Nuclear spin induced decoherence of a quantum dot in Si confined at a SiGe interface: Decoherence dependence on<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mrow /><mml:mn>73</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math>Ge

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2012-05-11

Citations: 14



We theoretically study the nuclear spin induced decoherence of a quantum dot in Si that is confined at a SiGe interface. We calculate decoherence time dependence on ${}^{73}$Ge in the barrier layer to evaluate the importance of Ge as well as Si enrichment for long decoherence times. We use atomistic tight-binding modeling for an accurate account of the electron wave function which is particularly important for determining the contact hyperfine interactions with the Ge nuclear spins. We find decoherence times due to Ge spins at natural concentrations to be milliseconds. This suggests that SiGe/Si quantum dot devices employing enriched Si will require enriched Ge as well in order to benefit from long coherence times. We provide a comparison of ${T}_{2}$ times for various fractions of nonzero spin isotopes of Si and Ge.


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