Alain Yger


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Analyticity, superoscillations and supershifts in several variables 2024 Fabrizio Colombo
Irene Sabadini
Daniele C. Struppa
Alain Yger
+ Complex manifolds and analytic spaces 2023 Alekos Vidras
Alain Yger
+ Various concepts in algebraic or analytic geometry 2023 Alekos Vidras
Alain Yger
+ Bochner–Martinelli kernels and weights 2023 Alekos Vidras
Alain Yger
+ Integral closure, Briançon–Skoda type theorems 2023 Alekos Vidras
Alain Yger
+ Holomorphic bundles over complex analytic spaces 2023 Alekos Vidras
Alain Yger
+ Positivity on complex analytic spaces 2023 Alekos Vidras
Alain Yger
+ Analyticity and supershift with regular sampling 2023 Fabrizio Colombo
Irene Sabadini
Daniele C. Struppa
Alain Yger
+ Analyticity and supershift with irregular sampling 2023 Fabrizio Colombo
Irene Sabadini
Daniele C. Struppa
Alain Yger
+ Cauchy-Weil formula, Schur-Agler type classes, new Hardy spaces of the polydisk and interpolation problems 2021 Daniel Alpay
Alain Yger
+ Bergman–Weil expansion for holomorphic functions 2021 Alekos Vidras
Alain Yger
+ PDF Chat Gauss sums, superoscillations and the Talbot carpet 2020 Fabrizio Colombo
Irene Sabadini
Daniele C. Struppa
Alain Yger
+ PDF Chat Global representation of Segre numbers by Monge–Ampère products 2020 Mats Andersson
Dennis Eriksson
HĂĄkan Samuelsson Kalm
Elizabeth Wulcan
Alain Yger
+ Gauss sums, superoscillations and the Talbot carpet 2020 Fabrizio Colombo
Irene Sabadini
Daniele C. Struppa
Alain Yger
+ Superoscillating Sequences and Hyperfunctions 2019 Fabrizio Colombo
Irene Sabadini
Daniele C. Struppa
Alain Yger
+ Nonproper intersection products and generalized cycles 2019 Mats Andersson
Dennis Eriksson
HĂĄkan Samuelsson Kalm
Elizabeth Wulcan
Alain Yger
+ Global representation of Segre numbers by Monge-Amp\`ere products 2018 Mats Andersson
Dennis Eriksson
HĂĄkan Samuelsson Kalm
Elizabeth Wulcan
Alain Yger
+ PDF Chat Superoscillating Sequences Towards Approximation in $${\mathscr {S}}$$ S or $${\mathscr {S}}'$$ S ′ -Type Spaces and Extrapolation 2018 Fabrizio Colombo
Daniele C. Struppa
Alain Yger
+ Global representation of Segre numbers by Monge-Ampère products 2018 Mats Andersson
Dennis Eriksson
HĂĄkan Samuelsson Kalm
Elizabeth Wulcan
Alain Yger
+ Formules de représentation intégrale et problèmes de division 2012 Carlos A. Berenstein
Alain Yger
+ PDF Chat Coleff–Herrera Currents Revisited 2012 Alekos Vidras
Alain Yger
HĂ» Samuelsson
Elizabeth Wulcan
Alain Yger
+ Analytic Residues along Algebraic Cycles 2001 Carlos A. Berenstein
Alekos Vidras
Alain Yger
+ Analytic residue theory in the non-complete intersection case 1999 Carlos A. Berenstein
Alain Yger
+ On some generalizations of Jacobi's Residue Formula 1999 Alekos Vidras
Alain Yger
+ PDF Chat On asymptotic approximations of the residual currents 1998 Alekos Vidras
Alain Yger
+ PDF Chat Effective Nullstellensatz and geometric degree for zero-dimensional ideals 1996 A. Fabianom
G. Pucci
Alain Yger
+ Exponential polynomials and $\mathcal {D}$-modules 1995 Carlos A. Berenstein
Alain Yger
+ PDF Chat The use of D-modules to study exponential polynomials 1995 Carlos A. Berenstein
Alain Yger
+ Residue Currents and Bezout Identities 1993 Carlos A. Berenstein
Alekos Vidras
Roger Gay
Alain Yger
+ Integral Formulas in Several Variables 1993 Carlos A. Berenstein
Alekos Vidras
Alain Yger
+ PDF Chat Problèmes de Cauchy globaux 1992 Alex Méril
Alain Yger
+ PDF Chat Une formule de Jacobi et ses conséquences 1991 Carlos A. Berenstein
Alain Yger
+ PDF Chat Bounds for the degrees in the division problem. 1990 Carlos A. Berenstein
Alain Yger
+ Analytic Bezout identities 1989 Carlos A. Berenstein
Alain Yger
+ On Lojasiewicz-type inequalities for exponential polynomials 1988 Carlos A. Berenstein
Alain Yger
+ Formules de division et prolongement meromorphe 1987 Alain Yger
+ Le problème de la déconvolution 1983 Carlos A. Berenstein
Alain Yger
+ PDF Chat Sur les systèmes d'équations différence-différentielles 1983 Carlos A. Berenstein
B. A. Taylor
Alain Yger
+ PDF Chat Fonctions définies dans le plan et vérifiant certaines propriétés de moyenne 1981 Alain Yger
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Henkin-Ramirez formulas with weight factors 1982 Bo Berndtsson
Mats Andersson
+ Residue Currents and Bezout Identities 1993 Carlos A. Berenstein
Alekos Vidras
Roger Gay
Alain Yger
+ Ideals generated by exponential-polynomials 1986 Carlos A. Berenstein
Alain Yger
+ Interpolation problems in C n with applications to harmonic analysis 1980 Carlos A. Berenstein
B. A. Taylor
+ The analytic continuation of generalized functions with respect to a parameter 1973 I. N. Bernshtein
+ Principles of Algebraic Geometry 1978 Phillip Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ Resolution of Singularities and Division of Distributions 1970 Michael Atiyah
+ Proximité évanescente. II: Equations fonctionnelles pour plusieurs fonctions analytiques 1987 Claude Sabbah
+ Counterexamples to a problem of L. Schwartz 1975 Dimitri Gurevich
+ Rings of Differential Operators 1979 Jan-Erik Björk
+ PDF Chat Pseudorational local rings and a theorem of Brian\c con-Skoda about integral closures of ideals. 1981 Joseph Lipman
Bernard Teissier
+ Multidimensional Residues and Their Applications 1992 A. K. Tsikh
+ Generalized Dirichlet series and b-functions 1988 Ben Lichtin
+ Segre Numbers and Hypersurface Singularities 1996 Terence Gaffney
Robert Gassler
+ Multiplicities of a bigraded ring and intersection theory 1997 RĂĽdiger Achilles
Mirella Manaresi
+ PDF Chat Nevanlinna theory and holomorphic mappings between algebraic varieties 1973 Phillip Griffiths
James R. King
+ PDF Chat Intersection theory in complex analytic geometry 1995 Piotr Tworzewski
+ Excess intersections and a correspondence principle 1991 L.J. van Gastel
+ Intersection numbers, Segre numbers and generalized Samuel multiplicities 2001 RĂĽdiger Achilles
SĹ‚awomir Rams
+ PDF Chat Effective Bezout identities in Q[z1, ..., zn] 1991 Carlos A. Berenstein
Alain Yger
+ PDF Chat The Mathematics of Superoscillations 2017 Yakir Aharonov
Fabrizio Colombo
Irene Sabadini
Daniele C. Struppa
Jeff Tollaksen
+ B-functions and holonomic systems 1976 Masaki Kashiwara
+ PDF Chat Generators for some rings of analytic functions 1967 Lars Hörmander
+ A formula for interpolation and division in ? n 1983 Bo Berndtsson
+ A new look at interpolation theory for entire functions of one variable 1979 Carlos A. Berenstein
B. A. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Segre numbers, a generalized King formula, and local intersections 2015 Mats Andersson
HĂĄkan Samuelsson Kalm
Elizabeth Wulcan
Alain Yger
+ PDF Chat Decomposition of residue currents 2009 Mats Andersson
Elizabeth Wulcan
+ PDF Chat Une formule de Jacobi et ses conséquences 1991 Carlos A. Berenstein
Alain Yger
+ Exponential polynomials and $\mathcal {D}$-modules 1995 Carlos A. Berenstein
Alain Yger
+ Gauss and Jacobi sums 1998 Bruce C. Berndt
Kenneth S. Williams
Ronald J. Evans
+ Linear Differential Operators with Constant Coefficients 1970 Victor Palamodov
+ PDF Chat Residue currents of the Bochner-Martinelli type 2000 Mikael Passare
A. K. Tsikh
A. Yger
+ PDF Chat The measure of the critical values of differentiable maps 1942 Arthur Sard
+ PDF Chat Arithmetic intersection theory 1990 Henri Gillet
Christophe Soulé
+ PDF Chat Continuity theorems for a class of convolution operators and applications to superoscillations 2018 Takashi Aoki
Fabrizio Colombo
Irene Sabadini
Daniele C. Struppa
+ PDF Chat Residues of holomorphic sections and lelong currents 2005 Mats Andersson
+ PDF Chat Residue currents with prescribed annihilator ideals 2007 Mats R. Andersson
Elizabeth Wulcan
+ PDF Chat The dirichlet problem for a complex Monge-Amp�re equation 1976 Eric Bedford
B. A. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Sur les systèmes d'équations différence-différentielles 1983 Carlos A. Berenstein
B. A. Taylor
Alain Yger
+ PDF Chat The Schrödinger equation on spheres 2003 Michael E. Taylor
+ Bounds for the Degrees in the Nullstellensatz 1987 W. Dale Brownawell
+ PDF Chat Heights of projective varieties and positive Green forms 1994 Jean-Benoît Bost
Henri Gillet
Christophe Soulé
+ PDF Chat Regularizations of residue currents 2010 Jan-Erik Björk
HĂĄkan Samuelsson Kalm
+ PDF Chat Hermitian vector bundles and the equidistribution of the zeroes of their holomorphic sections 1965 Raoul Bott
Shiing-Shen Chern
+ Residue currents and ideals of holomorphic functions 2004 Mats Andersson
+ Le problème de la déconvolution 1983 Carlos A. Berenstein
Alain Yger
+ L'int�grale de Cauchy et les fonctions de plusieurs variables 1935 Andr� Weil
+ Numerical control over complex analytic singularities 2003 David B. Massey
+ PDF Chat Cayley-Bacharach theorems and conjectures 1996 David Eisenbud
Mark Green
Joe Harris
+ Complex Analytic Sets 1989 E. M. Chirka