Tuong Ton-That


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Poincaré's Proof of the So-Called Birkhoff-Witt Theorem 2018 Tuong Ton-That
Thai-Duong Tran
+ Isotropy Subgroups of Transformation Groups 2008 Dmitriy Khots
Tuong Ton-That
+ Algorithms for Computing U(N) Clebsch Gordan Coefficients 2007 S. Gliske
W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ Multiplicatively closed bases for C(A) 2006 George C. Nelson
Tuong Ton-That
+ Algorithms for Computing Generalized U(N) Racah Coefficients 2005 S. Gliske
W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorems and generalized Casimir invariants for some infinite-dimensional Lie groups: II 2005 Tuong Ton-That
+ Invariant theory of a class of infinite-dimensional groups. 2003 Tuong Ton-That
Thai-Duong Tran
+ An analytic proof of the theorems of Pappus and Desargues 2003 Erwin Kleinfeld
Tuong Ton-That
+ A generalized mathematical model of biological oscillators. 2002 Tuong Ton-That
+ Invariant theory, generalized Casimir operators, and tensor product decompositions of<i>U</i>(<i>N</i>) 2001 R T Aulwes
W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ PDF Chat Multiplicity, invariants and tensor product decompositions of tame representations of U(∞) 2000 Roger Howe
Tuong Ton-That
+ Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorems and generalized Casimir invariants for some infinite-dimensional Lie groups: I 1999 Tuong Ton-That
+ Reciprocity Theorems for Holomorphic Representations of Some Infinite-Dimensional Groups 1999 Tuong Ton-That
+ Poincaré’s proof of the co-called Birkhoff-Witt theorem 1999 Tuong Ton-That
Thai-Duong Tran
+ Poincaré's Proof of the so-called Birkhoff-Witt Theorem 1999 Tuong Ton-That
Thai-Duong Tran
+ Multiplicity, invariants, and tensor product decompositions of compact groups 1996 W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ Casimir operators of semidirect products of semisimple with Heisenberg groups 1995 W. H. Klink
Eric Y. Leung
Tuong Ton-That
+ Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis: A Conference in Honor of Ray A. Kunze, January 12-14, 1994, Cincinnati, Ohio 1995 Ray A. Kunze
Tuong Ton-That
Kenneth I. Gross
Donald St. P. Richards
Paul Sally
+ PDF Chat On a multiplicity formula of weights of representations of ${\rm SO}\sp *(2n)$ and reciprocity theorems for symplectic groups 1995 Eric Y. Leung
Tuong Ton-That
+ On a Multiplicity Formula of Weights of Representations of SO ∗ (2n) and Reciprocity Theorems for Symplectic Groups 1995 Eric Y. Leung
Tuong Ton-That
+ Dual representations and invariant theory 1995 Tuong Ton-That
+ PDF Chat Invariant theory of the dual pairs (𝑆𝑂*(2𝑛),𝑆𝑝(2𝑘,𝐂)) and (𝐒𝐩(2𝐧,ℜ),𝔒(𝔑)) 1994 Eric Y. Leung
Tuong Ton-That
+ Shift operators and the U(N) multiplicity problem 1993 W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
R G Wills
+ Invariant theory of the block diagonal subgroups of GL(n,C) and generalized Casimir operators 1992 W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ Representations of SO(k, C ) on Harmonic Polynomials on a Null Cone 1991 Olivier Debarre
Tuong Ton-That
+ PDF Chat Representations of 𝑆𝑂(𝑘,𝐶) on harmonic polynomials on a null cone 1991 Olivier Debarre
Tuong Ton-That
+ Representations of Sn*U(N) in repeated tensor products of the unitary groups 1990 W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ n-Fold tensor products of GL(N,C) and decomposition of fock spaces 1989 W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ Calculation of Clebsch-Gordan and Racah coefficients using symbolic manipulation programs 1989 W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ On resolving the multiplicity of arbitrary tensor products of the U(N) groups 1988 W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ Polynomial representations of the symplectic groups 1987 W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ Polynomial representations of the orthogonal groups 1986 W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ On a resolution of the multiplicity problem for U(n) 1984 W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ Orthogonal polynomial bases of the orthogonal and symplectic groups 1982 W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ Tensor Product Decomposition of Holomorphically Induced Representations and Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients 1981 Tuong Ton-That
W. H. Klink
+ Representation theory of compact groups 1980 W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ Orthogonal polynomial bases for holomorphically induced representations of the general linear groups 1979 William H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ Erratums : “Holomorphic induction and the tensor product decomposition of irreducible representations of compact groups. I. $SU(n)$ groups” 1979 William H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ Explicit decomposition of tensor products of certain analytic representations of symplectic groups 1978 Tuong Ton-That
+ PDF Chat Symplectic Stiefel Harmonics and Holomorphic Representations of Symplectic Groups 1977 Tuong Ton-That
+ PDF Chat Symplectic Stiefel harmonics and holomorphic representations of symplectic groups 1977 Tuong Ton-That
+ PDF Chat Lie Group Representations and Harmonic Polynomials of a Matrix Variable 1976 Tuong Ton-That
+ PDF Chat On holomorphic representations of symplectic groups 1975 Tuong Ton-That
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Compact Lie groups and their representations 1973 D. P. Zhelobenko
+ Compact Lie Groups and Their Representations 1973 D P Želobenko
+ PDF Chat Lie group representations and harmonic polynomials of a matrix variable 1976 Tuong Ton That
+ n-Fold tensor products of GL(N,C) and decomposition of fock spaces 1989 W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ Compact Lie Groups and Their Representations 1973 D P Želobenko
+ On resolving the multiplicity of arbitrary tensor products of the U(N) groups 1988 W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ PDF Chat Symplectic Stiefel harmonics and holomorphic representations of symplectic groups 1977 Tuong Ton-That
+ Calculation of Clebsch-Gordan and Racah coefficients using symbolic manipulation programs 1989 W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ PDF Chat Invariants and fundamental functions 1963 Sigurđur Helgason
+ PDF Chat Lie Group Representations on Polynomial Rings 1963 Bertram Kostant
+ PDF Chat Lie Group Representations and Harmonic Polynomials of a Matrix Variable 1976 Tuong Ton-That
+ Invariant theory of the block diagonal subgroups of GL(n,C) and generalized Casimir operators 1992 W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Their Representations 1984 V. S. Varadarajan
+ PDF Chat Decomposition of regular representations for<i>U</i>(<i>H</i>)<sub>∞</sub> 1987 Douglas Pickrell
+ Method of holomorphic extensions in the theory of unitary representations of infinite-dimensional classical groups 1989 G. I. Ol'shankii
+ Theory of Group Representations and Applications 1986 A. O. Barut
R. Ra̧czka
+ (GLn, GLm)-duality and symmetric plethysm 1987 Roger Howe
+ Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory 1972 James E. Humphreys
+ Representability of Lie Algebras and Lie Groups by Matrices 1937 Garrett Birkhoff
+ Finite Dimensional Induction and New Results on Invariants for Classical Groups, I 1984 Kenneth I. Gross
Ray A. Kunze
+ Introduction a la théorie des groupes de Lie 1982 Roger Godement
+ The Two-Sided Regular Representation of a Unimodular Locally Compact Group 1950 I. E. Segal
+ Groups and Geometric Analysis 2000 Sigurđur Helgason
+ PDF Chat A general Clebsch-Gordan theorem 1961 Robert Steinberg
+ PDF Chat Representations of AF-Algebras and of the Group U (∞) 1975 Şerban-Valentin Strâtilâ
Dan-Virgil Voiculescu
+ Orthogonal polynomial bases for holomorphically induced representations of the general linear groups 1979 William H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ On the Segal-Shale-Weil representations and harmonic polynomials 1978 Masaki Kashiwara
Michèle Vergne
+ Bases for the Irreducible Representations of the Unitary Groups and Some Applications 1963 M. Moshińsky
+ The invariant theory of n × n matrices 1976 Claudio Procesi
+ PDF Chat A formula for the multiplicity of a weight 1959 Bertram Kostant
+ PDF Chat A Theory of Stiefel Harmonics 1974 Stephen Gelbart
+ Differential Operators on a Semisimple Lie Algebra 1957 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ Reciprocity Laws in the Theory of Dual Pairs 1983 Roger Howe
+ Theory of Group Representations and Applications 1978 R. F. Streater
+ Invariant theory, generalized Casimir operators, and tensor product decompositions of<i>U</i>(<i>N</i>) 2001 R T Aulwes
W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ On a Hilbert space of analytic functions and an associated integral transform part I 1961 V. Bargmann
+ Multiplicity, invariants, and tensor product decompositions of compact groups 1996 W. H. Klink
Tuong Ton-That
+ Canonical Definition of Wigner Coefficients in <i>Un</i> 1967 L. C. Biedenharn
Alberto Giovannini
James D. Louck
+ PDF Chat On some applications of the universal enveloping algebra of a semisimple Lie algebra 1951 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ PDF Chat Representations of Infinite-Dimensional Classical Groups, Limits of Enveloping Algebras, and Yangians 1991 Grigori Olshanski
+ PDF Chat On holomorphic representations of symplectic groups 1975 Tuong Ton-That
+ A general setting for Casimir invariants 1975 L. Abellanas
Luis Martı́nez Alonso
+ An Introduction to Homological Algebra 2008 Joseph Rotman
+ Inner and Restriction Multiplicity for Classical Groups 1969 Robert Delaney
Bruno Gruber
+ Desingularizations of varieties of nullforms 1979 Wim H. Hesselink
+ Conformal invariance and line defects in the two-dimensional Ising model 1988 Malte Henkel
A. Patkós
+ Principles of Algebraic Geometry 1978 Phillip Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ PDF Chat Systems of singular integral operators on spheres 1969 Daniel A. Levine
+ Recent Progress Toward a Theory of Tensor Operators in the Unitary Groups 1970 James D. Louck
+ PDF Chat Remarks on classical invariant theory 1989 Roger Howe