P. Mazur


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Hat chromatic number of graphs 2021 Bartłomiej Bosek
Andrzej Dudek
Michał Farnik
Jarosław Grytczuk
P. Mazur
+ PDF Chat Urban Driving with Conditional Imitation Learning 2020 Jeffrey Hawke
Richard Shen
Corina Gurău
Siddharth Sharma
Daniele Reda
Nikolay Nikolov
P. Mazur
Sean Micklethwaite
Nicolas Griffiths
Amar Shah
+ Successor Uncertainties: exploration and uncertainty in temporal difference learning 2019 David M. Janz
Jiri Hron
P. Mazur
Katja Hofmann
José Miguel Hernández-Lobato
Sebastian Tschiatschek
+ Urban Driving with Conditional Imitation Learning 2019 Jeffrey Hawke
Richard Shen
Corina Gurău
Siddharth Sharma
Daniele Reda
Nikolay Nikolov
P. Mazur
Sean Micklethwaite
Nicolas Griffiths
Amar Shah
+ Hat chromatic number of graphs 2019 Bartłomiej Bosek
Andrzej Dudek
Michał Farnik
Jarosław Grytczuk
P. Mazur
+ Urban Driving with Conditional Imitation Learning 2019 Jeffrey Hawke
Richard Shen
Corina Gurău
Siddharth Sharma
Daniele Reda
Nikolay Nikolov
P. Mazur
Sean Micklethwaite
Nicolas Griffiths
Anoop Shah
+ Hat chromatic number of graphs 2019 Bartłomiej Bosek
Andrzej Dudek
Michał Farnik
Jarosław Grytczuk
P. Mazur
+ Learning to Drive in a Day 2018 Alex Kendall
Jeffrey Hawke
David M. Janz
P. Mazur
Daniele Reda
John-Mark Allen
Vinh-Dieu Lam
Alex Bewley
Amar Shah
+ Successor Uncertainties: Exploration and Uncertainty in Temporal Difference Learning 2018 David M. Janz
Jiri Hron
P. Mazur
Katja Hofmann
José Miguel Hernández-Lobato
Sebastian Tschiatschek
+ Learning to Drive in a Day 2018 Alex Kendall
Jeffrey Hawke
David M. Janz
P. Mazur
Daniele Reda
John-Mark A. Allen
Vinh-Dieu Lam
Alex Bewley
Anoop Shah
+ Some results in set addition 2016 P. Mazur
+ A structure theorem for sets of small popular doubling 2015 P. Mazur
+ A structure theorem for sets of small popular doubling, revisited 2015 P. Mazur
+ PDF Chat A structure theorem for sets of small popular doubling 2015 P. Mazur
+ A structure theorem for sets of small popular doubling 2015 P. Mazur
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and hydrodynamic fluctuations 2000 J. M. Rubı́
P. Mazur
+ Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics and Hydrodynamic Fluctuations 1999 J. M. Rubı́
P. Mazur
+ PDF Chat Simultaneous Brownian motion of N particles in a temperature gradient 1998 J. M. Rubı́
P. Mazur
+ Brownian motion in the presence of a temperature gradient 1995 A. Pérez-Madrid
J. M. Rubı́
P. Mazur
+ PDF Chat Brownian motion in the presence of a temperature gradient 1994 A. Pérez-Madrid
J. M. Rubı́
P. Mazur
+ Effect of plasma on the recovery and FDA survival of human granulocytes incubated at 37 °C after exposure to phosphate-buffered saline or glycerol 1986 W. John Armitage
P. Mazur
+ On the Asymptotic Equivalence of Various Ensembles for a Real System 1967 P. Mazur
+ On Correlation Function Formulae for Kinetic and Transport-Coefficients 1966 P. Mazur
+ On a Statistical mechanical theory of Brownian motion 1965 P. Mazur
+ Relations between path integrals and the variational principles of Hamilton 1959 J. Vlieger
P. Mazur
S.R. de Groot
+ Density expansions of distribution functions. II 1957 P. Mazur
I. Oppenheim
+ Density expansions of distribution functions. I. 1957 I. Oppenheim
P. Mazur
+ Thermodynamical theory of galvanomagnetic and thermomagnetic phenomena III 1954 R. Fieschi
S.R. de Groot
P. Mazur
+ Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics of Two-Fluid Models 1951 S.R. de Groot
L.H. Jansen
P. Mazur
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ End to End Learning for Self-Driving Cars 2016 Mariusz Bojarski
Davide Del Testa
Daniel Dworakowski
Bernhard Firner
Beat Flepp
Prasoon Goyal
Lawrence D. Jackel
Mathew Monfort
Urs Müller
Jiakai Zhang
+ PDF Chat Multi-task Learning Using Uncertainty to Weigh Losses for Scene Geometry and Semantics 2018 Roberto Cipolla
Yarin Gal
Alex Kendall
+ PDF Chat Domain Randomization and Generative Models for Robotic Grasping 2018 Josh Tobin
Lukas Biewald
Rocky Duan
Marcin Andrychowicz
Ankur Handa
Vikash Kumar
Bob McGrew
Alex Ray
Jonas Schneider
Peter Welinder
+ Hat Guessing Games 2008 Steve Butler
Mohammad Taghi Hajiaghayi
Robert Kleinberg
Tom Leighton
+ PDF Chat Coloring with no $2$-Colored $P_4$'s 2004 Michael O. Albertson
Glenn G. Chappell
H. A. Kierstead
André Kündgen
Radhika Ramamurthi
+ PDF Chat End-To-End Interpretable Neural Motion Planner 2019 Wenyuan Zeng
Wenjie Luo
Simon Su
Abbas Sadat
Bin Yang
Sergio Casas
Raquel Urtasun
+ PDF Chat Learning to Drive from Simulation without Real World Labels 2019 Alex Bewley
Jessica Rigley
Yuxuan Liu
Jeffrey Hawke
Richard Shen
Vinh-Dieu Lam
Alex Kendall
+ PDF Chat End-to-End Driving Via Conditional Imitation Learning 2018 Felipe Codevilla
Matthias Müller
Antonio M. López
Vladlen Koltun
Alexey Dosovitskiy
+ Deep Imitative Models for Flexible Inference, Planning, and Control 2018 Nicholas Rhinehart
Rowan McAllister
Sergey Levine
+ PDF Chat CIRL: Controllable Imitative Reinforcement Learning for Vision-Based Self-driving 2018 Xiaodan Liang
Tairui Wang
Luona Yang
Eric P. Xing
+ PDF Chat The hat guessing number of graphs 2020 Noga Alon
Omri Ben‐Eliezer
Chong Shangguan
Itzhak Tamo
+ A Reduction of Imitation Learning and Structured Prediction to No-Regret Online Learning 2010 Stéphane Ross
Geoffrey J. Gordon
J. Andrew Bagnell
+ Molecular distribution and equation of state of gases 1949 Jan de Boer
+ PDF Chat For Which Graphs the Sages Can Guess Correctly the Color of at Least One Hat 2018 K. P. Kokhas
Aleksei Latyshev
+ PDF Chat Sim-to-Real Transfer of Robotic Control with Dynamics Randomization 2018 Xue Bin Peng
Marcin Andrychowicz
Wojciech Zaremba
Pieter Abbeel
+ PDF Chat End-to-End Learning of Driving Models with Surround-View Cameras and Route Planners 2018 Simon Hecker
Dengxin Dai
Luc Van Gool
+ PDF Chat PWC-Net: CNNs for Optical Flow Using Pyramid, Warping, and Cost Volume 2018 Deqing Sun
Xiaodong Yang
Ming-Yu Liu
Jan Kautz
+ PDF Chat On Offline Evaluation of Vision-Based Driving Models 2018 Felipe Codevilla
Antonio M. López
Vladlen Koltun
Alexey Dosovitskiy
+ PDF Chat The Cityscapes Dataset for Semantic Urban Scene Understanding 2016 Marius Cordts
Mohamed Omran
Sebastian Ramos
Timo Rehfeld
Markus Enzweiler
Rodrigo Benenson
Uwe Franke
Stefan Roth
Bernt Schiele
+ On the Hat Guessing Number of Graphs 2021 Noga Alon
Jeremy Chizewer
+ BDD100K: A Diverse Driving Video Database with Scalable Annotation Tooling. 2018 Fisher Yu
Wenqi Xian
Yingying Chen
Fangchen Liu
Mike Liao
Vashisht Madhavan
Trevor Darrell
+ PDF Chat DeepLab: Semantic Image Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Nets, Atrous Convolution, and Fully Connected CRFs 2017 Liang-Chieh Chen
George Papandreou
Iasonas Kokkinos
Kevin Murphy
Alan Yuille
+ Explaining How a Deep Neural Network Trained with End-to-End Learning Steers a Car 2017 Mariusz Bojarski
Philip Yeres
Anna Choromanska
Krzysztof Choromański
Bernhard Firner
Lawrence D. Jackel
Urs Müller
+ PDF Chat Unsupervised Pixel-Level Domain Adaptation with Generative Adversarial Networks 2017 Konstantinos Bousmalis
Nathan Silberman
David Dohan
Dumitru Erhan
Dilip Krishnan
+ PDF Chat Unsupervised Learning of Depth and Ego-Motion from Video 2017 Tinghui Zhou
Matthew Brown
Noah Snavely
David Lowe
+ End-to-end Driving via Conditional Imitation Learning 2017 Felipe Codevilla
Matthias Müller
Antonio M. López
Vladlen Koltun
Alexey Dosovitskiy
+ Eigenoption Discovery through the Deep Successor Representation 2017 Marlos C. Machado
Clemens Rosenbaum
Xiaoxiao Guo
Miao Liu
Gerald Tesauro
Murray Campbell
+ Mastering Chess and Shogi by Self-Play with a General Reinforcement Learning Algorithm 2017 David Silver
Thomas Hubert
Julian Schrittwieser
Ioannis Antonoglou
Matthew Lai
Arthur Guez
Marc Lanctot
Laurent Sifre
Dharshan Kumaran
Thore Graepel
+ Efficient exploration with Double Uncertain Value Networks 2017 Thomas M. Moerland
Joost Broekens
Catholijn M. Jonker
+ World Models 2018 David Ha
Jürgen Schmidhuber
+ Driving Policy Transfer via Modularity and Abstraction 2018 Matthias Müller
Alexey Dosovitskiy
Bernard Ghanem
Vladlen Koltun
+ Deep Variational Reinforcement Learning for POMDPs 2018 Maximilian Igl
Luisa Zintgraf
Tuan Anh Le
Frank Wood
Shimon Whiteson
+ Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Networks 2018 Han Zhang
Ian Goodfellow
Dimitris Metaxas
Augustus Odena
+ Randomized Value Functions via Multiplicative Normalizing Flows 2018 Abdelaziz Touati
Harsh Satija
Joshua Romoff
Joëlle Pineau
Pascal Vincent
+ Learning Dexterous In-Hand Manipulation 2018 OpenAI
+ ChauffeurNet: Learning to Drive by Imitating the Best and Synthesizing the Worst 2019 Mayank Bansal
Alex Krizhevsky
Abhijit S. Ogale
+ Go-Explore: a New Approach for Hard-Exploration Problems 2019 Adrien Ecoffet
Joost Huizinga
Joel Lehman
Kenneth O. Stanley
Jeff Clune
+ Exploring the Limitations of Behavior Cloning for Autonomous Driving 2019 Felipe Codevilla
Eder Santana
Antonio M. López
Adrien Gaidon
+ Causal Confusion in Imitation Learning 2019 Pim de Haan
Dinesh Jayaraman
Sergey Levine
+ Trust Region Policy Optimization 2015 John Schulman
Sergey Levine
Philipp Moritz
Michael I. Jordan
Pieter Abbeel
+ Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Networks 2018 Han Zhang
Ian Goodfellow
Dimitris Metaxas
Augustus Odena
+ Generalization and Exploration via Randomized Value Functions 2014 Ian Osband
Benjamin Van Roy
Zheng Wen
+ Deep Recurrent Q-Learning for Partially Observable MDPs 2015 Matthew Hausknecht
Peter Stone
+ BBQ-Networks: Efficient Exploration in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems 2016 Zachary C. Lipton
Xiujun Li
Jianfeng Gao
Lihong Li
Faisal Ahmed
Li Deng
+ Safe and Efficient Off-Policy Reinforcement Learning 2016 Rémi Munos
Tom Stepleton
Anna Harutyunyan
Marc G. Bellemare
+ PDF Chat Efficient Exploration Through Bayesian Deep Q-Networks 2018 Kamyar Azizzadenesheli
Emma Brunskill
Animashree Anandkumar
+ Continuous control with deep reinforcement learning 2016 Timothy Lillicrap
Jonathan J. Hunt
Alexander Pritzel
Nicolas Heess
Tom Erez
Yuval Tassa
David Silver
Daan Wierstra
+ SegNet: A Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Image Segmentation 2017 Vijay Badrinarayanan
A. C. Kendall
Roberto Cipolla
+ Deep Exploration via Bootstrapped DQN 2016 Ian Osband
Charles Blundell
Alexander Pritzel
Benjamin Van Roy
+ Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning 2016 Volodymyr Mnih
Adrià Puigdomènech Badia
Mehdi Mirza
Alex Graves
Tim Harley
Timothy Lillicrap
David Silver
Koray Kavukcuoglu