Li Yang


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Minimizing Live Experiments in Recommender Systems: User Simulation to Evaluate Preference Elicitation Policies 2024 Chih‐Wei Hsu
Martin Mladenov
Ofer Meshi
J. Pine
Hubert Pham
Shane Li
Xujian Liang
Anton Polishko
Li Yang
Ben Scheetz
+ PDF Chat Generalized Bose–Fermi mapping and strong coupling ansatz wavefunction for one dimensional strongly interacting spinor quantum gases 2022 Li Yang
Shah Saad Alam
Han Pu
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Fermionization in One-Dimensional Spinor Quantum Gases 2021 Shah Saad Alam
Timothy Skaras
Li Yang
Han Pu
+ PDF Chat Modeling Mobile Interface Tappability Using Crowdsourcing and Deep Learning 2021 Amanda Swearngin
Li Yang
+ Creating User Interface Mock-ups from High-Level Text Descriptions with Deep-Learning Models 2021 Forrest Huang
Gang Li
Xin Zhou
John Canny
Li Yang
+ PDF Chat Deep learning-enhanced variational Monte Carlo method for quantum many-body physics 2020 Li Yang
Zhaoqi Leng
Guangyuan Yu
Ankit Patel
Wen-Jun Hu
Han Pu
+ Scalable variational Monte Carlo with graph neural ansatz 2020 Li Yang
Wen-Jun Hu
Li Li
+ You Look Twice: GaterNet for Dynamic Filter Selection in CNNs 2018 Zhourong Chen
Li Yang
Samy Bengio
Si Si
+ PDF Chat One-body density matrix and momentum distribution of strongly interacting one-dimensional spinor quantum gases 2017 Li Yang
Han Pu
+ PDF Chat Bose-Fermi mapping and a multibranch spin-chain model for strongly interacting quantum gases in one dimension: Dynamics and collective excitations 2016 Li Yang
Han Pu
+ PDF Chat Strongly interacting quantum gases in one-dimensional traps 2015 Li Yang
Liming Guan
Han Pu
+ Quantum Theory Cannot Forbid Superluminal Signaling 2001 Li Yang
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Strongly interacting confined quantum systems in one dimension 2014 Artem G. Volosniev
D. V. Fedorov
A. S. Jensen
Manuel Valiente
N. T. Zinner
+ PDF Chat Quantum magnetism without lattices in strongly interacting one-dimensional spinor gases 2014 F. Deuretzbacher
D. Becker
J. Bjerlin
S. M. Reimann
L. Santos
+ PDF Chat Fermi gases in one dimension: From Bethe ansatz to experiments 2013 Xi‐Wen Guan
Murray T. Batchelor
Chaohong Lee
+ PDF Chat Strong-coupling ansatz for the one-dimensional Fermi gas in a harmonic potential 2015 Jesper Levinsen
Pietro Massignan
G. M. Bruun
Meera M. Parish
+ PDF Chat Exact Solution of Strongly Interacting Quasi-One-Dimensional Spinor Bose Gases 2008 F. Deuretzbacher
Klaus Fredenhagen
D. Becker
Kai Bongs
K. Sengstock
Daniela Pfannkuche
+ PDF Chat Strongly interacting quantum gases in one-dimensional traps 2015 Li Yang
Liming Guan
Han Pu
+ PDF Chat Engineering the dynamics of effective spin-chain models for strongly interacting atomic gases 2015 Artem G. Volosniev
David Petrosyan
Manuel Valiente
D. V. Fedorov
A. S. Jensen
N. T. Zinner
+ PDF Chat A one-dimensional liquid of fermions with tunable spin 2014 Guido Pagano
M. Mancini
Giacomo Cappellini
Pietro Lombardi
F. Schäfer
Hui Hu
Xia-Ji Liu
Jacopo Catani
Carlo Sias
M. Inguscio
+ PDF Chat One dimensional bosons: From condensed matter systems to ultracold gases 2011 Miguel A. Cazalilla
R. Citro
T. Giamarchi
E. Orignac
Marcos Rigol
+ PDF Chat Exact Solution for Infinitely Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases in Tight Waveguides 2009 Liming Guan
Shu Chen
Yupeng Wang
Zhong-Qi Ma
+ PDF Chat Bose-Fermi mapping and a multibranch spin-chain model for strongly interacting quantum gases in one dimension: Dynamics and collective excitations 2016 Li Yang
Han Pu
+ PDF Chat Momentum distributions and numerical methods for strongly interacting one-dimensional spinor gases 2016 F. Deuretzbacher
D. Becker
L. Santos
+ PDF Chat Ferromagnetic behavior in the strongly interacting two-component Bose gas 2007 Xi‐Wen Guan
Murray T. Batchelor
Minoru Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Fermi-Bose mapping for one-dimensional Bose gases 2005 V. I. Yukalov
M. D. Girardeau
+ PDF Chat Simulation of time-dependent Heisenberg models in one dimension 2016 Artem G. Volosniev
H.‐W. Hammer
N. T. Zinner
+ PDF Chat Effective spin-chain model for strongly interacting one-dimensional atomic gases with an arbitrary spin 2016 Lijun Yang
Xiaoling Cui
+ PDF Chat Local density approximation for a perturbative equation of state 2005 G. E. Astrakharchik
+ PDF Chat Nonrelativistic conformal field theories 2007 Yusuke Nishida
D. Son
+ PDF Chat Breakdown of scale invariance in the vicinity of the Tonks-Girardeau limit 2014 Zhedong Zhang
G. E. Astrakharchik
David C. Aveline
Seok Jin Choi
Hélène Perrin
T. Bergeman
Maxim Olshanii
+ PDF Chat <i>Colloquium</i>: The spin-incoherent Luttinger liquid 2007 Gregory A. Fiete
+ PDF Chat Low-temperature crossover in the momentum distribution of cold atomic gases in one dimension 2005 Vadim Cheianov
H. Smith
Mikhail B. Zvonarev
+ PDF Chat Bethe ansatz study of one-dimensional Bose and Fermi gases with periodic and hard wall boundary conditions 2006 N. Oelkers
Murray T. Batchelor
Michael Bortz
X-W Guan
+ PDF Chat Fermionization and bosonization of expanding one-dimensional anyonic fluids 2008 Adolfo del Campo
+ PDF Chat Theory of spinor Fermi and Bose gases in tight atom waveguides 2004 M. D. Girardeau
Maxim Olshanii
+ PDF Chat Ground-state properties of hard-core anyons in a harmonic potential 2016 Yajiang Hao
+ PDF Chat Evolution of a Bose-condensed gas under variations of the confining potential 1996 Yu. Kagan
E.L. Surkov
G. V. Shlyapnikov
+ PDF Chat Breathing modes and hidden symmetry of trapped atoms in two dimensions 1997 Лев П. Питаевский
Achim Rosch
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium Dynamics of One-Dimensional Hard-Core Anyons Following a Quench: Complete Relaxation of One-Body Observables 2014 Tod M. Wright
Marcos Rigol
Matthew J. Davis
K. V. Kheruntsyan
+ PDF Chat Fermionization in an Expanding 1D Gas of Hard-Core Bosons 2005 Marcos Rigol
Alejandro Muramatsu
+ PDF Chat Unitary gas in an isotropic harmonic trap: Symmetry properties and applications 2006 Félix Werner
Yvan Castin
+ PDF Chat Phase diagram of the anisotropic spin-2 XXZ model: Infinite-system density matrix renormalization group study 2013 Jonas A. Kjäll
Michael P. Zaletel
Roger S. K. Mong
Jens H. Bardarson
Frank Pollmann
+ PDF Chat Perturbative correction to the ground-state properties of one-dimensional strongly interacting bosons in a harmonic trap 2010 Francis N. C. Paraan
V. E. Korepin
+ PDF Chat Ground-state properties of hard-core bosons in one-dimensional harmonic traps 2003 T. Papenbrock
+ PDF Chat Finite one-dimensional impenetrable Bose systems: Occupation numbers 2003 Peter J. Forrester
N. E. Frankel
Timothy M. Garoni
N. S. Witte
+ PDF Chat Exact Coherent States of a Harmonically Confined Tonks-Girardeau Gas 2005 Anna Minguzzi
D. M. Gangardt
+ PDF Chat Entanglement properties and momentum distributions of hard-core anyons on a ring 2007 Raoul Santachiara
F. Stauffer
D. C. Cabra
+ PDF Chat Universal properties of hard-core bosons confined on one-dimensional lattices 2004 Marcos Rigol
Alejandro Muramatsu
+ PDF Chat Generalized exclusion statistics and degenerate signature of strongly interacting anyons 2006 Murray T. Batchelor
Xin Guan
+ PDF Chat Effective interactions, Fermi–Bose duality, and ground states of ultracold atomic vapors in tight de Broglie waveguides 2004 M. D. Girardeau
Hieu Nguyen
Maxim Olshanii
+ PDF Chat Correlation functions of one-dimensional anyonic fluids 2007 Pasquale Calabrese
M. Mintchev
+ PDF Chat Two super-Tonks-Girardeau states of a trapped one-dimensional spinor Fermi gas 2010 M. D. Girardeau
+ PDF Chat Fermion-Boson Duality of One-Dimensional Quantum Particles with Generalized Contact Interactions 1999 Taksu Cheon
Takaomi Shigehara
+ PDF Chat The Bethe ansatz for 1D interacting anyons 2007 Murray T. Batchelor
X-W Guan
J-S He
+ PDF Chat One-Dimensional Interacting Anyon Gas: Low-Energy Properties and Haldane Exclusion Statistics 2006 Murray T. Batchelor
Xin Guan
N. Oelkers
+ PDF Chat Ground-state properties of one-dimensional anyon gases 2008 Yajiang Hao
Yunbo Zhang
Shu Chen
+ PDF Chat Scale-invariant Fermi gas in a time-dependent harmonic potential 2012 Sergej Moroz
+ PDF Chat Anyon-Fermion Mapping and Applications to Ultracold Gases in Tight Waveguides 2006 M. D. Girardeau
+ PDF Chat Realization of an Excited, Strongly Correlated Quantum Gas Phase 2009 Elmar Haller
Mattias Gustavsson
Manfred J. Mark
Johann G. Danzl
Russell Hart
Guido Pupillo
Hanns‐Christoph Nägerl
+ PDF Chat Exact Solution of Double<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>δ</mml:mi></mml:math>Function Bose Gas through an Interacting Anyon Gas 1999 Anjan Kundu
+ PDF Chat Solving the quantum many-body problem with artificial neural networks 2017 Giuseppe Carleo
Matthias Troyer