Adhesion-Induced DNA Naturation

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2006-03-09

Citations: 11



DNA adsorption and naturation is modeled via two interacting flexible homopolymers coupled to a solid surface. DNA denatures if the entropy gain for unbinding the two strands overcomes the loss of binding energy. When adsorbed to a surface, the entropy gain is smaller than in the bulk, leading to a stronger binding and, upon neglecting self-avoidance, absence of a denatured phase. Now consider conditions where the binding potentials are too weak for naturation, and the surface potential too weak to adsorb single strands. In a variational approach it is shown that their combined action may lead to a naturated adsorbed phase. Conditions for the absence of naturation and adsorption are derived too. The phase diagram is constructed qualitatively.


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  • arXiv (Cornell University) - View - PDF
  • Wiardi Beckman Foundation (Wiardi Beckman Foundation) - View - PDF
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