Samuel Bowong


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Prediction and control of cholera outbreak: Study case of Cameroon 2024 Cedric Hameni Nkwayep
Romain Glèlè Kakaï
Samuel Bowong
+ Bifurcation analysis and optimal control of an infection age-structured epidemic model with vaccination and treatment 2024 Yves Fotso Fotso
Josué Tchouanti
Janvier P Ntahomvukiye
Samuel Bowong
+ Mathematical modelling of the impact of poverty on cholera outbreaks 2023 Daudel Tchatat
Gabriel Kolaye Guilsou
Amadou Alioum
Samuel Bowong
Céline Maïrousgou
+ PDF Chat Backward bifurcation and optimal control of an SVI age-structured epidemic model 2023 Yves Fotso Fotso
Josué Tchouanti
Janvier P Ntahomvukiye
Samuel Bowong
+ PDF Chat Gaining Profound Knowledge of Cholera Outbreak: The Significance of the Allee Effect on Bacterial Population Growth and Its Implications for Human-Environment Health 2023 Gabriel Kolaye Guilsou
M. A. Aziz-Alaoui
Raymond Houé Ngouna
Bernard Archimède
Samuel Bowong
+ Theoretical assessment of the impact of awareness programs on cholera transmission dynamic 2022 Daudel Tchatat
Gabriel Guilsou Kolaye
Samuel Bowong
A. Temgoua
+ PDF Chat Separation of Concerns in Extended Epidemiological Compartmental Models -- provisional version, see the final version on the conference page when available -- 2022 A. Yvan Guifo Fodjo
Mikal Ziane
Serge Stinckwich
Thi-Mai-Anh Bui
Samuel Bowong
+ Mathematical modeling of COVID-19 pandemic in the context of sub-Saharan Africa: a short-term forecasting in Cameroon and Gabon 2022 Cedric Hameni Nkwayep
Samuel Bowong
Berge Tsanou
M. A. Aziz-Alaoui
Jürgen Kurths
+ Separation of Concerns in Extended Epidemiological Compartmental Models 2022 A. Yvan Guifo Fodjo
Mikal Ziane
Serge Stinckwich
Bui Thi Mai Anh
Samuel Bowong
+ PDF Chat Mathematical modeling of COVID-19 pandemic in the context of sub-Saharan Africa: a short term forecasting in Cameroon and Gabon 2020 Samuel Bowong
+ PDF Chat Short-term forecasts of the COVID-19 pandemic: a study case of Cameroon 2020 Cedric Hameni Nkwayep
Samuel Bowong
Jean Jules Tewa
Jürgen Kurths
+ PDF Chat Dynamic of S-I-R-S cholera model with an Allee Effect on bacterial population 2020 KOLAYE GABRIEL GUILSOU
Irépran Damakoa
Samuel Bowong
Raymond Houé Ngouna
+ A mathematical model of cholera in a periodic environment with control actions 2020 Gabriel Guilsou Kolaye
I. Damakoa
Samuel Bowong
Raymond Houé Ngouna
David Békollè
+ PDF Chat Multi-agent modeling and simulation of the spread of a cholera epidemic: the case of the city of Ngaoundere 2020 Gabriel Guilsou Kolaye
Clive E Mbuge
J-C Kamgang
Samuel Bowong
+ PDF Chat Modélisation et simulation multi-agent de la propagation d'une épidémie de choléra: cas de la ville de Ngaoundéré 2020 Gabriel Guilsou Kolaye
Clive E Mbuge
J-C Kamgang
Samuel Bowong
+ Mathematical analysis of a spatio‐temporal model for the population ecology of anopheles mosquito 2020 Martin Luther Mann Manyombe
Joseph Mbang
Berge Tsanou
Samuel Bowong
Jean Lubuma
+ Mathematical Study of a Class of Epidemiological Models with Multiple Infectious Stages 2019 Samuel Bowong
A. Temgoua
Malong Yannick
Joseph Mbang
+ Mathematical analysis of a drug resistance in a tuberculosis transmission model 2019 Yannick Malong
A. Temgoua
Samuel Bowong
Samuel Bowong
David Yemélé
A. Temgoua
+ Mathematical assessment of the role of environmental factors on the dynamical transmission of cholera 2018 Gabriel Kolaye Guilsou
Samuel Bowong
Raymond Houé Ngouna
M. A. Aziz-Alaoui
M. Cadivel
+ Global properties of a tuberculosis model with lost sight and multi-compartment of latents 2018 A. Temgoua
Yannick Malong
Joseph Mbang
Samuel Bowong
+ PDF Chat Modeling ebola virus disease transmissions with reservoir in a complex virus life ecology 2017 Berge Tsanou
Samuel Bowong
Jean Lubuma
Martin Luther Mann Manyombe
+ PDF Chat A patchy model for the transmission dynamics of tuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa 2017 Dany Pascal Moualeu-Ngangue
Samuel Bowong
Berge Tsanou
A. Temgoua
+ PDF Chat An impulsive modelling framework of fire occurrence in a size-structured model of tree–grass interactions for savanna ecosystems 2016 Valaire Yatat
Pierre Couteron
Jean Jules Tewa
Samuel Bowong
Yves Dumont
+ PDF Chat Assessing the impact of the environmental contamination on the transmission of Ebola virus disease (EVD) 2016 Berge Tsanou
Samuel Bowong
Jean Lubuma
Joseph Mbang
+ PDF Chat Analysis of a tuberculosis model with undetected and lost-sight cases 2016 Dany Pascal Moualeu-Ngangue
André Nana Yakam
Samuel Bowong
A. Temgoua
+ Tree–grass interaction dynamics and pulsed fires: Mathematical and numerical studies 2016 Alexis Tchuinté Tamen
Yves Dumont
Jean Jules Tewa
Samuel Bowong
Pierre Couteron
+ Optimal control for an age-structured model for the transmission of hepatitis B 2015 Ramsès Djidjou‐Demasse
Jean Jules Tewa
Samuel Bowong
Yves Emvudu
+ PDF Chat Global stability of a two-patch cholera model with fast and slow transmissions 2015 Berge Tsanou
Samuel Bowong
Jean Lubuma
+ PDF Chat Analysis of an Age-structured SIL model with demographics process and vertical transmission 2014 Ramsès Djidjou‐Demasse
Jean Jules Tewa
Samuel Bowong
+ PDF Chat Finite-time synchronization of tunnel-diode-based chaotic oscillators 2014 Patrick Louodop
Hilaire Bertrand Fotsin
Michaux Kountchou
Elie Bertrand Megam Ngouonkadi
Hilda A. Cerdeira
Samuel Bowong
+ PDF Chat Mathematical Analysis of a General Two-Patch Model of Tuberculosis Disease with Lost Sight Individuals 2014 Abdias Laohombé
Isabelle Ngningone Eya
Jean Jules Tewa
Alassane Bah
Samuel Bowong
Suares Clovis Oukouomi Noutchie
+ PDF Chat A patchy model for Chikungunya-like diseases 2013 Samuel Bowong
Yves Dumont
Jean Jules Tewa
+ PDF Chat Effective Synchronization of a Class of Chua’s Chaotic Systems Using an Exponential Feedback Coupling 2013 Patrick Louodop
Hilaire Bertrand Fotsin
Elie Bertrand Megam Ngouonkadi
Samuel Bowong
Hilda A. Cerdeira
+ PDF Chat Predator-Prey Model with Prey Harvesting, Holling Response Function of Type III and SIS Disease 2012 Jean Jules Tewa
Ramsès Djidjou‐Demasse
Samuel Bowong
+ Predator–Prey model with Holling response function of type II and SIS infectious disease 2012 Jean Jules Tewa
Valaire Yatat
Samuel Bowong
+ Optimal intervention strategies for tuberculosis 2012 Samuel Bowong
M. A. Aziz-Alaoui
+ Mathematical analysis of a general class of ordinary differential equations coming from within-hosts models of malaria with immune effectors 2012 Jean Jules Tewa
R. Fokouop
Boulchard Mewoli
Samuel Bowong
+ Mathematical analysis of a two-patch model of tuberculosis disease with staged progression 2012 Jean Jules Tewa
Samuel Bowong
Suares Clovis Oukouomi Noutchie
+ Analysis of the spread of tuberculosis in heterogeneous complex metapopulations 2011 Berge Tsanou
Samuel Bowong
Jean Jules Tewa
Joseph Mbang
René Ndoundam
Samuel Bowong
+ Mathematical analysis of two-patch model for the dynamical transmission of tuberculosis 2011 Jean Jules Tewa
Samuel Bowong
Boulchard Mewoli
+ Modeling and analysis of the transmission dynamics of tuberculosis without and with seasonality 2011 Samuel Bowong
Jürgen Kurths
+ Two-Patch Transmission of Tuberculosis 2011 Jean Jules Tewa
Samuel Bowong
Boulchard Mewoli
Jürgen Kurths
Jürgen Kurths
Samuel Bowong
Yves Emvudu
+ Analysis of the spread of tuberculosis in heterogeneous complex metapopulations 2011 Berge Tsanou
Samuel Bowong
Jean Jules Tewa
+ Global analysis of a dynamical model for transmission of tuberculosis with a general contact rate 2010 Samuel Bowong
Jean Jules Tewa
+ Parameter estimation and optimal control of the dynamics of transmission of tuberculosis with application to Cameroon 2010 Samuel Bowong
Jean Jules Tewa
+ Mathematical analysis of a tuberculosis model with differential infectivity 2009 Samuel Bowong
Jean Jules Tewa
+ Global stability analysis for SEIS models with n latent classes 2008 Napoleon Bame
Samuel Bowong
Josepha Mbang
Gauthier Sallet
Jean Jules Tewa
Napoleon Bame
Samuel Bowong
Josepha Mbang
Gauthier Sallet
Jean Jules Tewa
+ Lyapunov functions for a dengue disease transmission model 2007 Jean Jules Tewa
Jean Luc Dimi
Samuel Bowong
+ Chaos control and duration time of a class of uncertain chaotic systems 2003 Samuel Bowong
F. M. Moukam Kakmeni
+ Contrôle Géométrique des Systèmes Non Linéaires 2002 Jean-Claude Vivalda
Christel Wiemert
Abderrahman Iggidr
Frédéric Mazenc
Philippe Adda
R. Chabour
Édouard Richard
Gauthier Sallet
B. S. Kalitine
Rodoumta Koina
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Reproduction numbers and sub-threshold endemic equilibria for compartmental models of disease transmission 2002 P. van den Driessche
James Watmough
+ Dynamical Models of Tuberculosis and Their Applications 2004 Carlos Castillo‐Chávez
Baojun Song
+ Mathematical analysis of a tuberculosis model with differential infectivity 2009 Samuel Bowong
Jean Jules Tewa
+ The Mathematics of Infectious Diseases 2000 Herbert W. Hethcote
+ PDF Chat Global Analysis of New Malaria Intrahost Models with a Competitive Exclusion Principle 2006 Abderrahman Iggidr
Jean Claude Kamgang
Gauthier Sallet
Jean Jules Tewa
+ PDF Chat Stability of Dynamical Systems 2018 Nivaldo A. Lemos̀
+ The Stability of Dynamical Systems 1976 J. P. La Salle
+ PDF Chat General models of host-parasite systems. Global analysis 2007 Philippe Adda
Jean-Luc Dimi
Abderrahman Iggidr
Jean Claude Kamgang
Gauthier Sallet
Jean Jules Tewa
+ Qualitative Theory of Compartmental Systems 1993 John A. Jacquez
Carl P. Simon
+ Global stability analysis for SEIS models with n latent classes 2008 Napoleon Bame
Samuel Bowong
Josepha Mbang
Gauthier Sallet
Jean Jules Tewa
Napoleon Bame
Samuel Bowong
Josepha Mbang
Gauthier Sallet
Jean Jules Tewa
+ Multi-compartment models 2007 Abderrahman Iggidr
Josepha Mbang
Gauthier Sallet
Jean Jules Tewa
+ A Lyapunov function and global properties for SIR and SEIR epidemiological models with nonlinear incidence 2004 Philip K. Maini
Andrei Korobeinikov
+ A Model for Tuberculosis with Exogenous Reinfection 2000 Zhilan Feng
Carlos Castillo‐Chávez
Angel F. Capurro
+ Stability theory for ordinary differential equations 1968 J. P. LaSalle
+ Computation of threshold conditions for epidemiological models and global stability of the disease-free equilibrium (DFE) 2008 Jean Claude Kamgang
Gauthier Sallet
+ PDF Chat To treat or not to treat: the case of tuberculosis 1997 Carlos Castillo‐Chávez
Zhilan Feng
+ PDF Chat On the definition and the computation of the basic reproduction ratio R 0 in models for infectious diseases in heterogeneous populations 1990 Odo Diekmann
Hans Heesterbeek
J.A.J. Metz
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov functions and global properties for SEIR and SEIS epidemic models 2004 Andrei Korobeinikov
+ Lyapunov functions for tuberculosis models with fast and slow progression 2006 C. Connell McCluskey
+ Backwards bifurcations and catastrophe in simple models of fatal diseases 1998 Jonathan Dushoff
Wenzhang Huang
Carlos Castillo‐Chávez
+ PDF Chat Global asymptotic stability for the disease free equilibrium for epidemiological models 2005 Jean Claude Kamgang
Gauthier Sallet
+ Estimating the reproductive numbers for the 2008–2009 cholera outbreaks in Zimbabwe 2011 Zindoga Mukandavire
Shu Liao
Jin Wang
Holly Gaff
David L. Smith
J. Glenn Morris
+ PDF Chat Epidemiological Models and Lyapunov Functions 2007 Ahmed Fall
Abderrahman Iggidr
Gauthier Sallet
Jean Jules Tewa
+ Modeling Optimal Intervention Strategies for Cholera 2010 Rachael Miller Neilan
Elsa Schaefer
Holly Gaff
K. Renee Fister
Suzanne Lenhart
+ Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of Complex Models of Disease Transmission: An HIV Model, as an Example 1994 Sally Blower
Hadi Dowlatabadi
+ PDF Chat Hyperinfectivity: A Critical Element in the Ability of V. cholerae to Cause Epidemics? 2005 David Hartley
J. Glenn Morris
David L. Smith
+ Backward bifurcations in simple vaccination models 2004 Fred Brauer
+ A Geometric Approach to Global-Stability Problems 1996 Michael Y. Li
James S. Muldowney
+ Asymptotically Autonomous Epidemic Models 1994 Carlos Castillo‐Chávez
Horst R. Thieme
+ Spatiotemporal dynamics of epidemics: synchrony in metapopulation models 2003 Alun L. Lloyd
Vincent A. A. Jansen
+ Global Results for an Epidemic Model with Vaccination that Exhibits Backward Bifurcation 2003 Julien Arino
C. Connell McCluskey
P. van den Driessche
+ Mathematical Structures of Epidemic Systems 1993 Vincenzo Capasso
+ A Tuberculosis Model with Seasonality 2010 Luju Liu
Xiao‐Qiang Zhao
Yicang Zhou
+ Tuberculosis Transmission Model with Chemoprophylaxis and Treatment 2008 C. P. Bhunu
Winston Garira
Zindoga Mukandavire
M Zimba
+ Permanence and the dynamics of biological systems 1992 V. Hutson
Klaus Schmitt
+ A deterministic model for gonorrhea in a nonhomogeneous population 1976 Ana Lajmanovich
James A. Yorke
+ Global analysis of a dynamical model for transmission of tuberculosis with a general contact rate 2010 Samuel Bowong
Jean Jules Tewa
+ Stability of the endemic equilibrium in epidemic models with subpopulations 1985 Herbert W. Hethcote
Horst R. Thieme
+ Mathematical analysis of a two-patch model of tuberculosis disease with staged progression 2012 Jean Jules Tewa
Samuel Bowong
Suares Clovis Oukouomi Noutchie
+ Global stability for a class of mass action systems allowing for latency in tuberculosis 2007 C. Connell McCluskey
+ Quarantine in a multi-species epidemic model with spatial dynamics 2005 Julien Arino
Richard D. Jordan
P. van den Driessche
+ PDF Chat Seasonality and the dynamics of infectious diseases 2006 Sonia Altizer
Andrew P. Dobson
Parviez R. Hosseini
Peter J. Hudson
Mercedes Pascual
Pejman Rohani
+ Two-Patch Transmission of Tuberculosis 2011 Jean Jules Tewa
Samuel Bowong
Boulchard Mewoli
Jürgen Kurths
+ None 2001 Zhilan Feng
Wenzhang Huang
Carlos Castillo‐Chávez
+ Dynamically consistent nonstandard finite difference schemes for epidemiological models 2013 Roumen Anguelov
Yves Dumont
Jean Lubuma
Meir Shillor
+ PDF Chat Cholera transmission dynamic models for public health practitioners 2014 Isaac Chun‐Hai Fung
+ Seasonality and period-doubling bifurcations in an epidemic model 1984 Joan L. Aron
Ira B. Schwartz
+ PDF Chat Stability Analysis and Dynamics Preserving Nonstandard Finite Difference Schemes for a Malaria Model 2013 Roumen Anguelov
Yves Dumont
Jean Lubuma
Eunice Mureithi
+ PDF Chat Modeling Cholera Outbreaks 2013 Dennis L. Chao
Ira M. Longini
J. Glenn Morris
+ The intrinsic transmission dynamics of tuberculosis epidemics 1995 Sally Blower
Angela R. McLean
Travis C. Porco
Peter M. Small
Philip C. Hopewell
Melissa Sanchez
Andrew R. Moss