David Joyner


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A Comparative Analysis of Student Performance Predictions in Online Courses using Heterogeneous Knowledge Graphs 2024 Thomas Trask
Nicholas Lytle
Michael Boyle
David Joyner
Ahmed Mubarak
+ A Matrix Criterion for Harmonic Morphisms of Graphs with Applications to Graph Products 2024 Caroline Grant Melles
David Joyner
+ A Scalable Architecture for Conducting A/B Experiments in Educational Settings 2023 Andrew Hornback
Stephen J. Buckley
J. Kos
Scott Bunin
Sungeun An
David Joyner
Ashok K. Goel
+ John Benedetto’s Mathematical Work 2021 David Joyner
+ PDF Chat Collaboration Versus Cheating 2019 Tony Mason
Ada Gavrilovska
David Joyner
+ PDF Chat Collaboration Versus Cheating: Reducing Code Plagiarism in an Online MS Computer Science Program 2019 Tony Mason
Ada Gavrilovska
David Joyner
+ On p-ary Bent Functions and Strongly Regular Graphs 2019 Caroline Grant Melles
David Joyner
+ PDF Chat Self-inversive polynomials, curves, and codes 2018 David Joyner
Tony Shaska
+ Self-inversive polynomials, curves, and codes 2016 David Joyner
Tony Shaska
+ Edge-weighted Cayley Graphs and p-ary Bent Functions. 2016 Charles Celerier
David Joyner
Caroline Grant Melles
David J. Phillips
Steven Walsh
+ Self-inversive polynomials, curves, and codes 2016 David Joyner
Tony Shaska
+ Edge-weighted Cayley graphs, monotonicity and bent functions 2015 David Joyner
+ Explorations of edge-weighted Cayley graphs and p-ary bent functions 2014 Charles Celerier
David Joyner
Caroline Grant Melles
David J. Phillips
Steven Walsh
+ Zeros of Some Self-Reciprocal Polynomials 2012 David Joyner
+ PDF Chat On the Walsh-Hadamard transform of monotone Boolean functions 2012 Charles Celerier
David Joyner
Caroline Grant Melles
David J. Phillips
+ PDF Chat Automorphism groups on tropical curves: some cohomology calculations 2011 David Joyner
Amy Ksir
Caroline Grant Melles
+ Codes from Modular Curves 2011 David Joyner
Jon-Lark Kim
+ The Riemann Hypothesis and Coding Theory 2011 David Joyner
Jon-Lark Kim
+ Hyperelliptic Curves and Quadratic Residue Codes 2011 David Joyner
Jon-Lark Kim
+ Automorphism Groups on Tropical Curves: Some Cohomology Calculations 2010 David Joyner
Amy Ksir
Caroline Grant Melles
+ PDF Chat Codes from Riemann-Roch spaces for y<SUP align=right>2</SUP> = x<SUP align=right>p</SUP> - x over GF(p) 2010 Darren Glass
David Joyner
Amy Ksir
+ Automorphism Groups on Tropical Curves: Some Cohomology Calculations 2010 David Joyner
Amy Ksir
Caroline Grant Melles
+ AMS special session on SAGE and mathematical research using open source software 2009 David Joyner
+ PDF Chat A primer on computational group homology and cohomology using GAP and SAGE 2008 David Joyner
+ Open source computer algebra systems 2008 David Joyner
+ Automorphism groups of generalized Reed-Solomon codes 2008 David Joyner
Amy Ksir
Will Traves
+ PDF Chat Decomposing representations of finite groups on Riemann-Roch spaces 2007 David Joyner
Amy Ksir
+ Automorphism groups of generalized Reed-Solomon codes 2007 David Joyner
Amy Ksir
Will Traves
Amy Ksir
Roger Vogeler
+ Computing with toric varieties 2007 Helena Verrill
David Joyner
+ PDF Chat Automorphism groups of some AG codes 2006 David Joyner
Amy Ksir
+ Continued fractions and Parallel SQUFOF 2006 Stephen S. McMath
F. Crabbe
David Joyner
+ Group representations on Riemann-Roch spaces of some Hurwitz curves 2006 David Joyner
Amy Ksir
Roger Vogeler
+ On quadratic residue codes and hyperelliptic curves 2006 David Joyner
+ PDF Chat A Question about <font>Pic</font>(X) as a G-module 2005 Daniel Goldstein
Robert M. Guralnick
David Joyner
+ Modular representations on some Riemann-Roch spaces of modular curves X(N) 2005 David Joyner
Amy Ksir
+ Conjectural permutation decoding of some AG codes 2005 David Joyner
+ Modular representations on some Riemann-Roch spaces of modular curves X(N) 2005 David Joyner
Amy Ksir
+ PDF Chat Toric Codes over Finite Fields 2004 David Joyner
+ A Question about Pic(X) as a G-module 2004 Daniel Goldstein
Robert M. Guralnick
David Joyner
Pablo Lejarraga
+ Automorphism groups of some AG codes 2004 David Joyner
Amy Ksir
+ Arithmetic of characters of generalized symmetric groups 2003 David Joyner
+ Adventures in group theory: Rubik's Cube, Merlin's machine, and other mathematical toys 2003 David Joyner
+ On the variety of Borels in relative position $\vec{w}$ 2003 David Joyner
Pablo Lejarraga
+ Representations of finite groups on Riemann-Roch spaces, II 2003 David Joyner
Amy Ksir
+ Notes on toric varieties 2002 Helena Verrill
David Joyner
+ PDF Chat Notes on Formal Constructivism 2002 David Joyner
Pablo Lejarraga
+ Representations of finite groups on Riemann-Roch spaces 2002 David Joyner
Will Traves
+ Toric codes over finite fields 2002 David Joyner
+ Notes on toric varieties 2002 Helena Verrill
David Joyner
+ Invariant distributions on then-fold metaplectic covers ofGL(r, F), F p-adic 2001 David Joyner
+ Remarks on codes from modular curves: MAPLE applications 2000 David Joyner
Salahoddin Shokranian
+ On finite dimensional representations of non-connected reductive groups. 2000 David Joyner
+ A correspondence for the supercuspidal representations of $\overline {SL_2(F)}$ , F p-adic 1999 David Joyner
+ PDF Chat A Maple package for the decomposition of certain tensor products and restrictions of representations using crystal graphs 1998 David Joyner
Roland Martin
+ A Correspondence for the Generalized Hecke Algebra of the Metaplectic Cover SL(2;F), F p-adic 1998 David Joyner
+ PDF Chat Simple local trace formulas for unramified<i>p</i>-adic groups 1992 David Joyner
+ PDF Chat On Twisted Orbital Integral Identities for <i>PGL</i>(3) Over A <i>p</i>-adic Field 1990 David Joyner
+ PDF Chat On the Kuznetsov-Bruggeman formula for a Hilbert modular surface having one cusp 1990 David Joyner
+ On the Kuznetsov-Bruggeman formula for a Hilbert modular surface having one cusp 1990 David Joyner
+ On the metaplectic analog of Kazhdan’s “endoscopic” lifting 1988 David Joyner
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Magma Algebra System I: The User Language 1997 Wieb Bosma
John Cannon
Catherine Playoust
+ Galois module structure of cohomology groups for tamely ramified coverings of algebraic varieties 1986 ShĹŤichi Nakajima
+ Introduction to Toric Varieties. 1993 William Fulton
+ On certain modular representations in the cohomology of algebraic curves 1990 Chad Schoen
+ PDF Chat Decomposing representations of finite groups on Riemann-Roch spaces 2007 David Joyner
Amy Ksir
+ PDF Chat On the automorphism group of various Goppa codes 1998 Stephan Wesemeyer⋆
+ Combinatorial Convexity and Algebraic Geometry 1996 GĂĽnter Ewald
+ The Klein Quartic in Number Theory 1999 Noam D. Elkies
+ A characterization of bent functions in terms of strongly regular graphs 2001 Anna Bernasconi
B. Codenottl
Jeffrey M. VanderKam
+ The Galois-module structure of the space of holomorphic differentials of a curve. 1986 Ernst Kani
+ Conjectural permutation decoding of some AG codes 2005 David Joyner
+ Representations of finite groups on Riemann-Roch spaces 2002 David Joyner
Will Traves
+ Automorphic Forms, Representations, and L-Functions 1979 Armand Borel
W. Casselman
+ Modular representations on some Riemann-Roch spaces of modular curves X(N) 2005 David Joyner
Amy Ksir
+ Representation Theory: A First Course 1991 William Fulton
+ PDF Chat Weil’s Representation and the Spectrum of the Metaplectic Group 1976 Stephen Gelbart
+ Profinite Groups, Arithmetic, and Geometry. 1972 Stephen S. Shatz
+ PDF Chat Extending local representations to global representations 1996 Chandrashekhar Khare
Dipendra Prasad
+ Advanced Modern Algebra 2015 Joseph Rotman
+ Algebraic Geometry 1977 Robin Hartshorne
+ Error-Correcting Codes from Higher-Dimensional Varieties 2001 Søren Have Hansen
+ PDF Chat Metaplectic correspondence 1986 Yuval Z. Flicker
David Kazhdan
+ An Invitation to Arithmetic Geometry 1996 Dino Lorenzini
+ Basic Number Theory 1967 André Weil
+ PDF Chat Une formule de Riemann-Roch Ă©quivariante pour les courbes 2003 Niels Borne
+ Computing the Automorphism Groups of Hyperelliptic Function Fields 2003 Norbert Goeb
+ On zeros of reciprocal polynomials 2002 Piroska Lakatos
+ Linear Representations of Finite Groups 1977 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ Simple Components of Q[SL(2,q)] 1974 Janusz Grabowski
+ Metaplectic forms 1984 David Kazhdan
S. J. Patterson
+ Enumerative tropical algebraic geometry in ℝ² 2005 Grigory Mikhalkin
+ Toric Varieties Hirzebruch Surfaces and Error-Correcting Codes 2002 Johan P. Hansen
+ Arithmetic of Modular Curves and Applications 1999 Gerhard Frey
Michael R. MĂĽller
+ Partial difference sets from quadratic forms and $p$-ary weakly regular bent functions 2010 Tao Feng
Bin Wen
Qing Xiang
Jianxing Yin
+ The Trace Formula in Invariant Form 1981 James Arthur
+ On Representations of Gl2 and The Arithmetic of Modular Curves 2009 W. Casselman
+ PDF Chat On the Zeta-Functions of Some Simple Shimura Varieties 1979 R. P. Langlands
+ PDF Chat Shimura Varieties and the Selberg Trace Formula 1977 R. P. Langlands
+ PDF Chat Defining Equations of Modular Curves $X_0(N)$ 1995 Mahoro Shimura
+ Selberg trace formula for the Hilbert modular group of a real quadratic algebraic number field 1982 Peter Zograf
+ Kloosterman sums and Fourier coefficients of cusp forms 1982 Jean-Marc Deshouillérs
Henryk Iwaniec
+ On Discontinuous Groups Operating on the Product of the Upper Half Planes 1963 Hideo Shimizu
+ Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory 1972 James E. Humphreys
+ Canonical bundles of Deligne-Lusztig varieties 1999 Silja Hansen
+ Variétés de Shimura et fonctions L 1979 Lawrence Breen
J.-P. Labesse
+ Automorphic forms on covering groups ofGL(2) 1980 Yuval Z. Flicker
+ The Selberg-Arthur Trace Formula 1992 Salahoddin Shokranian
+ PDF Chat On the zeros of convex combinations of polynomials 1980 Harriet Fell
+ A Hauptsatz of L. E. Dickson and Artin-Schreier extensions. 1980 Robert C. Valentini
Manohar L. Madan
+ Geometry of Polynomials 1949 Morris Marden