Tao Li


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The Confluence of Networks, Games and Learning. 2021 Tao Li
Guanze Peng
Quanyan Zhu
Tamer Başar
+ The Confluence of Networks, Games and Learning 2021 Tao Li
Guanze Peng
Quanyan Zhu
Tamer Başar
+ On Data Augmentation for Extreme Multi-label Classification 2020 Danqing Zhang
Tao Li
Haiyang Zhang
Bing Yin
+ PDF Chat Music Sequence Prediction with Mixture Hidden Markov Models 2019 Tao Li
Minsoo Choi
Kaiming Fu
Lei Lin
+ Beauty Learning and Counterfactual Inference 2019 Tao Li
+ PDF Chat Online Interactive Collaborative Filtering Using Multi-Armed Bandit with Dependent Arms 2018 Qing Wang
Chunqiu Zeng
Wubai Zhou
Tao Li
S. S. Iyengar
Larisa Shwartz
Genady Ya. Grabarnik
+ PDF Chat Collaborative Filtering with Topic and Social Latent Factors Incorporating Implicit Feedback 2018 Guangneng Hu
Xinyu Dai
Fengyu Qiu
Rui Xia
Tao Li
Shujian Huang
Jiajun Chen
+ CAPS: Context Aware Personalized POI Sequence Recommender System 2018 Ramesh Baral
Tao Li
Xiaolong Zhu
+ Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis with Gated Convolutional Networks 2018 Wei Xue
Tao Li
+ PDF Chat Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis with Gated Convolutional Networks 2018 Wei Xue
Tao Li
+ PERS: A Personalized and Explainable POI Recommender System 2017 Ramesh Baral
Tao Li
+ Exact discovery of the most interesting sequential patterns. 2015 Tao Li
Geoffrey I. Webb
François Petitjean
+ PDF Chat Skopus: Exact discovery of the most interesting sequential patterns under Leverage 2015 François Petitjean
Tao Li
Nikolaj Tatti
Geoffrey I. Webb
+ Non-negative Tri-factor tensor decomposition with applications 2012 Zhongyuan Zhang
Tao Li
Chris Ding
+ Tensor clustering via adaptive subspace iteration 2011 Wei Peng
Tao Li
+ On the equivalence between nonnegative tensor factorization and tensorial probabilistic latent semantic analysis 2010 Wei Peng
Tao Li
+ Temporal relation co-clustering on directional social network and author-topic evolution 2010 Wei Peng
Tao Li
+ The Research on Tracking Filter Algorithm of a Certain Type of Short-range Active Defense Radar System 2010 Tao Li
+ Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Data Mining using Matrices and Tensors 2009 Chris Ding
Tao Li
+ Clustering multi-way data via adaptive subspace iteration 2008 Wei Peng
Tao Li
Bo Shao
+ Simultaneous tensor subspace selection and clustering 2008 Heng Huang
Chris Ding
Dijun Luo
Tao Li
+ Author-topic evolution analysis using three-way non-negative Paratucker 2008 Wei Peng
Tao Li
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Multilinear Analysis of Image Ensembles: TensorFaces 2002 M. Alex O. Vasilescu
Demetri Terzopoulos
+ Foundations of the PARAFAC procedure: Models and conditions for an "explanatory" multi-model factor analysis 1970 Richard A. Harshman
+ PDF Chat Temporal Analysis of Semantic Graphs Using ASALSAN 2007 Bret Bader
Richard A. Harshman
Tamara G. Kolda
+ PDF Chat Unsupervised Multiway Data Analysis: A Literature Survey 2008 Evrim Acar
Bülent Yener
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal Tensor Decompositions 2001 Tamara G. Kolda
+ Modeling and Multiway Analysis of Chatroom Tensors 2005 Evrim Acar
Seyit Camtepe
Mukkai S. Krishnamoorthy
Bülent Yener
+ Multi-way Analysis: Applications in the Chemical Sciences 2004 Age K. Smilde
Rasmus Bro
Paul Geladi
+ Simultaneous Component and Clustering Models for Three-way Data: Within and Between Approaches 2007 Maurizio Vichi
Roberto Rocci
Henk A. L. Kiers
+ CubeSVD 2005 Jian-Tao Sun
Hua-Jun Zeng
Huan Liu
Yuchang Lu
Zheng Chen
+ Rank-One Approximation to High Order Tensors 2001 Tong Zhang
Gene H. Golub
+ A Study of the Comparability of External Criteria for Hierarchical Cluster Analysis 1986 Glenn W. Milligan
Martha C. Cooper
+ PDF Chat Non-negative tensor factorization with applications to statistics and computer vision 2005 Amnon Shashua
Tamir Hazan
+ Rank-R Approximation of Tensors: Using Image-as-Matrix Representation 2005 Hongcheng Wang
Narendra Ahuja
+ Collaborative Topic Regression with Social Matrix Factorization for Recommendation Systems 2012 Sanjay Purushotham
Yan Liu
C.‐C. Jay Kuo
+ Clustering multi-way data via adaptive subspace iteration 2008 Wei Peng
Tao Li
Bo Shao
+ Improved Semantic Representations From Tree-Structured Long Short-Term Memory Networks 2015 Kai Sheng Tai
Richard Socher
Christopher D. Manning
+ Empirical Evaluation of Gated Recurrent Neural Networks on Sequence Modeling 2014 Jun‐Young Chung
Çaǧlar Gülçehre
Kyunghyun Cho
Yoshua Bengio
+ PDF Chat A Hierarchical Model of Reviews for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis 2016 Sebastian Ruder
Parsa Ghaffari
John G. Breslin
+ Uniqueness proof for a family of models sharing features of Tucker's three-mode factor analysis and PARAFAC/candecomp 1996 Richard A. Harshman
Margaret E. Lundy
+ PDF Chat Convex and Semi-Nonnegative Matrix Factorizations 2008 Chris Ding
Tao Li
Michael I. Jordan
+ Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate 2014 Dzmitry Bahdanau
Kyunghyun Cho
Yoshua Bengio
+ Author-topic evolution analysis using three-way non-negative Paratucker 2008 Wei Peng
Tao Li
+ INSIGHT-1 at SemEval-2016 Task 5: Deep Learning for Multilingual Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis 2016 Sebastian Ruder
Parsa Ghaffari
John G. Breslin
+ Probabilistic polyadic factorization and its application to personalized recommendation 2008 Yün Chi
Shenghuo Zhu
Yihong Gong
Yi Zhang
+ PDF Chat Bipartite graph partitioning and data clustering 2001 Hongyuan Zha
Xiaofeng He
Chris Ding
Horst D. Simon
Ming Gu
+ Projection Pursuit Clustering for Exploratory Data Analysis 2003 Richard J. Bolton
W. J. Krzanowski
+ PDF Chat Deep Learning Face Attributes in the Wild 2015 Ziwei Liu
Ping Luo
Xiaogang Wang
Xiaoou Tang
+ Positive matrix factorization: A non‐negative factor model with optimal utilization of error estimates of data values 1994 Pentti Paatero
Unto Tapper
+ Positive tensor factorization 2001 Max Welling
Markus Weber
+ On the equivalence between nonnegative tensor factorization and tensorial probabilistic latent semantic analysis 2010 Wei Peng
Tao Li
+ An alternating least squares algorithm for PARAFAC2 and three-way DEDICOM 1993 Henk A. L. Kiers
+ Equivalence between nonnegative tensor factorization and tensorial probabilistic latent semantic analysis 2009 Wei Peng
+ PDF Chat Existence and Uniqueness of Equilibrium Points for Concave N-Person Games 1965 Judah B Rosen
+ Nonnegative Tucker Decomposition 2007 Yong‐Deok Kim
Seungjin Choi
+ On the Best Rank-1 and Rank-(<i>R</i><sub>1</sub> ,<i>R</i><sub>2</sub> ,. . .,<i>R<sub>N</sub></i>) Approximation of Higher-Order Tensors 2000 Lieven De Lathauwer
Bart De Moor
Joos Vandewalle
+ Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification 2014 Yoon Kim
+ PDF Chat Nash Equilibria, Variational Inequalities, and Dynamical Systems 2002 E. Cavazzuti
M. Pappalardo
Mauro Passacantando
+ Sequential Monte Carlo 1962 John H. Halton
+ Empirical Analysis of Predictive Algorithms for Collaborative Filtering 2013 John S. Breese
David Heckerman
Carl Kadie
+ PDF Chat A Multilinear Singular Value Decomposition 2000 Lieven De Lathauwer
Bart De Moor
Joos Vandewalle
+ Tensor reduction error analysis &amp;#x2014; Applications to video compression and classification 2008 Chris Ding
Heng Huang
Dijun Luo
+ Equivalence of Non-Iterative Algorithms for Simultaneous Low Rank Approximations of Matrices 2006 Kohei Inoue
Kiichi Urahama
+ PDF Chat Best response dynamics for continuous zero--sum games 2006 Josef Hofbauer
Sylvain Sorin
+ Generating Sequences With Recurrent Neural Networks 2013 Alex Graves
+ Linear image coding for regression and classification using the tensor-rank principle 2005 Amnon Shashua
Anat Levin
+ PDF Chat A contextual-bandit approach to personalized news article recommendation 2010 Lihong Li
Wei Chu
John Langford
Robert E. Schapire
+ DSVD: A Tensor-Based Image Compression and Recognition Method 2005 Kohei Inoue
Kiichi Urahama
+ Human Fluctuating Asymmetry and Sexual Behavior 1994 Randy Thornhill
Steven W. Gangestad
+ Asynchronous stochastic approximation with differential inclusions 2012 Steven W. Perkins
David S. Leslie
+ The Convergence of a Class of Double-rank Minimization Algorithms 1. General Considerations 1970 C. G. Broyden