Eric Bedford


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolicity and quasi-hyperbolicity in polynomial diffeomorphisms of $C^2$ 2022 Eric Bedford
Lorenzo Guerini
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Topological and geometric hyperbolicity criteria for polynomial automorphisms of 2021 Eric Bedford
Romain Dujardin
+ Topological and geometric hyperbolicity criteria for polynomial automorphisms of C^2 2020 Eric Bedford
Romain Dujardin
+ Excursions of a complex analyst into the realm of dynamical systems 2019 Eric Bedford
+ PDF Chat Julia Sets for Polynomial Diffeomorphisms of $\mathbb{C}^2$ are not Semianalytic 2019 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ Fatou Components for Conservative Holomorphic Surface Automorphisms 2018 Eric Bedford
+ No Smooth Julia Sets for Polynomial Diffeomorphisms of $${\mathbb C}^2$$ C 2 with Positive Entropy 2017 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ PDF Chat Semi-parabolic Bifurcations in Complex Dimension Two 2017 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
Tetsuo Ueda
+ Julia sets for polynomial diffeomorphisms of ${\Bbb C}^2$ are not semianalytic 2017 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ PDF Chat A symbolic characterization of the horseshoe locus in the HĂ©non family 2016 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Geometric proof of the <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mi>λ</mml:mi></mml:math>-Lemma 2016 Eric Bedford
Tanya Firsova
+ Hyperbolicity and Quasi-hyperbolicity in Polynomial Diffeomorphisms of ${\Bbb C}^2$ 2016 Eric Bedford
Lorenzo Guerini
John Smillie
+ Geometric proof of the $\lambda$-lemma 2015 Eric Bedford
Tanya Firsova
+ No smooth Julia sets for polynomial diffeomorphisms of $\mathbb{C}^2$ with positive entropy 2015 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ Dynamics of Polynomial Diffeomorphisms of $C^2$: Foliations and laminations 2015 Eric Bedford
+ Pseudoautomorphisms with Invariant Curves 2015 Eric Bedford
Jeffery Diller
Kyounghee Kim
+ Invertible Dynamics on Blow-ups of $${\mathbb {P}}^{k}$$ 2015 Eric Bedford
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of Polynomial Diffeomorphisms in $\mathbb{C}^2$: Foliations and Laminations 2015 Eric Bedford
+ Introduction to diffeomorphisms of C^2 with semi-parabolic fixed point I 2015 Eric Bedford
+ Geometric proof of the $λ$-lemma 2015 Eric Bedford
Tanya Firsova
+ Pseudoautomorphisms with invariant elliptic curves 2014 Eric Bedford
Jeffery Diller
Kyounghee Kim
+ Invertible dynamics on blow-ups of P^k 2014 Eric Bedford
+ Pseudo-automorphisms with no invariant foliation 2014 Eric Bedford
Serge Cantat
Kyounghee Kim
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of (pseudo) automorphisms of 3-space: periodicity versus positive entropy 2013 Eric Bedford
K. Kim
+ Pseudo-automorphisms with no invariant foliation 2013 Eric Bedford
Serge Cantat
Kyounghee Kim
+ WHAT IS...a Biholomorphic Mapping? 2012 Eric Bedford
+ Dynamics of rational surface automorphisms: rotation domains 2012 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ Parabolic Bifurcations in Complex Dimension 2 2012 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
Tetsuo Ueda
+ The Dynamical Degrees of a Mapping 2011 Eric Bedford
+ PDF Chat The Dynamical Degrees of a Mapping 2011 Eric Bedford
+ PDF Chat Linear Fractional Recurrences: Periodicities and Integrability 2011 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ Linear Fractional Recurrences (Research on Complex Dynamics and Related Fields) 2011 Eric Bedford
+ Pseudo-Automorphisms of 3-space: Periodicities and Positive Entropy in Linear Fractional Recurrences 2011 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ Dynamics of (Pseudo) Automorphisms of 3-space: Periodicity versus positive entropy 2011 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ The dynamical degrees of a mapping 2011 Eric Bedford
+ The Dynamical Degrees of a Mapping 2011 Eric Bedford
+ Degree Complexity of Birational Maps Related to Matrix Inversion 2010 Eric Bedford
Tuyen Trung Truong
+ Complex HĂ©non maps with semi-parabolic fixed points 2010 Eric Bedford
+ PDF Chat Continuous families of rational surface automorphisms with positive entropy 2010 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ Dynamics of Rational Surface Automorphisms 2010 Eric Bedford
+ Holomorphic Dynamical Systems 2010 Marco Abate
Eric Bedford
Marco Brunella
Tien‐Cuong Dinh
Dierk Schleicher
Nessim Sibony
+ Holomorphic dynamical systems : lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Italy, July 7-12, 2008 2010 Marco Abate
Eric Bedford
Marco Brunella
Tien‐Cuong Dinh
Dierk Schleicher
Nessim Sibony
Granziano Gentili
Jacques Guenot
Giorgio Patrizio
+ Real Dynamics of a Family of Plane Birational Maps 2009 Eric Bedford
Jeffrey Diller
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of Rational Surface Automorphisms: Linear Fractional Recurrences 2009 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ Degree Complexity of Matrix Inversion 2009 Eric Bedford
Tuyen Trung Truong
+ Linear Fractional Recurrences: Periodicities and Integrability 2009 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ Dynamics of Rational Surface Automorphisms: Rotation Domains 2009 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ PDF Chat Linear recurrences in the degree sequences of monomial mappings 2008 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ PDF Chat Degree Complexity of a Family of Birational Maps 2008 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
Tuyen Trung Truong
Nina Abarenkova
J.-M. Maillard
+ PDF Chat Degree growth of matrix inversion: Birational maps of symmetric, cyclic matrices 2008 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ Continuous Families of Rational Surface Automorphisms with Positive Entropy 2008 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ Complex Monge-AmpĂšre of a maximum 2007 Eric Bedford
Sione Ma`u
+ The Number of Periodic Orbits of a Rational Difference Equation 2007 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ Linear Recurrences in the Degree Sequences of Monomial Mappings 2007 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ Boundary continuity of proper holomorphic correspondences 2006 Eric Bedford
Steven R. Bell
+ PDF Chat Periodicities in linear fractional recurrences: Degree growth of birational surface maps 2006 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ Real polynomial diffeomorphisms with maximal entropy: II. Small Jacobian 2006 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of a two parameter family of plane birational maps: Maximal entropy 2006 Eric Bedford
Jeff Diller
+ Complex Monge-Ampere of a Maximum 2006 Eric Bedford
Sione Ma`u
+ Dynamics of Rational Surface Automorphisms: Linear Fractional Recurrences 2006 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ PDF Chat The HĂ©non family: the complex horseshoe locus and real parameter space 2006 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Real dynamics of a family of plane birational maps: trapping regions and entropy zero 2006 Eric Bedford
Jeffrey Diller
+ PDF Chat Real and complex dynamics of a family of birational maps of the plane: The golden mean subshift 2005 Eric Bedford
Jeffrey Diller
+ PDF Chat Energy and invariant measures for birational surface maps 2005 Eric Bedford
Jeffrey Diller
+ The Henon Family: The Complex Horseshoe Locus and Real Parameter Space 2005 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Dynamics of a two parameter family of plane birational maps: maximal entropy 2005 Eric Bedford
Jeffrey Diller
+ Periodicities in Linear Fractional Recurrences: Degree growth of birational surface maps 2005 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ Degree growth of matrix inversion: birational maps of symmetric, cyclic matrices 2005 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ PDF Chat On the degree growth of birational mappings in higher dimension 2004 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ PDF Chat Real polynomial diffeomorphisms with maximal entropy: Tangencies 2004 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ On the Degree Growth of Birational Mappings in Higher Dimension 2004 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ Real Polynomial Diffeomorphisms with Maximal Entropy: II. Small Jacobian 2004 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Energy and Invariant Measures for Birational Surface Maps 2003 Eric Bedford
Jeffrey Diller
+ Real and complex dynamics of a family of birational maps of the plane: the golden mean subshift 2003 Eric Bedford
Jeffrey Diller
+ PDF Chat Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C 2. VIII: quasi-expansion 2002 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Polynomial Diffeomorphisms of $\C^2$. VIII: Quasi-Expansion 2001 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Real Polynomial Diffeomorphisms with Maximal Entropy: Tangencies 2001 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Dynamics of regular polynomial endomorphisms of C k 2000 Eric Bedford
Mattias Jönsson
+ Potential theory in complex dynamics: Regular polynomial mappings of C k 2000 Eric Bedford
Mattias Jönsson
+ PDF Chat Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C2: VII. Hyperbolicity and external rays 1999 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ External rays in the dynamics of polynomial automorphisms of đ¶ÂČ 1999 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Polynomial Diffeomorphisms of C 2 : VI. Connectivity of J 1998 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C2: V. critical points and Lyapunov exponents 1998 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Dynamics of shift-like polynomial diffeomorphisms of đ¶^{𝑁} 1998 Eric Bedford
Victor Pambuccian
+ Regular Polynomial Endomorphisms of C^k 1998 Eric Bedford
Mattias Jönsson
+ PDF Chat Domains in C^2 with noncompact automorphism groups 1998 Eric Bedford
Serghei Pinchuck
+ Polynomial Diffeomorphisms of C^2: VI. Connectivity of J 1996 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C^2: V. Critical points and Lyapunov exponents 1996 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Polynomial Diffeomorphisms of C^2: VI. Connectivity of J 1996 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
Sergey Pinchuk
+ PDF Chat Polynomial diffeomorphisms ofC 2. IV: The measure of maximal entropy and laminar currents 1993 Eric Bedford
Mikhail Lyubich
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Distribution of periodic points of polynomial diffeomorphisms of C2 1993 Eric Bedford
Mikhail Lyubich
John Smillie
+ Polynomial diffeomorphisms ofC 2 1992 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Domains in $\cx {n+1}$ with Noncompact Automorphism Group. II 1992 Eric Bedford
Sergey Pinchuk
+ Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C2: currents, equilibrium measure and hyperbolicity 1991 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Polynomial Diffeomorphisms of C 2 . II: Stable Manifolds and Recurrence 1991 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Domains in C n+1 with noncompact automorphism group 1991 Eric Bedford
Sergey Pinchuk
+ On the Envelope of Holomorphy of a 2-Sphere in ℂ 2 1991 Eric Bedford
Wilhelm Klingenberg
+ Generalized reinhardt domains 1991 Eric Bedford
Jiri Dadok
+ PDF Chat Polynomial diffeomorphisms of đ¶ÂČ. II. Stable manifolds and recurrence 1991 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat On the envelope of holomorphy of a 2-sphere in đ¶ÂČ 1991 Eric Bedford
Wilhelm Klingenberg
+ Several Complex Variables and Complex Geometry 1991 Eric Bedford
John Dñ€™Angelo
Robert Greene
Steven G. Krantz
+ PDF Chat T n -actions on holomorphically separable complex manifolds 1989 David E. Barrett
Eric Bedford
Jiri Dadok
Sergey Pinchuk
+ PDF Chat Smooth plurisubharmonic functions without subextension 1988 Eric Bedford
B. A. Taylor
+ Locally determined envelopes of holomorphy in ?2 1988 Eric Bedford
+ PDF Chat Analytic continuation of biholomorphic maps. 1988 Eric Bedford
Sergey Pinchuk
+ PDF Chat Plurisubharmonic functions with logarithmic singularities 1988 Eric Bedford
B. A. Taylor
+ Bounded domains with prescribed group of automorphisms 1987 Eric Bedford
Jiri Dadok
+ Fine topology, Ć ilov boundary, and (ddc)n 1987 Eric Bedford
B. A. Taylor
+ The Complex Equilibrium Measure of a Symmetric Convex Set in R n 1986 Eric Bedford
B. A. Taylor
+ PDF Chat The complex equilibrium measure of a symmetric convex set in 𝑅ⁿ 1986 Eric Bedford
B. A. Taylor
+ Extension of proper holomorphic mappings past the boundary 1985 Eric Bedford
Steven R. Bell
+ Boundary behavior of proper holomorphic correspondences 1985 Eric Bedford
Steven R. Bell
+ Local and Global Envelopes of Holomorphy of Domains in C 2 1985 Eric Bedford
+ Proper holomorphic mappings and real reflection groups. 1985 Jiri Dadok
Eric Bedford
+ Action of the Automorphisms of a Smooth Domain in C n 1985 Eric Bedford
+ PDF Chat Action of the automorphisms of a smooth domain in đ¶âż 1985 Eric Bedford
+ PDF Chat Local and global envelopes of holomorphy of domains in đ¶ÂČ 1985 Eric Bedford
+ PDF Chat Envelope of Dirichlet problems on a domain in $C^n$ 1985 Eric Bedford
+ Proper Holomorphic Mappings from Domains with Real Analytic Boundary 1984 Eric Bedford
+ Holomorphic correspondences of bounded domains in ℂn 1984 Eric Bedford
Steven R. Bell
+ PDF Chat Proper holomorphic mappings 1984 Eric Bedford
+ Invariant forms on complex manifolds with application to holomorphic mappings 1983 Eric Bedford
+ Envelopes of Holomorphy of Certain 2-Spheres in C 2* 1983 Eric Bedford
Bernard Gaveau
+ On the automorphism group of a stein manifold 1983 Eric Bedford
+ PDF Chat Boundary behavior of proper holomorphic mappings. 1983 Eric Bedford
Steven R. Bell
David Catlin
+ Proper holomorphic mappings from strongly pseudoconvex domains 1982 Eric Bedford
+ Proper self maps of weakly pseudoconvex domains 1982 Eric Bedford
Steven R. Bell
+ Stability of envelopes of holomorphy and the degenerate Monge-Ampïżœre equation 1982 Eric Bedford
+ The operator (ddc)n on complex spaces 1982 Eric Bedford
+ PDF Chat A new capacity for plurisubharmonic functions 1982 Eric Bedford
B. A. Taylor
+ Levi flat hypersurfaces in $C^2$ with prescribed boundary : stability 1982 Eric Bedford
+ PDF Chat Levi flat hypersurfaces which are not holomorphically flat 1981 Eric Bedford
Paolo de Bartolomeis
+ PDF Chat Levi Flat Hypersurfaces Which are Not Holomorphically Flat 1981 Eric Bedford
Paolo de Bartolomeis
+ Complex manifolds in pseudoconvex boundaries 1981 Eric Bedford
John Erik FornĂŠss
+ Stability of the polynomial hull of $T^2$ 1981 Eric Bedford
+ Extremal plurisubharmonic functions and pluripolar sets in ?2 1980 Eric Bedford
+ Envelopes of continuous, plurisubharmonic functions 1980 Eric Bedford
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic mapping of products of annuli in C<sup><i>n</i></sup> 1980 Eric Bedford
+ PDF Chat An example of a plurisubharmonic measure on the unit ball in ${\bf C}^2$. 1980 Eric Bedford
+ Approximation on Pseudoconvex Domains 1980 Eric Bedford
John Erik FornĂŠss
+ Variational Properties of the Complex Monge-Ampere Equation. II. Intrinsic Norms 1979 Eric Bedford
B. A. Taylor
+ Holomorphic mapping of annuli in $C^n$ and the associated extremal function 1979 Eric Bedford
D. Burns
+ Biholomorphic maps of weakly pseudoconvex domains 1978 Eric Bedford
John Erik FornĂŠss
+ Variational properties of the complex Monge-AmpĂšre equation I. Dirichlet principle 1978 Eric Bedford
B. A. Taylor
+ Counterexamples to regularity for the complex Monge-Ampïżœre equation 1978 Eric Bedford
John Erik Fornïżœss
+ A Construction of Peak Functions on Weakly Pseudoconvex Domains 1978 Eric Bedford
John Erik FornĂŠss
+ Domains with pseudoconvex neighborhood systems 1978 Eric Bedford
John Erik FornĂŠss
+ Domains of existence for plurisubharmonic functions 1978 Eric Bedford
D. Burns
+ Local extension of CR functions from weakly pseudoconvex boundaries. 1978 Eric Bedford
John Erik FornĂŠss
+ Holomorphic continuation at a totally real edge 1977 Eric Bedford
+ Foliations and complex monge‐ampùre equations 1977 Eric Bedford
And Morris Kalka
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic Continuation of Smooth Functions Over Levi-Flat Hypersurfaces 1977 Eric Bedford
+ Local extension of solutions of systems of linear differential equations with constant coefficients 1977 Eric Bedford
Takahiro Kawai
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic continuation of smooth functions over Levi-flat hypersurfaces 1977 Eric Bedford
+ PDF Chat The Dirichlet problem for a complex Monge-AmpĂšre equation 1977 Eric Bedford
B. A. Taylor
+ Continuation of smooth holomorphic functions over analytic hypersurfaces 1977 Eric Bedford
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues of Hopf Manifolds 1976 Eric Bedford
Tatsuo Suwa
+ PDF Chat The dirichlet problem for a complex Monge-Ampïżœre equation 1976 Eric Bedford
B. A. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues of Hopf manifolds 1976 Eric Bedford
Tatsuo Suwa
+ PDF Chat The Dirichlet problem for a complex Monge-Ampere equation 1976 Eric Bedford
B. A. Taylor
+ Shorter Notes: A Short Proof of the Classical Edge of the Wedge Theorem 1974 Eric Bedford
+ PDF Chat The Dirichlet problem for some overdetermined systems on the unit ball in<i>C</i><sup><i>n</i></sup> 1974 Eric Bedford
+ PDF Chat A short proof of the classical edge of the wedge theorem 1974 Eric Bedford
+ PDF Chat Path maps and continuity 1970 Eric Bedford
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of bimeromorphic maps of surfaces 2001 Jeffrey Diller
C. Favre
+ PDF Chat Dynamical properties of plane polynomial automorphisms 1989 Shmuel Friedland
John Milnor
+ PDF Chat Polynomial diffeomorphisms ofC 2. IV: The measure of maximal entropy and laminar currents 1993 Eric Bedford
Mikhail Lyubich
John Smillie
+ Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C2: currents, equilibrium measure and hyperbolicity 1991 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat On the degree growth of birational mappings in higher dimension 2004 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ Henon mappings in the complex domain II: projective and inductive limits of polynomials 1994 John H. Hubbard
Ralph W. Oberste-Vorth
+ PDF Chat The dirichlet problem for a complex Monge-Ampïżœre equation 1976 Eric Bedford
B. A. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Periodicities in linear fractional recurrences: Degree growth of birational surface maps 2006 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ PDF Chat Une borne supĂ©rieure pour l’entropie topologique d’une application rationnelle 2005 Tien‐Cuong Dinh
Nessim Sibony
+ Complex dynamics in higher dimensions 1994 John Erik FornĂŠss
Nessim Sibony
+ PDF Chat Real and complex dynamics of a family of birational maps of the plane: The golden mean subshift 2005 Eric Bedford
Jeffrey Diller
+ PDF Chat Growth-complexity spectrum of some discrete dynamical systems 1999 N. Abarenkova
J C AnglĂšs d'Auriac
S. Boukraa
J.-M. Maillard
+ PDF Chat Invariant sets under iteration of rational functions 1965 Hans Brolin
+ PDF Chat Real polynomial diffeomorphisms with maximal entropy: Tangencies 2004 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Algebraic Entropy 1999 Marc Bellon
C.-M. Viallet
+ PDF Chat HĂ©non mappings in the complex domain I: The global topology of dynamical space 1994 John H. Hubbard
Ralph W. Oberste-Vorth
+ Dynamique des automorphismes des surfaces projectives complexes 1999 Serge Cantat
+ Principles of Algebraic Geometry 1978 Phillip Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ Polynomial diffeomorphisms ofC 2 1992 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Laminar currents and birational dynamics 2006 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of Rational Surface Automorphisms: Linear Fractional Recurrences 2009 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ PDF Chat Polynomial diffeomorphisms of đ¶ÂČ. II. Stable manifolds and recurrence 1991 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Complex HĂ©non mappings in ℂ2 and Fatou-Bieberbach domains 1992 John Erik FornĂŠss
Nessim Sibony
+ PDF Chat Rational dynamical zeta functions for birational transformations 1999 N. Abarenkova
J C AnglĂšs d'Auriac
S. Boukraa
S. Hassani
J.-M. Maillard
+ PDF Chat Local structure of analytic transformations of two complex variables, II 1991 Tetsuo Ueda
+ Factorization properties of birational mappings 1995 S. Boukraa
J-M Maillard
+ The discrete Painlevé I equations: transcendental integrability and asymptotic solutions 2001 Mario di Bernardo
ThérÚse Truong
G. Rollet
+ Some Periodic and Non-Periodic Recursions 2001 Marianna Csörnyei
MiklĂłs Laczkovich
+ HĂ©non Mappings in the Complex Domain 1995 John H. Hubbard
Ralph W. Oberste-Vorth
+ Real Arnold complexity versus real topological entropy for birational transformations 2000 N. Abarenkova
J-Ch. Anglùs d’Auriac
S. Boukraa
S. Hassani
J-M Maillard
+ On proper holomorphic mappings of strictly pseudoconvex domains 1975 Sergey Pinchuk
+ PDF Chat Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C 2. VIII: quasi-expansion 2002 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Dynamique des automorphismes des surfaces K3 2001 Serge Cantat
+ Real topological entropy versus metric entropy for birational measure-preserving transformations 2000 N. Abarenkova
J C AnglĂšs d'Auriac
S. Boukraa
J.-M. Maillard
+ Volume growth and entropy 1987 Yosef Yomdin
+ PDF Chat Dynamics on K3 surfaces: Salem numbers and Siegel disks 2002 Curtis T. McMullen
+ Several Complex Variables 1971 Raghavan Narasimhan
+ Topological entropy and complexity for discrete dynamical systems 1998 N. Abarenkova
J C AnglĂšs d'Auriac
S. Boukraa
S. Hassani
J.-M. Maillard
+ Topological entropy and Arnold complexity for two-dimensional mappings 1999 N. Abarenkova
J C AnglĂšs d'Auriac
S. Boukraa
S. Hassani
J.-M. Maillard
+ On the dynamics of rational maps 1983 Ricardo Mañé
Paulo Sad
Dennis Sullivan
+ PDF Chat Discrete Dynamical Systems¶Associated with Root Systems of Indefinite Type 2001 Tomoyuki Takenawa
+ A Construction of Peak Functions on Weakly Pseudoconvex Domains 1978 Eric Bedford
John Erik FornĂŠss
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of polynomial mappings of [inline-graphic xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="01i" /] 2002 Vincent Guedj
+ PDF Chat A new capacity for plurisubharmonic functions 1982 Eric Bedford
B. A. Taylor
+ Differentiable manifolds in complex Euclidean space 1965 Errett Bishop
+ PDF Chat Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C2: VII. Hyperbolicity and external rays 1999 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Pseudoconvex Domains with Real-Analytic Boundary 1978 Klas Diederich
John Erik FornĂŠss
+ PDF Chat Laminations in holomorphic dynamics 1997 Mikhail Lyubich
Yair N. Minsky
+ RATIONAL<i>G</i>-SURFACES 1981 M H Gizatullin
+ Levisches Problem und Rungescher Satz fïżœr Teilgebiete Steinscher Mannigfaltigkeiten 1960 Ferdinand Docquier
Hans Grauert