Alessandro Nagar


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Wavelet Scattering Transform for Gravitational Waves Analysis. An Application to Glitch Characterization 2024 Alessandro Licciardi
Davide Carbone
Lamberto Rondoni
Alessandro Nagar
+ Open data from the first and second observing runs of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo 2021 Rich Abbott
T. D. Abbott
Sheelu Abraham
F. Acernese
K. Ackley
Carl Adams
R. X. Adhikari
V. B. Adya
C. Affeldt
M. Agathos
+ Gauge-invariant Non-spherical Metric Perturbations of Schwarzschild Black-Hole Spacetimes. (arXiv:gr-qc/0502064v5 UPDATED) 2020 Alessandro Nagar
Luciano Rezzolla
+ PDF Chat Matter imprints in waveform models for neutron star binaries: Tidal and self-spin effects 2019 Tim Dietrich
S. Khan
Reetika Dudi
S. J. Kapadia
P. Kumar
Alessandro Nagar
F. Ohme
F. Pannarale
A. Samajdar
Sebastiano Bernuzzi
+ PDF Chat Time-domain effective-one-body gravitational waveforms for coalescing compact binaries with nonprecessing spins, tides, and self-spin effects 2018 Alessandro Nagar
Sebastiano Bernuzzi
W. Del Pozzo
G. Riemenschneider
Sarp Akçay
G. Carullo
Philipp Fleig
S. Babak
Ka Wa Tsang
M. Colleoni
+ PDF Chat Erratum: Parametrized-4.5PN TaylorF2 approximants and tail effects to quartic nonlinear order from the effective one body formalism [Phys. Rev. D <b>95</b> , 124001 (2017)] 2018 Francesco Messina
Alessandro Nagar
+ PDF Chat Erratum: Parametrized-4.5PN TaylorF2 approximants and tail effects to quartic nonlinear order from the effective one body formalism [Phys. Rev. D <b>95</b> , 124001 (2017)] 2017 Francesco Messina
Alessandro Nagar
+ PDF Chat The most powerful astrophysical events: Gravitational-wave peak luminosity of binary black holes as predicted by numerical relativity 2017 D. Keitel
Xisco Jiménez Forteza
S. Husa
L. T. London
Sebastiano Bernuzzi
Enno Harms
Alessandro Nagar
M. D. Hannam
S. Khan
M. PĂĽrrer
+ PDF Chat Analytic family of post-merger template waveforms 2017 W. Del Pozzo
Alessandro Nagar
+ Back to post-Newtonian: parametrized-4.5PN TaylorF2 approximant(s) and tail effects to quartic nonlinear order from the effective one body formalism 2017 Francesco Messina
Alessandro Nagar
+ PDF Chat Gravitational recoil in nonspinning black-hole binaries: The span of test-mass results 2013 Alessandro Nagar
+ PDF Chat Improved resummation of post-Newtonian multipolar waveforms from circularized compact binaries 2009 Thibault Damour
B. R. Iyer
Alessandro Nagar
+ PDF Chat Gravitational-wave extraction from neutron-star oscillations: Comparing linear and nonlinear techniques 2009 Luca Baiotti
Sebastiano Bernuzzi
Giovanni Corvino
R. De Pietri
Alessandro Nagar
+ Gravitational-wave extraction from neutron-star oscillations 2009 Sebastiano Bernuzzi
Luca Baiotti
Giovanni Corvino
R. De Pietri
Alessandro Nagar
+ PDF Chat Accurate effective-one-body waveforms of inspiralling and coalescing black-hole binaries 2008 Thibault Damour
Alessandro Nagar
M. D. Hannam
S. Husa
Bernd BrĂĽgmann
+ PDF Chat Dynamical excitation of space-time modes of compact objects 2008 Sebastiano Bernuzzi
Alessandro Nagar
R. De Pietri
+ Numerical analysis of backreaction in acoustic black holes 2006 Roberto Balbinot
Alessandro Fabbri
Serena Fagnocchi
Alessandro Nagar
+ PDF Chat Gauge-invariant non-spherical metric perturbations of Schwarzschild black-hole spacetimes 2005 Alessandro Nagar
Luciano Rezzolla
+ PDF Chat Gravitational waves from oscillating accretion tori: Comparison between different approaches 2005 Alessandro Nagar
J. A. Font
Olindo Zanotti
R. De Pietri
+ PDF Chat Accretion-driven gravitational radiation from nonrotating compact objects: Infalling quadrupolar shells 2004 Alessandro Nagar
Guillermo DĂ­az
J. A. Pons
J. A. Font
+ Fluid accretion onto relativistic stars and gravitational radiation 2004 Alessandro Nagar
Guillermo DĂ­az
+ PDF Chat Detection of a scalar stochastic background of gravitational waves 2001 D. Babusci
Luca Baiotti
Francesco Fucito
Alessandro Nagar
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Faithful effective-one-body waveforms of small-mass-ratio coalescing black hole binaries 2007 Thibault Damour
Alessandro Nagar
+ PDF Chat Frequency-domain gravitational waves from nonprecessing black-hole binaries. II. A phenomenological model for the advanced detector era 2016 S. Khan
S. Husa
Mark Hannam
F. Ohme
M. PĂĽrrer
Xisco Jiménez Forteza
A. Bohé
+ PDF Chat Gravitational-Wave Extraction from an Inspiraling Configuration of Merging Black Holes 2006 John G. Baker
Joan Centrella
Dae-Il Choi
Michael Koppitz
James van Meter
+ PDF Chat Effective one-body approach to general relativistic two-body dynamics 1999 Alessandra Buonanno
Thibault Damour
+ Gravitational waves from axisymmetrically oscillating neutron stars in general relativistic simulations 2003 Masaru Shibata
Yu-ichirou Sekiguchi
+ PDF Chat Gauge-invariant non-spherical metric perturbations of Schwarzschild black-hole spacetimes 2005 Alessandro Nagar
Luciano Rezzolla
+ PDF Chat New approach to the evolution of neutron star oscillations 2001 J. Ruoff
+ PDF Chat Accurate Evolutions of Orbiting Black-Hole Binaries without Excision 2006 Manuela Campanelli
C. O. LoustĂł
Pedro Marronetti
Yosef Zlochower
+ PDF Chat Calibration of moving puncture simulations 2008 Bernd BrĂĽgmann
José A. González
M. D. Hannam
S. Husa
Ulrich Sperhake
Wolfgang Tichy
+ PDF Chat Accretion-driven gravitational radiation from nonrotating compact objects: Infalling quadrupolar shells 2004 Alessandro Nagar
Guillermo DĂ­az
J. A. Pons
J. A. Font
+ PDF Chat Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger 2016 B. P. Abbott
R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
M. R. Abernathy
F. Acernese
K. Ackley
C. Adams
T. Adams
P. Addesso
R. X. Adhikari
+ PDF Chat Improved effective-one-body description of coalescing nonspinning black-hole binaries and its numerical-relativity completion 2013 Thibault Damour
Alessandro Nagar
Sebastiano Bernuzzi
+ PDF Chat Binary black hole merger in the extreme-mass-ratio limit 2007 Alessandro Nagar
Thibault Damour
Angelo Tartaglia
+ PDF Chat Frequency-domain gravitational waves from nonprecessing black-hole binaries. I. New numerical waveforms and anatomy of the signal 2016 S. Husa
S. Khan
Mark Hannam
M. PĂĽrrer
F. Ohme
Xisco Jiménez Forteza
A. Bohé
+ PDF Chat Gauge-invariant and coordinate-independent perturbations of stellar collapse: The interior 2000 Carsten Gundlach
José M. Martín-García
+ PDF Chat Parameter estimation for compact binaries with ground-based gravitational-wave observations using the LALInference software library 2015 J. Veitch
V. Raymond
B. Farr
Will M. Farr
P. B. Graff
S. Vitale
B. E. Aylott
K. Blackburn
N. Christensen
M. W. Coughlin
+ PDF Chat Relativistic simulations of rotational core collapse II. Collapse dynamics and gravitational radiation 2002 Harald Dimmelmeier
J. A. Font
Ewald MĂĽller
+ PDF Chat Inspiral, merger, and ringdown of unequal mass black hole binaries: A multipolar analysis 2007 Emanuele Berti
VĂ­tor Cardoso
José A. González
Ulrich Sperhake
M. D. Hannam
S. Husa
Bernd BrĂĽgmann
+ PDF Chat Comparing effective-one-body gravitational waveforms to accurate numerical data 2008 Thibault Damour
Alessandro Nagar
+ PDF Chat Gravitational signals emitted by a point mass orbiting a neutron star: Effects of stellar structure 2002 J. A. Pons
Emanuele Berti
Leonardo Gualtieri
G. Miniutti
Valeria Ferrari
+ PDF Chat GW170817: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Neutron Star Inspiral 2017 B. P. Abbott
R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
F. Acernese
K. Ackley
C. Adams
T. Adams
P. Addesso
R. X. Adhikari
V. B. Adya
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Normal Modes of Stars and Black Holes 1999 Kostas D. Kokkotas
Bernd Schmidt
+ PDF Chat GW151226: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a 22-Solar-Mass Binary Black Hole Coalescence 2016 B. P. Abbott
R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
M. R. Abernathy
F. Acernese
K. Ackley
C. Adams
T. Adams
P. Addesso
R. X. Adhikari
+ PDF Chat Energetics and phasing of nonprecessing spinning coalescing black hole binaries 2016 Alessandro Nagar
Thibault Damour
Christian Reisswig
Denis Pollney
+ PDF Chat Simulations of unequal-mass black hole binaries with spectral methods 2012 Luisa T. Buchman
Harald Pfeiffer
Mark Scheel
Béla Szilágyi
+ PDF Chat Binary black hole merger in the extreme-mass-ratio limit: A multipolar analysis 2010 Sebastiano Bernuzzi
Alessandro Nagar
+ PDF Chat Improved effective-one-body model of spinning, nonprecessing binary black holes for the era of gravitational-wave astrophysics with advanced detectors 2017 A. Bohé
Lijing Shao
Andrea Taracchini
Alessandra Buonanno
S. Babak
I. W. Harry
Ian Hinder
Serguei Ossokine
M. PĂĽrrer
V. Raymond
+ PDF Chat Gravitational waves from pulsating stars: Evolving the perturbation equations for a relativistic star 1998 Gabrielle Allen
Nils Andersson
Kostas D. Kokkotas
B. F. Schutz
+ PDF Chat A new gravitational wave generation algorithm for particle perturbations of the Kerr spacetime 2014 Enno Harms
Sebastiano Bernuzzi
Alessandro Nagar
Anıl Zenginoğlu
+ PDF Chat Gauge conditions for long-term numerical black hole evolutions without excision 2003 Miguel Alcubierre
Bernd BrĂĽgmann
Peter Diener
Michael Koppitz
Denis Pollney
Edward Seidel
RyĹŤji Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Improved resummation of post-Newtonian multipolar waveforms from circularized compact binaries 2009 Thibault Damour
B. R. Iyer
Alessandro Nagar
+ PDF Chat Gravitational-wave spectroscopy of massive black holes with the space interferometer LISA 2006 Emanuele Berti
VĂ­tor Cardoso
Clifford M. Will
+ PDF Chat Numerical integration of Einstein’s field equations 1998 Thomas W. Baumgarte
Stuart L. Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Transition from inspiral to plunge in binary black hole coalescences 2000 Alessandra Buonanno
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat High-accuracy comparison of numerical relativity simulations with post-Newtonian expansions 2007 Michael Boyle
D. Brown
Larry Kidder
Abdul Mroué
Harald Pfeiffer
Mark Scheel
Gregory B. Cook
Saul A. Teukolsky
+ PDF Chat New effective-one-body description of coalescing nonprecessing spinning black-hole binaries 2014 Thibault Damour
Alessandro Nagar
+ PDF Chat Gauge-invariant and coordinate-independent perturbations of stellar collapse. II. Matching to the exterior 2001 José M. Martín-García
Carsten Gundlach
+ PDF Chat Binary black hole coalescence in the large-mass-ratio limit: The hyperboloidal layer method and waveforms at null infinity 2011 Sebastiano Bernuzzi
Alessandro Nagar
Anıl Zenginoğlu
+ PDF Chat Gauge-invariant perturbations of Schwarzschild black holes in horizon-penetrating coordinates 2001 Olivier Sarbach
Manuel Tiglio
+ PDF Chat Comparison of search templates for gravitational waves from binary inspiral 2001 Thibault Damour
B. R. Iyer
B. S. Sathyaprakash
+ PDF Chat Catalog of 174 Binary Black Hole Simulations for Gravitational Wave Astronomy 2013 Abdul Mroué
Mark Scheel
Béla Szilágyi
Harald Pfeiffer
Michael Boyle
Daniel A. Hemberger
Larry Kidder
Geoffrey Lovelace
Serguei Ossokine
Nicholas Taylor
+ PDF Chat Excitation of neutron star oscillations by an orbiting particle 2001 J. Ruoff
Pablo Laguna
Jorge Pullin
+ PDF Chat Applying black hole perturbation theory to numerically generated spacetimes 1996 Andrew M. Abrahams
Richard H. Price
+ PDF Chat Scattering of particles by neutron stars: Time evolutions for axial perturbations 2000 Valeria Ferrari
Kostas D. Kokkotas
+ PDF Chat Three-dimensional numerical general relativistic hydrodynamics. II. Long-term dynamics of single relativistic stars 2002 J. A. Font
Tom Goodale
Sai Iyer
Mark Miller
Luciano Rezzolla
Edward Seidel
Nikolaos Stergioulas
Wai-Mo Suen
Malcolm Tobias
+ PDF Chat Accurate effective-one-body waveforms of inspiralling and coalescing black-hole binaries 2008 Thibault Damour
Alessandro Nagar
M. D. Hannam
S. Husa
Bernd BrĂĽgmann
+ PDF Chat Improved filters for gravitational waves from inspiraling compact binaries 1998 Thibault Damour
B. R. Iyer
B. S. Sathyaprakash
+ PDF Chat Using full information when computing modes of post-Newtonian waveforms from inspiralling compact binaries in circular orbit 2008 Larry Kidder
+ PDF Chat Determination of the last stable orbit for circular general relativistic binaries at the third post-Newtonian approximation 2000 Thibault Damour
P. Jaranowski
Gerhard Schäfer
+ PDF Chat Gauge-invariant non-spherical metric perturbations of Schwarzschild black-hole spacetimes 2006 A. Nagar
Luciano Rezzolla