Resonance widths for the molecular predissociation
Resonance widths for the molecular predissociation
We consider a semiclassical $2\times 2$ matrix Schr\"odinger operator of the form $P=-h^2\Delta {\bf I}_2 + {\rm diag}(V_1(x), V_2(x)) +hR(x,hD_x)$, where $V_1, V_2$ are real-analytic, $V_2$ admits a non degenerate minimum at 0, $V_1$ is non trapping at energy $V_2(0)=0$, and $R(x,hD_x)=(r_{j,k}(x,hD_x))_{1\leq j,k\leq 2}$ is a symmetric off-diagonal $2\times 2$ …