos
Terence Tao
+ Sums of GUE matrices and concentration of hives from correlation decay of eigengaps 2023 Hariharan Narayanan
Scott Sheffield⋆
Terence Tao
+ Sumsets and entropy revisited 2023 Ben Green
Freddie Manners
Terence Tao
+ Adjoint Brascamp-Lieb inequalities 2023 Jonathan Bennett
Terence Tao
+ The convergence of an alternating series of ErdƑs, assuming the Hardy--Littlewood prime tuples conjecture 2023 Terence Tao
+ A lower bound on the mean value of the ErdƑs-Hooley Delta function 2023 Kevin R. Ford
Dimitris Koukoulopoulos
Terence Tao
+ Monotone non-decreasing sequences of the Euler totient function 2023 Terence Tao
+ Undecidability of translational monotilings 2023 Rachel Greenfeld
Terence Tao
+ A Maclaurin type inequality 2023 Terence Tao
+ PDF Higher uniformity of arithmetic functions in short intervals I. All intervals 2023 Kaisa MatomÀki
Xuancheng Shao
Terence Tao
Joni TerÀvÀinen
+ On a conjecture of Marton 2023 W. T. Gowers
Ben Green
Freddie Manners
Terence Tao
+ PDF Homogenization of iterated singular integrals with applications to random quasiconformal maps 2022 Kari Astala
Steffen Rohde
Eero Saksman
Terence Tao
+ Foundational aspects of uncountable measure theory: Gelfand duality, Riesz representation, canonical models, and canonical disintegration 2022 Asgar Jamneshan
Terence Tao
+ PDF The Hardy–Littlewood–Chowla conjecture in the presence of a Siegel zero 2022 Terence Tao
Joni TerÀvÀinen
+ Orthogonal polynomials 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Primes in general arithmetical progressions 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Differentiation under the integral 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ The isoperimetric problem I 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Mean square approximation I 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ PDF Fourier analysis on finite Abelian groups 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Hausdorff’s moment problem 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ The future of mathematics viewed from 1800 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ The isoperimetric problem II 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Poisson summation 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Tchebychev and uniform approximation I 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Potential theory with smoothness assumptions 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Uniqueness for the heat equation I 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Fourier analysis on the roots of unity 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ The Sturm—Liouville equation I 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Analytic maps of Brownian motion 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Weierstrass’s proof of Weierstrass’s theorem 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ The Weierstrass polynomial approximation theorem 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ FejĂ©r’s theorem for Fourier transforms 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ The importance of linearity 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ The central limit theorem I 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Potential theory without smoothness assumptions 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Mean square approximation II 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Tchebychev and uniform approximation II 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Primes in some arithmetical progressions 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Proof of FejĂ©r’s theorem 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Dirichlet’s problem for the disc 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Uniqueness for the heat equation II 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Mathematical Brownian motion 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ A second proof of Weierstrass’s theorem 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ A formula of Euler 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Continuous function on closed bounded sets 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ Mean square convergence 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ A Fourier series divergent at a point 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ The central limit theorem II 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ The Sturm—Liouville equation II 2022 T. W. Körner
Terence Tao
+ PDF An uncountable Moore–Schmidt theorem 2022 Asgar Jamneshan
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Pointwise ergodic theorems for non-conventional bilinear polynomial averages 2022 Ben Krause
Mariusz Mirek
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Singmaster’s Conjecture In The Interior Of Pascal’s Triangle 2022 Kaisa MatomĂ€ki
Maksym RadziwiƂƂ
Xuancheng Shao
Terence Tao
Joni TerÀvÀinen
+ PDF Chat Optimal Sine and Sawtooth Inequalities 2022 Louis Esser
Terence Tao
Burt Totaro
Chengxi Wang
+ PDF Almost all orbits of the Collatz map attain almost bounded values 2022 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Fractional free convolution powers 2022 Dimitri Shlyakhtenko
Terence Tao
+ PDF An uncountable Mackey–Zimmer theorem 2022 Asgar Jamneshan
Terence Tao
+ Higher uniformity of arithmetic functions in short intervals I. All intervals 2022 Kaisa MatomÀki
Xuancheng Shao
Terence Tao
Joni TerÀvÀinen
+ Perfectly packing a square by squares of nearly harmonic sidelength 2022 Terence Tao
+ Measurable tilings by abelian group actions 2022 Jan GrebĂ­k
Rachel Greenfeld
Våclav Rozhoƈ
Terence Tao
+ A counterexample to the periodic tiling conjecture (announcement) 2022 Rachel Greenfeld
Terence Tao
+ A counterexample to the periodic tiling conjecture 2022 Rachel Greenfeld
Terence Tao
+ PDF Sendov’s conjecture for sufficiently-high-degree polynomials 2022 Terence Tao
+ Continuous Functions on Metric Spaces 2022 Terence Tao
+ Lebesgue Measure 2022 Terence Tao
+ Continuous Functions on $${{\textbf{R}}}$$ 2022 Terence Tao
+ Integers and Rationals 2022 Terence Tao
+ Power Series 2022 Terence Tao
+ Uniform Convergence 2022 Terence Tao
+ Set Theory 2022 Terence Tao
+ Lebesgue Integration 2022 Terence Tao
+ Fourier Series 2022 Terence Tao
+ The Riemann Integral 2022 Terence Tao
+ Differentiation of Functions 2022 Terence Tao
+ Series 2022 Terence Tao
+ Several Variable Differential Calculus 2022 Terence Tao
+ The Real Numbers 2022 Terence Tao
+ Starting at the Beginning: The Natural Numbers 2022 Terence Tao
+ Metric Spaces 2022 Terence Tao
+ Introduction 2022 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat The structure of arbitrary Conze-Lesigne systems 2021 Asgar Jamneshan
Or Shalom
Terence Tao
+ PDF The structure of translational tilings in $\mathbb{Z}^d$ 2021 Rachel Greenfeld
Terence Tao
+ Varieties of general type with many vanishing plurigenera, and optimal sine and sawtooth inequalities 2021 Louis Esser
Terence Tao
Burt Totaro
Chengxi Wang
+ Additive energy of regular measures in one and higher dimensions, and the fractal uncertainty principle 2021 Laura Cladek
Terence Tao
+ Singmaster's conjecture in the interior of Pascal's triangle 2021 Kaisa MatomÀki
Maksym RadziwiƂƂ
Xuancheng Shao
Terence Tao
Joni TerÀvÀinen
Svitlana Mayboroda
Terence Tao
+ PDF The effective potential of an <i>M</i>-matrix 2021 Marcel Filoche
Svitlana Mayboroda
Terence Tao
+ PDF Eigenvectors from eigenvalues: A survey of a basic identity in linear algebra 2021 Peter B. Denton
Stephen Parke
Terence Tao
Xining Zhang
+ PDF Exploring the toolkit of Jean Bourgain 2021 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat On the sign patterns of entrywise positivity preservers in fixed dimension 2021 Apoorva Khare
Terence Tao
+ Quantitative bounds for Gowers uniformity of the Möbius and von Mangoldt functions 2021 Terence Tao
Joni TerÀvÀinen
+ Undecidable translational tilings with only two tiles, or one nonabelian tile 2021 Rachel Greenfeld
Terence Tao
+ PDF Zarankiewicz’s problem for semilinear hypergraphs 2021 Abdul Basit
Artem Chernikov
Sergei Starchenko
Terence Tao
Chieu-Minh Tran
+ Optimal sine and sawtooth inequalities 2021 Louis Esser
Terence Tao
Burt Totaro
Chengxi Wang
+ The inverse theorem for the $U^3$ Gowers uniformity norm on arbitrary finite abelian groups: Fourier-analytic and ergodic approaches 2021 Asgar Jamneshan
Terence Tao
+ Singmaster's conjecture in the interior of Pascal's triangle 2021 Kaisa MatomÀki
Maksym RadziwiƂƂ
Xuancheng Shao
Terence Tao
Joni TerÀvÀinen
+ The structure of arbitrary Conze-Lesigne systems 2021 Asgar Jamneshan
Or Shalom
Terence Tao
+ The Hardy--Littlewood--Chowla conjecture in the presence of a Siegel zero 2021 Terence Tao
Joni TerÀvÀinen
+ PDF Chat Quantitative bounds for critically bounded solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations 2021 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Long gaps in sieved sets 2020 Kevin Ford
Sergey Konyagin
James Maynard
Carl Pomerance
Terence Tao
+ Zarankiewicz's problem for semilinear hypergraphs 2020 Abdul Basit
Artem Chernikov
Sergei Starchenko
Terence Tao
Chieu-Minh Tran
+ PDF Chat Embedding the Heisenberg group into a bounded-dimensional Euclidean space with optimal distortion 2020 Terence Tao
+ PDF Analysis and applications: The mathematical work of Elias Stein 2020 Charles Fefferman
Alex Ionescu
Terence Tao
Stephen Wainger
Terence Tao
+ The Ionescu--Wainger multiplier theorem and the adeles 2020 Terence Tao
+ Exploring the toolkit of Jean Bourgain 2020 Terence Tao
+ Foundational aspects of uncountable measure theory: Gelfand duality, Riesz representation, canonical models, and canonical disintegration 2020 Asgar Jamneshan
Terence Tao
+ The structure of translational tilings in $\mathbb{Z}^d$ 2020 Rachel Greenfeld
Terence Tao
+ Additive energy of regular measures in one and higher dimensions, and the fractal uncertainty principle 2020 Laura Cladek
Terence Tao
+ Sendov's conjecture for sufficiently high degree polynomials 2020 Terence Tao
+ Pointwise ergodic theorems for non-conventional bilinear polynomial averages 2020 Ben Krause
Mariusz Mirek
Terence Tao
+ Zarankiewicz's problem for semilinear hypergraphs 2020 Abdul W. Basit
Artem Chernikov
Sergei Starchenko
Terence Tao
Chieu-Minh Tran
+ Higher uniformity of bounded multiplicative functions in short intervals on average 2020 Kaisa MatomÀki
Maksym RadziwiƂƂ
Terence Tao
Joni TerÀvÀinen
Tamar Ziegler
+ An uncountable Mackey-Zimmer theorem 2020 Asgar Jamneshan
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat The structure of correlations of multiplicative functions at almost all scales, with applications to the Chowla and Elliott conjectures 2019 Terence Tao
Joni TerÀvÀinen
+ PDF Correction to: Fourier uniformity of bounded multiplicative functions in short intervals on average 2019 Kaisa MatomÀki
Maksym RadziwiƂƂ
Terence Tao
+ Least singular value, circular law, and Lindeberg exchange 2019 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Fourier uniformity of bounded multiplicative functions in short intervals on average 2019 Kaisa MatomÀki
Maksym RadziwiƂƂ
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Commutators close to the identity 2019 Terence Tao
+ Eigenvectors from Eigenvalues 2019 Peter B. Denton
Stephen Parke
Terence Tao
Xining Zhang
+ PDF Chat The structure of logarithmically averaged correlations of multiplicative functions, with applications to the Chowla and Elliott conjectures 2019 Terence Tao
Joni TerÀvÀinen
+ Searching for singularities in the Navier–Stokes equations 2019 Terence Tao
+ PDF Correlations of the von Mangoldt and higher divisor functions II: divisor correlations in short ranges 2019 Kaisa MatomÀki
Maksym RadziwiƂƂ
Terence Tao
+ On the universality of the incompressible Euler equation on compact manifolds, II. Non-rigidity of Euler flows 2019 Terence Tao
+ Sharp bounds for multilinear curved Kakeya, restriction and oscillatory integral estimates away from the endpoint 2019 Terence Tao
+ Quantitative bounds for critically bounded solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations 2019 Terence Tao
+ Large prime gaps and probabilistic models 2019 William D. Banks
Kevin Ford
Terence Tao
Joni TerÀvÀinen
+ An uncountable Moore-Schmidt theorem 2019 Asgar Jamneshan
Terence Tao
+ Some remarks on the lonely runner conjecture 2018 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on the lonely runner conjecture 2018 Terence Tao
+ PDF An Inverse Theorem for an Inequality of Kneser 2018 Terence Tao
+ PDF Homogeneous length functions on groups 2018 T. A. Fritz
Siddhartha Gadgil
Apoorva Khare
Pace P. Nielsen
Lior Silberman
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Correlations of the von Mangoldt and higher divisor functions I. Long shift ranges 2018 Kaisa MatomÀki
Maksym RadziwiƂƂ
Terence Tao
+ The Mathematics of Cathleen Synge Morawetz 2018 Irene M. Gamba
Christina Sormani
Terence Tao
Leslie Greengard
Tonatiuh SĂĄnchez-Vizuet
Kevin R. Payne
+ Chains of Large Gaps Between Primes 2018 Kevin Ford
James Maynard
Terence Tao
+ The De Bruijn-Newman constant is non-negative 2018 Brad Rodgers
Terence Tao
+ Commutators close to the identity 2018 Terence Tao
+ Embedding the Heisenberg group into a bounded dimensional Euclidean space with optimal distortion 2018 Terence Tao
+ PDF On the universality of the incompressible Euler equation on compact manifolds 2018 Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ PDF Odd order cases of the logarithmically averaged Chowla conjecture 2018 Terence Tao
Joni TerÀvÀinen
+ Fourier uniformity of bounded multiplicative functions in short intervals on average 2018 Kaisa MatomÀki
Maksym RadziwiƂƂ
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Finite time blowup for a supercritical defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger system 2017 Terence Tao
+ An inverse theorem for the Kemperman inequality 2017 Terence Tao
+ PDF Book Review: Polynomial methods in combinatorics 2017 Terence Tao
+ A Bound on Partitioning Clusters 2017 Daniel M. Kane
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Random matrices have simple spectrum 2017 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Long gaps between primes 2017 Kevin Ford
Ben Green
SergeÄ­ Konyagin
James Maynard
Terence Tao
+ Equivalence of the Logarithmically Averaged Chowla and Sarnak Conjectures 2017 Terence Tao
+ Some remarks on the lonely runner conjecture 2017 Terence Tao
+ New bounds for Szemerédi's theorem, III: A polylogarithmic bound for $r_4(N)$ 2017 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ On the universality of potential well dynamics 2017 Terence Tao
+ On the universality of the incompressible Euler equation on compact manifolds 2017 Terence Tao
+ An inverse theorem for an inequality of Kneser 2017 Terence Tao
+ Correlations of the von Mangoldt and higher divisor functions II. Divisor correlations in short ranges 2017 Kaisa MatomÀki
Maksym RadziwiƂƂ
Terence Tao
+ A bound on partitioning clusters 2017 Daniel M. Kane
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat On the universality of potential well dynamics 2017 Terence Tao
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Sum-free sets in groups: a survey 2017 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Finite-time blowup for a supercritical defocusing nonlinear wave system 2016 Terence Tao
+ PDF Finite Time Blowup for Lagrangian Modifications of the Three-Dimensional Euler Equation 2016 Terence Tao
+ PDF Sum-avoiding sets in groups 2016 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Finite time blowup for high dimensional nonlinear wave systems with bounded smooth nonlinearity 2016 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Large gaps between consecutive prime numbers 2016 Kevin Ford
Ben Green
SergeÄ­ Konyagin
Terence Tao
+ Sumfree sets in groups 2016 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF The ErdƑs discrepancy problem 2016 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Random matrices: tail bounds for gaps between eigenvalues 2016 Hoi H. Nguyen
Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Sumfree sets in groups: a survey 2016 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Finite time blowup for high dimensional nonlinear wave systems with bounded smooth nonlinearity 2016 Terence Tao
+ PDF Concatenation theorems for anti-Gowers-uniform functions and Host-Kra characteristic factors 2016 Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ Polynomial patterns in the primes 2016 Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ Finite time blowup for Lagrangian modifications of the three-dimensional Euler equation 2016 Terence Tao
+ Starting at the beginning: The natural numbers 2016 Terence Tao
+ Integers and Rationals 2016 Terence Tao
+ Continuous functions on R 2016 Terence Tao
+ Continuous functions on metric spaces 2016 Terence Tao
+ Several Variable Differential Calculus 2016 Terence Tao
+ Differentiation of functions 2016 Terence Tao
+ An integration approach to the Toeplitz square peg problem 2016 Terence Tao
Maksym RadziwiƂƂ
Terence Tao
+ The Riemann integral 2016 Terence Tao
+ Fourier series 2016 Terence Tao
+ Analysis II 2016 Terence Tao
+ Metric spaces 2016 Terence Tao
+ Lebesgue measure 2016 Terence Tao
+ Uniform convergence 2016 Terence Tao
+ Equivalence of the logarithmically averaged Chowla and Sarnak conjectures 2016 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Cancellation for the multilinear Hilbert transform 2015 Terence Tao
+ PDF An averaged form of Chowla’s conjecture 2015 Kaisa MatomĂ€ki
Maksym RadziwiƂƂ
Terence Tao
+ Multiple recurrence and convergence results associated to $${\text{F}}_P^\omega $$ -actions 2015 Vitaly Bergelson
Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ Expanding polynomials over finite fields of large characteristic, and a regularity lemma for definable sets 2015 Terence Tao
+ Finite time blowup for an averaged three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation 2015 Terence Tao
+ PDF The Elliott–Halberstam conjecture implies the Vinogradov least quadratic nonresidue conjecture 2015 Terence Tao
+ PDF Expansion in finite simple groups of Lie type 2015 Emmanuel Breuillard
Ben J. Green
Robert M. Guralnick
Terence Tao
+ Notes on Lie algebras 2015 Terence Tao
+ Notes on groups of Lie type 2015 Terence Tao
+ Cayley graphs the algebra of groups 2015 Terence Tao
+ The Balog-Szemerédi-Gowers lemma, and the Bourgain-Gamburd expansion machine 2015 Terence Tao
+ The Lang-Weil bound 2015 Terence Tao
+ PDF Expansion in Finite Simple Groups of Lie Type 2015 Terence Tao
+ Quasirandom groups 2015 Terence Tao
+ Random matrices: tail bounds for gaps between eigenvalues 2015 Hoi H. Nguyen
Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat A multi-dimensional Szemerédi theorem for the primes via a correspondence principle 2015 Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ Polymath and Small Gaps Between Primes 2015 Terence Tao
+ Random matrices: Universality of local spectral statistics of non-Hermitian matrices 2015 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Failure of the $L^1$ pointwise and maximal ergodic theorems for the free group 2015 Terence Tao
+ Narrow Progressions in the Primes 2015 Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ The Erdos discrepancy problem 2015 Terence Tao
+ Sign patterns of the Liouville and Möbius functions 2015 Kaisa MatomÀki
Maksym RadziwiƂƂ
Terence Tao
+ The logarithmically averaged Chowla and Elliott conjectures for two-point correlations 2015 Terence Tao
+ Cancellation for the multilinear Hilbert transform 2015 Terence Tao
+ Algebra & Number Theory 2015 Terence Tao
+ Random matrices: tail bounds for gaps between eigenvalues 2015 Hoi H. Nguyen
Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Chains of large gaps between primes 2015 Kevin R. Ford
James E. Maynard
Terence Tao
+ Inverse theorems for sets and measures of polynomial growth 2015 Terence Tao
+ PDF New equidistribution estimates of Zhang type 2014 Wouter Castryck
Étienne Fouvry
Gergely Harcos
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
Paul D. Nelson
E. Paldi
J. Pintz
Andrew V. Sutherland
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Effective Limiting Absorption Principles, and Applications 2014 Igor Rodnianski
Terence Tao
+ Lie groups, Lie algebras, and the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula 2014 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat The Hilbert-Smith conjecture 2014 Terence Tao
+ Models of ultra approximate groups 2014 Terence Tao
+ Ado’s theorem 2014 Terence Tao
+ PDF Associativity of the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff-Dynkin law 2014 Terence Tao
+ Central extensions of Lie groups, and cocycle averaging 2014 Terence Tao
+ Polynomial bounds via nonstandard analysis 2014 Terence Tao
+ Hilbert’s Fifth Problem and Related Topics 2014 Terence Tao
+ Random matrices: The universality phenomenon for Wigner ensembles 2014 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Local Universality of Zeroes of Random Polynomials 2014 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Algebraic combinatorial geometry: the polynomial method in arithmetic combinatorics, incidence combinatorics, and number theory 2014 Terence Tao
+ PDF On the quantitative distribution of polynomial nilsequences -- erratum 2014 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Multiple Recurrence in Quasirandom Groups 2014 Vitaly Bergelson
Terence Tao
+ Multi-Linear Multipliers Associated to Simplexes of Arbitrary Length 2014 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Long gaps between primes 2014 Kevin Ford
Ben Green
SergeÄ­ Konyagin
James Maynard
Terence Tao
+ Random matrices have simple spectrum 2014 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Finite time blowup for an averaged three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation 2014 Terence Tao
+ Large gaps between consecutive prime numbers 2014 Kevin Ford
Ben Green
SergeÄ­ Konyagin
Terence Tao
+ Narrow progressions in the primes 2014 Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Ergodic Theory and Combinatorial Number Theory 2013 Vitaly Bergelson
Nikos Frantzikinakis
Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
Van Vu
+ PDF Erratum to: Outliers in the spectrum of iid matrices with bounded rank perturbations 2013 Terence Tao
+ PDF On Sets Defining Few Ordinary Lines 2013 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ PDF Every odd number greater than $1$ is the sum of at most five primes 2013 Terence Tao
+ A nilpotent Freiman dimension lemma 2013 Emmanuel Breuillard
Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ Noncommutative sets of small doubling 2013 Terence Tao
+ PDF Localisation and compactness properties of the Navier–Stokes global regularity problem 2013 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Partial differential equations 2013 Terence Tao
+ PDF Compactness and Contradiction 2013 Terence Tao
Terence Tao
+ Expansion in finite simple groups of Lie type 2013 Emmanuel Breuillard
Ben Green
Robert M. Guralnick
Terence Tao
+ Small Doubling in Groups 2013 Emmanuel Breuillard
Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ PDF Erratum to “The primes contain arbitrarily long polynomial progressions” 2013 Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ Algebraic combinatorial geometry: the polynomial method in arithmetic combinatorics, incidence combinatorics, and number theory 2013 Terence Tao
+ Local universality of zeroes of random polynomials 2013 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ On the quantitative distribution of polynomial nilsequences - erratum 2013 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ A multi-dimensional Szemerédi theorem for the primes via a correspondence principle 2013 Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ Multiple recurrence and convergence results associated to $\mathbb{F}_{p}^ω$-actions 2013 Vitaly Bergelson
Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ Small doubling in groups 2013 Emmanuel Breuillard
Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ Struktur und ZufÀlligkeit der Primzahlen 2012 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat The structure of approximate groups 2012 Emmanuel Breuillard
Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ PDF Book Review: Concentration compactness for critical wave maps 2012 Terence Tao
+ PDF Higher order Fourier analysis 2012 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Higher Order Fourier Analysis 2012 Terence Tao
+ PDF The asymptotic distribution of a single eigenvalue gap of a Wigner matrix 2012 Terence Tao
+ PDF Asymptotic decay for a one-dimensional nonlinear wave equation 2012 Hans Lindblad
Terence Tao
+ PDF An inverse theorem for the Gowers U^(s+1)[N]-norm 2012 Ben Green
Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ PDF Chat Large values of the Gowers-Host-Kra seminorms 2012 Tanja Eisner
Terence Tao
+ A central limit theorem for the determinant of a Wigner matrix 2012 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Random covariance matrices: Universality of local statistics of eigenvalues 2012 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat The Littlewood-Offord problem in high dimensions and a conjecture of Frankl and FĂŒredi 2012 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Scale-oblivious metric fragmentation and the nonlinear Dvoretzky theorem 2012 Assaf Naor
Terence Tao
+ PDF Topics in Random Matrix Theory 2012 Terence Tao
+ PDF An Incidence Theorem in Higher Dimensions 2012 JĂłzsef Solymosi
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Strongly dense free subgroups of semisimple algebraic groups 2012 Emmanuel Breuillard
Ben Green
Robert M. Guralnick
Terence Tao
+ PDF A variation norm Carleson theorem 2012 Richard Oberlin
Andreas Seeger
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
James Wright
+ PDF The Möbius function is strongly orthogonal to nilsequences 2012 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ PDF The quantitative behaviour of polynomial orbits on nilmanifolds 2012 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ New bounds for Szemeredi's theorem, Ia: Progressions of length 4 in finite field geometries revisited 2012 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ Nonlinear Fourier Analysis 2012 Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Expanding polynomials over finite fields of large characteristic, and a regularity lemma for definable sets 2012 Terence Tao
+ Random matrices: Sharp concentration of eigenvalues 2012 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Mixing for progressions in non-abelian groups 2012 Terence Tao
+ The asymptotic distribution of a single eigenvalue gap of a Wigner matrix 2012 Terence Tao
+ Every odd number greater than 1 is the sum of at most five primes 2012 Terence Tao
+ Multiple recurrence in quasirandom groups 2012 Vitaly Bergelson
Terence Tao
+ On sets defining few ordinary lines 2012 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ Random matrices: The Universality phenomenon for Wigner ensembles 2012 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Simply-laced isomonodromy systems . On the functions counting walks with small steps in the quarter plane . The structure of approximate groups . On stably free modules over affine algebras . Perfectoid spaces 2012 Philip Boalch
Irina Kurkova
Kilian Raschel
Emmanuel Breuillard
Ben Green
Terence Tao
Jean Fasel
Ravi A. Rao
Richard G. Swan
Peter Scholze
+ PDF Chat The Inverse Conjecture for the Gowers Norm over Finite Fields in Low Characteristic 2011 Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ PDF Outliers in the spectrum of iid matrices with bounded rank perturbations 2011 Terence Tao
+ An Introduction to Measure Theory 2011 Terence Tao
+ Deterministic methods to find primes 2011 Terence Tao
Ernest S. Croot
H. A. Helfgott
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Approximate Subgroups of Linear Groups 2011 Emmanuel Breuillard
Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ On the number of solutions to $\frac{4}{p}=\frac{1}{n_1}+\frac{1}{n_2}+\frac{1}{n_3}$ 2011 Terence Tao
+ PDF An inverse theorem for the Gowers $U^{s+1}[N]$-norm 2011 Tamar Ziegler
Terence Tao
Ben Green
+ Random matrices: Universality of eigenvectors 2011 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Suzuki groups as expanders 2011 Emmanuel Breuillard
Ben J. Green
Terence Tao
+ PDF Nonconventional ergodic averages and multiple recurrence for von Neumann dynamical systems 2011 Tim Austin
Tanja Eisner
Terence Tao
+ A note on approximate subgroups of GL_n(C) and uniformly nonamenable groups 2011 Emmanuel Breuillard
Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ Random matrices: The Four Moment Theorem for Wigner ensembles 2011 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Structure and Randomness in the Prime Numbers 2011 Terence Tao
+ A central limit theorem for the determinant of a Wigner matrix 2011 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Random matrices: Universality of local eigenvalue statistics 2011 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ Localisation and compactness properties of the Navier-Stokes global regularity problem 2011 Terence Tao
+ Counting the number of solutions to the Erdos-Straus equation on unit fractions 2011 Christian Elsholtz
Terence Tao
+ The structure of approximate groups 2011 Emmanuel Breuillard
Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ The inverse conjecture for the Gowers norm over finite fields in low characteristic 2011 Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ An incidence theorem in higher dimensions 2011 JĂłzsef Solymosi
Terence Tao
+ The Wigner-Dyson-Mehta bulk universality conjecture for Wigner matrices 2011 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Effective limiting absorption principles, and applications 2011 Igor Rodnianski
Terence Tao
+ Noncommutative sets of small doubling 2011 Terence Tao
+ A nilpotent Freiman dimension lemma 2011 Emmanuel Breuillard
Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ Random matrices: Universal properties of eigenvectors 2011 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Global well-posedness of the Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equation below the energy norm 2011 M. Keel
Tristan Roy
Terence Tao
+ An Epsilon of Room, II: pages from year three of a mathematical blog 2011 Terence Tao
+ III.83 The Schrödinger Equation 2010 Terence Tao
+ III.78 Ricci Flow 2010 Terence Tao
+ PDF Operator splitting for the KdV equation 2010 Helge Holden
Kenneth H. Karlsen
Nils Henrik Risebro
Terence Tao
+ An epsilon of room, I : real analysis : pages from year three of a mathematical blog 2010 Terence Tao
+ PDF A Finitary Version of Gromov’s Polynomial Growth Theorem 2010 Yehuda Shalom
Terence Tao
+ Freiman's theorem for solvable groups 2010 Terence Tao
+ PDF Linear approximate groups 2010 Emmanuel Breuillard
Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ PDF AN INVERSE THEOREM FOR THE GOWERS<i>U</i><sup>4</sup>-NORM 2010 Ben Green
Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ PDF Random matrices: Universality of ESDs and the circular law 2010 Terence Tao
Van Vu
Manjunath Krishnapur
+ Smooth analysis of the condition number and the least singular value 2010 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF The Power of Convex Relaxation: Near-Optimal Matrix Completion 2010 Emmanuel J. CandĂšs
Terence Tao
+ PDF Linear equations in primes 2010 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ PDF Random Matrices: Universality of Local Eigenvalue Statistics up to the Edge 2010 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Transfer of energy to high frequencies in the cubic defocusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation 2010 J. Colliander
M. Keel
Gigliola Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat An equivalence between inverse sumset theorems and inverse conjectures for the<i>U</i><sup>3</sup>norm 2010 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat A sharp inverse Littlewood-Offord theorem 2010 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Random Matrices: the Distribution of the Smallest Singular Values 2010 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF The inverse conjecture for the Gowers norm over finite fields via the correspondence principle 2010 Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ PDF An Inverse Theorem for the Uniformity Seminorms Associated with the Action of $${{\mathbb {F}^{\infty}_{p}}}$$ 2010 Vitaly Bergelson
Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ PDF Chat Testability and repair of hereditary hypergraph properties 2010 Tim Austin
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Sumset and Inverse Sumset Theory for Shannon Entropy 2010 Terence Tao
+ Random matrices: Localization of the eigenvalues and the necessity of four moments 2010 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ An inverse theorem for the Gowers U^{s+1}[N]-norm (announcement) 2010 Ben Green
Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ PDF Chat Yet Another Proof Of Szemerédi's Theorem 2010 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ Linear Approximate Groups 2010 Emmanuel Breuillard
Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ PDF Errata to “Upper and lower bounds for normal derivatives of Dirichlet eigenfunctions” 2010 Andrew Hassell
Terence Tao
+ Asymptotic decay for a one-dimensional nonlinear wave equation 2010 Hans Lindblad
Terence Tao
+ PDF Finite bounds for Hölder-Brascamp-Lieb multilinear inequalities 2010 Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
Michael Christ
Terence Tao
+ Suzuki groups as expanders 2010 Emmanuel Breuillard
Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat An Arithmetic Regularity Lemma, An Associated Counting Lemma, and Applications 2010 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ An inverse theorem for the Gowers U^{s+1}[N]-norm 2010 Ben Green
Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ Large values of the Gowers-Host-Kra seminorms 2010 Tanja Eisner
Terence Tao
+ The Littlewood-Offord problem in high dimensions and a conjecture of Frankl and FĂŒredi 2010 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Outliers in the spectrum of iid matrices with bounded rank perturbations 2010 Terence Tao
+ Strongly dense free subgroups of semisimple algebraic groups 2010 Emmanuel Breuillard
Ben Green
Robert M. Guralnick
Terence Tao
+ Approximate subgroups of linear groups 2010 Emmanuel Breuillard
Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ Scale-oblivious metric fragmentation and the nonlinear Dvoretzky theorem 2010 Assaf Naor
Terence Tao
+ PDF Bulk universality for Wigner hermitian matrices with subexponential decay 2010 László ErdƑs
JosĂ© A. Ramı́rez
Benjamin Schlein
Terence Tao
Van Vu
Horng‐Tzer Yau
+ An arithmetic regularity lemma, associated counting lemma, and applications 2010 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ Yet another proof of Szemeredi's theorem 2010 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ Real analysis : pages from year three of a mathematical blog 2010 Terence Tao
+ PDF Global regularity for a logarithmically supercritical hyperdissipative Navier–Stokes equation 2009 Terence Tao
+ Random martingales and localization of maximal inequalities 2009 Assaf Naor
Terence Tao
+ PDF The cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation in two dimensions with radial data 2009 Rowan Killip
Terence Tao
Monica ViƟan
+ The sum-product phenomenon in arbitrary rings 2009 Terence Tao
+ The distribution of polynomials over finite fields, with applications to the Gowers norms 2009 Ben Joseph Green
Terence Tao
Richard Oberlin
Terence Tao
+ A variation norm Carleson theorem 2009 Richard Oberlin
Andreas Seeger
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
James Wright
+ Lectures in additive prime number theory 2009 Terence Tao
+ Poincare's Legacies, Part I: pages from year two of a mathematical blog 2009 Terence Tao
+ Poincare's Legacies: Pages from Year Two of a Mathematical Blog 2009 Terence Tao
+ Bulk universality for Wigner hermitian matrices with subexponential decay 2009 László ErdƑs
JosĂ© A. Ramı́rez
Benjamin Schlein
Terence Tao
Van Vu
Horng‐Tzer Yau
+ PDF The high exponent limit<i>p</i>→∞ for the one-dimensional nonlinear wave equation 2009 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Freiman's Theorem in Finite Fields via Extremal Set Theory 2009 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ PDF Inverse Littlewood–Offord theorems and the condition number of random discrete matrices 2009 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ PDF From the Littlewood-Offord problem to the Circular Law: Universality of the spectral distribution of random matrices 2009 Terence Tao
Van Vu
Terence Tao
+ PDF Global existence and uniqueness results for weak solutions of the focusing mass-critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2009 Terence Tao
+ PDF Classification of almost quarter-pinched manifolds 2009 Peter Petersen
Terence Tao
+ Global regularity of wave maps VII. Control of delocalised or dispersed solutions 2009 Terence Tao
+ Global regularity of wave maps VI. Abstract theory of minimal-energy blowup solutions 2009 Terence Tao
+ An inverse theorem for the bilinear $L^2$ Strichartz estimate for the wave equation 2009 Terence Tao
+ The high exponent limit $p \to \infty$ for the one-dimensional nonlinear wave equation 2009 Terence Tao
+ A remark on partial sums involving the Mobius function 2009 Terence Tao
+ Global well-posedness of the Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equation below the energy norm 2009 M. Keel
Tristan Roy
Terence Tao
+ A pseudoconformal compactification of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation and applications 2009 Terence Tao
+ Global regularity for a logarithmically supercritical hyperdissipative Navier-Stokes equation 2009 Terence Tao
+ Random Martingales and localization of maximal inequalities 2009 Assaf Naor
Terence Tao
+ Random matrices: The distribution of the smallest singular values 2009 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Freiman's theorem for solvable groups 2009 Terence Tao
+ The Power of Convex Relaxation: Near-Optimal Matrix Completion 2009 Emmanuel J. CandĂšs
Terence Tao
+ Operator splitting for the KdV equation 2009 Helge Holden
Kenneth H. Karlsen
Nils Henrik Risebro
Terence Tao
+ Random matrices: Universality of local eigenvalue statistics 2009 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ A sharp inverse Littlewood-Offord theorem 2009 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Nonconventional ergodic averages and multiple recurrence for von Neumann dynamical systems 2009 Tim Austin
Tanja Eisner
Terence Tao
+ A finitary version of Gromov's polynomial growth theorem 2009 Yehuda Shalom
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Smooth Analysis of the Condition Number and the Least Singular Value 2009 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Bulk universality for Wigner hermitian matrices with subexponential decay 2009 László ErdƑs
José Luis Ramírez
Benjamin Schlein
Terence Tao
Van Vu
Horng‐Tzer Yau
+ A variation norm Carleson theorem 2009 Richard Oberlin
Andreas Seeger
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
James Wright
+ PDF The Walsh model for $M_2^*$ Carleson 2008 Ciprian Demeter
Michael T. Lacey
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Geometric renormalization of large energy wave maps 2008 Terence Tao
+ On the permanent of random Bernoulli matrices 2008 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat A quantitative version of the Besicovitch projection theorem via multiscale analysis 2008 Terence Tao
+ Why are solitons stable? 2008 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Product set estimates for non-commutative groups 2008 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat New bounds for Szemerédi's theorem, I: progressions of length 4 in finite field geometries 2008 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ The Mobius and Nilsequences Conjecture 2008 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat John-type theorems for generalized arithmetic progressions and iterated sumsets 2008 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Breaking the duality in the return times theorem 2008 Ciprian Demeter
Michael T. Lacey
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Global well-posedness and scattering for the energy-critical Schrödinger equation in ℝ<sup>3</sup> 2008 J. Colliander
M. Keel
Gigliola Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ PDF Maximal multilinear operators 2008 Ciprian Demeter
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Norm convergence of multiple ergodic averages for commuting transformations 2008 Terence Tao
+ PDF The primes contain arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions 2008 Benjamin Green
Terence Tao
+ A remark on primality testing and the binary expansion 2008 Terence Tao
Terence Tao
+ Global regularity of wave maps IV. Absence of stationary or self-similar solutions in the energy class 2008 Terence Tao
+ Global regularity of wave maps V. Large data local wellposedness and perturbation theory in the energy class 2008 Terence Tao
+ PDF Quadratic uniformity of the Möbius function 2008 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ On the testability and repair of hereditary hypergraph properties 2008 Tim Austin
Terence Tao
+ Global regularity of wave maps III. Large energy from $\R^{1+2}$ to hyperbolic spaces 2008 Terence Tao
+ A global compact attractor for high-dimensional defocusing non-linear Schrödinger equations with potential 2008 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Minimal-mass blowup solutions of the mass-critical NLS 2008 Terence Tao
Monica ViƟan
Xiaoyi Zhang
+ PDF The primes contain arbitrarily long polynomial progressions 2008 Terence Tao
Tamar Ziegler
+ On the permanent of random Bernoulli matrices 2008 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Global existence and uniqueness results for weak solutions of the focusing mass-critical non-linear Schrödinger equation 2008 Terence Tao
+ Classification of Almost Quarter-Pinched Manifolds 2008 Peter Petersen
Terence Tao
+ Why are solitons stable? 2008 Terence Tao
+ From the Littlewood-Offord problem to the Circular Law: universality of the spectral distribution of random matrices 2008 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ The sum-product phenomenon in arbitrary rings 2008 Terence Tao
+ Random matrices: Universality of ESDs and the circular law 2008 Terence Tao
Van Vu
Manjunath Krishnapur
+ A remark on primality testing and decimal expansions 2008 Terence Tao
+ PDF A global compact attractor for high-dimensional defocusing non-linear Schrödinger equations with potential 2008 Terence Tao
+ The Walsh model for $M_2^{*}$ Carleson 2007 Ciprian Demeter
Michael T. Lacey
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat A priori bounds and weak solutions for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation in Sobolev spaces of negative order 2007 Michael Christ
J. Colliander
Terence Tao
+ A correspondence principle between (hyper)graph theory and probability theory, and the (hyper)graph removal lemma 2007 Terence Tao
+ PDF Rejoinder: The Dantzig selector: Statistical estimation when p is much larger than n 2007 Emmanuel J. CandĂšs
Terence Tao
+ PDF The Dantzig selector: Statistical estimation when p is much larger than n 2007 Emmanuel J. CandĂšs
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat The ergodic and combinatorial approaches to SzemerĂ©di’s theorem 2007 Terence Tao
+ Global well-posedness and scattering for the defocusing mass-critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation for radial data in high dimensions 2007 Terence Tao
Monica ViƟan
Xiaoyi Zhang
+ PDF Chat Structure and Randomness in Combinatorics 2007 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Structure and Randomness in Combinatorics 2007 Terence Tao
+ PDF The Brascamp–Lieb Inequalities: Finiteness, Structure and Extremals 2007 Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
Michael Christ
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat The Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Combined Power-Type Nonlinearities 2007 Terence Tao
Monica ViƟan
Xiaoyi Zhang
+ PDF Chat The condition number of a randomly perturbed matrix 2007 Van H. Vu
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat The dichotomy between structure and randomness, arithmetic progressions, and the primes 2007 Terence Tao
+ PDF What is good mathematics? 2007 Terence Tao
+ Velocity averaging, kinetic formulations, and regularizing effects in quasi‐linear PDEs 2007 Eitan Tadmor
Terence Tao
+ On the singularity probability of random Bernoulli matrices 2007 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Szemerédi's Theorem 2007 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ The distribution of polynomials over finite fields, with applications to the Gowers norms 2007 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ PDF Two remarks on the generalised Korteweg de-Vries equation 2007 Terence Tao
+ Resonant decompositions and the I-method for cubic nonlinear Schrodinger on R^2 2007 J. Colliander
M. Keel
Gigliola Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ The cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation in two dimensions with radial data 2007 Rowan Killip
Terence Tao
Monica ViƟan
+ Norm convergence of multiple ergodic averages for commuting transformations 2007 Terence Tao
+ The quantitative behaviour of polynomial orbits on nilmanifolds 2007 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ A quantitative formulation of the global regularity problem for the periodic Navier-Stokes equation 2007 Terence Tao
+ The condition number of a randomly perturbed matrix 2007 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ John-type theorems for generalized arithmetic progressions and iterated sumsets 2007 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Freiman's theorem in finite fields via extremal set theory 2007 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ A note on the Freiman and Balog-Szemeredi-Gowers theorems in finite fields 2007 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ Random Matrices: The circular Law 2007 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ What is good mathematics? 2007 Terence Tao
+ PDF A (concentration-)compact attractor for high-dimensional non-linear Schrödinger equations 2007 Terence Tao
+ PDF A quantitative formulation of the global regularity problem for the periodic Navier-Stokes equation 2007 Terence Tao
+ Structure and randomness in combinatorics 2007 Terence Tao
+ Multi-linear multipliers associated to simplexes of arbitrary length 2007 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ The Walsh model for $M_2^{*}$ Carleson 2007 Ciprian Demeter
Michael T. Lacey
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ What's new - 2007 2007 Terence Tao
+ PDF Multi-parameter paraproducts 2006 Camil Muscalu
Jill Pipher
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ A counterexample to an endpoint bilinear Strichartz inequality 2006 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat The Gaussian primes contain arbitrarily shaped constellations 2006 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Near-Optimal Signal Recovery From Random Projections: Universal Encoding Strategies? 2006 Emmanuel J. CandĂšs
Terence Tao
+ A (concentration-)compact attractor for high-dimensional non-linear Schr\ 2006 Terence Tao
+ PDF A Quantitative Ergodic Theory Proof of Szemerédi's Theorem 2006 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Random symmetric matrices are almost surely nonsingular 2006 Kevin Costello
Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Insights From SMPY's Greatest Former Child Prodigies: Drs. Terence (“Terry”) Tao and Lenhard (“Lenny”) Ng Reflect on Their Talent Development 2006 Michelle Muratori
Julian C. Stanley
Lenhard Ng
Jack Ng
Miraca U. M. Gross
Terence Tao
Billy Tao
+ Incidence geometry 2006 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ Algebraic methods 2006 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ PDF Chat The Littlewood–Offord problem 2006 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ Szemerédi' theorem for k = 3 2006 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ Graph-theoretic methods 2006 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ The probabilistic method 2006 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ Additive Combinatorics 2006 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ Szemerédi's theorem for <i>k</i> &gt; 3 2006 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ Sum set estimates 2006 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ Additive geometry 2006 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ Long arithmetic progressions in sum sets 2006 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ Prologue 2006 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ Scattering for the quartic generalised Korteweg–de Vries equation 2006 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Sharp Strichartz estimates on nontrapping asymptotically conic manifolds 2006 Andrew Hassell
Terence Tao
Jared Wunsch
+ Examples in number theory 2006 Terence Tao
+ Solving Mathematical Problems 2006 Terence Tao
+ Nonlinear Dispersive Equations 2006 Terence Tao
+ Semilinear dispersive equations 2006 Terence Tao
+ Energy-critical semilinear dispersive equations 2006 Terence Tao
+ Ordinary differential equations 2006 Terence Tao
Terence Tao
+ Szemer'edi's regularity lemma revisited 2006 Terence Tao
+ PDF Stable signal recovery from incomplete and inaccurate measurements 2006 Emmanuel J. CandĂšs
Justin Romberg
Terence Tao
+ The bi-Carleson operator 2006 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat Robust uncertainty principles: exact signal reconstruction from highly incomplete frequency information 2006 Emmanuel J. CandĂšs
Justin Romberg
Terence Tao
+ Breaking the duality in the return times theorem 2006 Ciprian Demeter
Michael T. Lacey
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ A variant of the hypergraph removal lemma 2006 Terence Tao
+ New bounds for Szemeredi's theorem, II: A new bound for $r_4(N)$ 2006 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ Perelman's proof of the Poincaré conjecture: a nonlinear PDE perspective 2006 Terence Tao
+ Arithmetic progressions and the primes 2006 Terence Tao
+ A correspondence principle between (hyper)graph theory and probability theory, and the (hyper)graph removal lemma 2006 Terence Tao
+ Spacetime bounds for the energy-critical nonlinear wave equation in three spatial dimensions 2006 Terence Tao
+ PDF Restriction theory of the Selberg sieve, with applications 2006 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ A (concentration-)compact attractor for high-dimensional non-linear Schrödinger equations 2006 Terence Tao
+ A counterexample to an endpoint bilinear Strichartz inequality 2006 Terence Tao
+ PDF On the multilinear restriction and Kakeya conjectures 2006 Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
Terence Tao
+ On random ±1 matrices: Singularity and determinant 2006 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Global behaviour of nonlinear dispersive and wave equations 2006 Terence Tao
+ Two remarks on the generalised Korteweg de-Vries equation 2006 Terence Tao
+ Minimal-mass blowup solutions of the mass-critical NLS 2006 Terence Tao
Monica ViƟan
Xiaoyi Zhang
+ Global well-posedness and scattering for the mass-critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation for radial data in high dimensions 2006 Terence Tao
Monica ViƟan
Xiaoyi Zhang
+ A priori bounds and weak solutions for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation in Sobolev spaces of negative order 2006 Michael Christ
J. Colliander
Terence Tao
+ Quadratic Uniformity of the Mobius Function 2006 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ Product set estimates for non-commutative groups 2006 Terence Tao
+ Scattering for the quartic generalised Korteweg-de Vries equation 2006 Terence Tao
+ A pseudoconformal compactification of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation and applications 2006 Terence Tao
+ Linear Equations in Primes 2006 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ Global regularity for a logarithmically supercritical defocusing nonlinear wave equation for spherically symmetric data 2006 Terence Tao
+ PDF Obstructions to Uniformity and Arithmetic Patterns in the Primes 2006 Terence Tao
+ PDF Spacetime bounds for the energy-critical nonlinear wave equation in three spatial dimensions 2006 Terence Tao
+ Solving Mathematical Problems: A Personal Perspective 2006 Terence Tao
+ Breaking the duality in the return times theorem 2006 Ciprian Demeter
Michael T. Lacey
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ The ergodic and combinatorial approaches to Szemerédi's theorem 2006 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat A new bound for finite field Besicovitch sets in four dimensions 2005 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Decoding by Linear Programming 2005 Emmanuel J. CandĂšs
Terence Tao
+ The nonlinear Schrödinger equation with combined power-type nonlinearities 2005 Terence Tao
Monica ViƟan
Xiaoyi Zhang
+ PDF Chat On random ±1 matrices: Singularity and determinant 2005 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ The nonlinear Schr 2005 Terence Tao
Monica ViƟan
Xiaoyi Zhang
+ PDF On multilinear oscillatory integrals, nonsingular and singular 2005 Michael Christ
Xiaochun Li
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Sharp well-posedness and ill-posedness results for a quadratic non-linear Schrödinger equation 2005 Ioan Bejenaru
Terence Tao
+ Stability of energy-critical nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations in high dimensions 2005 Terence Tao
Monica ViƟan
+ On random pm 1 matrices 2005 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Information theory, relative versions of the hypergraph regularity and removal lemmas, the Szemer\'edi-Furstenberg-Katznelson theorem, and prime constellations in number fields 2005 Terence Tao
+ The dichotomy between structure and randomness, arithmetic progressions, and the primes 2005 Terence Tao
+ The Averaging lemma and regularizing effect 2005 Eitan Tadmor
Terence Tao
+ The nonlinear Schrödinger equation with combined power-type nonlinearities 2005 Terence Tao
Monica ViƟan
Xiaoyi Zhang
+ PDF Symplectic nonsqueezing of the korteweg-de vries flow 2005 J. Colliander
Gigliola Staffilani
M. Keel
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ PDF An uncertainty principle for cyclic groups of prime order 2005 Terence Tao
+ Obstructions to uniformity, and arithmetic patterns in the primes 2005 Terence Tao
+ PDF Error correction via linear programming 2005 Emmanuel J. CandĂšs
Mark Rudelson
Terence Tao
Roman Vershynin
+ Decoding by Linear Programming 2005 Emmanuel J. CandĂšs
Terence Tao
+ Stable Signal Recovery from Incomplete and Inaccurate Measurements 2005 Emmanuel J. CandĂšs
Justin Romberg
Terence Tao
+ The Brascamp-Lieb inequalities: finiteness, structure, and extremals 2005 Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
Michael Christ
Terence Tao
+ An inverse theorem for the Gowers U^3 norm 2005 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ On the Multilinear Restriction and Kakeya conjectures 2005 Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
Terence Tao
+ Szemerédi's regularity lemma revisited 2005 Terence Tao
+ On the singularity probability of random Bernoulli matrices 2005 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ A variant of the hypergraph removal lemma 2005 Terence Tao
+ Compressions, convex geometry and the Freiman-Bilu theorem 2005 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ Inverse Littlewood-Offord theorems and the condition number of random discrete matrices 2005 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ The Gaussian primes contain arbitrarily shaped constellations 2005 Terence Tao
+ Sharp well-posedness and ill-posedness results for a quadratic non-linear Schrödinger equation 2005 Ioan Bejenaru
Terence Tao
+ Maximal multilinear operators 2005 Ciprian Demeter
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Finite bounds for Holder-Brascamp-Lieb multilinear inequalities 2005 Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
Michael Christ
Terence Tao
+ Random symmetric matrices are almost surely non-singular 2005 Kevin Costello
Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Global well-posedness and scattering for the higher-dimensional energy-critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation for radial data. 2005 Terence Tao
+ Stability of energy-critical nonlinear Schrödinger equations in high dimensions 2005 Terence Tao
Monica ViƟan
+ Long-time decay estimates for the Schr\"odinger equation on manifolds 2004 Igor Rodnianski
Terence Tao
+ The Bi-Carleson operator 2004 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF A Positive Proof of the Littlewood-Richardson Rule using the Octahedron Recurrence 2004 Allen Knutson
Terence Tao
Christopher T. Woodward
+ Sharp Strichartz estimates on non-trapping asymptotically conic manifolds 2004 Andrew Hassell
Terence Tao
Jared Wunsch
+ PDF Chat Global Regularity for the Maxwell-Klein-Gordon Equation with Small Critical Sobolev Norm in High Dimensions 2004 Igor Rodnianski
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Singular maximal functions and Radon transforms near L 1 2004 Andreas Seeger
Terence Tao
James Wright
+ Global existence and scattering for rough solutions of a nonlinear Schrödinger equation on ℝ<sup>3</sup> 2004 J. Colliander
M. Keel
Gigliola Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ A singularity removal theorem for Yang-Mills fields in higher dimensions 2004 Terence Tao
Gang Tian
+ PDF Chat L p estimates for the biest II. The Fourier case 2004 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat L p estimates for the biest I. The Walsh case 2004 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat A sum-product estimate in finite fields, and applications 2004 Jean Bourgain
Nets Hawk Katz
Terence Tao
+ PDF The weak-type (1,1) of Fourier integral operators of order –(<i>n</i>–1)/2 2004 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Restriction and Kakeya phenomena for finite fields 2004 Gerd Mockenhaupt
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Some Recent Progress on the Restriction Conjecture 2004 Terence Tao
+ Arithmetic progressions and the primes - El Escorial lectures 2004 Terence Tao
+ Global well-posedness and scattering for the higher-dimensional energy-critical non-linear Schrodinger equation for radial data 2004 Terence Tao
+ PDF On the asymptotic behavior of large radial data for a focusing non-linear Schrödinger equation 2004 Terence Tao
+ PDF Fuglede’s conjecture is false in 5 and higher dimensions 2004 Terence Tao
+ PDF Bi-parameter paraproducts 2004 Camil Muscalu
Jill Pipher
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ A quantitative ergodic theory proof of Szemerédi's theorem 2004 Terence Tao
+ Restriction theory of the Selberg sieve, with applications 2004 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ Robust Uncertainty Principles: Exact Signal Reconstruction from Highly Incomplete Frequency Information 2004 Emmanuel J. CandĂšs
Justin Romberg
Terence Tao
+ The primes contain arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions 2004 Ben Green
Terence Tao
+ Geometric renormalization of large energy wave maps 2004 Terence Tao
+ Multi-parameter paraproducts 2004 Camil Muscalu
Jill Pipher
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ On random $\pm 1$ matrices: Singularity and Determinant 2004 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Near Optimal Signal Recovery From Random Projections: Universal Encoding Strategies? 2004 Emmanuel J. CandĂšs
Terence Tao
+ Long-time decay estimates for the Schrödinger equation on manifolds 2004 Igor Rodnianski
Terence Tao
+ Sharp Strichartz estimates on non-trapping asymptotically conic manifolds 2004 Andrew Hassell
Terence Tao
Jared Wunsch
+ The Bi-Carleson operator 2004 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ L p bounds for a maximal dyadic sum operator 2003 Loukas Grafakos
Terence Tao
Erin Terwilleger
+ PDF Chat A sharp bilinear restriction estimate for paraboloids 2003 Terence Tao
+ Bi-parameter paraproducts 2003 Camil Muscalu
Jill Pipher
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ The honeycomb model of đș𝐿_{𝑛}(ℂ) tensor products II: Puzzles determine facets of the Littlewood-Richardson cone 2003 Allen Knutson
Terence Tao
Christopher T. Woodward
+ On the asymptotic behavior of large radial data for a focusing non-linear Schr\ 2003 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Multilinear estimates for periodic KdV equations, and applications 2003 J. Colliander
M. Keel
Gigliola Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Puzzles and (equivariant) cohomology of Grassmannians 2003 Allen Knutson
Terence Tao
+ A positive proof of the Littlewood-Richardson rule using the octahedron recurrence 2003 Allen Knutson
Terence Tao
Christopher T. Woodward
+ PDF Chat Multilinear interpolation between adjoint operators 2003 Loukas Grafakos
Terence Tao
+ Local well-posedness of the Yang–Mills equation in the temporal gauge below the energy norm 2003 Terence Tao
+ Sharp global well-posedness for KdV and modified KdV on ℝ and 𝕋 2003 J. Colliander
M. Keel
Gigliola Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ 𝐿^{𝑝} improving bounds for averages along curves 2003 Terence Tao
James Wright
+ Ill-posedness for nonlinear Schrodinger and wave equations 2003 Michael Christ
J. Colliander
Terence Tao
+ The $T(b)$ theorem and its variants 2003 Terence Tao
+ Instability of the periodic nonlinear Schrodinger equation 2003 Michael Christ
J. Colliander
Terence Tao
Terence Tao
James Wright
+ Polynomial upper bounds for the instability of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation below the energy norm 2003 J. Colliander
M. Keel
Gigliola Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ PDF A counterexample to a multilinear endpoint question of Christ and Kiselev 2003 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Polynomial upper bounds for the orbital instability of the 1D cubic NLS below the energy norm 2003 J. Colliander
M. Keel
Gigliola Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ PDF The Fuglede spectral conjecture holds for convex planar domains 2003 Alex Iosevich
Nets Hawk Katz
Terence Tao
+ An uncertainty principle for cyclic groups of prime order 2003 Terence Tao
+ Fuglede's conjecture is false in 5 and higher dimensions 2003 Terence Tao
+ On the asymptotic behavior of large radial data for a focusing non-linear Schrödinger equation 2003 Terence Tao
+ A Strichartz inequality for the Schroedinger equation on non-trapping asymptotically conic manifolds 2003 Andrew Hassell
Terence Tao
Jared Wunsch
+ A sum-product estimate in finite fields, and applications 2003 Jean Bourgain
Nets Hawk Katz
Terence Tao
+ On multilinear oscillatory integrals, nonsingular and singular 2003 Michael Christ
Xiaochun Li
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Global well-posedness of the Benjamin-Ono equation in H^1(R) 2003 Terence Tao
+ Global existence and scattering for rough solutions of a nonlinear Schroedinger equation on R^3 2003 J. Colliander
M. Keel
Gigliola Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Pointwise convergence of lacunary spherical means 2003 Andreas Seeger
Terence Tao
James Wright
+ A positive proof of the Littlewood-Richardson rule using the octahedron recurrence 2003 Allen Knutson
Terence Tao
Christopher T. Woodward
+ Bi-parameter paraproducts 2003 Camil Muscalu
Jill Pipher
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Recent progress on the restriction conjecture 2003 Terence Tao
+ Some recent progress on the Restriction conjecture 2003 Terence Tao
+ A Discrete Model for the Bi-Carleson Operator 2002 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat Uniform estimates on multi-linear operators with modulation symmetry 2002 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat New bounds for Kakeya problems 2002 N. Katz
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat A physical space approach to wave equation bilinear estimates 2002 SergiĂč Klainerman
Igor Rodnianski
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Uniform estimates on paraproducts 2002 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat A Carleson type theorem for a Cantor group model of the scattering transform 2002 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Relative Efficiencies of Kernel and Local Likelihood Density Estimators 2002 Peter Hall
Terence Tao
+ PDF Carleson measures, trees, extrapolation, and T(b) theorems 2002 Pascal Auscher
Steve Hofmann
Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Recent progress on the Kakeya conjecture 2002 N. Katz
Terence Tao
+ Pointwise convergence of lacunary spherical means 2002 Andreas Seeger
Terence Tao
James Wright
+ Endpoint mapping properties of spherical maximal operators 2002 Andreas Seeger
Terence Tao
James Wright
+ On the maximal Bochner-Riesz conjecture in the plane for 𝑝&lt;2 2002 Terence Tao
+ On a problem by Arens, Goldberg, and Luxemburg 2002 R. M. Redheffer
Terence Tao
+ On the bi-carleson operator I. The Walsh case 2002 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Low-regularity global solutions to nonlinear dispersive equations 2002 Terence Tao
+ A sharp bilinear restriction estimate for paraboloids 2002 Terence Tao
+ PDF Upper and lower bounds for normal derivatives of Dirichlet eigenfunctions 2002 Andrew Hassell
Terence Tao
+ PDF Almost Conservation Laws and Global Rough Solutions to a Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation 2002 J. Colliander
M. Keel
Gigliola Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat A Refined Global Well-Posedness Result for Schrödinger Equations with Derivative 2002 J. Colliander
M. Keel
G. Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ Singular maximal functions and Radon transforms near L^1 2002 Andreas Seeger
Terence Tao
James Wright
+ Polynomial upper bounds for the instability of the Nonlinear Schrödinger equation below the energy norm 2002 J. Colliander
M. Keel
Gigliola Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ Polynomial upper bounds for the orbital instability of the 1D cubic NLS below the energy norm 2002 Jim Colliander
Mark Keel
Gigliola Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ The weak-type $(1,1)$ of Fourier integral operators of order $-(n-1)/2$ 2002 Terence Tao
+ Asymptotics, frequency modulation, and low regularity ill-posedness for canonical defocusing equations 2002 Michael Christ
J. Colliander
Terence Tao
+ Upper and lower bounds for normal derivatives of Dirichlet eigenfunctions 2002 Andrew Hassell
Terence Tao
+ L^p bounds for a maximal dyadic sum operator 2002 Loukas Grafakos
Terence Tao
Erin Terwilleger
+ A new bound for finite field Besicovitch sets in four dimensions 2002 Terence Tao
+ Restriction and Kakeya phenomena for finite fields 2002 Gerd Mockenhaupt
Terence Tao
+ Almost conservation laws and global rough solutions to a Nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2002 J. Colliander
M. Keel
Gigliola Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ Bochner-Riesz summability for analytic functions on the m-complex unit sphere and for cylindrically symmetric functions on R^{n-1} times R 2002 Adam Sikora
Terence Tao
+ A singularity removal theorem for Yang-Mills fields in higher dimensions 2002 Terence Tao
Gang Tian
+ Endpoint mapping properties of spherical maximal operators 2002 Andreas Seeger
Terence Tao
James Wright
+ Pointwise convergence of lacunary spherical means 2002 Andreas Seeger
Terence Tao
James Wright
+ PDF Endpoint multiplier theorems of Marcinkiewicz type 2001 Terence Tao
James Wright
+ Multi-linear operators given by singular multipliers 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat Some light on Littlewood-Paley theory 2001 Michael Cowling
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Global Regularity of Wave Maps¶II. Small Energy in Two Dimensions 2001 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat An improved bound for the Minkowski dimension of Besicovitch sets in medium dimension 2001 Izabella Ɓaba
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Endpoint bilinear restriction theorems for the cone, and some sharp null form estimates 2001 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Multilinear weighted convolution of L 2 functions, and applications to nonlinear dispersive equations 2001 Terence Tao
+ PDF An X-ray transform estimate in $\mathbb R^n$ 2001 Izabella Ɓaba
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Sharp Lorentz space estimates for rough operators 2001 Andreas Seeger
Terence Tao
+ A Converse Extrapolation Theorem for Translation-Invariant Operators 2001 Terence Tao
M. Keel
Gigliola Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ None 2001 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Global Well-Posedness for Schrödinger Equations with Derivative 2001 J. Colliander
M. Keel
G. Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ Some connections between Falconer's distance set conjecture, and sets of Furstenburg type 2001 Nets Hawk Katz
Terence Tao
+ Multilinear interpolation between adjoint operators 2001 Loukas Grafakos
Terence Tao
+ Sharp Global well-posedness for KdV and modified KdV on $\R$ and $\T$ 2001 J. Colliander
M. Keel
Gigliola Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ $L^p$ improving bounds for averages along curves 2001 Terence Tao
Jim A. Wright
+ Puzzles and (equivariant) cohomology of Grassmannians 2001 Allen Knutson
Terence Tao
+ Uniform estimates on multi-linear operators with modulation symmetry 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ $L^p$ estimates for the biest II. The Fourier case 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ A refined global well-posedness result for Schrodinger equations with derivative 2001 J. Colliander
M. Keel
Gigliola Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ A counterexample to a multilinear endpoint question of Christ and Kiselev 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ The honeycomb model of GL(n) tensor products II: Puzzles determine facets of the Littlewood-Richardson cone 2001 Allen Knutson
Terence Tao
Christopher T. Woodward
+ Multilinear estimates for periodic KdV equations and applications 2001 Jim Colliander
M. Keel
Gigliola Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ Uniform estimates on paraproducts 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Carleson measures, trees, extrapolation, and $T(b)$ theorems 2001 Pascal Auscher
Steve Hofmann
Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ New bounds on Kakeya problems 2001 Nets Hawk Katz
Terence Tao
+ $L^p$ estimates for the biest I. The Walsh case 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ A physical space approach to wave equation bilinear estimates 2001 SergiĂč Klainerman
Igor Rodnianski
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat An Improved Bound on the Minkowski Dimension of Besicovitch Sets in ℝ 3 2000 Nets Hawk Katz
Izabella Ɓaba
Terence Tao
+ Almost Everywhere Behavior of General Wavelet Shrinkage Operators 2000 Terence Tao
Brani Vidaković
+ PDF Chat Ill-posedness for one-dimensional wave maps at the critical regularity 2000 Terence Tao
+ A bilinear approach to cone multipliers I. Restriction estimates 2000 Terence Tao
Ana Vargas
+ A bilinear approach to cone multipliers II. Applications 2000 Terence Tao
Ana Vargas
+ From rotating needles to stability of waves; emerging connections between combinatorics, analysis and PDE 2000 Terence Tao
+ A remark on circular means of Fourier transforms of measures 2000 Terence Tao
+ Honeycombs and sums of Hermitian matrices 2000 Allen Knutson
Terence Tao
+ Recent progress on the Kakeya conjecture 2000 Nets Hawk Katz
Terence Tao
+ Endpoint multiplier theorems of Marcinkiewicz type 2000 Terence Tao
J.W. Wright
+ Some light on Littlewood-Paley theory 2000 Michael Cowling
Terence Tao
+ Local well-posedness of the Yang-Mills equation in the Temporal Gauge below the energy norm 2000 Terence Tao
+ Global regularity of wave maps I. Small critical Sobolev norm in high dimension 2000 Terence Tao
+ Multilinear weighted convolution of $L^2$ functions, and applications to non-linear dispersive equations 2000 Terence Tao
+ An improved bound for the Minkowski dimension of Besicovitch sets in medium dimension 2000 Izabella Ɓaba
Terence Tao
+ An x-ray estimate in $R^n$ 1999 Izabella Ɓaba
Terence Tao
+ Small data blow-up for semilinear Klein-Gordon equations 1999 M. Keel
Terence Tao
+ PDF The honeycomb model of $GL_n(\mathbb C)$ tensor products I: Proof of the saturation conjecture 1999 Allen Knutson
Terence Tao
+ The Bochner-Riesz conjecture implies the restriction conjecture 1999 Terence Tao
+ A new bound on partial sum-sets and difference-sets, and applications to the Kakeya conjecture 1999 Nets Hawk Katz
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Spherically Averaged Endpoint Strichartz Estimates For The Two­Dimensional Schrödinger Equation 1999 Terence Tao
+ The weak-type (1,1) of L \log L homogeneous convolution operators 1999 Terence Tao
+ Low regularity semi&amp;mdash;linear wave equations<sup>1</sup> 1999 Terence Tao
+ PDF Bounds on arithmetic projections, and applications to the Kakeya conjecture 1999 Nets Hawk Katz
Terence Tao
+ An improved bound on the Minkowski dimension of Besicovitch sets in R^3 1999 Nets Hawk Katz
Izabella Ɓaba
Terence Tao
+ A converse extrapolation theorem for translation invariant operators 1999 Terence Tao
+ Endpoint bilinear restriction theorems for the cone, and some sharp null form estimates 1999 Terence Tao
+ Multi-linear operators given by singular multipliers 1999 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Convex bodies with a point of curvature do not have Fourier bases 1999 Alex Iosevich
Nets Hawk Katz
Terence Tao
+ Sharp Lorentz space estimates for rough operators 1999 Andreas Seeger
Terence Tao
+ PDF The weak-type (1, 1) of LlogL homogeneous convolution operators 1999 Terence Tao
+ An x-ray estimate in $R^n$ 1999 Izabella Ɓaba
Terence Tao
+ PDF Endpoint Strichartz estimates 1998 M. Keel
Terence Tao
+ Apiary views of the Berenstein-Zelevinsky polytope, and Klyachko's saturation conjecture 1998 Allen Knutson
Terence Tao
+ The honeycomb model of the Berenstein-Zelevinsky polytope I. Klyachko's saturation conjecture 1998 Allen Knutson
Terence Tao
+ Local and global well-posedness of wave maps on $\R^{1+1}$ for rough data 1998 Marcus Keel
Terence Tao
+ The weak-type endpoint Bochner-Riesz conjecture and related topics 1998 Terence Tao
+ PDF A bilinear approach to the restriction and Kakeya conjectures 1998 Terence Tao
Ana Vargas
Luis Vega
+ Spherically averaged endpoint Strichartz estimates for the two-dimensional Schrödinger equation 1998 Terence Tao
+ A bilinear approach to the restriction and Kakeya conjectures 1998 Terence Tao
Ana Vargas
Luis Vega
+ The honeycomb model of GL(n) tensor products I: proof of the saturation conjecture 1998 Allen Knutson
Terence Tao
+ Ill-posedness for one-dimensional wave maps at the critical regularity 1998 Terence Tao
+ None 1998 M. Keel
Terence Tao
+ Low regularity semi-linear wave equations 1997 Terence Tao
+ On the Almost Everywhere Convergence of Wavelet Summation Methods 1996 Terence Tao
+ PDF Weak-type endpoint bounds for Riesz means 1996 Terence Tao
+ Three regularity results in harmonic analysis 1996 Terence Tao
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A New Proof of Szemerïżœdi's Theorem for Arithmetic Progressions of Length Four 1998 W. T. Gowers
+ PDF Endpoint Strichartz estimates 1998 M. Keel
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+ PDF The primes contain arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions 2008 Benjamin Green
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+ Ergodic behavior of diagonal measures and a theorem of Szemerédi on arithmetic progressions 1977 Harry Furstenberg
+ A new proof of Szemerédi's theorem 2001 W. T. Gowers
+ PDF Linear equations in primes 2010 Ben Green
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+ Harmonic Analysis: Real-variable Methods, Orthogonality, and Oscillatory Integrals 2002 Elias M. Stein
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+ PDF Nonconventional ergodic averages and nilmanifolds 2005 Bernard Host
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+ PDF A bilinear approach to the restriction and Kakeya conjectures 1998 Terence Tao
Ana Vargas
Luis Vega
+ Additive Combinatorics 2006 Terence Tao
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+ Fourier transform restriction phenomena for certain lattice subsets and applications to nonlinear evolution equations 1993 Jean Bourgain
+ Universal characteristic factors and Furstenberg averages 2006 Tamar Ziegler
+ On Triples in Arithmetic Progression 1999 Jean Bourgain
+ Besicovitch type maximal operators and applications to fourier analysis 1991 Jean Bourgain
+ On Certain Sets of Integers 1953 K. F. Roth
+ PDF On sets of integers containing k elements in arithmetic progression 1975 Endre Szemerédi
+ Space‐time estimates for null forms and the local existence theorem 1993 SergiĂč Klainerman
Matei Machedon
+ PDF Some problems of ‘Partitio numerorum’; III: On the expression of a number as a sum of primes 1923 G. H. Hardy
J. E. Littlewood
+ None 1998 M. Keel
Terence Tao
+ Recurrence in Ergodic Theory and Combinatorial Number Theory 1981 Harry Furstenberg
+ PDF Chat Freiman's theorem in an arbitrary abelian group 2007 Ben Green
Imre Z. Ruzsa
+ A statistical theorem of set addition 1994 Antal Balog
Endre Szemerïżœdi
+ On the Dimension of Kakeya Sets and Related Maximal Inequalities 1999 Jean Bourgain
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ Nonlinear Dispersive Equations 2006 Terence Tao
+ On Certain Sets of Positive Density 1959 P. Varnavides
+ Analytic Number Theory 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
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+ PDF A Quantitative Ergodic Theory Proof of Szemerédi's Theorem 2006 Terence Tao
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+ PDF On the probability that a random ±1-matrix is singular 1995 Jeff Kahn
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Jozef Skokan
+ PDF An improved bound for Kakeya type maximal functions 1995 Thomas Wolff
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+ Pointwise Convergence of Fourier Series 1973 Charles Fefferman
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+ A variant of the hypergraph removal lemma 2006 Terence Tao
+ PDF Multiple recurrence and nilsequences 2005 Vitaly Bergelson
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+ PDF On the asymptotic behavior of large radial data for a focusing non-linear Schrödinger equation 2004 Terence Tao
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Benjamin Schlein
Horng‐Tzer Yau
+ PDF Recent work connected with the Kakeya problem 2003 Thomas Wolff
+ Groups of polynomial growth and expanding maps 1981 Mikhael Gromov
+ Multi-linear operators given by singular multipliers 2001 Camil Muscalu
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ On Calderon's Conjecture 1999 Michael T. Lacey
Christoph Thiele
+ Generalized arithmetical progressions and sumsets 1994 Imre Z. Ruzsa
+ On the Regularity of Classical Field Theories in Minkowski Space-Time R3+1 1997 SergiĂč Klainerman