J. R. Quine


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Extremal symplectic lattices 1998 J. R. Quine
Peter Liang Zhang
+ None 1998 Yaacov Kopeliovich
J. R. Quine
+ Extremal Riemann Surfaces 1997 J. R. Quine
Peter Sarnak
+ Jacobian of the Picard curve 1997 J. R. Quine
+ Extremal Riemann surfaces : from the proceedings of the AMS special session with related papers January 4-5, 1995, San Francisco, California 1997 J. R. Quine
Peter Sarnak
+ Systoles of two extremal Riemann surfaces 1996 J. R. Quine
+ PDF Zeta Regularized Products and Functional Determinants on Spheres 1996 J. R. Quine
Junesang Choi
+ PDF Some series involving the zeta function 1995 Junesang Choi
H. M. Srivástava
J. R. Quine
+ PDF Zeta Regularized Products 1993 J. R. Quine
S. H. Heydari
R. Y. Song
+ PDF Zeta regularized products 1993 J. R. Quine
Somayeh Heydari
R. Song
+ PDF A double Stirling formula 1993 J. R. Quine
Richard R. Song
+ On the harmonic measure of slit domains 1989 J. R. Quine
+ PDF Dirichlet integral and star-function inequalities 1986 J. R. Quine
+ Polygonal Bazilevič Functions 1985 Benjamin M. Case
J. R. Quine
+ Circular symmetrization and the * function 1984 J. R. Quine
+ PDF Conditions for some polygonal functions to be Bazilevič 1983 B. A. Case
J. R. Quine
+ Plücker Equations for Curves 1981 J. R. Quine
+ A non-compact version of Plücker’s second equation 1980 J. R. Quine
Paul Yang
+ PDF Plücker relations for $p(e^{i\theta})$. 1979 J. R. Quine
+ PDF A global theorem for singularities of maps between oriented 2-manifolds 1978 J. R. Quine
+ PDF Tangent winding numbers and branched mappings 1977 J. R. Quine
+ Some Consequences of the Algebraic Nature of p(e iθ 1976 J. R. Quine
+ Some Topological Theorems Relating to Close-to-Convex Functions 1976 J. R. Quine
+ PDF The geometry of<i>p</i>(<i>S</i><sup>1</sup>) 1976 J. R. Quine
+ PDF Homotopies and intersection sequences 1976 J. R. Quine
+ PDF Some consequences of the algebraic nature of 𝑝(𝑒^{𝑖𝜃}) 1976 J. R. Quine
+ PDF On univalent polynomials 1976 J. R. Quine
+ PDF On positively turning immersions 1976 J. R. Quine
+ PDF On the self-intersections of the image of the unit circle under a polynomial mapping 1973 J. R. Quine
+ Univalent Polynomials. 1971 J. R. Quine
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF �ber die Anzahl der Wurzeln einer algebraischen Gleichung in einem Kreise 1922 Amélia Cohn
+ PDF On the self-intersections of the image of the unit circle under a polynomial mapping 1973 J. R. Quine
+ Extremals of determinants of Laplacians 1988 Brad Osgood
Ralph S. Phillips
Peter Sarnak
+ PDF On the Self-Intersections of the Image of the Unit Circle Under a Polynomial Mapping 1973 J. R. Quine
+ R-Torsion and the Laplacian on Riemannian manifolds 1971 Daniel Ray
I. M. Singer
+ PDF Integral means, univalent functions and circular symmetrization 1974 Albert Baernstein
+ Determinants of Laplacians and Multiple Gamma Functions 1988 Ilan Vardi
+ PDF Spectral functions, special functions and the Selberg zeta function 1987 A. Voros
+ VI. The theory of the double gamma function 1901 E. W. Barnes
+ PDF Regular closed curves in the plane 2012 Masahisa Adachi
+ PDF Ueber Relationen zwischen Classenanzahlen binärer quadratischer Formen von negativer Determinante 1885 Adolf Hurwitz
+ Introduction to Algebraic and Abelian Functions 1982 Serge Lang
+ PDF Proof of Edrei's Spread Conjecture 1973 Albert Baernstein
+ PDF On Kronecker limit formula for real quadratic fields 1976 Takuro Shintani
+ PDF Curvature and the eigenvalues of the Laplacian 1967 H. P. McKean
I. M. Singer
+ PDF On regular closed curves in the plane 1992 Hassler Whitney
+ Meromorphic Functions and Analytic Curves. 2016 Hermann Weyl
+ Lectures on the theory of functions of a complex variable, I. Holomorphic functions 1963 F.D. GAKHOV
+ Modular Functions and Dirichlet Series in Number Theory 1990 Tom M. Apostol
+ Principles of Algebraic Geometry 1978 Phillip Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ PDF The Perfect and Extreme Senary Forms 1957 Edwin Barnes
+ Isoperimetric Inequalities in Mathematical Physics. (AM-27) 1951 Georg Pólya
Giorgio P. Szegö
+ Coefficient regions for univalent polynomials of small degree 1967 David A. Brannan
+ On Singularities of Mappings of Euclidean Spaces. I. Mappings of the Plane into the Plane 1955 Hassler Whitney
+ PDF Zeta Regularized Products and Functional Determinants on Spheres 1996 J. R. Quine
Junesang Choi
+ Lectures on the Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable 1985 Giovanni Sansone
Johan C. H. Gerretsen
+ PDF Homotopies and intersection sequences 1976 J. R. Quine
+ Meromorphic Functions and Analytic Curves. (AM-12) 1944 Hermann Weyl
+ PDF Extensions through codimension one to sense preserving mappings 1973 Charles J. Titus
+ On the period matrix of a Riemann surface of large genus (with an Appendix by J.H. Conway and N.J.A. Sloane) 1994 Peter Buser
Peter Sarnak
+ Geometry of Polynomials 1949 Morris Marden
+ PDF Arithmetic on curves 1986 Barry Mazur
+ PDF Holomorphic curves and metrics of negative curvature 1976 Michael J. Cowen
Phillip Griffiths
+ On Singularities of Mappings of Euclidean Spaces. I. Mappings of the Plane Into the Plane 1992 Hassler Whitney
+ Algebraic Curves: An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 1969 William Fulton
Richard M. Weiss
+ Reimann surfaces with shortest geodesic of maximal length 1993 Paul Schmutz
+ Invariance theory, the heat equation, and the Atiyah-Singer index theorem 1995 Peter Gilkey
+ PDF Ueber die Transformation siebenter Ordnung der elliptischen Functionen 1878 Félix Klein
+ PDF Zeta Regularized Products 1993 J. R. Quine
S. H. Heydari
R. Y. Song
+ Ueber eine mit der Gammafunction verwandte Transcendente und deren Anwendung auf die Integralrechnung. 1860 H. Kinkelin
+ PDF The convergence-preserving rearrangements of real infinite series 1977 Gerald Stoller
+ Functions of One Complex Variable I 1978 John B. Conway
+ Systoles of two extremal Riemann surfaces 1996 J. R. Quine
+ Isoperimetric inequalities in mathematical physics 1951 George Pólya
Gábor Szegő
+ PDF On the multivalent functions 1991 Nak Eun Cho
Oh Sang Kwon
Mamoru Nunokawa
+ PDF Tangent winding numbers and branched mappings 1977 J. R. Quine
+ PDF Generalized Bazilevic functions 1979 Douglas M. Campbell
Kent Pearce
+ PDF On the inverse function theorem 1976 Francis Clarke
+ PDF Derivation of the integrals of<i>L</i><sup>(<i>q</i>)</sup>-functions 1976 Charles A. Hayes
+ On the theory of symmetric polynomials 2014 M. Г. Крейн