André Martínez


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Widths of resonances above an energy-level crossing 2020 Setsuro Fujiié
André Martínez
Takuya Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Excited resonance widths for Helmholtz resonators with straight neck 2020 Thomas Duyckaerts
Alain Grigis
André Martínez
+ Resonances for a System of Schrödinger Operators above an Energy-Level Crossing 2020 Setsuro Fujiié
André Martínez
Takuya Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Widths of highly excited resonances in multidimensional molecular predissociation 2019 André Martínez
Vania Sordoni
+ Molecular dynamics at an energy-level crossing 2019 Philippe Briet
André Martínez
+ Widths of resonances above an energy-level crossing 2019 Setsuro Fujiié
André Martínez
Takuya Watanabe
+ Molecular dynamics at an energy-level crossing 2018 Philippe Briet
André Martínez
+ Widths of highly excited resonances in multidimensional molecular predissociation 2018 André Martínez
Vania Sordoni
+ Propagation of Analytic Singularities for Short and Long Range Perturbations of the Free Schrödinger Equation 2018 André Martínez
Shu Nakamura
Vania Sordoni
+ Molecular dynamics at an energy-level crossing 2018 Philippe Briet
André Martínez
+ Widths of highly excited resonances in multidimensional molecular predissociation 2018 André Martínez
Vania Sordoni
+ Excited resonance widths for Helmholtz resonators with straight neck 2017 Thomas Duyckaerts
Alain Grigis
André Martínez
+ PDF Chat Estimates on the molecular dynamics for the predissociation process 2017 Philippe Briet
André Martínez
+ PDF Chat Widths of Highly Excited Shape Resonances 2017 Marzia Dalla Venezia
André Martínez
+ Molecular predissociation resonances near an energy-level crossing II: Vector field interaction 2017 Setsuro Fujiié
André Martínez
Tsutomu Watanabe
+ Excited resonance widths for Helmholtz resonators with straight neck 2017 Thomas Duyckaerts
Alain Grigis
André Martínez
+ PDF Chat Resonance widths for general Helmholtz resonators with straight neck 2016 Thomas Duyckaerts
Alain Grigis
André Martínez
+ Dynamique moléculaire de la prédissociation 2016 Philippe Briet
André Martínez
+ Widths of highly excited shape resonances 2016 André Martínez
Marzia Dalla Venezia
+ Molecular predissociation resonances near an energy-level crossing II: Vector field interaction 2016 Setsuro Fujiié
André Martínez
Takuya Watanabe
+ Widths of highly excited shape resonances 2016 André Martínez
Marzia Dalla Venezia
+ PDF Chat Molecular predissociation resonances near an energy-level crossing I: Elliptic interaction 2015 Setsuro Fujiié
André Martínez
Takuya Watanabe
+ PDF Chat On the Born-Oppenheimer approximation of diatomic molecular resonances 2015 André Martínez
Vania Sordoni
+ On the Born-Oppenheimer approximation of diatomic molecular resonances 2015 André Martínez
Vania Sordoni
+ Estimates on the molecular dynamics for the predissociation process 2015 Philippe Briet
André Martínez
+ PDF Chat Optimal Lower Bound of the Resonance Widths for the Helmholtz Resonator 2015 André Martínez
L. Nédélec
+ Molecular predissociation resonances at an energy-level crossing 2015 Setsuro Fujiié
André Martínez
Takuya Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Resonance widths in a case of multidimensional phase space tunneling 2015 Alain Grigis
André Martínez
+ On the Born-Oppenheimer approximation of diatomic molecular resonances 2015 André Martínez
Vania Sordoni
+ Estimates on the molecular dynamics for the predissociation process 2015 Philippe Briet
André Martínez
+ PDF Chat Resonance widths for the molecular predissociation 2014 Alain Grigis
André Martínez
+ PDF Chat The Spectrum of the Cubic Oscillator 2012 V. Grecchi
André Martínez
+ Resonance widths in a case of multidimensional phase space tunneling 2012 Alain Grigis
André Martínez
+ Dynamic PID loop control 2012 Luo Pei
Arkadiy Klebaner
J. Theilacker
William Soyars
André Martínez
R. Bossert
B DeGraff
C. Darve
+ Resonance widths in a case of multidimensional phase space tunneling 2012 Alain Grigis
André Martínez
+ Optimal lower bound of the resonance widths for a Helmhotz tube-shaped resonator 2011 André Martínez
L. Nédélec
+ Resonant states for a three-body problem under an external field 2011 V. Grecchi
Hynek Kovařík
André Martínez
Andrea Sacchetti
Vania Sordoni
+ PDF Chat Width of shape resonances for non globally analytic potentials 2011 Setsuro Fujiié
Amina Lahmar‐Benbernou
André Martínez
+ Life-time for the molecular predissociation 2011 André Martínez
+ Optimal lower bound of the resonance widths for a Helmhotz tube-shaped resonator 2011 André Martínez
L. Nédélec
+ PDF Chat Analytic Wave Front Set for Solutions to Schrödinger Equations II – Long Range Perturbations 2010 André Martínez
Shu Nakamura
Vania Sordoni
+ The Stark effect on $H_2^+$-like molecules 2010 V. Grecchi
Hynek Kovařík
André Martínez
Andrea Sacchetti
Vania Sordoni
+ Padé summability of the cubic oscillator 2009 V. Grecchi
Marco Maioli
André Martínez
+ Analytic wave front set for solutions to Schrödinger equations 2009 André Martínez
Shu Nakamura
Vania Sordoni
+ PDF Chat Resonances for nonanalytic potentials 2009 André Martínez
Thierry Ramond
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ PDF Chat Twisted pseudodifferential calculus and application to the quantum evolution of molecules 2009 André Martínez
Vania Sordoni
+ PDF Chat Analytic singularities for long range Schrödinger equations 2008 André Martínez
Shu Nakamura
Vania Sordoni
+ Eigenvalues and resonances of polyatomic molecules in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation 2008 André Martínez
+ Resonances for non-analytic potentials 2008 André Martínez
Thierry Ramond
Johannes Sjoestrand
+ Twisted Pseudodifferential Calculus and Application to the Quantum Evolution of Molecules 2008 André Martínez
Vania Sordoni
+ Propagation of analytic singularities for the Schr"odinger Equation 2008 André Martínez
Shu Nakamura
Vania Sordoni
+ Width of Shape Resonances for Non Globally Analytic Potentials 2008 Setsuro Fujiié
Amina Lahmar‐Benbernou
André Martínez
+ Analytic Wave Front Set for Solutions to Schrödinger Equations II -- Long Range Perturbations 2008 André Martínez
Shu Nakamura
Vania Sordoni
+ PDF Chat Erratum to “Resonance Free Domains for Non Globally Analytic Potentials” Ann. Henri Poincaré 3(4) (2002), 739–756 2007 André Martínez
+ PDF Chat A general effective Hamiltonian method 2007 André Martínez
+ Analytic wave front set for solutions to Schroedinger equation 2007 André Martínez
Shu Nakamura
Vania Sordoni
+ Workshop: Analysis of singularity of solutions to Schroedinger equation 2006 Kenji Yajima
S. Doi
André Martínez
Shohei Nakamura
+ International Conference: Semiclassical Analysis and Mathematical Quantum Mechanics,Bologna, March 9-11, 2006 2006 Monique Combescure
V. Grecchi
André Martínez
+ ricerche originali in fisica matematica 2006 André Martínez
+ PDF Chat Analytic smoothing effect for the Schrödinger equation with long‐range perturbation 2005 André Martínez
Shu Nakamura
Vania Sordoni
André Martínez
Mario Pulvirenti
+ PDF Chat Resonance Free Domains for Non Globally Analytic Potentials 2002 André Martínez
+ Phase Space Tunneling in Multistate Scattering 2002 André Martínez
Shu Nakamura
Vania Sordoni
+ Destruction of the Beating Effect¶for a Non-Linear Schrödinger Equation 2002 V. Grecchi
André Martínez
Andrea Sacchetti
+ PDF Chat A general reduction scheme for the time-dependent Born–Oppenheimer approximation 2002 André Martínez
Vania Sordoni
+ Complements: Symplectic Aspects 2002 André Martínez
+ Mean-Field Approximation of Quantum Systems and Classical Limit 2002 Sandro Graffi
André Martínez
Mario Pulvirenti
+ Applications to the Solutions of Analytic Linear PDEs 2002 André Martínez
+ On the Fundamental Solution of Semiclassical Schrödinger Equations at Resonant Times 2001 André Martínez
Kenji Yajima
André Martínez
+ Time Aperiodic Perturbations of Integrable Hamiltonian Systems 2000 André Martínez
Stephen Wiggins
+ Microlocal WKB Expansions 1999 André Martínez
Vania Sordoni
+ Semiclassical asymptotics of the residues of the scattering matrix for shape resonances 1999 Amina Lahmar‐Benbernou
André Martínez
+ Estimations exponentielles en théorie de la diffusion pour des opérateurs de Schrödinger matriciels 1999 Mohammed Benchaou
André Martínez
+ On the Born–Oppenheimer approximation of diatomic wave operators. II. Singular potentials 1997 Markus Klein
André Martínez
Xue Ping Wang
+ Microlocal Exponential Estimates and Applications to Tunneling 1997 André Martínez
+ PDF Chat Ergodic properties of infinite quantum harmonic crystals: An analytic approach 1996 Sandro Graffi
André Martínez
+ On Adiabatic Reduction Theory 1995 André Martínez
G. Nenciu
+ Precise exponential estimates in adiabatic theory 1994 André Martínez
+ Estimates on Complex Interactions in Phase Space 1994 André Martínez
+ Resonances of diatomic molecules in the born-oppenheimer approximation 1994 André Martínez
Bekkai Messirdi
+ PDF Chat On the Born-Oppenheimer approximation of wave operators in molecular scattering theory 1993 Markus Klein
André Martínez
X. P. Wang
+ Lower Bounds on Eigenfunctions and the First Eigenvalue Gap 1993 R. M. Brown
P.D. Hislopt
André Martínez
+ PDF Chat On the Born-Oppenheimer expansion for polyatomic molecules 1992 Markus Klein
André Martínez
R. Seiler
Xueyin Wang
+ PDF Chat A mathematical approach to the effective Hamiltonian in perturbed periodic problems 1991 Christian Gérard
André Martínez
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Résonances dans l'approximation de Born-Oppenheimer I 1991 André Martínez
+ PDF Chat Resonances dans l'approximation de Born-Oppenheimer II-largeur des resonances 1991 André Martínez
+ PDF Chat Breit-Wigner formulas for the scattering phase and the total scattering cross-section in the semi-classical limit 1989 Christian Gérard
André Martínez
Didier Robert
+ Semiclassical asymptotics for the spectral function of long-range Schrödinger operators 1989 Christian Gérard
André Martínez
+ Prolongement méromorphe de la matrice de scattering pour des problèmes à deux corps à longue portée 1989 Christian Gérard
André Martínez
+ Effet tunnel entre puits degeneres 1988 André Martínez
Michel Rouleux
+ Développements asymptotiques dans l'approximation de Born-Oppenheimer 1988 André Martínez
+ PDF Chat Développements asymptotiques dans l'approximation de Born-Oppenheimer 1988 André Martínez
+ Étude microlocale de problèmes semi-classiques : structures de contact dans R³ d'après D. Bennequin 1988 André Martínez
+ PDF Chat Asymptotique semi-classique de la fonction spectrale pour des opérateurs de Schrödinger à longue portée 1987 Christian Gérard
André Martínez
+ Asymptotique semi-classique de la fonction spectrale pour des opérateurs de Schrödinger à longue portée 1987 Christian Gérard
André Martínez
+ PDF Chat Prolongement des solutions holomorphes de problèmes aux limites 1985 André Martínez
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On the Born-Oppenheimer expansion for polyatomic molecules 1992 Markus Klein
André Martínez
R. Seiler
Xueyin Wang
+ Multiple wells in the semi-classical limit I 1984 Bernard Helffer
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Estimates on Complex Interactions in Phase Space 1994 André Martínez
+ Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics 1972 Michael C. Reed
Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat A class of analytic perturbations for one-body Schrödinger Hamiltonians 1971 José Edgar Madriz Aguilar
J. M. Combes
+ PDF Chat Twisted pseudodifferential calculus and application to the quantum evolution of molecules 2009 André Martínez
Vania Sordoni
+ PDF Chat Width of shape resonances for non globally analytic potentials 2011 Setsuro Fujiié
Amina Lahmar‐Benbernou
André Martínez
+ On the mathematical theory of predissociation 1987 Markus Klein
+ Autour de l'approximation semi-classique 1987 Didier Robert
+ Fourier integral operators with complex-valued phase functions 1975 Anders Melin
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ The analysis of linear partial differential operators 1990 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Resonance widths for the molecular predissociation 2014 Alain Grigis
André Martínez
+ Spectral Asymptotics in the Semi-Classical Limit 1999 Mouez Dimassi
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ PDF Chat General lower bounds for resonances in one dimension 1982 Evans M. Harrell
+ PDF Chat Resonance Free Domains for Non Globally Analytic Potentials 2002 André Martínez
+ PDF Chat Analytic theory for the quadratic scattering wave front set and application to the Schrödinger equation 2018 Luc Robbiano
Claude Zuily
+ PDF Chat Spectral properties of many-body Schrödinger operators with dilatation-analytic interactions 1971 Erik Balslev
J. M. Combes
+ PDF Chat The semiclassical limit of eigenfunctions of the Schrödinger equation and the Bohr–Sommerfeld quantization condition, revisited 2011 D. R. Yafaev
+ Regularity and asymptotic properties of the discrete spectrum of electronic hamiltonians 1978 J. M. Combes
R. Seiler
+ Precise exponential estimates in adiabatic theory 1994 André Martínez
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ Résonances dans l'approximation de Born-Oppenheimer I 1991 André Martínez
+ On the Born-Oppenheimer approximation 2005 J. M. Combes
+ PDF Chat High order corrections to the time-independent Born-Oppenheimer approximation II: Diatomic Coulomb systems 1988 George A. Hagedorn
+ PDF Chat Estimations de l'effet tunnel pour le double puits. II : états hautement excités 1988 André Martinez
+ WKB expansions for systems of Schrödinger operators with crossing eigenvalues 1997 Peter Pettersson
+ PDF Chat Linear adiabatic theory. Exponential estimates 1993 G. Nenciu
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical resonances generated by a closed trajectory of hyperbolic type 1987 Christian Gérard
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ PDF Chat A mathematical approach to the effective Hamiltonian in perturbed periodic problems 1991 Christian Gérard
André Martínez
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Principe d'absorption limite pour des opérateurs de Schrödinger à longue portée 1988 Christian Gérard
Ana María Gómez Martínez
+ Resonances of diatomic molecules in the born-oppenheimer approximation 1994 André Martínez
Bekkai Messirdi
+ PDF Chat Resonances dans l'approximation de Born-Oppenheimer II-largeur des resonances 1991 André Martínez
+ Propagation of Singularities for Schrödinger Equations on the Euclidean Space with a Scattering Metric 2006 Kenichi Ito
+ PDF Chat Analytic smoothing effect for the Schrödinger equation with long‐range perturbation 2005 André Martínez
Shu Nakamura
Vania Sordoni
+ PDF Chat Molecular predissociation resonances near an energy-level crossing I: Elliptic interaction 2015 Setsuro Fujiié
André Martínez
Takuya Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Molecular predissociation resonances below an energy level crossing 2018 Sohei Ashida
+ The Born-Oppenheimer Approximation 1981 J. M. Combes
Pierre Duclos
R. Seiler
+ PDF Chat A general reduction scheme for the time-dependent Born–Oppenheimer approximation 2002 André Martínez
Vania Sordoni
+ Propagation of the homogeneous wave front set for Schrödinger equations 2005 Shu Nakamura
+ Quantum resonances without analyticity 2005 Claudy Cancelier
André Martínez
Thierry Ramond
+ PDF Chat Estimates on the molecular dynamics for the predissociation process 2017 Philippe Briet
André Martínez
+ PDF Chat Complex scaling and the distribution of scattering poles 1991 Johannes Sjöstrand
Maciej Zworski
+ On the location of the resonances for schrodinger 1987 Philippe Briet
J. M. Combes
Pierre Duclos
+ The Fermi Golden Rule and its Form at Thresholds in Odd Dimensions 2005 Arne Jensen
G. Nenciu
+ PDF Chat On the fundamental solution of a perturbed harmonic sscillator 1997 Lev Kapitanski
Igor Rodnianski
Kenji Yajima
+ Effect régularisant microlocal analytique pour l'équation de Schrödinger le cas des données oscillantes 2000 Luc Robbiano
Claude Zuily
+ Analytic wave front set for solutions to Schrödinger equations 2009 André Martínez
Shu Nakamura
Vania Sordoni
+ Développements asymptotiques et effet tunnel dans l'approximation de Born-Oppenheimer 1989 A. Martinez
+ Lower bounds for shape resonances widths of long range Schrödinger operators 2002 Nicolas Burq