F. Gerhard


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Control of the magnetic in-plane anisotropy in off-stoichiometric NiMnSb 2014 F. Gerhard
C. Schumacher
C. Gould
L. W. Molenkamp
+ PDF Chat Spin–orbit-driven ferromagnetic resonance 2011 Dong Fang
H. Kurebayashi
J. Wunderlich
Karel Výborný
Liviu Zârbo
R. P. Campion
A. Casiraghi
B. L. Gallagher
T. Jungwirth
A. J. Ferguson
+ PDF Chat Experimental Observation of the Spin-Hall Effect in a Two-Dimensional Spin-Orbit Coupled Semiconductor System 2005 J. Wunderlich
B. Kaestner
Jairo Sinova
T. Jungwirth
+ PDF Chat Current-Induced Spin Polarization in Strained Semiconductors 2004 Yuichiro K. Kato
Roberto C. Myers
A. C. Gossard
D. D. Awschalom
+ PDF Chat Evidence for reversible control of magnetization in a ferromagnetic material by means of spin–orbit magnetic field 2009 Alexandr Chernyshov
M. Overby
Xinyu Liu
J. K. Furdyna
Yuli Lyanda-Geller
Leonid P. Rokhinson
+ PDF Chat Symmetry and magnitude of spin–orbit torques in ferromagnetic heterostructures 2013 Kévin Garello
Ioan Mihai Miron
Can Onur Avci
Frank Freimuth
Yuriy Mokrousov
Stefan Blügel
S. Auffret
Olivier Boulle
Gilles Gaudin
Pietro Gambardella
+ PDF Chat Spin splitting and spin current in strained bulk semiconductors 2005 B. Andrei Bernevig
Shengbai Zhang
+ PDF Chat <i>Ab initio</i>calculations of exchange interactions, spin-wave stiffness constants, and Curie temperatures of Fe, Co, and Ni 2001 M. Pajda
J. Kudrnovský
I. Turek
V. Drchal
P. Bruno
+ PDF Chat Spectral Characteristics of the Microwave Emission by the Spin Hall Nano-Oscillator 2013 Ronghua Liu
W. L. Lim
Sergei Urazhdin
+ PDF Chat Spin-Torque Switching with the Giant Spin Hall Effect of Tantalum 2012 Luqiao Liu
Chi‐Feng Pai
Yi Li
H. W. Tseng
Daniel C. Ralph
R. A. Buhrman
+ PDF Chat A method for atomistic spin dynamics simulations: implementation and examples 2008 Björn Skubic
Johan Hellsvik
Lars Nordström
Olle Eriksson
+ PDF Chat Calculating linear-response functions for finite temperatures on the basis of the alloy analogy model 2015 H. Ebert
S. Mankovsky
Kristina Chadova
S. Polesya
J. Minář
D. Ködderitzsch
+ PDF Chat Complementary spin-Hall and inverse spin-galvanic effect torques in a ferromagnet/semiconductor bilayer 2015 T. D. Skinner
K. Olejník
Lucy K. Cunningham
H. Kurebayashi
R. P. Campion
B. L. Gallagher
T. Jungwirth
A. J. Ferguson
+ PDF Chat Spin-orbit torques in Co/Pt(111) and Mn/W(001) magnetic bilayers from first principles 2014 Frank Freimuth
Stefan Blügel
Yuriy Mokrousov
+ PDF Chat Hidden spin polarization in inversion-symmetric bulk crystals 2014 Xiuwen Zhang
Qihang Liu
Jun‐Wei Luo
A. J. Freeman
Alex Zunger
+ PDF Chat Magnonic charge pumping via spin–orbit coupling 2014 Chiara Ciccarelli
Kjetil M. D. Hals
A. C. Irvine
V. Novák
Yaroslav Tserkovnyak
H. Kurebayashi
Arne Brataas
A. J. Ferguson
+ PDF Chat First-principles calculations of magnetization relaxation in pure Fe, Co, and Ni with frozen thermal lattice disorder 2011 Yi Liu
A.A. Starikov
Zhe Yuan
Paul J. Kelly
+ PDF Chat Magneto-gyrotropic effects in semiconductor quantum wells 2008 V. V. Bel’kov
S. D. Ganichev
+ PDF Chat First-principles scattering matrices for spin transport 2006 Ke Xia
M. Zwierzycki
M. Talanana
Paul J. Kelly
G. Bauer
+ PDF Chat Gilbert damping in conducting ferromagnets. II. Model tests of the torque-correlation formula 2009 Ion Garate
A. H. MacDonald
+ Microwave photovoltage and photoresistance effects in ferromagnetic microstrips 2007 N. Mecking
Y. S. Gui
C.‐M. Hu
+ PDF Chat Relativistic Néel-Order Fields Induced by Electrical Current in Antiferromagnets 2014 Jakub Železný
Huadong Gao
Karel Výborný
Jan Zemen
J. Mas̆ek
Aurélien Manchon
J. Wunderlich
Jairo Sinova
T. Jungwirth
+ PDF Chat Nanowire spin torque oscillator driven by spin orbit torques 2014 Zheng Duan
Andrew J. Smith
Yang Liu
Brian Youngblood
Jürgen Lindner
V. E. Demidov
S. O. Demokritov
I. N. Krivorotov
+ PDF Chat Room-temperature spin–orbit torque in NiMnSb 2016 Chiara Ciccarelli
Laurel E. Anderson
Vahe Tshitoyan
A. J. Ferguson
F. Gerhard
C. Gould
L. W. Molenkamp
Jacob Gayles
Jakub Železný
Libor Šmejkal
+ PDF Chat Electrical detection of magnetization reversal without auxiliary magnets 2015 K. Olejník
V. Novák
J. Wunderlich
T. Jungwirth
+ PDF Chat Exchange magnon induced resistance asymmetry in permalloy spin-Hall oscillators 2016 Stefan Langenfeld
Vahe Tshitoyan
Zhou Fang
A. Wells
T. A. Moore
A. J. Ferguson
+ PDF Chat First-principles calculation of the Gilbert damping parameter via the linear response formalism with application to magnetic transition metals and alloys 2013 S. Mankovsky
D. Ködderitzsch
Georg Woltersdorf
H. Ebert
+ PDF Chat Spin-orbit torques in locally and globally noncentrosymmetric crystals: Antiferromagnets and ferromagnets 2017 Jakub Železný
Huadong Gao
Aurélien Manchon
Frank Freimuth
Yuriy Mokrousov
Jan Zemen
J. Mas̆ek
Jairo Sinova
T. Jungwirth
+ PDF Chat Current-induced spin-orbit torques in ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic systems 2019 Aurélien Manchon
Jakub Železný
Ioan Mihai Miron
T. Jungwirth
Jairo Sinova
A. Thiaville
Kévin Garello
Pietro Gambardella
+ PDF Chat Origins of the Unidirectional Spin Hall Magnetoresistance in Metallic Bilayers 2018 Can Onur Avci
Johannes Mendil
Geoffrey S. D. Beach
Pietro Gambardella
+ Experimental discovery of the spin-Hall effect in Rashba spin-orbit coupled semiconductor systems 2004 J. Wunderlich
B. Kaestner
Jairo Sinova
T. Jungwirth
+ PDF Chat Anomaly in anomalous Nernst effect at low temperature for <i>C</i>1<sub>b</sub>-type NiMnSb half-Heusler alloy thin film 2019 Himanshu Sharma
Zhenchao Wen
Kōki Takanashi
Masaki Mizuguchi
+ PDF Chat Berry phase theory of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction and spin–orbit torques 2014 Frank Freimuth
Stefan Blügel
Yuriy Mokrousov
+ PDF Chat Spin Hall effect emerging from a noncollinear magnetic lattice without spin–orbit coupling 2018 Yang Zhang
Jakub Železný
Yan Sun
Jeroen van den Brink
Binghai Yan
+ PDF Chat Unidirectional spin Hall magnetoresistance in ferromagnet/normal metal bilayers 2015 Can Onur Avci
Kévin Garello
Abhijit Ghosh
Mihai Gabureac
S. F. Alvarado
Pietro Gambardella
+ PDF Chat Analysis of the line shape of electrically detected ferromagnetic resonance 2011 Michael Harder
Zhong Cao
Y. S. Gui
Xiaolong Fan
C.‐M. Hu
+ PDF Chat Spin-wave population in nickel after femtosecond laser pulse excitation 2010 Benjamin Lenk
Gerrit Eilers
Jaroslav Hamrle
Markus Münzenberg
+ Electrical switching of an antiferromagnet 2016 P. Wadley
B. Howells
Jakub Železný
C. Andrews
V. Hills
R. P. Campion
V. Novák
K. Olejník
F. Maccherozzi
S. S. Dhesi
+ PDF Chat Spin Hall Effect 1999 J. E. Hirsch
+ PDF Chat Spin-Wave-Mode Coexistence on the Nanoscale: A Consequence of the Oersted-Field-Induced Asymmetric Energy Landscape 2013 Randy K. Dumas
Ezio Iacocca
Stefano Bonetti
S. R. Sani
Seyed Majid Mohseni
Anders Eklund
Johan Persson
Olle Heinonen
Johan Åkerman
+ PDF Chat Spin-Torque Ferromagnetic Resonance Induced by the Spin Hall Effect 2011 Luqiao Liu
Takahiro Moriyama
Daniel C. Ralph
R. A. Buhrman
+ PDF Chat Experimental Evidence of Self-Localized and Propagating Spin Wave Modes in Obliquely Magnetized Current-Driven Nanocontacts 2010 Stefano Bonetti
Vasil Tiberkevich
Giancarlo Consolo
Giovanni Finocchio
P. K. Muduli
Fred Mancoff
A. N. Slavin
Johan Åkerman