Gordon James


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Rank polynomials 2008 Marco Brandt
Richard Dipper
Gordon James
Sinéad Lyle
+ Rouquier blocks 2005 Gordon James
Sinéad Lyle
Andrew Mathas
+ Symmetric group blocks of small defect 2004 Gordon James
Andrew Mathas
+ On Specht modules for general linear groups 2004 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
+ PDF Chat None 2003 Avital Frumkin
Gordon James
Yuval Roichman
+ Symmetric group blocks of small defect 2003 Gordon James
Andrew Mathas
+ Equating decomposition numbers for different primes 2002 Gordon James
Andrew Mathas
+ Equating decomposition numbers for different primes 2001 Gordon James
Andrew Mathas
+ Characters of groups of order <i>pq</i> 2001 Gordon James
Martin W. Liebeck
+ Character table of the simple group of order 168 2001 Gordon James
Martin W. Liebeck
+ Vector spaces and linear transformations 2001 Gordon James
Martin W. Liebeck
+ Applications to group theory 2001 Gordon James
Martin W. Liebeck
+ Irreducible modules and the group algebra 2001 Gordon James
Martin W. Liebeck
+ More on the group algebra 2001 Gordon James
Martin W. Liebeck
+ Some elementary character tables 2001 Gordon James
Martin W. Liebeck
+ Real representations 2001 Gordon James
Martin W. Liebeck
+ Schur's Lemma 2001 Gordon James
Martin W. Liebeck
+ <i>FG</i>-submodules and reducibility 2001 Gordon James
Martin W. Liebeck
+ Character table of GL(2, <i>q</i>) 2001 Gordon James
Martin W. Liebeck
+ Characters of some <i>p</i>-groups 2001 Gordon James
Martin W. Liebeck
+ Maschke's Theorem 2001 Gordon James
Martin W. Liebeck
+ Normal subgroups and lifted characters 2001 Gordon James
Martin W. Liebeck
+ The number of irreducible characters 2001 Gordon James
Martin W. Liebeck
+ Equating decomposition numbers for different primes 2001 Gordon James
Andrew Mathas
+ The Jantzen sum formula for cyclotomic 𝑞–Schur algebras 2000 Gordon James
Andrew Mathas
+ Decomposition Numbers of Symmetric Groups by Induction 2000 Gordon James
Adrian Williams
+ On a Conjecture of Gow and Kleshchev Concerning Tensor Products 2000 John D. Graham
Gordon James
+ The Irreducible Specht Modules in Characteristic 2 1999 Gordon James
Andrew Mathas
+ Cyclotomic q–Schur algebras 1998 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
Andrew Mathas
+ The (<i>Q, q</i> )-Schur Algebra 1998 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
Andrew Mathas
+ Generalized Matrix Function Inequalities on M-Matrices 1998 Gordon James
Charles R. Johnson
Stephen Pierce
+ Symmetric Groups and Schur Algebras 1998 Gordon James
+ Gram Determinants of TypeBn 1997 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
Eugene Murphy
+ A <i>q</i> -Analogue of the Jantzen-Schaper Theorem 1997 Gordon James
Andrew Mathas
+ The (Q,q)-Schur algebra 1997 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
Andrew Mathas
+ The (Q,q)-Schur algebra 1997 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
Andrew Mathas
+ Hecke Algebras of TypeAwithq=−1 1996 Gordon James
Andrew Mathas
+ Hecke Algebras of Type <i>B<sub>n</sub> </i> at Roots of Unity 1995 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
Eugene Murphy
+ Bessel Functions on Finite Groups 1995 J. L. Alperin
Gordon James
+ Hecke algebras and immanants 1994 Gordon James
+ Representations of Hecke algebras of type Bn 1992 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
+ q-Tensor Space and q-Weyl Modules 1991 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
+ PDF Chat 𝑞-tensor space and 𝑞-Weyl modules 1991 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
+ The Decomposition Matrices of GL<sub> <i>n</i> </sub> (<i>q</i> ) for <i>n</i> ⩜ 10 1990 Gordon James
+ PDF Chat Representations of $S_n$ and $GL_n$ and the q-Schur algebra 1990 Gordon James
+ The <i>q</i> ‐Schur Algebra 1989 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
+ Permanents and Immanants of Hermitian Matrices 1987 Gordon James
Martin W. Liebeck
+ Blocks and Idempotents of Hecke Algebras of General Linear Groups 1987 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
+ Identification of the irreducible modular representations of GLn(q) 1986 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
+ The Irreducible Representations of the Finite General Linear Groups 1986 Gordon James
+ Representations of Hecke Algebras of General Linear Groups 1986 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
+ The Kernel Intersection Theorem for S<sub>(n−m,m)</sub> 1984 Gordon James
+ The composition factors of S<sub>(n-m,m)</sub> 1984 Gordon James
+ Representations of General Linear Groups 1984 Gordon James
+ Some idempotent elements of K̄G<sub>n</sub> 1984 Gordon James
+ The prime divisors of Gaussian polynomials 1984 Gordon James
+ A lower bound for the dimension of S<sub>Ό</sub> 1984 Gordon James
+ Isotropic spaces 1984 Gordon James
+ On the minimal dimensions of irreducible representations of symmetric groups 1983 Gordon James
+ Trivial source modules for symmetric groups 1983 Gordon James
+ POLYNOMIAL REPRESENTATIONS OF GL<sub> <i>n</i> </sub> (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 830) 1983 Gordon James
+ Unipotent representations of the finite general linear groups 1982 Gordon James
+ On the decomposition matrices of the symmetric groups, III 1981 Gordon James
+ The decomposition of tensors over fields of prime characteristic 1980 Gordon James
+ The determinant of the Gram matrix for a Specht module 1979 Gordon James
G.E Murphy
+ Specht series for skew representations of symmetric groups 1979 Gordon James
M.H Peel
+ A note on the decomposition matrices of G12 and G13 for the prime 3 1978 Gordon James
+ A note on theT-ideal generated bys 3[x 1,x 2,x 3] 1978 Gordon James
+ Some combinatorial results involving Young diagrams 1978 Gordon James
+ On a conjecture of Carter concerning irreducible Specht modules 1978 Gordon James
+ The standard basis of the specht module 1978 Gordon James
+ p-regular partitions 1978 Gordon James
+ The branching theorem 1978 Gordon James
+ The symmetric group 1978 Gordon James
+ A specht series for MΌ 1978 Gordon James
+ The hook formula for dimensions 1978 Gordon James
+ Some irreducible specht modules 1978 Gordon James
+ PDF Chat The Representation Theory of the Symmetric Groups 1978 Gordon James
+ Some counterexamples in the theory of Specht modules 1977 Gordon James
+ The module orthogonal to the specht module 1977 Gordon James
+ The Irreducible Representations of the Symmetric Groups 1976 Gordon James
+ On the decomposition matrices of the symmetric groups. II 1976 Gordon James
+ Representations of the symmetric groups over the field of order 2 1976 Gordon James
+ The modular characters of the Mathieu groups 1973 Gordon James
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The Representation Theory of the Symmetric Groups 1978 Gordon James
+ The Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group 1984 James
+ The Irreducible Representations of the Symmetric Groups 1976 Gordon James
+ Representations of Hecke Algebras of General Linear Groups 1986 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
+ The (<i>Q, q</i> )-Schur Algebra 1998 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
Andrew Mathas
+ Blocks and Idempotents of Hecke Algebras of General Linear Groups 1987 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
+ Some combinatorial results involving Young diagrams 1978 Gordon James
+ Representations of the symmetric groups over the field of order 2 1976 Gordon James
+ The <i>q</i> ‐Schur Algebra 1989 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
+ PDF Chat Polynomial Representations of GLn 1980 James Green
+ The Decomposition Matrices of GL<sub> <i>n</i> </sub> (<i>q</i> ) for <i>n</i> ⩜ 10 1990 Gordon James
+ Representation theory of the symmetric group 1980 James A. Green
+ Decomposition Numbers for Symmetric Groups and Composition Factors of Weyl Modules 1996 Karin Erdmann
+ On the decomposition matrices of the symmetric groups. II 1976 Gordon James
+ PDF Chat Polynomial representations of GLn 1981 James Green
+ Iwahori-Hecke Algebras and Schur Algebras of the Symmetric Group 1999 Andrew Mathas
+ The q-Schur algebra 1998 Stephen Donkin
+ Defect 3 Blocks of Symmetric Group Algebras 1999 Stuart Martin
Russell Lee
+ A <i>q</i> -Analogue of the Jantzen-Schaper Theorem 1997 Gordon James
Andrew Mathas
+ PDF Chat On the decomposition numbers of the Hecke algebra of $G(m, 1, n)$ 1996 Susumu Ariki
+ On the decomposition matrices of the symmetric groups, III 1981 Gordon James
+ PDF Chat 𝑞-tensor space and 𝑞-Weyl modules 1991 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
+ PDF Chat On the decomposition matrices of the quantized Schur algebra 1999 Michela Varagnolo
Éric Vasserot
+ Equating decomposition numbers for different primes 2002 Gordon James
Andrew Mathas
+ PDF Chat Hecke algebras at roots of unity and crystal bases of quantum affine algebras 1996 Alain Lascoux
Bernard Leclerc
Jean‐Yves Thibon
+ Cartan matrices and Morita equivalence for blocks of the symmetric groups 1991 Joanna Scopes
+ The Representations of Hecke Algebras of Type An 1995 G.E Murphy
+ Some decomposition numbers for Hecke algebras of general linear groups 1996 Matthew J. Richards
+ Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group. 1961 J. S. Frame
G. de B. Robinson
+ Identification of the irreducible modular representations of GLn(q) 1986 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
+ On the representation theory of the symmetric groups and associated Hecke algebras 1992 G.E Murphy
+ PDF Chat On the decomposition numbers of the finite general linear groups. II 1985 Richard Dipper
+ On the modular representations of the general linear and symmetric groups 1974 Roger W. Carter
G. Lusztig
+ SIMPLE GROUPS OF LIE TYPE 1975 I. G. Macdonald
+ Littlewood–Richardson Coefficients and Kazhdan–Lusztig Polynomials 2018 Bernard Leclerc
Jean-Yves Thibon
+ PDF Chat On some modular properties of irreducible representations of a symmetric group, I 1940 Tadasi Nakayama
+ Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications. 1982 Y. L. L.
William B. Jones
W. J. Thron
+ PDF Chat The Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group 1984 James
+ Cellular algebras 1996 J. J. Graham
G Lehrer
+ PDF Chat Modular representations of symmetric groups 1951 D. E. Littlewood
+ On a conjecture of Carter concerning irreducible Specht modules 1978 Gordon James
+ PDF Chat None 1998 Christine Bessenrodt
JĂžrn B. Olsson
+ The determinant of the Gram matrix for a Specht module 1979 Gordon James
G.E Murphy
+ Cyclotomic q–Schur algebras 1998 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
Andrew Mathas
+ Hecke Algebras of Type <i>B<sub>n</sub> </i> at Roots of Unity 1995 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
Eugene Murphy
+ A proof of the Mullineux conjecture 1997 Ben Ford
Alexander Kleshchev
+ The Irreducible Representations of the Finite General Linear Groups 1986 Gordon James
+ Representations of Hecke algebras of type Bn 1992 Richard Dipper
Gordon James
+ On the Modular Representations of the General Linear and Symmetric Groups 1974 R. W. Carter
G. Lusztig
+ PDF Chat On the decomposition numbers of the finite general linear groups 1985 Richard Dipper