Hiroshi Yamashita


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A note on the Leopoldt conjecture for an abelian extension of a real quadratic field 2019 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ Cayley transform and generalized Whittaker models for irreducible highest weight modules 2018 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat Probability discounting in a game situation III: Do Risk takers always take a risk? 2017 Toshihiko Yoshino
Hiroshi Yamashita
Chifumi Yoshino
+ On the values at zero of partial zeta functions for ray classes of a real quadratic field II. 2016 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat Probability discounting in a game situation 2015 Hiroshi Yamashita
Toshihiko Yoshino
+ A note on the unit index in a CM-field 2014 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ On Kummer extensions generated by S-units in algebraic number fields 2013 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ A refined formula of the relative class number of an imaginary abelian field 2009 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ A Note on the Structure of the p-Class Group of an Algebraic Number Field 2008 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ On a refined formula of the relative class number of a CM-field 2007 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ The Reflection Theorem on Quadratic Fields for p=3 and D3-Extensions over Q 2004 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ On the Cyclotomic Zp-extension and the Relative p-class Number Formula of a CM-Field 2003 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ ASSOCIATED CYCLES OF HARISH-CHANDRA MODULES AND DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS OF GRADIENT-TYPE (Representation theory of groups and rings and non-commutative harmonic analysis) 2001 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ GENERALIZED WHITTAKER MODELS AND $n$-HOMOLOGY FOR SOME SMALL IRREDUCIBLE REPRESENTATIONS OF SIMPLE LIE GROUPS (Representations of Lie Groups and Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis) 2000 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat On the rank of the first radical layer of a<i>p</i>-class group of an algebraic number field 1999 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat Associated variety, Kostant-Sekiguchi correspondence, and locally free U(n)-action on Harish-Chandra modules 1999 Akihiko Gyoja
Hiroshi Yamashita
+ Description of the Associated Varieties for the Discrete Series Representations of a Semisimple Lie Group 1998 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ Internal Representation of Two-Dimensional Shape 1996 Shogo Makioka
Toshio Inui
Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat The embeddings of discrete series into principal series for an exceptional real simple Lie group of type $G_2$ 1996 Tetsumi Yoshinaga
Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat The embeddings of discrete series into principal series for an exceptional real simple Lie group of type $G_2$ 1996 Tetsumi Yoshinaga
Hiroshi Yamashita
+ Criteria for the Finiteness of Restriction of U(g) - Modules to Subalgebras and Applications to Harish-Chandra Modules. A Study in Relation to the Associated Varieties 1994 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat Associated varieties and Gelfand-Kirillov dimensions for the discrete series of a semisimple Lie group 1994 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ On the Iwasawa invariants of totally real number fields 1993 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ Associated Varieties and Gelfand-Kirillov Dimensions for the Discrete Series of a Semisimple Lie Group : To the memory of Mr. Atsushi Yamaguchi 1993 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ Some Aspects of Representations and Algebraic Geometry of Lie Algebras : finiteness criteria for the restriction of $U(\mathfrak{g})$-modules and applications to Harish-Chandra modules 1992 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat Criteria for the finiteness of restriction of $U\left( g \right)$-modules to subalgebras and applicationsto Harish-Chandra modules 1992 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat Embeddings of discrete series into induced representations of semisimple Lie groups, II, -Generalized Whittaker models for $SU(2, 2)$- 1991 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat Remarks on connections between the Leopoldt conjecture, p-class groups and unit groups of algebraic number fields 1990 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat Embeddings of discrete series into induced representations of semisimple Lie groups, I 1990 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat Highest weight vectors for the principal series of semisimple Lie groups and embeddings of highest weight modules 1989 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat Finite multiplicity theorems for induced representations of semisimpmle Lie groups II, -Applications to generalized Gelfand-Graev representations- 1988 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat Finite multiplicity theorems for induced representations of semisimple Lie groups I 1988 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat Multiplicity One Theorems for Generalized Gelfand-Graev Representations of Semisimple Lie Groups and Whittaker Models for the Discrete Series 1988 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat Finite multiplicity theorems for induced representations of semisimple Lie groups and their applications togeneralized Gelfand-Graev representations 1987 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat Whittaker models for highest weight representations of semisimple Lie groups and embeddings into the principal series 1987 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat On Whittaker vectors for generalized Gelfand-Graev representations of semisimple Lie groups 1986 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat On Whittaker vectors for generalized Gelfand-Graev representations of semisimple Lie groups 1985 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat The second cohomology groups of the group of units of a ${\bf Z}_{p}$-extension 1984 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ On Nilpotent Factors of Maximal Abelian Extensions of Algebraic Number Fields 1983 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ Representation Modules and the Augumentation Ideal of a Finite group 1982 Yoshiomi Furuta
Hiroshi Yamashita
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Harmonic Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces 1973 Calvin C. Moore
+ Gelfand-Kirillov dimension for Harish-Chandra modules 1978 David A. Vogan
+ PDF Chat Finite multiplicity theorems for induced representations of semisimple Lie groups I 1988 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ Multiplicity formulae for discrete series 1974 R. Hotta
R. Parthasarathy
+ Compactifications of Symmetric Spaces II: The Cartan Domains 1964 Calvin C. Moore
+ A proof of Blattner's conjecture 1976 Henryk Hecht
Wilfried Schmid
+ PDF Chat Finite multiplicity theorems for induced representations of semisimpmle Lie groups II, -Applications to generalized Gelfand-Graev representations- 1988 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat Embeddings of discrete series into induced representations of semisimple Lie groups, I 1990 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat Multiplicity One Theorems for Generalized Gelfand-Graev Representations of Semisimple Lie Groups and Whittaker Models for the Discrete Series 1988 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ Infinitesimal Theory of Representations of Semisimple Lie Groups 1980 V. S. Varadarajan
+ PDF Chat Discrete series for semisimple Lie groups I: Construction of invariant eigendistributions 1965 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ Whittaker functions on semisimple Lie groups 1982 Michihiko Hashizume
+ PDF Chat Harish-Chandra modules with the unique embedding property 1984 David H. Collingwood
+ On the Iwasawa Invariants of Totally Real Number Fields 1976 Ralph Greenberg
+ Representations of certain solvable Lie groups on Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions and the application to the holomorphic discrete series of a Semisimple Lie group 1973 Hugo Rossi
Michèle Vergne
+ PDF Chat On Whittaker vectors for generalized Gelfand-Graev representations of semisimple Lie groups 1986 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ Conjugacy Classes in Semisimple Algebraic Groups 2011 James E. Humphreys
+ PDF Chat The asymptotic behavior of holomorphic representations 1984 Nolan R. Wallach
+ Harmonic Analysis on Semi-Simple Lie Groups I 1972 Garth Warner
+ Generalized Gelfand-Graev representations of exceptional simple algebraic groups over a finite field I 1986 Noriaki Kawanaka
+ Shintani lifting and Gel′fand-Graev representations 1987 Noriaki Kawanaka
+ Représentations de carré intégrable des groupes semi-simples réels 2006 Michel Duflo
+ Associated Varieties and Unipotent Representations 1991 David A. Vogan
+ Orbits and Representations Associated with Symmetric Spaces 1971 Bertram Kostant
Stephen Rallis
+ On Whittaker vectors and representation theory 1978 Bertram Kostant
+ PDF Chat Whittaker models for highest weight representations of semisimple Lie groups and embeddings into the principal series 1987 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ Criteria for the Finiteness of Restriction of U(g) - Modules to Subalgebras and Applications to Harish-Chandra Modules. A Study in Relation to the Associated Varieties 1994 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ PDF Chat Associated varieties and Gelfand-Kirillov dimensions for the discrete series of a semisimple Lie group 1994 Hiroshi Yamashita
+ Groups and Geometric Analysis 2000 Sigurđur Helgason
+ Tensor Products of Finite and Infinite Dimensional Representations of Semisimple Lie Groups 1977 Gregg J. Zuckerman
+ The Multiplicity One Theorem for GL n 1974 J. A. Shalika
+ PDF Chat On the classgroups of imaginary abelian fields 1990 David Solomon
+ PDF Chat Remarks on real nilpotent orbits of a symmetric pair 1987 Jiro Sekiguchi
+ Real reductive groups II 1992 Nolan R. Wallach
+ PDF Chat On the units of an algebraic number field 1965 James Ax
+ PDF Chat Central extensions and Schur’s multiplicators of Galois groups 1983 Katsuya Miyake
+ Boundary value problems for Whittaker functions on real split semisimple Lie groups 1986 Hisayosi Matumoto
+ Representations and Cohomology 1998 David J. Benson
+ PDF Chat The embeddings of discrete series into principal series for an exceptional real simple Lie group of type $G_2$ 1996 Tetsumi Yoshinaga
Hiroshi Yamashita
+ On Galois groups of p-closed algebraic number fields with restricted ramification II. 1991 Kay Wingberg
+ Differential operators and highest weight representations 1991 Mark Davidson
Thomas J. Enright
Ronald J. Stanke
+ On polarizations of certain homogenous spaces 1972 Hideki Ozeki
Minoru Wakimoto
+ PDF Chat Frobenius reciprocity for square-integrable factor representations 1977 Jonathan Rosenberg
+ Zur Struktur der l-Klassengruppe galoisscher Zahlkörper. 1958 Heinrich-Wolfgang Leopoldt
+ PDF Chat Characteristic cycles of discrete series for đť‘…-rank one groups 1994 Jen-Tseh Chang
+ Representation Theory of Semisimple Groups: An Overview Based on Examples 1986 Anthony W. Knapp
+ Irreducible unitary representations of SU(2, 2) 1982 Anthony W. Knapp
Birgit Speh
+ Whittaker vectors and associated varieties 1987 Hisayosi Matumoto
+ Sur les corps de nombres r�guliers 1989 Georges Gras
Jean-François Jaulent
+ PDF Chat Highest weight vectors for the principal series of semisimple Lie groups and embeddings of highest weight modules 1989 Hiroshi Yamashita