Deng Pan


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Feedback-Induced Phase Transitions in Active Heterogeneous Conductors 2015 Samuel A. Ocko
L. Mahadevan
+ Fractal Boundary for Chaos in a Two-State Mechanical Oscillator 1984 Francis C. Moon
+ PDF Chat Detection of multistability, bifurcations, and hysteresis in a large class of biological positive-feedback systems 2004 David Angeli
James E. Ferrell
Eduardo D. Sontag
+ PDF Chat Multiple Transient Memories in Experiments on Sheared Non-Brownian Suspensions 2014 Joseph D. Paulsen
Nathan C. Keim
Sidney R. Nagel
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of random neural networks with bistable units 2014 Merav Stern
Haim Sompolinsky
L. F. Abbott
+ PDF Chat Origami Multistability: From Single Vertices to Metasheets 2015 Scott Waitukaitis
Rémi Menaut
Bryan Gin–ge Chen
Martin van Hecke
+ PDF Chat A simple and effective Verlet-type algorithm for simulating Langevin dynamics 2013 Niels Grønbech‐Jensen
Oded Farago
+ PDF Chat Plasticity and dynamical heterogeneity in driven glassy materials 2010 Michel Tsamados
+ PDF Chat Multistability and Memory Effect in a Highly Turbulent Flow: Experimental Evidence for a Global Bifurcation 2004 Florent Ravelet
Louis Marié
Arnaud Chiffaudel
F. Daviaud
+ PDF Chat Progress of a half century in the study of the Luria–Delbrück distribution 1999 Qi Zheng
+ PDF Chat Non-equilibrium glass transitions in driven and active matter 2013 Ludovic Berthier
Jorge Kurchan
+ PDF Chat On Functions of Sequences of Independent Chance Vectors with Applications to the Problem of the "Random Walk" in $k$ Dimensions 1946 David Blackwell
M. A. Girshick
+ PDF Chat Anomalous Fluid Transport in Porous Media Induced by Biofilm Growth 2004 Joseph D. Seymour
Justin P. Gage
Sarah L. Codd
Robin Gerlach
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Porous Electrodes 2012 Todd R. Ferguson
Martin Z. Bazant
+ PDF Chat On Cumulative Sums of Random Variables 1944 Abraham Wald
+ PDF Chat Generic Transient Memory Formation in Disordered Systems with Noise 2011 Nathan C. Keim
Sidney R. Nagel
+ PDF Chat Flow-induced channelization in a porous medium 2012 Amala Mahadevan
Ashish V. Orpe
Arshad Kudrolli
L. Mahadevan
+ PDF Chat Large population solution of the stochastic Luria–Delbrück evolution model 2013 David A. Kessler
Herbert Levine
+ PDF Chat Model for force fluctuations in bead packs 1996 S. N. Coppersmith
C. -h. Liu
Satya N. Majumdar
Onuttom Narayan
Thomas A. Witten
+ PDF Chat Why glass elasticity affects the thermodynamics and fragility of supercooled liquids 2013 Le Yan
Gustavo Düring
Matthieu Wyart
+ A review of the molecular flow conductance for systems of tubes and components and the measurement of pumping speed 1966 W Steckelmacher
+ PDF Chat Spatial Fluctuations of Fluid Velocities in Flow through a Three-Dimensional Porous Medium 2013 Sujit S. Datta
Harry Chiang
T. S. Ramakrishnan
David A. Weitz
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations and Redundancy in Optimal Transport Networks 2010 Francis Corson
+ PDF Chat Damage and Fluctuations Induce Loops in Optimal Transport Networks 2010 Eleni Katifori
Gergely J. Szöllősi
Marcelo O. Magnasco
+ Multiple transient memories in sheared suspensions: Robustness, structure, and routes to plasticity 2013 Nathan C. Keim
Joseph D. Paulsen
Sidney R. Nagel
+ PDF Chat Metastability and Glassy Behavior of a Driven Flux-Line Lattice 1996 William Henderson
E. Y. Andrei
M. J. Higgins
S. Bhattacharya
+ PDF Chat Growth-induced mass flows in fungal networks 2010 Luke Heaton
Eduardo López
Philip K. Maini
Mark D. Fricker
Nick S. Jones
+ PDF Chat Cell Size Regulation in Bacteria 2014 Ariel Amir
+ A population birth-and-mutation process, I: explicit distributions for the number of mutants in an old culture of bacteria 1974 Benoît B. Mandelbrot
+ PDF Chat Global Optimization, Local Adaptation, and the Role of Growth in Distribution Networks 2016 Henrik Ronellenfitsch
Eleni Katifori
+ PDF Chat Pruning to Increase Taylor Dispersion in<i>Physarum polycephalum</i>Networks 2016 Sophie Marbach
Karen Alim
Natalie Andrew
Anne Pringle
Michael P. Brenner
+ PDF Chat Channelization in porous media driven by erosion and deposition 2017 R. Jäger
M. Mendoza
Hans J. Herrmann
+ PDF Chat Mechanisms for mechanical trapping of geologically sequestered carbon dioxide 2015 Y. Cohen
Daniel H. Rothman
+ PDF Chat Mechanism behind Erosive Bursts In Porous Media 2017 R. Jäger
M. Mendoza
Hans J. Herrmann
+ PDF Chat Local Pore Size Correlations Determine Flow Distributions in Porous Media 2017 Karen Alim
Shima Parsa
David A. Weitz
Michael P. Brenner
+ PDF Chat Least-rattling feedback from strong time-scale separation 2018 Pavel Chvykov
Jeremy L. England
+ PDF Chat Optimizing active work: Dynamical phase transitions, collective motion, and jamming 2019 Takahiro Nemoto
Étienne Fodor
M. E. Cates
Robert L. Jack
Julien Tailleur
+ PDF Chat Memory formation in matter 2019 Nathan C. Keim
Joseph D. Paulsen
Zorana Zeravcic
Srikanth Sastry
Sidney R. Nagel
+ PDF Chat Multistable Free States of an Active Particle from a Coherent Memory Dynamics 2019 Vincent Bacot
Stéphane Perrard
Matthieu Labousse
Y. Couder
Emmanuel Fort
+ PDF Chat Vibrational density of states and specific heat in glasses from random matrix theory 2019 Matteo Baggioli
Rico Milkus
Alessio Zaccone
+ PDF Chat Directed aging, memory, and nature’s greed 2019 Nidhi Pashine
Daniel Hexner
Andrea J. Liu
Sidney R. Nagel
+ PDF Chat Modeling Cell Size Regulation: From Single-Cell-Level Statistics to Molecular Mechanisms and Population-Level Effects 2018 Po-Yi Ho
Jie Lin
Ariel Amir
+ PDF Chat Multiphase Porous Electrode Theory 2017 Raymond B. Smith
Martin Z. Bazant
+ PDF Chat From single-cell variability to population growth 2020 Jie Lin
Ariel Amir
+ PDF Chat Large Deviation Principle Linking Lineage Statistics to Fitness in Microbial Populations 2020 Ethan Levien
Trevor GrandPre
Ariel Amir
+ PDF Chat Design of Pseudo-Mechanisms and Multistable Units for Mechanical Metamaterials 2021 Nitin Singh
Martin van Hecke
+ PDF Chat Flow-Driven Branching in a Frangible Porous Medium 2020 N. J. Derr
David Fronk
Christoph A. Weber
Amala Mahadevan
Chris H. Rycroft
L. Mahadevan
+ PDF Chat Multiscale dynamics of colloidal deposition and erosion in porous media 2020 Navid Bizmark
Joanna Schneider
Rodney D. Priestley
Sujit S. Datta
+ PDF Chat Statistical Physics of Adaptation 2016 Nikolay Perunov
Robert Marsland
Jeremy L. England
+ PDF Chat Continual Learning of Multiple Memories in Mechanical Networks 2020 Menachem Stern
Matthew B. Pinson
Arvind Murugan