Jesús Bastero


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The variance conjecture on hyperplane projections of the $\ell_p^n$ balls 2018 David Alonso‐Gutiérrez
Jesús Bastero
+ Convex inequalities, isoperimetry and spectral gap 2016 David Alonso‐Gutiérrez
Jesús Bastero
+ The variance conjecture on hyperplane projections of l_p^n balls 2016 David Alonso–Gutiérrez
Jesús Bastero
+ Approaching the Kannan-Lovász-Simonovits and Variance Conjectures 2015 David Alonso‐Gutiérrez
Jesús Bastero
+ Relating the Conjectures 2014 David Alonso‐Gutiérrez
Jesús Bastero
+ The Conjectures 2014 David Alonso‐Gutiérrez
Jesús Bastero
+ Main Examples 2014 David Alonso‐Gutiérrez
Jesús Bastero
+ PDF Chat The Variance Conjecture on Some Polytopes 2013 David Alonso‐Gutiérrez
Jesús Bastero
+ PDF Chat Factoring Sobolev inequalities through classes of functions 2012 David Alonso‐Gutiérrez
Jesús Bastero
Julio Bernués
+ The variance conjecture on some polytopes 2012 David Alonso–Gutiérrez
Jesús Bastero
+ Factoring Sobolev inequalities through classes of functions 2011 David Alonso‐Gutiérrez
Jesús Bastero
Julio Bernués
+ Factoring Sobolev inequalities through classes of functions 2011 David Alonso‐Gutiérrez
Jesús Bastero
Julio Bernués
+ PDF Chat On the isotropy constant of projections of polytopes 2009 David Alonso‐Gutiérrez
Jesús Bastero
Julio Bernués
Paweł Wolff
+ High dimensional random sections of isotropic convex bodies 2009 David Alonso‐Gutiérrez
Jesús Bastero
Julio Bernués
Grigoris Paouris
+ On the isotropy constant of projections of polytopes 2009 David Alonso‐Gutiérrez
Jesús Bastero
Julio Bernués
Paweł Wolff
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behaviour of averages of k-dimensional marginals of measures on Rn 2008 Jesús Bastero
Julio Bernués
+ PDF Chat Upper bounds for the volume and diameter of $m$-dimensional sections of convex bodies 2007 Jesús Bastero
+ From John to Gauss–John positions via dual mixed volumes 2006 Jesús Bastero
Julio Bernués
Miguel Romance
+ Random vectors satisfying Khinchine–Kahane type inequalities for linear and quadratic forms 2005 Jesús Bastero
Miguel Romance
+ A characterization of theMM*-position of a convex body in terms of covariance matrices 2004 Jesús Bastero
Miguel Romance
+ An integral inequality concerning isotropic measures on the unit circle 2004 Jesús Bastero
Miguel Romance
+ Positions of convex bodies associated to extremal problems and isotropic measures 2003 Jesús Bastero
Miguel Romance
+ A note on L(\infty, q) spaces and Sobolev embeddings 2003 Jesús Bastero
Mario Milman
Francisco Blasco
+ PDF Chat Inequalities for the Gamma function and estimates for the volume of sections of $B^n_p$ 2001 Jesús Bastero
Fernando Galve
Ana Peña
Miguel Romance
+ On the connection between weighted norm inequalities, commutators and real interpolation 2001 Jesús Bastero
Mario Milman
Francisco J. Ruiz
+ Commutators for the maximal and sharp functions 2000 Jesús Bastero
Mario Milman
Francisco J. Ruiz
+ PDF Chat On sharp reiteration theorems and weighted norm inequalities 2000 Jesús Bastero
Mario Milman
Francisco J. Ruiz
+ Inequalities for the Gamma Function and estimates for the volume of sections of $B_p^n$ 2000 Jesús Bastero
Fernando Galve
Ana Peña
Miguel Romance
+ A Coifman-Rochberg type characterization of quasi-power weights. 2000 Francisco J. Ruiz
Jesús Bastero
Mario Milman
+ PDF Chat Rearrangement of Hardy-Littlewood maximal functions in Lorentz spaces 1999 Jesús Bastero
Mario Milman
Francisco J. Ruiz
+ PDF Chat Elementary reverse Hölder type inequalities with application to operator interpolation theory 1996 Jesús Bastero
Francisco J. Ruiz
+ PDF Chat Calderón weights and the real interpelation method 1996 Mario Milman
Francisco J. Ruiz
Jesús Bastero
+ PDF Chat An extension of Milman's reverse Brunn-Minkowski inequality 1995 Jesús Bastero
Julio Bernués
Ana Peña
+ PDF Chat The theorems of Carathéodory and Gluskin for 0<𝑝<1 1995 Jesús Bastero
Julio Bernués
Ana Peña
+ Embedding ℓ ∞ n -Cubes in Low Dimensional Schatten Classes 1995 Jesús Bastero
Ana Peña
Gideon Schechtman
+ PDF Chat The Theorems of Caratheodory and Gluskin for 0 < p < 1 1995 Jesús Bastero
Julio Bernués
Ana Peña
+ An extension of Milman's reverse Brunn-Minkowski inequality 1995 Jesús Bastero
Julio Bernués
Ana Peña
+ On best interpolation in Orlicz spaces 1994 J. M. Carnicer
Jesús Bastero
+ Penalty based Hamiltonian equations for the dynamic analysis of constrained mechanical systems 1994 Eduardo Bayo
J.M. Gutiérrez
Miguel A. Serna
Jesús Bastero
+ Embedding Inp into r-Banach Spaces, 0 < r ≤ p < 2 1993 Jesús Bastero
Julio Bernués
+ PDF Chat Interpolation of operators when the extreme spaces are $L^{∞}$ 1993 Jesús Bastero
Francisco J. Ruiz
+ Interpolation of operators when the extreme spaces are $L^\infty$ 1992 Jesús Bastero
Francisco J. Ruiz
+ The theorems of Caratheodory and Gluskin for $0 1992 Jesús Bastero
J. Buernes
A. Pena
+ On smallest and largest spaces among rearrangement-invariant p-Banach function spaces (0<p<1) 1991 Jesús Bastero
Henryk Hudzik
Arthur Steinberg
+ PDF Chat An explicit expression for the $K_r$ functionals of interpolation between $L^p$ spaces 1991 Jesús Bastero
Yves Raynaud
M.L. Rezola
+ Applications of Deviation Inequalities on Finite Metric Sets 1991 Jesús Bastero
Julio Bernués
+ An explicit expression for the $K_r$ functionals of interpolation between $L^p$ spaces 1991 Jesús Bastero
Yves Raynaud
M.L. Rezola
+ Representing types in Orlicz and Lorentz sequence spaces 1990 Jesús Bastero
Yves Raynaud
+ On the K-functional of interpolation between Lp and Orlicz spaces 1990 Jesús Bastero
Yves Raynaud
+ PDF Chat Quotients and interpolation spaces of stable Banach spaces 1989 Jesús Bastero
Yves Raynaud
+ PDF Chat Embedding L-cubes in finite-dimensional 1-subsymmetric spaces 1989 N. J. Kalton
Jesús Bastero
Julio Bernués
+ Embedding unconditional stable banach spaces into symmetric stable banach spaces 1986 Jesús Bastero
+ Cotype for p-Banach spaces 1986 Jesús Bastero
Zenaida Hernandez Uriz
+ PDF Chat Probability and Banach Spaces 1986 Jesús Bastero
Miguel A. San‐Miguel
+ Probability and Banach spaces : proceedings of a conference held in Zaragoza, Spain, June 17-21, 1985 1986 Jesús Bastero
Miguel A. San‐Miguel
+ l q -subspaces of stablep-Banach spaces, 0<p?1 1983 Jesús Bastero
+ A restricted form of the theorem of Maurey-Pisier for the cotype in $p$-Banach spaces 1982 Jesús Bastero
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Volume of Convex Bodies and Banach Space Geometry 1989 Gilles Pisier
+ Isotropic position and inertia ellipsoids and zonoids of the unit ball of a normed n-dimensional space 2006 Vitali Milman
Alain Pajor
+ Interpolation of Operators 1988 Curtis D. Bennett
M Sharpley
+ PDF Chat Slicing convex bodies—bounds for slice area in terms of the body’s covariance 1980 Douglas Hensley
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Theory of Finite Dimensional Normed Spaces 1986 Vitali Milman
Gideon Schechtman
+ PDF Chat The central limit problem for convex bodies 2003 Milla Anttila
Keith Ball
Irini Perissinaki
+ PDF Chat Isoperimetric problems for convex bodies and a localization lemma 1995 Ravi Kannan
László Lovász
Miklós Simonovits
+ The Classical Banach Spaces 2000 Joram Lindenstrauss
Lior Tzafriri
+ Convex Bodies: The Brunn–Minkowski Theory 1993 Rolf Schneider
+ PDF Chat Power-law estimates for the central limit theorem for convex sets 2007 Bo’az Klartag
+ PDF Chat A Berry-Esseen type inequality for convex bodies with an unconditional basis 2008 Bo’az Klartag
+ Indices and interpolation 1985 Lech Maligrańda
+ PDF Chat Concentration of mass on convex bodies 2006 Grigoris Paouris
+ PDF Chat Weighted norm inequalities for the Hardy maximal function 1972 Benjamin Muckenhoupt
+ On convex perturbations with a bounded isotropic constant 2006 Bo’az Klartag
+ PDF Chat Maximal functions on classical Lorentz spaces and Hardy’s inequality with weights for nonincreasing functions 1990 Miguel Á. Ariño
Benjamin Muckenhoupt
+ PDF Chat Convex measures on locally convex spaces 1974 Christer Borell
+ Remarks on non-interacting conservative spin systems: The case of gamma distributions 2009 F. Barthe
P. A. Wolff
+ PDF Chat Interpolating Thin-Shell and Sharp Large-Deviation Estimates for Lsotropic Log-Concave Measures 2011 Olivier Guédon
Emanuel Milman
+ Slicing Convex Bodies-Bounds for Slice Area in Terms of the Body's Covariance 1980 Douglas Hensley
+ Classical Banach Spaces II 1979 Joram Lindenstrauss
Lior Tzafriri
+ PDF Chat Logarithmically concave functions and sections of convex sets in $R^{n}$ 1988 Keith Ball
+ PDF Chat An isoperimetric inequality on the ℓp balls 2008 Sasha Sodin
+ PDF Chat Boundedness of classical operators on classical Lorentz spaces 1990 Eric T. Sawyer
+ PDF Chat Thin Shell Implies Spectral Gap Up to Polylog via a Stochastic Localization Scheme 2013 Ronen Eldan
+ PDF Chat Approximately Gaussian marginals and the hyperplane conjecture 2011 Ronen Eldan
Bo’az Klartag
+ The Square Negative Correlation Property for Generalized Orlicz Balls 2007 Jakub Onufry Wojtaszczyk
+ On the distribution of polynomials on high dimensional convex sets 1991 Jean Bourgain
+ On certain functionals arising in the theory of interpolation spaces 1969 Tord Holmstedt
Jaak Peetre
+ Classical Topics in Complex Function Theory 1997 Reinhold Remmert
+ Espaces de Banach stables 1981 Jean-Louis Krivine
B. Maurey
+ PDF Chat Imbedding theorems of Sobolev type in potential theory. 1979 Kurt Hansson
+ PDF Chat On the infimum convolution inequality 2008 Rafał Latała
Jakub Onufry Wojtaszczyk
+ Classical Banach Spaces I 1977 Joram Lindenstrauss
Lior Tzafriri
+ PDF Chat On the role of convexity in isoperimetry, spectral gap and concentration 2009 Emanuel Milman
+ PDF Chat Elementary reverse Hölder type inequalities with application to operator interpolation theory 1996 Jesús Bastero
Francisco J. Ruiz
+ On the Central Limit Property of Convex Bodies 2003 Sergey G. Bobkov
Alexander Koldobsky
+ PDF Chat The Brunn-Minkowski-Firey theory. I. Mixed volumes and the Minkowski problem 1993 Erwin Lutwak
+ Positions of convex bodies associated to extremal problems and isotropic measures 2003 Jesús Bastero
Miguel Romance
+ THE VOLUME OF CONVEX BODIES AND BANACH SPACE GEOMETRY (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 94) 1991 Béla Bollobás
+ PDF Chat An elementary proof of sharp Sobolev embeddings 2001 Jan Malý
Luboš Pick
+ A geometric inequality and a low 𝑀-estimate 2004 Bo’az Klartag
+ Entropy jumps for random vectors with log-concave density and spectral gap 2012 Keith Ball
Van Hoang Nguyen
+ A note on limiting cases of sobolev embeddings and convolution inequalities 1980 Haı̈m Brezis
Stephen Wainger
+ Extremal problems and isotropic positions of convex bodies 2000 Apostolos Giannopoulos
Vitali Milman
+ PDF Chat On Imbeddings into Orlicz Spaces and Some Applications 1967 Neil S. Trudinger
+ An Asymmetric Affine Pólya--Szegö Principle 2009 Christoph Haberl
Franz E. Schuster
Jie Xiao
+ Distribution and rearrangement estimates of the maximal function and interpolation 1997 Irina Asekritova
Natan Krugljak
Lech Maligranda
Lars‐Erik Persson
+ Endpoint Estimates for Commutators of Singular Integral Operators 1995 Carlos Pérez