Michel Bauer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Bernoulli Variables, Classical Exclusion Processes and Free Probability 2023 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
Philippe Biane
Ludwig Hruza
+ PDF Chat Universal fluctuations around typicality for quantum ergodic systems 2020 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
Tony Jin
+ PDF Chat Report on 1811.09427v2 2019 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
T Jin
+ PDF Chat Report on 1811.09427v2 2018 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
T Jin
+ PDF Chat Monitoring continuous spectrum observables: the strong measurement limit 2018 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
Tony Jin
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Spikes and Strong Noise Limits of Stochastic Differential Equations 2018 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
+ PDF Chat Stochastic dissipative quantum spin chains (I) : Quantum fluctuating discrete hydrodynamics 2017 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
Tony Jin
+ Cubic surfaces and their invariants: Some memories of Raymond Stora 2016 Michel Bauer
+ PDF Chat Spikes in quantum trajectories 2015 Antoine Tilloy
Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
+ PDF Chat Computing the rates of measurement-induced quantum jumps 2015 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
Antoine Tilloy
+ PDF Chat Real Time Imaging of Quantum and Thermal Fluctuations: The Case of a Two-Level System 2014 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
+ PDF Chat Open quantum random walks: Bistability on pure states and ballistically induced diffusion 2013 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
Antoine Tilloy
+ PDF Chat Time-Ordering and a Generalized Magnus Expansion 2012 Michel Bauer
Raphaël Chétrite
Kurusch Ebrahimi‐Fard
Frédéric Patras
+ PDF Chat Convergence of repeated quantum nondemolition measurements and wave-function collapse 2011 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
+ Convergence of repeated QND measurements and the wave function collapse 2011 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
+ Another derivation of the geometrical KPZ relations 2009 François David
Michel Bauer
+ PDF Chat Conditioning SLEs and loop erased random walks 2008 Michel Bauer
Tom Kennedy
Denis Bernard
+ PDF Chat Checking for Optimal Solutions in Some NP-Complete Problems 2005 Michel Bauer
Henri Orland
+ PDF Chat Phase Transition with the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Singularity in the Ising Model on a Growing Network 2005 Michel Bauer
Stéphane Coulomb
S. N. Dorogovt︠s︡ev
+ Checking for optimal solutions in some $NP$-complete problems 2005 Henri Orland
Michel Bauer
+ Checking for optimal solutions in some $NP$-complete problems 2005 Henri Orland
Michel Bauer
+ Loewner Chains 2004 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
+ PDF Chat Conformal Transformations and the SLE Partition Function Martingale 2004 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
+ On vertex covers, matchings and random trees 2004 Stéphane Coulomb
Michel Bauer
+ CFTs of SLEs: the radial case 2004 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
+ CFTs of SLEs: the radial case 2004 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
+ CFTs of SLEs: the radial case 2004 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
+ PDF Chat Asymmetric evolving random networks 2003 Stéphane Coulomb
Michel Bauer
+ SLE martingales and the Virasoro algebra 2003 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
+ PDF Chat A simple asymmetric evolving random network 2003 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
+ CFTs of SLEs: the radial case 2003 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
+ A simple asymmetric evolving random network 2002 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
+ Maximal entropy random networks with given degree distribution 2002 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
+ PDF Chat Core percolation in random graphs: a critical phenomena analysis 2001 Michel Bauer
O. Golinelli
+ PDF Chat Even-visiting random walks: exact and asymptotic results in one dimension 2001 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
J. M. Luck
+ PDF Chat Exactly Solvable Model with Two Conductor-Insulator Transitions Driven by Impurities 2001 Michel Bauer
O. Golinelli
+ PDF Chat Random incidence matrices: moments of the spectral density 2001 Michel Bauer
O. Golinelli
+ PDF Chat Random incidence matrices: moments of the spectral density 2001 Michel Bauer
O. Golinelli
+ On the kernel of tree incidence matrices 2000 Michel Bauer
O. Golinelli
+ On the kernel of tree incidence matrices 2000 Michel Bauer
O. Golinelli
+ PDF Chat Statistics of persistent events in the binomial random walk: Will the drunken sailor hit the sober man? 1999 Michel Bauer
Claude Godrèche
J. M. Luck
+ PDF Chat On Casimir's Ghost 1997 D. Arnaudon
Michel Bauer
L. Frappat
+ PDF Chat Comments on the links between su(3) modular invariants, simple factors in the Jacobian of Fermat curves, and rational triangular billiards 1997 Michel Bauer
Antoine Coste
C. Itzykson
Philippe Ruelle
+ PDF Chat Centre and representations of at roots of unity 1997 B. Abdesselam
D. Arnaudon
Michel Bauer
+ Comments on the Links Between $su(3)$ Modular Invariants, Simple Factors in the Jacobian of Fermat Curves, and Rational Triangular Billiards 1997 Michel Bauer
Antoine Coste
C. Itzykson
Philippe Ruelle
+ None 1997 D. Arnaudon
Michel Bauer
+ On Casimir's Ghost 1997 D. Arnaudon
Michel Bauer
L. Frappat
+ On Casimir's Ghost 1997 D. Arnaudon
Michel Bauer
L. Frappat
+ On Casimir's Ghost 1997 D. Arnaudon
Michel Bauer
L. Frappat
+ On Casimir's Ghost 1997 D. Arnaudon
Michel Bauer
L. Frappat
+ On Casimir's Ghost 1997 D. Arnaudon
Michel Bauer
L. Frappat
+ On Casimir's Ghost 1997 D. Arnaudon
Michel Bauer
L. Frappat
+ On Casimir's Ghost 1997 D. Arnaudon
Michel Bauer
L. Frappat
+ On Casimir's Ghost 1997 D. Arnaudon
Michel Bauer
L. Frappat
+ Centre and representations of small quantum superalgebras at roots of unity 1996 D. Arnaudon
Michel Bauer
+ PDF Chat The large- <i>N</i> random phase sine-Gordon model 1996 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
+ PDF Chat Spatial geometry of non-abelian gauge theory in 2 + 1 dimensions 1995 Michel Bauer
Daniel Z. Freedman
+ PDF Chat Polynomial relations in the centre ofU q (sl(N)) 1994 D. Arnaudon
Michel Bauer
+ PDF Chat Fusion and singular vectors inA 1 (1) highest weight cyclic modules 1993 Michel Bauer
Nir Sochen
+ PDF Chat Singular vectors by fusions in A 1(1) 1992 Michel Bauer
Nir Sochen
+ Covariant differential equations and singular vectors in virasoro representations 1991 Michel Bauer
Philippe Di Francesco
C. Itzykson
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ Singular vectors of the Virasoro algebra 1991 Michel Bauer
Philippe Di Francesco
C. Itzykson
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ PDF Chat The branching rules of conformal embeddings 1990 Daniel R. Altschuler
Michel Bauer
C. Itzykson
+ Level-rank duality in nonunitary coset theories 1990 Daniel R. Altschuler
Michel Bauer
Hubert Saleur
+ A case study in finite groups; PSL sub 2 (F sub 7 ) 1990 Michel Bauer
C. Itzykson
+ A CASE STUDY IN FINITE GROUPS: ${\it PSL}_2(\mathbb {F}_7)$ 1990 Michel Bauer
C. Itzykson
+ Modular transformations ofSU(N) affine characters and their commutant 1990 Michel Bauer
C. Itzykson
+ Affine Characters and Modular Transformations 1990 Michel Bauer
C. Itzykson
+ On some relations between local height probabilities and conformal invariance 1989 Hubert Saleur
Michel Bauer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Quantum continual measurements and a posteriori collapse on CCR 1992 V. P. Belavkin
+ PDF Chat Progressive field-state collapse and quantum non-demolition photon counting 2007 Christine Guerlin
J. Bernu
S. Deléglise
C. Sayrin
Sébastien Gleyzes
Stefan Kuhr
M. Brune
J. M. Raimond
S. Haroche
+ PDF Chat Measurements continuous in time and a posteriori states in quantum mechanics 1991 Alberto Barchielli
V. P. Belavkin
+ PDF Chat Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras 1990 Victor G. Kač
+ PDF Chat Infinite conformal symmetry in two-dimensional quantum field theory 1984 A. A. Belavin
A. Polyakov
A. B. Zamolodchikov
+ PDF Chat Wave-function approach to dissipative processes in quantum optics 1992 Jean Dalibard
Yvan Castin
Klaus Mølmer
+ PDF Chat Evolution of networks 2002 S. N. Dorogovt︠s︡ev
J. F. F. Mendes
+ PDF Chat Statistical mechanics of complex networks 2002 Réka Albert
Albert‐László Barabási
+ PDF Chat The open quantum Brownian motions 2014 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
Antoine Tilloy
+ Representations of classical lie superalgebras 1978 Victor G. Kač
+ Degenerate conformal field theories and explicit expressions for some null vectors 1988 Louis Benoit
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ Lie algebras and equations of Korteweg-de Vries type 1985 Vladimir Drinfeld
В. В. Соколов
+ PDF Chat Anomalous percolation properties of growing networks 2001 S. N. Dorogovt︠s︡ev
J. F. F. Mendes
A. N. Samukhin
+ PDF Chat Operator Spreading in Random Unitary Circuits 2018 Adam Nahum
Sagar Vijay
Jeongwan Haah
+ Representation theory of osp(1,2) q 1993 Kenichiro Kobayashi
+ Differential Operators on a Semisimple Lie Algebra 1957 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ PDF Chat On the generators of quantum dynamical semigroups 1976 Göran Lindblad
+ PDF Chat Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras 1983 Victor G. Kač
+ The enveloping algebra of the Lie superalgebra osp(1, 2) 1990 Georges Pinczon
+ PDF Chat Are Dynamical Quantum Jumps Detector Dependent? 2012 Howard M. Wiseman
Jay Gambetta
+ PDF Chat Solution of a Minimal Model for Many-Body Quantum Chaos 2018 Amos Chan
Andrea De Luca
J. T. Chalker
+ On the kernel of tree incidence matrices 2000 Michel Bauer
O. Golinelli
+ PDF Chat Unitarizable representations of the deformed para-Bose superalgebra U<sub>q</sub>[osp(1/2)] at roots of 1 1995 T. D. Palev
N. I. Stoilova
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1997 Richard P. Stanley
Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ The planar approximation. II 1980 C. Itzykson
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ Semisimple graded Lie algebras 1975 Andrés Romarís Pais
V. Rittenberg
+ PDF Chat Diffusion and Signatures of Localization in Stochastic Conformal Field Theory 2017 Denis Bernard
Benjamin Doyon
+ Spectra of graphs 1980 Cvetkovi cacute
Mikhina Vs
Michael Doob
H. Sachs
+ PDF Chat Infinite-order percolation and giant fluctuations in a protein interaction network 2002 J. Kim
P. L. Krapivsky
B. Kahng
S. Redner
+ PDF Chat Are randomly grown graphs really random? 2001 Duncan S. Callaway
John E. Hopcroft
Jon Kleinberg
M. E. J. Newman
Steven H. Strogatz
+ PDF Chat Quantum Entanglement Growth under Random Unitary Dynamics 2017 Adam Nahum
Jonathan Ruhman
Sagar Vijay
Jeongwan Haah
+ PDF Chat Decoupling with Random Quantum Circuits 2015 Winton Brown
Omar Fawzi
+ New R-matrices for the Yang-Baxter equation associated with the representations of the quantum superalgebra Uqosp(1, 2) with q a root of unity 1992 Mo‐Lin Ge
Chang-Pu Sun
Kang Xue
+ PDF Chat Observing single quantum trajectories of a superconducting quantum bit 2013 Kater Murch
Steven Weber
Chris Macklin
Irfan Siddiqi
+ Fock representations and BRST cohomology inSL(2) current algebra 1990 Denis Bernard
Giovanni Felder
+ Invariant skew-symmetric differential operators on the line and Verma modules over the Virasoro algebra 1982 Boris Feigin
D. B. Fuks
+ PDF Chat Local Random Quantum Circuits are Approximate Polynomial-Designs 2016 Fernando G. S. L. Brandão
Aram W. Harrow
Michał Horodecki
+ Current algebra and Wess-Zumino model in two dimensions 1984 V.G. Knizhnik
A. B. Zamolodchikov
+ PDF Chat Polynomial relations in the centre ofU q (sl(N)) 1994 D. Arnaudon
Michel Bauer
+ Sur la Classification des Ideaux Primitifs Dans L'algebre Enveloppante d'une Algebre de Lie Semi-Simple 1977 Michel Duflo
+ PDF Chat Conformally Invariant Fractals and Potential Theory 2000 Bertrand Duplantier
+ PDF Chat Classical and Quantum sl(1|2) Superalgebras, Casimir Operators and Quantum Chain Hamiltonians 1995 D. Arnaudon
Chryssomalis Chryssomalakos
L. Frappat
+ PDF Chat Exact solution of a 1D asymmetric exclusion model using a matrix formulation 1993 Bernard Derrida
M. R. Evans
Vincent Hakim
Vincent Pasquier
+ PDF Chat Non-equilibrium steady states: fluctuations and large deviations of the density and of the current 2007 Bernard Derrida
+ Finite dimensional irreducible representations of the quantum supergroup U<i>q</i> <b>(</b>gl(<i>m</i>/<i>n</i>)<b>)</b> 1993 R. B. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Open quantum random walks: Bistability on pure states and ballistically induced diffusion 2013 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
Antoine Tilloy
+ Operator content of two-dimensional conformally invariant theories 1986 John Cardy
+ Highest Weight Representations of Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras 2010 Victor G. Kač
+ PDF Chat Action principle for continuous quantum measurement 2013 Areeya Chantasri
Justin Dressel
Andrew N. Jordan
+ Modular invariant partition functions in two dimensions 1987 Andrea Cappelli
C. Itzykson
Jean-Bernard Zuber