Huy L. Nguyên


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Efficient Adaptive Optimization via Subset-Norm and Subspace-Momentum: Fast, Memory-Reduced Training with Convergence Guarantees 2024 Thien Hang Nguyen
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ PDF Chat Private Vector Mean Estimation in the Shuffle Model: Optimal Rates Require Many Messages 2024 Hilal Asi
Vitaly Feldman
Jelani Nelson
Huy L. Nguyễn
Samson Zhou
Kunal Talwar
+ High Probability Convergence of Clipped-SGD Under Heavy-tailed Noise 2023 Ta Duy Nguyen
Thien Hang Nguyen
Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ High Probability Convergence of Stochastic Gradient Methods 2023 Zijian Liu
Ta Duy Nguyen
Thien Hang Nguyen
Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyên
+ Improved Space Bounds for Learning with Experts 2023 Anders Aamand
Justin Y. Chen
Huy L. Nguyễn
Sandeep Silwal
+ Identification of Negative Transfers in Multitask Learning Using Surrogate Models 2023 Dongyue Li
Huy L. Nguyễn
Hongyang R. Zhang
+ Improved Convergence in High Probability of Clipped Gradient Methods with Heavy Tails 2023 Ta Duy Nguyen
Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyên
+ Online and Streaming Algorithms for Constrained $k$-Submodular Maximization 2023 Fabian Spaeh
Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Fast Optimal Locally Private Mean Estimation via Random Projections 2023 Hilal Asi
Vitaly Feldman
Jelani Nelson
Huy L. Nguyễn
Kunal Talwar
+ Improved Frequency Estimation Algorithms with and without Predictions 2023 Anders Aamand
Justin Y. Chen
Huy L. Nguyễn
Sandeep Silwal
Ali Vakilian
+ PDF Chat Locally Private k-Means Clustering with Constant Multiplicative Approximation and Near-Optimal Additive Error 2022 Anamay Chaturvedi
Matthew Jones
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ PDF Chat Adaptive and Universal Algorithms for Variational Inequalities with Optimal Convergence 2022 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Private Frequency Estimation via Projective Geometry 2022 Vitaly Feldman
Jelani Nelson
Huy L. Nguyễn
Kunal Talwar
+ Adaptive Accelerated (Extra-)Gradient Methods with Variance Reduction 2022 Zijian Liu
Ta Duy Nguyen
Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyên
+ Fair Range k-center 2022 Huy L. Nguyễn
Thy Nguyen
Matthew Jones
+ An Efficient Algorithm for Fair Multi-Agent Multi-Armed Bandit with Low Regret 2022 Matthew Jones
Huy L. Nguyễn
Thy Nguyen
+ On the Convergence of AdaGrad(Norm) on $\R^{d}$: Beyond Convexity, Non-Asymptotic Rate and Acceleration 2022 Zijian Liu
Ta Duy Nguyen
Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ META-STORM: Generalized Fully-Adaptive Variance Reduced SGD for Unbounded Functions 2022 Zijian Liu
Ta Duy Nguyen
Thien Hang Nguyen
Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Improved Group Robustness via Classifier Retraining on Independent Splits 2022 Thien Hang Nguyen
Hongyang R. Zhang
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ High Probability Convergence for Accelerated Stochastic Mirror Descent 2022 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Streaming Submodular Maximization with Differential Privacy 2022 Anamay Chaturvedi
Huy L. Nguyễn
Thy Nguyen
+ Improved Learning-augmented Algorithms for k-means and k-medians Clustering 2022 Thy Nguyen
Anamay Chaturvedi
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ PDF Chat Adaptive Gradient Methods for Constrained Convex Optimization and Variational Inequalities 2021 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
Adrian Vladu
+ PDF Chat Differentially Private Clustering via Maximum Coverage 2021 Matthew Jones
Huy L. Nguyên
Thy Nguyen
+ PDF Chat Projection-Free Bandit Optimization with Privacy Guarantees 2021 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
Adrian Vladu
+ PDF Chat Differentially Private Decomposable Submodular Maximization 2021 Anamay Chaturvedi
Huy L. Nguyễn
Lydia Zakynthinou
+ PDF Chat Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Network for Speech Enhancement 2021 Huy Phan
Huy L. Nguyễn
Oliver Y. Chén
Philipp Koch
Ngoc Q. K. Duong
Ian McLoughlin
Alfred Mertins
+ PDF Chat Multi-View Audio And Music Classification 2021 Huy Phan
Huy L. Nguyễn
Oliver Y. Chén
Lam Pham
Philipp Koch
Ian McLoughlin
Alfred Mertins
+ Multi-view Audio and Music Classification 2021 Huy Phan
Huy L. Nguyễn
Oliver Y. Chén
Lam Pham
Philipp Koch
Ian McLoughlin
Alfred Mertins
+ Fair and Optimal Cohort Selection for Linear Utilities. 2021 Konstantina Bairaktari
Huy L. Nguyễn
Jonathan Ullman
+ PDF Chat Constraints on Hebbian and STDP learned weights of a spiking neuron 2021 Dominique Chu
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Linear Constraints Learning for Spiking Neurons 2021 Huy L. Nguyễn
Dominique Chu
+ Locally Private $k$-Means Clustering with Constant Multiplicative Approximation and Near-Optimal Additive Error 2021 Anamay Chaturvedi
Matthew Jones
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Multi-view Audio and Music Classification 2021 Huy P. Phan
Huy L. Nguyễn
Oliver Y. Chén
Lam Pham
Philipp Koch
Ian McLoughlin
Alfred Mertins
+ Fair and Optimal Cohort Selection for Linear Utilities 2021 Konstantina Bairaktari
Huy L. Nguyễn
Jonathan Ullman
+ Projection-Free Bandit Optimization with Privacy Guarantees 2020 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
Adrian Vladu
+ Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Network for Speech Enhancement 2020 Huy Phan
Huy L. Nguyễn
Oliver Y. Chén
Philipp Koch
Ngoc Q. K. Duong
Ian McLoughlin
Alfred Mertins
+ Fair and Useful Cohort Selection 2020 Niklas Smedemark-Margulies
Paul Langton
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Differentially Private Clustering via Maximum Coverage 2020 Matthew Jones
Huy L. Nguyễn
Thy Nguyen
+ Adaptive Gradient Methods for Constrained Convex Optimization. 2020 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
Adrian Vladu
+ Differentially Private Decomposable Submodular Maximization 2020 Anamay Chaturvedi
Huy L. Nguyễn
Lydia Zakynthinou
+ Differentially private $k$-means clustering via exponential mechanism and max cover 2020 Anamay Chaturvedi
Huy L. Nguyễn
Eric Z Xu
+ A note on differentially private clustering with large additive error 2020 Huy L. Nguyên
+ Constraints on Hebbian and STDP learned weights of a spiking neuron 2020 Dominique Chu
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Projection-Free Bandit Optimization with Privacy Guarantees 2020 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
Adrian Vladu
+ Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Network for Speech Enhancement 2020 Huy P. Phan
Huy L. Nguyễn
Oliver Y. Chén
Philipp Koch
Ngoc Q. K. Duong
Ian McLoughlin
Alfred Mertins
+ Fair and Useful Cohort Selection 2020 Konstantina Bairaktari
Paul Langton
Huy L. Nguyên
Niklas Smedemark-Margulies
Jonathan Ullman
+ Differentially Private Clustering via Maximum Coverage 2020 Matthew Jones
Huy L. Nguyễn
Thy Nguyen
+ Adaptive and Universal Algorithms for Variational Inequalities with Optimal Convergence 2020 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Adaptive Gradient Methods for Constrained Convex Optimization and Variational Inequalities 2020 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
Adrian Vladu
+ An Optimal Streaming Algorithm for Non-monotone Submodular Maximization. 2019 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
Andrew Suh
+ PDF Chat Heavy hitters via cluster-preserving clustering 2019 Kasper Green Larsen
Jelani Nelson
Huy L. Nguyễn
Mikkel Thorup
+ Submodular maximization with matroid and packing constraints in parallel 2019 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
Adrian Vladu
+ Parallel Algorithm for Non-Monotone DR-Submodular Maximization 2019 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Efficient Private Algorithms for Learning Halfspaces. 2019 Huy L. Nguyễn
Jonathan Ullman
Lydia Zakynthinou
+ Efficient Private Algorithms for Learning Large-Margin Halfspaces 2019 Huy L. Nguyễn
Jonathan Ullman
Lydia Zakynthinou
+ Submodular maximization with nearly-optimal approximation and adaptivity in nearly-linear time 2019 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ PDF Chat Submodular Maximization with Nearly-optimal Approximation and Adaptivity in Nearly-linear Time 2019 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ A note on Cunningham's algorithm for matroid intersection 2019 Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Optimal Streaming Algorithms for Submodular Maximization with Cardinality Constraints 2019 Naor Alaluf
Alina Ene
Moran Feldman
Huy L. Nguyễn
Andrew Suh
+ Parallel Algorithm for Non-Monotone DR-Submodular Maximization 2019 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Efficient Private Algorithms for Learning Large-Margin Halfspaces 2019 Huy L. Nguyễn
Jonathan Ullman
Lydia Zakynthinou
+ Towards Nearly-linear Time Algorithms for Submodular Maximization with a Matroid Constraint. 2018 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Submodular Maximization with Packing Constraints in Parallel. 2018 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
Adrian Vladu
+ Submodular Maximization with Matroid and Packing Constraints in Parallel 2018 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
Adrian Vladu
+ Improved Algorithms for Collaborative PAC Learning 2018 Huy L. Nguyễn
Lydia Zakynthinou
+ A Parallel Double Greedy Algorithm for Submodular Maximization 2018 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
Adrian Vladu
+ Towards Nearly-Linear Time Algorithms for Submodular Maximization with a Matroid Constraint. 2018 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Towards Nearly-linear Time Algorithms for Submodular Maximization with a Matroid Constraint 2018 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Submodular Maximization with Matroid and Packing Constraints in Parallel 2018 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
Adrian Vladu
+ Submodular Maximization with Nearly-optimal Approximation and Adaptivity in Nearly-linear Time 2018 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Improved Algorithms for Collaborative PAC Learning 2018 Huy L. Nguyễn
Lydia Zakynthinou
+ A Nearly-linear Time Algorithm for Submodular Maximization with a Knapsack Constraint 2017 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Approximate near neighbors for general symmetric norms 2017 Alexandr Andoni
Huy L. Nguyễn
Aleksandar Nikolov
Ilya Razenshteyn
Erik Waingarten
+ Decomposable Submodular Function Minimization: Discrete and Continuous 2017 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
László A. Végh
+ Decomposable Submodular Function Minimization: Discrete and Continuous 2017 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
László A. Végh
+ A Nearly-linear Time Algorithm for Submodular Maximization with a Knapsack Constraint 2017 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ PDF Chat A New Framework for Distributed Submodular Maximization 2016 Rafael da Ponte Barbosa
Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
Justin Ward
+ PDF Chat Constrained Submodular Maximization: Beyond 1/e 2016 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ PDF Chat Heavy Hitters via Cluster-Preserving Clustering 2016 Kasper Green Larsen
Jelani Nelson
Huy L. Nguyễn
Mikkel Thorup
+ Constrained Submodular Maximization: Beyond 1/e 2016 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ A Reduction for Optimizing Lattice Submodular Functions with Diminishing Returns. 2016 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ PDF Chat Communication lower bounds for statistical estimation problems via a distributed data processing inequality 2016 Mark Braverman
Ankit Garg
Tengyu Ma
Huy L. Nguyễn
David P. Woodruff
+ Heavy hitters via cluster-preserving clustering 2016 Kasper Green Larsen
Jelani Nelson
Huy L. Nguyễn
Mikkel Thorup
+ Submodular Maximization over Sliding Windows 2016 Jiecao Chen
Huy L. Nguyễn
Qin Zhang
+ A Reduction for Optimizing Lattice Submodular Functions with Diminishing Returns 2016 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Approximate Near Neighbors for General Symmetric Norms 2016 Alexandr Andoni
Huy L. Nguyễn
Aleksandar Nikolov
Ilya Razenshteyn
Erik Waingarten
+ Constrained Submodular Maximization: Beyond 1/e 2016 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Heavy hitters via cluster-preserving clustering 2016 Kasper Green Larsen
Jelani Nelson
Huy L. Nguyễn
Mikkel Thorup
+ A New Framework for Distributed Submodular Maximization 2015 Rafael da Ponte Barbosa
Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
Justin Ward
+ Communication Lower Bounds for Statistical Estimation Problems via a Distributed Data Processing Inequality 2015 Mark Braverman
Ankit Garg
Tengyu Ma
Huy L. Nguyễn
David P. Woodruff
+ PDF Chat Time Lower Bounds for Nonadaptive Turnstile Streaming Algorithms 2015 Kasper Green Larsen
Jelani Nelson
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ PDF Chat Approximate <i>k</i> -flat Nearest Neighbor Search 2015 Wolfgang Mulzer
Huy L. Nguyễn
Paul Seiferth
Yannik Stein
+ Random Coordinate Descent Methods for Minimizing Decomposable Submodular Functions 2015 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ The Power of Randomization: Distributed Submodular Maximization on Massive Datasets 2015 Rafael da Ponte Barbosa
Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
Justin Ward
+ PDF Chat Cutting Corners Cheaply, or How to Remove Steiner Points 2015 Lior Kamma
Robert Krauthgamer
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Random Coordinate Descent Methods for Minimizing Decomposable Submodular Functions 2015 Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ The Power of Randomization: Distributed Submodular Maximization on Massive Datasets 2015 Rafael da Ponte Barbosa
Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
Justin Ward
+ A New Framework for Distributed Submodular Maximization 2015 Rafael da Ponte Barbosa
Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
Justin Ward
+ Communication Lower Bounds for Statistical Estimation Problems via a Distributed Data Processing Inequality 2015 Mark Braverman
Ankit Garg
Tengyu Ma
Huy L. Nguyên
David P. Woodruff
+ Approximate k-flat Nearest Neighbor Search 2014 Wolfgang Mulzer
Huy L. Nguyễn
Paul Seiferth
Yannik Stein
+ Online Bipartite Matching with Decomposable Weights 2014 Moses Charikar
Monika Henzinger
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Time lower bounds for nonadaptive turnstile streaming algorithms 2014 Kasper Green Larsen
Jelani Nelson
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Lower Bound for High-Dimensional Statistical Learning Problem via Direct-Sum Theorem. 2014 Ankit Garg
Tengyu Ma
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ PDF Chat Online Bipartite Matching with Decomposable Weights 2014 Moses Charikar
Monika Henzinger
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ PDF Chat Preserving Terminal Distances Using Minors 2014 Robert Krauthgamer
Huy L. Nguyễn
Tamar Zondiner
+ PDF Chat Lower Bounds for Oblivious Subspace Embeddings 2014 Jelani Nelson
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ On Communication Cost of Distributed Statistical Estimation and Dimensionality 2014 Ankit Garg
Tengyu Ma
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Approximate k-flat Nearest Neighbor Search 2014 Wolfgang Mulzer
Huy L. Nguyễn
Paul Seiferth
Yannik Stein
+ Time lower bounds for nonadaptive turnstile streaming algorithms 2014 Kasper Green Larsen
Jelani Nelson
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Online Bipartite Matching with Decomposable Weights 2014 Moses Charikar
Monika Henzinger
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ PDF Chat Beyond Locality-Sensitive Hashing 2013 Alexandr Andoni
Piotr Indyk
Huy L. Nguyễn
Ilya Razenshteyn
+ PDF Chat Cutting corners cheaply, or how to remove Steiner points 2013 Lior Kamma
Robert Krauthgamer
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ PDF Chat OSNAP: Faster Numerical Linear Algebra Algorithms via Sparser Subspace Embeddings 2013 Jelani Nelson
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ On deterministic sketching and streaming for sparse recovery and norm estimation 2013 Jelani Nelson
Huy L. Nguyễn
David P. Woodruff
+ Eigenvalues of a matrix in the streaming model 2013 Alexandr Andoni
Huy L. Nguyên
+ PDF Chat On the convergence of the Hegselmann-Krause system 2013 Arnab Bhattacharyya
Mark Braverman
Bernard Chazelle
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ PDF Chat Tight Lower Bound for Linear Sketches of Moments 2013 Alexandr Andoni
Huy L. Nguyễn
Yury Polyanskiy
Yihong Wu
+ Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search in $\ell_p$ 2013 Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Tight Lower Bound for Linear Sketches of Moments 2013 Alexandr Andoni
Huy L. Nguyễn
Yury Polyanskiy
Yihong Wu
+ Beyond Locality-Sensitive Hashing 2013 Alexandr Andoni
Piotr Indyk
Huy L. Nguyễn
Ilya Razenshteyn
+ Cutting corners cheaply, or how to remove Steiner points 2013 Lior Kamma
Robert Krauthgamer
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Lower bounds for oblivious subspace embeddings 2013 Jelani Nelson
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ On the Convergence of the Hegselmann-Krause System 2012 Arnab Bhattacharyya
Mark Braverman
Bernard Chazelle
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Sparsity Lower Bounds for Dimensionality Reducing Maps 2012 Jelani Nelson
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ PDF Chat On Deterministic Sketching and Streaming for Sparse Recovery and Norm Estimation 2012 Jelani Nelson
Huy L. Nguyễn
David P. Woodruff
+ OSNAP: Faster numerical linear algebra algorithms via sparser subspace embeddings 2012 Jelani Nelson
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ Sparsity Lower Bounds for Dimensionality Reducing Maps 2012 Jelani Nelson
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ On the Convergence of the Hegselmann-Krause System 2012 Arnab Bhattacharyya
Mark Braverman
Bernard Chazelle
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ PDF Chat Sublinear Time Algorithms for Earth Mover’s Distance 2010 Khanh Do Ba
Huy L. Nguyễn
Huy Nguyen
Ronitt Rubinfeld
+ Sublinear Time Algorithms for Earth Mover's Distance 2009 Khanh Do Ba
Huy L. Nguyễn
Huy Nguyen
Ronitt Rubinfeld
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Fast moment estimation in data streams in optimal space 2011 Daniel M. Kane
Jelani Nelson
Ely Porat
David P. Woodruff
+ PDF Chat Tight bounds for Lp samplers, finding duplicates in streams, and related problems 2011 Hossein Jowhari
Mert Sağlam
Gábor Tardos
+ The Space Complexity of Approximating the Frequency Moments 1999 Noga Alon
Yossi Matias
Márió Szegedy
+ The Power of Randomization: Distributed Submodular Maximization on Massive Datasets 2015 Rafael da Ponte Barbosa
Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
Justin Ward
+ PDF Chat A New Framework for Distributed Submodular Maximization 2016 Rafael da Ponte Barbosa
Alina Ene
Huy L. Nguyễn
Justin Ward
+ PDF Chat A near-optimal algorithm for estimating the entropy of a stream 2010 Amit Chakrabarti
Graham Cormode
Andrew McGregor
+ On deterministic sketching and streaming for sparse recovery and norm estimation 2013 Jelani Nelson
Huy L. Nguyễn
David P. Woodruff
+ Extensions of Lipschitz mappings into a Hilbert space 1984 William B. Johnson
Joram Lindenstrauss
+ PDF Chat An Exponential Speedup in Parallel Running Time for Submodular Maximization without Loss in Approximation 2019 Eric Balkanski
Aviad Rubinstein
Yaron Singer
+ PDF Chat New and Improved Johnson–Lindenstrauss Embeddings via the Restricted Isometry Property 2011 Felix Krahmer
Rachel Ward
+ An elementary proof of a theorem of Johnson and Lindenstrauss 2002 Sanjoy Dasgupta
Anupam Gupta
+ Zero-one frequency laws 2010 Vladimir Braverman
Rafail Ostrovsky
+ PDF Chat Approximating Large Frequency Moments with Pick-and-Drop Sampling 2013 Vladimir Braverman
Rafail Ostrovsky
+ Guaranteed Non-convex Optimization: Submodular Maximization over Continuous Domains 2016 Yatao Bian
Baharan Mirzasoleiman
Joachim M. Buhmann
Andreas Krause
+ PDF Chat Submodular Function Maximization via the Multilinear Relaxation and Contention Resolution Schemes 2014 Chandra Chekuri
J. Vondrák
Rico Zenklusen
+ PDF Chat Constrained Submodular Maximization via a Nonsymmetric Technique 2019 Niv Buchbinder
Moran Feldman
+ Randomized Composable Core-sets for Distributed Submodular Maximization 2015 Vahab Mirrokni
Morteza Zadimoghaddam
+ Introductory Lectures on Convex Optimization: A Basic Course 2014 Ю Е Нестеров
+ Information-theoretic lower bounds for distributed statistical estimation with communication constraints 2014 John C. Duchi
Michael I. Jordan
Martin J. Wainwright
Yuchen Zhang
+ Beating CountSketch for heavy hitters in insertion streams 2016 Vladimir Braverman
Stephen R. Chestnut
Nikita Ivkin
David P. Woodruff
+ PDF Chat Compressed matrix multiplication 2013 Rasmus Pagh
+ Optimal DR-Submodular Maximization and Applications to Provable Mean Field Inference 2018 An Bian
Joachim M. Buhmann
Andreas Krause
+ PDF Chat For-All Sparse Recovery in Near-Optimal Time 2014 Anna C. Gilbert
Yi Li
Ely Porat
Martin J. Strauss
+ PDF Chat Submodular Maximization with Nearly Optimal Approximation, Adaptivity and Query Complexity 2019 Matthew Fahrbach
Vahab Mirrokni
Morteza Zadimoghaddam
+ PDF Chat An Optimal Algorithm for l1-Heavy Hitters in Insertion Streams and Related Problems 2016 Arnab Bhattacharyya
Palash Dey
David P. Woodruff
+ PDF Chat A Simple Proof of the Restricted Isometry Property for Random Matrices 2008 Richard G. Baraniuk
Mark A. Davenport
Ronald DeVore
Michael B. Wakin
+ Near-Optimal MAP Inference for Determinantal Point Processes 2012 Jennifer Gillenwater
Alex Kulesza
Ben Taskar
+ PDF Chat An Almost Optimal Unrestricted Fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transform 2011 Nir Ailon
Edo Liberty
+ Approximating the exponential, the lanczos method and an Õ(<i>m</i>)-time spectral algorithm for balanced separator 2012 Lorenzo Orecchia
Sushant Sachdeva
Nisheeth K. Vishnoi
+ PDF Chat Sketching and Streaming Entropy via Approximation Theory 2008 Nicholas J. A. Harvey
Jelani Nelson
Krzysztof Onak
+ Fast approximation of matrix coherence and statistical leverage 2011 Petros Drineas
Malik Magdon‐Ismail
David P. Woodruff
Michael W. Mahoney
+ PDF Chat Robust uncertainty principles: exact signal reconstruction from highly incomplete frequency information 2006 Emmanuel J. Candès
Justin Romberg
Terence Tao
+ Partitioning into expanders 2014 Shayan Oveis Gharan
Luca Trevisan
+ CR-precis: A Deterministic Summary Structure for Update Data Streams 2007 Šumit Ganguly
Anirban Majumder
+ Lower bounds for sparse recovery 2010 Khanh Do Ba
Piotr Indyk
Eric Price
David P. Woodruff
+ PDF Chat Time Lower Bounds for Nonadaptive Turnstile Streaming Algorithms 2015 Kasper Green Larsen
Jelani Nelson
Huy L. Nguyễn
+ PDF Chat Explicit construction of linear sized tolerant networks 1988 Noga Alon
Fan Chung
+ PDF Chat Finding sparse cuts locally using evolving sets 2009 Reid Andersen
Yuval Peres
+ Perturbed Identity Matrices Have High Rank: Proof and Applications 2008 Noga Alon
+ Non-monotone Submodular Maximization in Exponentially Fewer Iterations 2018 Eric Balkanski
Adam Breuer
Yaron Singer
+ Information-theoretic lower bounds for distributed statistical estimation with communication constraints 2013 Yuchen Zhang
John C. Duchi
Michael I. Jordan
Martin J. Wainwright
+ PDF Chat Randomized Online Algorithms for the Buyback Problem 2009 B. V. Ashwinkumar
Robert Kleinberg
+ Minimizing a sum of submodular functions 2012 Vladimir Kolmogorov
+ Online vertex-weighted bipartite matching and single-bid budgeted allocations 2011 Gagan Aggarwal
Gagan Goel
Chinmay Karande
Aranyak Mehta
+ PDF Chat Expander flows, geometric embeddings and graph partitioning 2009 Sanjeev Arora
Satish Rao
Umesh Vazirani
+ PDF Chat Symmetry and Approximability of Submodular Maximization Problems 2009 J. Vondrák
+ PDF Chat A Bound on Tail Probabilities for Quadratic Forms in Independent Random Variables 1971 D. L. Hanson
F. T. Wright
+ PDF Chat Approximate counting, uniform generation and rapidly mixing Markov chains 1989 Alistair Sinclair
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat Logarithmic Lower Bounds in the Cell-Probe Model 2006 Mihai Pătraşcu
Erik D. Demaine
+ PDF Chat Privacy via the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transform 2013 Krishnaram Kenthapadi
Aleksandra Korolova
Ilya Mironov
Nina Mishra