Victoria Bemmer


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Magnetic vortices induced by a moving tip 2012 Martin P. Magiera
Alfred Hucht
Haye Hinrichsen
Sílvio R. Dahmen
Dietrich E. Wolf
+ A novel method for the injection and manipulation of magnetic charge states in nanostructures 2016 Jack C. Gartside
David M. Burn
L. F. Cohen
W. R. Branford
+ PDF Chat Artificial ‘spin ice’ in a geometrically frustrated lattice of nanoscale ferromagnetic islands 2006 Ruifang Wang
Cristiano Nisoli
R. S. Freitas
Jing Li
W. McConville
Benjamin Cooley
M. S. Lund
N. Samarth
Chris Leighton
Vincent H. Crespi
+ PDF Chat Direct observation of the ice rule in an artificial kagome spin ice 2008 Yi Qi
Todd Brintlinger
John Cumings
+ PDF Chat Direct entropy determination and application to artificial spin ice 2010 Paul E. Lammert
Xianglin Ke
Jie Li
Cristiano Nisoli
D. Garand
Vincent H. Crespi
P. Schiffer
+ PDF Chat Ground State Lost but Degeneracy Found: The Effective Thermodynamics of Artificial Spin Ice 2007 Cristiano Nisoli
Ruifang Wang
Jie Li
W. McConville
Paul E. Lammert
P. Schiffer
Vincent H. Crespi
+ PDF Chat Theory of Current-Driven Domain Wall Motion: Spin Transfer versus Momentum Transfer 2004 Gen Tatara
Hiroshi Kohno
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics of frozen systems in inherent states 2002 Annalisa Fierro
Mario Nicodemi
Antonio Coniglio
+ PDF Chat The effective temperature 2011 Leticia F. Cugliandolo
+ PDF Chat Artificial Kagome Arrays of Nanomagnets: A Frozen Dipolar Spin Ice 2011 Nicolas Rougemaille
F. Montaigne
B. Canals
Amandine Duluard
D. Lacour
M. Hehn
Rachid Belkhou
Olivier Fruchart
S. El Moussaoui
Azzedine Bendounan
+ PDF Chat Fractional Vortices and Composite Domain Walls in Flat Nanomagnets 2005 Oleg Tchernyshyov
Gia-Wei Chern
+ PDF Chat Magnetic multipole analysis of kagome and artificial spin-ice dipolar arrays 2009 Gunnar Möller
R. Moessner
+ PDF Chat Advanced scanning probe lithography 2014 Ricardo Garcı́a
Armin W. Knoll
Elisa Riedo
+ PDF Chat Magnetic charge and ordering in kagome spin ice 2012 Gia-Wei Chern
Oleg Tchernyshyov
+ The topological theory of defects in ordered media 1979 N. David Mermin
+ A novel method for the injection and manipulation of magnetic charge states in nanostructures 2016 Jack C. Gartside
David M. Burn
L. F. Cohen
W. R. Branford
+ PDF Chat Rewritable artificial magnetic charge ice 2016 Yong-Lei Wang
Zhili Xiao
Alexey Snezhko
Jing Xu
Leonidas E. Ocola
Ralu Divan
John E. Pearson
G. W. Crabtree
W. K. Kwok
+ PDF Chat Gapless Spin-Liquid Ground State in the<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>S</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">/</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:math>Kagome Antiferromagnet 2017 Haijun Liao
Z. Y. Xie
Jialin Chen
Ziyi Liu
Haidong Xie
Rui-Zhen Huang
B. Normand
Tao Xiang
+ PDF Chat Numerical test of the Edwards conjecture shows that all packings are equally probable at jamming 2017 Stefano Martiniani
K. J. Schrenk
Kabir Ramola
Bulbul Chakraborty
Daan Frenkel
+ PDF Chat Effective Temperature in an Interacting Vertex System: Theory and Experiment on Artificial Spin Ice 2010 Cristiano Nisoli
Jie Li
Xianglin Ke
D. Garand
P. Schiffer
Vincent H. Crespi
+ A network model for field and quenched disorder effects in artificial spin ice 2012 Zoe Budrikis
Paolo Politi
R. L. Stamps
+ PDF Chat Two-Stage Ordering of Spins in Dipolar Spin Ice on the Kagome Lattice 2011 Gia-Wei Chern
Paula Mellado
Oleg Tchernyshyov