A. J. Bray


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Disappearance of the de Almeida-Thouless line in six dimensions 2011 M. A. Moore
A. J. Bray
+ Geometric properties of two-dimensional coarsening with weak disorder 2008 Alberto Sicilia
Jeferson J. Arenzon
A. J. Bray
Leticia F. Cugliandolo
+ Exact results for two-dimensional coarsening 2008 Jeferson J. Arenzon
A. J. Bray
Leticia F. Cugliandolo
Alberto Sicilia
+ PDF Chat Free-energy landscapes, dynamics, and the edge of chaos in mean-field models of spin glasses 2006 Timo Aspelmeier
Richard A. Blythe
A. J. Bray
M A Moore
+ PDF Chat Mechanism for the failure of the Edwards hypothesis in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glass 2006 P. R. Eastham
Richard A. Blythe
A. J. Bray
M A Moore
+ PDF Chat Effect of shear on persistence in coarsening systems 2006 N. P. Rapapa
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Persistence in systems with conserved order parameter 2005 Panos Gonos
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Spatial fluctuations of a surviving particle in the trapping reaction 2004 L. Anton
Richard A. Blythe
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Complexity of Ising Spin Glasses 2004 Timo Aspelmeier
A. J. Bray
M A Moore
+ PDF Chat On the use of finite-size scaling to measure spin-glass exponents 2003 Adam Carter
A. J. Bray
M. A. Moore
+ PDF Chat Survival probability of a diffusing particle in the presence of Poisson-distributed mobile traps 2003 Richard A. Blythe
A. J. Bray
+ Comment on ``On the formal equivalence of the TAP and thermodynamic methods in the SK model'' 2003 A. J. Bray
M. A. Moore
+ PDF Chat Perturbation theory for the one-dimensional trapping reaction 2002 Richard A. Blythe
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Why Temperature Chaos in Spin Glasses Is Hard to Observe 2002 Timo Aspelmeier
A. J. Bray
M. A. Moore
+ PDF Chat Uninfected random walkers in one dimension 2002 S. J. O’Donoghue
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Fraction of uninfected walkers in the one-dimensional Potts model 2002 S. J. O’Donoghue
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Theory of phase-ordering kinetics 2002 A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Aspect-Ratio Scaling and the Stiffness Exponent<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>Ξ</mml:mi></mml:math>for Ising Spin Glasses 2002 Adam Carter
A. J. Bray
M. A. Moore
+ PDF Chat Persistence in the one-dimensional<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>A</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mover><mml:mrow><mml:mi>B</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>→</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mover></mml:mrow></mml:mrow><mml:mi>∅</mml:mi></mml:math>reaction-diffusion model 2001 S. J. O’Donoghue
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Unusual dynamical scaling in the spatial distribution of persistent sites in one-dimensional Potts models 2000 A. J. Bray
S. J. O’Donoghue
+ PDF Chat Random walks in logarithmic and power-law potentials, nonuniversal persistence, and vortex dynamics in the two-dimensional<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>XY</mml:mi></mml:math>model 2000 A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Breakdown of Scaling in the Nonequilibrium Critical Dynamics of the Two-Dimensional<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">XY</mml:mi></mml:math>Model 2000 A. J. Bray
A. J. Briant
D. K. Jervis
+ PDF Chat The link overlap and finite size effects for the 3D Ising spin glass 2000 Barbara Drossel
Hemant Bokil
M A Moore
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of Phase Separation under Shear: A Soluble Model 1999 N. P. Rapapa
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Corrections to scaling in the phase-ordering dynamics of a vector order parameter 1999 N. P. Rapapa
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Comment on “General Method to Determine Replica Symmetry Breaking Transitions” 1999 Hemant Bokil
A. J. Bray
Barbara Drossel
M. A. Moore
+ PDF Chat Bokil<i>et al.</i>Reply: 1999 Hemant Bokil
A. J. Bray
Barbara Drossel
M. A. Moore
+ PDF Chat Reply to "Comment on Evidence for the droplet picture of spin glasses" 1999 Hemant Bokil
A. J. Bray
Barbara Drossel
M. A. Moore
+ PDF Chat Phase-ordering dynamics with an order-parameter-dependent mobility: The large-<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:math>limit 1999 C. L. Emmott
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Defect relaxation and coarsening exponents 1998 A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Mixed phases in U(N) superconductivity 1998 M. A. Moore
T. J. Newman
A. J. Bray
S-K. Chin
+ PDF Chat Corrections to scaling in phase-ordering kinetics 1998 A. J. Bray
N. P. Rapapa
Stephen J. Cornell
+ PDF Chat Persistence exponents for fluctuating interfaces 1997 Joachim Krug
H. Kallabis
Satya N. Majumdar
Stephen J. Cornell
A. J. Bray
Clément Sire
+ PDF Chat Scaling of the random-field Ising model at zero temperature 1997 Michael Swift
A. J. Bray
Amos Maritan
Marek Cieplak
Jayanth R. Banavar
+ PDF Chat Velocity distribution of topological defects in phase-ordering systems 1997 A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Dimensional crossover in the large-N limit 1997 Denjoe O’Connor
Christopher R. Stephens
A. J. Bray
+ Coarsening dynamics of the weak segregation regime of diblock coplymers 1997 Jacob J. Christensen
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Strong-coupling behaviour in discrete Kardar - Parisi - Zhang equations 1996 T. J. Newman
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Coarsening dynamics of a one-dimensional driven Cahn-Hilliard system 1996 C. L. Emmott
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Global Persistence Exponent for Nonequilibrium Critical Dynamics 1996 Satya N. Majumdar
A. J. Bray
Stephen J. Cornell
Clément Sire
+ PDF Chat Structure factor tail for the ordering kinetics of nonconserved systems without topological defects 1996 F. Rojas
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Soluble Infinite-Range Model of Kinetic Roughening 1996 Matteo Marsili
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Phase-ordering kinetics with external fields and biased initial conditions 1995 JoĂŁo A. N. Filipe
A. J. Bray
Sanjay Puri
+ PDF Chat Ordering kinetics of conserved<i>XY</i>models 1995 Sanjay Puri
A. J. Bray
F. Rojas
+ PDF Chat Lifshitz-Slyozov scaling for late-stage coarsening with an order-parameter-dependent mobility 1995 A. J. Bray
C. L. Emmott
+ PDF Chat Energy-scaling approach to phase-ordering growth laws 1995 Andrew D. Rutenberg
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Unwinding Scaling Violations in Phase Ordering 1995 Andrew D. Rutenberg
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Exact exponent λ of the autocorrelation function for a soluble model of coarsening 1995 A. J. Bray
Bernard Derrida
+ PDF Chat Phase ordering of two-dimensional<i>XY</i>systems below the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature 1995 Andrew D. Rutenberg
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Gaussian approach for phase ordering in nonconserved scalar systems with long-range interactions 1995 JoĂŁo A. N. Filipe
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Phase ordering dynamics of cosmological models 1994 JoĂŁo A. N. Filipe
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Phase-ordering kinetics of one-dimensional nonconserved scalar systems 1994 Andrew D. Rutenberg
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Non-Trivial Algebraic Decay in a Soluble Model of Coarsening 1994 A. J. Bray
Bernard Derrida
Claude GodrĂšche
+ Non-trivial exponents in the zero temperature dynamics of the 1D Ising and Potts models 1994 Bernard Derrida
A. J. Bray
Claude GodrĂšche
+ PDF Chat Phase-ordering dynamics of the O(<i>n</i>) model: Exact predictions and numerical results 1994 R. E. Blundell
A. J. Bray
+ Theory of phase-ordering kinetics 1994 A. J. Bray
+ Generalizations of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation 1994 James Doherty
M. A. Moore
J. M. Kim
A. J. Bray
+ Asymptotic linearization of the Fisher equation for a class of initial conditions 1994 Sanjay Puri
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Growth laws for phase ordering 1994 A. J. Bray
Andrew D. Rutenberg
+ A soluble model of domain growth in one-dimensional disordered systems 1993 R. E. Blundell
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Theory of phase ordering kinetics 1993 A. J. Bray
+ Generalizations of the KPZ equation (minor changes to enable easy latexing) 1993 James Doherty
M. A. Moore
J. M. Kim
A. J. Bray
+ Universal amplitudes of power-law tails in the asymptotic structure factor of systems with topological defects 1993 A. J. Bray
K. Humayun
+ Gaussian Approach for Phase Ordering in Nonconserved Scalar Systems with Long-Range Interactions 1993 JoĂŁo A. N. Filipe
A. J. Bray
+ Domain growth, directed polymers, and self-organized criticality 1992 J. M. Kim
A. J. Bray
M. A. Moore
+ Universality class for domain growth in random magnets 1991 A. J. Bray
K. Humayun
+ Zero-temperature directed polymers in a random potential 1991 J. M. Kim
M A Moore
A. J. Bray
+ Non-equilibrium dynamics of the Ising model for T less-than/equal-toT<sub>c</sub> 1991 K. Humayun
A. J. Bray
+ Griffiths singularities in random magnets: Results for a soluble model 1989 A. J. Bray
Huifang Deng
+ Upper and lower bounds on dynamic correlations in the Griffiths phase 1989 A. J. Bray
+ Griffiths Singularities and the Dynamics of Random Systems 1989 A. J. Bray
+ Dynamics of random ising ferromagnets in the griffiths phase 1988 A. J. Bray
G. J. Rodgers
+ Critical behaviour of Dyson's hierarchical model with a random field 1988 G. J. Rodgers
A. J. Bray
+ Density of states of a sparse random matrix 1988 G. J. Rodgers
A. J. Bray
+ Summability of perturbation expansions in disordered systems: Results for a toy model 1987 A. J. Bray
Thomas McCarthy
M. A. Moore
J. D. Reger
A. P. Young
+ On the 'naive' mean-field equations for spin glasses 1986 A. J. Bray
Haim Sompolinsky
Clare C. Yu
+ Lower Critical Dimension of Metallic Vector Spin-Glasses 1986 A. J. Bray
M. A. Moore
A. P. Young
+ Low-temperature behaviour of the random-field Ising model 1983 A. J. Bray
+ On the eigenvalue spectrum of the susceptibility matrix for random spin systems 1982 A. J. Bray
M. A. Moore
+ Vanishing of the Edwards-Anderson order parameter in two- and three-dimensional Ising spin glasses 1978 A. J. Bray
M. A. Moore
P Reed
+ Defect energies of two-, three- and four-dimensional Ising spin glasses 1978 P Reed
M. A. Moore
A. J. Bray
+ Statistical mechanics of one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau fields: Feynman graph evaluation of the screening approximation (n<sup>-1</sup>expansion) 1974 A. J. Bray
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Growth laws for phase ordering 1994 A. J. Bray
Andrew D. Rutenberg
+ Non-trivial exponents in the zero temperature dynamics of the 1D Ising and Potts models 1994 Bernard Derrida
A. J. Bray
Claude GodrĂšche
+ Scaling and vortex-string dynamics in a three-dimensional system with a continuous symmetry 1992 Maurizio Mondello
Nigel Goldenfeld
+ Diffusion annihilation in one dimension and kinetics of the Ising model at zero temperature 1990 Jacques G. Amar
Fereydoon Family
+ PDF Chat Non-Trivial Algebraic Decay in a Soluble Model of Coarsening 1994 A. J. Bray
Bernard Derrida
Claude GodrĂšche
+ PDF Chat Nontrivial Exponent for Simple Diffusion 1996 Satya N. Majumdar
Clément Sire
Alan J. Bray
Stephen J. Cornell
+ Universal amplitudes of power-law tails in the asymptotic structure factor of systems with topological defects 1993 A. J. Bray
K. Humayun
+ PDF Chat Exact First-Passage Exponents of 1D Domain Growth: Relation to a Reaction-Diffusion Model 1995 Bernard Derrida
Vincent Hakim
Vincent Pasquier
+ Scale-invariant regimes in one-dimensional models of growing and coalescing droplets 1991 Bernard Derrida
Claude GodrĂšche
I. Yekutieli
+ PDF Chat Survival Probability of a Gaussian Non-Markovian Process: Application to the<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">T</mml:mi><mml:mspace /><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mspace /><mml:mn>0</mml:mn><mml:mn /></mml:math>Dynamics of the Ising Model 1996 Satya N. Majumdar
Clément Sire
+ Persistent Spins in the Linear Diffusion Approximation of Phase Ordering and Zeros of Stationary Gaussian Processes 1996 Bernard Derrida
Vincent Hakim
Reuven Zeitak
+ PDF Chat Dynamic Scaling of Growing Interfaces 1986 Mehran Kardar
Giorgio Parisi
Yi-Cheng Zhang
+ Theory of unstable growth in high and low dimensionality 1992 Fong Liu
Gene F. Mazenko
+ PDF Chat Phase-ordering dynamics of the O(<i>n</i>) model: Exact predictions and numerical results 1994 R. E. Blundell
A. J. Bray
+ Theory of phase-ordering kinetics 1994 A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Domain growth in a one-dimensional driven diffusive system 1996 Stephen J. Cornell
Alan J. Bray
+ Ising spinodal decomposition at T=O in one to five dimensions 1994 D. Stauffer
+ Nonanalytic Behavior Above the Critical Point in a Random Ising Ferromagnet 1969 Robert B. Griffiths
+ Particle–antiparticle annihilation in diffusive motion 1983 D. Toussaint
Frank Wilczek
+ Non-equilibrium dynamics of the Ising model for T less-than/equal-toT<sub>c</sub> 1991 K. Humayun
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Exact exponent for the number of persistent spins in the zero-temperature dynamics of the one-dimensional Potts model 1996 Bernard Derrida
Vincent Hakim
Vincent Pasquier
+ PDF Chat Phase-ordering kinetics of one-dimensional nonconserved scalar systems 1994 Andrew D. Rutenberg
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Experimental measurement of the persistence exponent of the planar Ising model 1997 Bernard Yurke
A. N. Pargellis
Satya N. Majumdar
Clément Sire
+ PDF Chat Non-Markovian persistence and nonequilibrium critical dynamics 1997 K. Oerding
Stephen J. Cornell
Alan J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Possibilities and limitations of Gaussian-closure approximations for phase-ordering dynamics 1994 Chuck Yeung
Y. Oono
Aritomo Shinozaki
+ Self-diffusion and ‘visited’ surface in the droplet condensation problem (breath figures) 1995 M.-A. Marcos-Martin
D. Beysens
Jean‐Philippe Bouchaud
Claude GodrĂšche
I. Yekutieli
+ PDF Chat First-Passage Exponent in Two-Dimensional Soap Froth 1997 Wing Yim Tam
Reuven Zeitak
Kwok Yip Szeto
Joel Stavans
+ Griffiths Singularities in the Dynamics of Disordered Ising Models 1988 Deepak Dhar
Mohit Randeria
James P. Sethna
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Behavior of Structure Function at Small Wave Numbers in Late Stage of Phase Separation 1989 Hiroshi Furukawa
+ PDF Chat Persistence exponents for fluctuating interfaces 1997 Joachim Krug
H. Kallabis
Satya N. Majumdar
Stephen J. Cornell
A. J. Bray
Clément Sire
+ PDF Chat Reaction kinetics of cluster impurities 1996 E. Ben‐Naim
+ Numerical solution of a continuum equation for interface growth in 2+1 dimensions 1990 Jacques G. Amar
Fereydoon Family
+ PDF Chat Fluctuation kinetics in a multispecies reaction - diffusion system 1996 Martin Howard
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions 1966 Donald A. McQuarrie
+ Asymptotic Behavior of Densities in Diffusion-Dominated Annihilation Reactions 1988 Maury Bramson
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ PDF Chat Unusual dynamical scaling in the spatial distribution of persistent sites in one-dimensional Potts models 2000 A. J. Bray
S. J. O’Donoghue
+ Scaling of Directed Polymers in Random Media 1987 Mehran Kardar
Yicheng Zhang
+ Growth in a restricted solid-on-solid model 1989 Jin Min Kim
J. M. Kosterlitz
+ PDF Chat Proportion of unaffected sites in a reaction-diffusion process 1995 John Cardy
+ PDF Chat Distribution of domain sizes in the zero temperature Glauber dynamics of the one-dimensional Potts model 1996 Bernard Derrida
Reuven Zeitak
+ PDF Chat Phase ordering of two-dimensional<i>XY</i>systems below the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature 1995 Andrew D. Rutenberg
A. J. Bray
+ Some properties of the diffusion-limited reaction nA + mB → C with homogeneous and inhomogeneous initial conditions 1992 Stephen J. Cornell
Michel Droz
Bastien Chopard
+ PDF Chat Global Persistence Exponent for Nonequilibrium Critical Dynamics 1996 Satya N. Majumdar
A. J. Bray
Stephen J. Cornell
Clément Sire
+ PDF Chat Kinetics of heterogeneous single-species annihilation 1994 P. L. Krapivsky
E. Ben‐Naim
S. Redner
+ PDF Chat Series Study of a Spin-Glass Model in Continuous Dimensionality 1977 Ronald Fisch
A. B. Harris
+ Essential singularity in percolation problems and asymptotic behavior of cluster size distribution 1978 H. Russell Kunz
Bernard Souillard
+ Surface roughening in a hypercube-stacking model 1990 Bruce M. Forrest
Lei‐Han Tang
+ Aspects and Applications of the Random Walk. 1995 PE
George H. Weiss
+ Zero-temperature directed polymers in a random potential 1991 J. M. Kim
M A Moore
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Measurement of Persistence in 1D Diffusion 2001 G. P. Wong
R. W. Mair
Ronald L. Walsworth
David G. Cory