Kuan-Yu Lin


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Circuit quantum electrodynamics 2021 Alexandre Blais
Arne L. Grimsmo
S. M. Girvin
A. Wallraff
+ PDF Chat Dicke-model quantum spin and photon glass in optical cavities: Nonequilibrium theory and experimental signatures 2013 Michael Buchhold
Philipp Strack
Subir Sachdev
Sebastian Diehl
+ PDF Chat Dicke quantum phase transition with a superfluid gas in an optical cavity 2010 Kristian Baumann
Christine Guerlin
Ferdinand Brennecke
Tilman Esslinger
+ PDF Chat Photon blockade in an optical cavity with one trapped atom 2005 Kevin Birnbaum
A. Boca
Ryan Miller
A. D. Boozer
Tracy E. Northup
H. J. Kimble
+ PDF Chat Supermode-density-wave-polariton condensation with a Bose–Einstein condensate in a multimode cavity 2017 Alicia J. Kollár
Alexander Papageorge
Varun Vaidya
Yudan Guo
Jonathan Keeling
Benjamin Lev
+ PDF Chat Meissner-like Effect for a Synthetic Gauge Field in Multimode Cavity QED 2017 K. E. Ballantine
Benjamin Lev
Jonathan Keeling
+ PDF Chat Supersolid formation in a quantum gas breaking a continuous translational symmetry 2017 Julian Léonard
Andrea Morales
Philip Zupancic
Tilman Esslinger
Tobias Donner
+ Monitoring and manipulating Higgs and Goldstone modes in a supersolid quantum gas 2017 Julian Léonard
Andrea Morales
Philip Zupancic
Tobias Donner
Tilman Esslinger
+ PDF Chat Driven-Dissipative Supersolid in a Ring Cavity 2018 Farokh Mivehvar
Stefan Ostermann
Francesco Piazza
Helmut Ritsch
+ PDF Chat Spinor Self-Ordering of a Quantum Gas in a Cavity 2018 Ronen M. Kroeze
Yudan Guo
Varun Vaidya
Jonathan Keeling
Benjamin Lev
+ PDF Chat Emergent and broken symmetries of atomic self-organization arising from Gouy phase shifts in multimode cavity QED 2019 Yudan Guo
Varun Vaidya
Ronen M. Kroeze
Rhiannon A. Lunney
Benjamin Lev
Jonathan Keeling
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Spin-Orbit Coupling of a Quantum Gas 2019 Ronen M. Kroeze
Yudan Guo
Benjamin Lev
+ PDF Chat Supersolid Properties of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Ring Resonator 2020 S. Schuster
P. Wolf
Stefan Ostermann
Sebastian Slama
C. Zimmermann
+ PDF Chat Signatures of Associative Memory Behavior in a Multimode Dicke Model 2020 Eliana Fiorelli
Matteo Marcuzzi
Pietro Rotondo
Federico Carollo
Igor Lesanovsky
+ PDF Chat Photon-Mediated Peierls Transition of a 1D Gas in a Multimode Optical Cavity 2020 Colin Rylands
Yudan Guo
Benjamin Lev
Jonathan Keeling
Victor Galitski
+ PDF Chat Sign-Changing Photon-Mediated Atom Interactions in Multimode Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics 2019 Yudan Guo
Ronen M. Kroeze
Varun Vaidya
Jonathan Keeling
Benjamin Lev
+ PDF Chat Open quantum generalisation of Hopfield neural networks 2018 Pietro Rotondo
Matteo Marcuzzi
Juan P. Garrahan
Igor Lesanovsky
Markus Müller
+ PDF Chat Self-ordering and cavity cooling using a train of ultrashort pulses 2020 Valentin Torggler
Ivor Krešić
Ticijana Ban
Helmut Ritsch
+ One- and two-axis squeezing of atomic ensembles in optical cavities 2017 Johannes Borregaard
Emily J. Davis
Gregory Bentsen
Monika Schleier-Smith
Anders S. Sørensen
+ PDF Chat Electromagnetic and gravitational responses of photonic Landau levels 2019 Nathan Schine
Michelle Chalupnik
Tankut Can
Andrey Gromov
Jonathan Simon
+ PDF Chat A strongly interacting polaritonic quantum dot 2018 Ningyuan Jia
Nathan Schine
Alexandros Georgakopoulos
Albert Ryou
Logan W. Clark
Ariel Sommer
Jonathan Simon
+ PDF Chat Self-Induced Glassy Phase in Multimodal Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics 2021 Vittorio Erba
Mauro Pastore
Pietro Rotondo
+ PDF Chat Collective Spin-Light and Light-Mediated Spin-Spin Interactions in an Optical Cavity 2022 Zeyang Li
Boris Braverman
Simone Colombo
Chi Shu
Akio Kawasaki
Albert F. Adiyatullin
Edwin Pedrozo-Peñafiel
Enrique Mendez
Vladan Vuletić
+ PDF Chat An optical lattice with sound 2021 Yudan Guo
Ronen M. Kroeze
Brendan Marsh
Sarang Gopalakrishnan
Jonathan Keeling
Benjamin Lev
+ PDF Chat Programmable interactions and emergent geometry in an array of atom clouds 2021 Avikar Periwal
Eric S. Cooper
Philipp Kunkel
Julian F. Wienand
Emily J. Davis
Monika Schleier-Smith
+ High finesse bow-tie cavity for strong atom-photon coupling in Rydberg arrays 2022 Yu-Ting Chen
Michał Szurek
Beili Hu
Julius de Hond
Boris Braverman
Vladan Vuletić
+ Optical mode conversion via spatiotemporally modulated atomic susceptibility 2022 Claire Baum
Matt Jaffe
Lukas Palm
Aishwarya Kumar
Jonathan Simon
+ PDF Chat Atom-light crystallization of Bose-Einstein condensates in multimode cavities: Nonequilibrium classical and quantum phase transitions, emergent lattices, supersolidity, and frustration 2010 Sarang Gopalakrishnan
Benjamin Lev
Paul M. Goldbart
+ PDF Chat Emergent crystallinity and frustration with Bose–Einstein condensates in multimode cavities 2009 Sarang Gopalakrishnan
Benjamin Lev
Paul M. Goldbart
+ PDF Chat Cavity-based quantum networks with single atoms and optical photons 2015 Andreas Reiserer
Gerhard Rempe
+ PDF Chat Subwavelength vacuum lattices and atom–atom interactions in two-dimensional photonic crystals 2015 Alejandro González-Tudela
Chen-Lung Hung
Darrick E. Chang
J. I. Cirac
H. J. Kimble
+ PDF Chat Quantum information transfer using photons 2014 Tracy E. Northup
R. Blatt
+ PDF Chat Frustration and Glassiness in Spin Models with Cavity-Mediated Interactions 2011 Sarang Gopalakrishnan
Benjamin Lev
Paul M. Goldbart
+ PDF Chat Dicke Quantum Spin Glass of Atoms and Photons 2011 Philipp Strack
Subir Sachdev
+ PDF Chat Ion-trap measurements of electric-field noise near surfaces 2015 Michael Brownnutt
Muir Kumph
Peter Rabl
R. Blatt
+ PDF Chat A General Formula for the Stationary Distribution of the Age of Information and Its Application to Single-Server Queues 2019 Yoshiaki Inoue
Hiroyuki Masuyama
Tetsuya Takine
Toshiyuki Tanaka
+ Scheduling Policies for Minimizing Age of Information in Broadcast Wireless Networks 2018 Igor Kadota
Abhishek Sinha
Elif Uysal‐Biyikoglu
Rahul Singh
Eytan Modiano
+ PDF Chat Age of Information: Whittle Index for Scheduling Stochastic Arrivals 2018 Yu-Pin Hsu
+ PDF Chat Scaling and Suppression of Anomalous Heating in Ion Traps 2006 Louis Deslauriers
S. Olmschenk
D. Stick
W. K. Hensinger
Jonathan David Sterk
C. Monroe
+ PDF Chat Age of Information: An Introduction and Survey 2021 Roy D. Yates
Yin Sun
Donald R. Brown
Sanjit K. Kaul
Eytan Modiano
Şennur Ulukuş
+ PDF Chat Suppression of Heating Rates in Cryogenic Surface-Electrode Ion Traps 2008 Jaroslaw Labaziewicz
Yufei Ge
Paul Antohi
David R. Leibrandt
Kenneth R. Brown
Isaac L. Chuang
+ PDF Chat Temperature Dependence of Electric Field Noise above Gold Surfaces 2008 Jaroslaw Labaziewicz
Yufei Ge
David R. Leibrandt
Shannon X. Wang
Ruth Shewmon
Isaac L. Chuang
+ PDF Chat Microscopic model of electric-field-noise heating in ion traps 2011 Arghavan Safavi-Naini
Peter Rabl
Philippe F. Weck
H. R. Sadeghpour
+ PDF Chat Heating of trapped ions from the quantum ground state 2000 Q. A. Turchette
D. Kielpinski
B. E. King
D. Leibfried
D. M. Meekhof
C. J. Myatt
M. A. Rowe
C. A. Sackett
C. S. Wood
Wayne M. Itano
+ PDF Chat Statistical Guarantee Optimization for AoI in Single-Hop and Two-Hop FCFS Systems With Periodic Arrivals 2020 Jaya Prakash Champati
Hussein Al-Zubaidy
James Gross
+ The interaction of gases with solid surfaces 1974 William A. Steele
+ PDF Chat 100-Fold Reduction of Electric-Field Noise in an Ion Trap Cleaned with<i>In Situ</i>Argon-Ion-Beam Bombardment 2012 D. A. Hite
Yves Colombe
A. C. Wilson
Kenneth R. Brown
U. Warring
Robert Jördens
J. D. Jost
Kyle S. McKay
D. P. Pappas
D. Leibfried
+ PDF Chat On the Age of Information in Multi-Source Queueing Models 2020 Mohammad Moltafet
Markus Leinonen
Marian Codreanu
+ PDF Chat Measurement of ion motional heating rates over a range of trap frequencies and temperatures 2015 Colin Bruzewicz
Jeremy Sage
John Chiaverini
+ PDF Chat On the Optimality of the Whittle’s Index Policy for Minimizing the Age of Information 2020 Ali Maatouk
Saad Kriouile
Mohamad Assaad
Anthony Ephremides