Jörg Seiler


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Truncation quantization in the edge calculus 2023 B.‐W. Schulze
Jörg Seiler
+ Boundary value problems with rough boundary data 2023 Robert Denk
David Ploß
Sophia Rau
Jörg Seiler
+ Singular Green operators in the edge algebra formalism 2022 Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Parametric pseudodifferential operators with point-singularity in the covariable 2022 Jörg Seiler
+ Boundary value problems with rough boundary data 2022 Robert Denk
David Ploß
Sophia Rau
Jörg Seiler
+ Bounded H∞-calculus for boundary value problems on manifolds with conical singularities 2021 Nikolaos Roidos
Elmar Schrohe
Jörg Seiler
+ Bounded $H_{\infty}$-calculus for Boundary Value Problems on Manifolds with Conical Singularities. 2019 Nikolaos Roidos
Elmar Schrohe
Jörg Seiler
+ Bounded $H_{\infty}$-calculus for Boundary Value Problems on Manifolds with Conical Singularities 2019 Nikolaos Roidos
Elmar Schrohe
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Bounded $$H_\infty $$ H ∞ -calculus for cone differential operators 2018 Elmar Schrohe
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Complexes on Manifolds with Boundary 2018 B.‐W. Schulze
Jörg Seiler
+ Parametric pseudodifferential operators with point-singularity in the covariable 2018 Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat On the Fredholm Property of Bisingular Pseudodifferential Operators 2016 Massimo Borsero
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Elliptic complexes with generalized Atiyah-Patodi-Singer boundary conditions 2015 B.‐W. Schulze
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Maximal $$L_{p}$$ L p -regularity of non-local boundary value problems 2014 Robert Denk
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Determinants of classical SG-pseudodifferential operators: Determinants of classical SG-pseudodifferential operators 2014 Lidia Maniccia
Elmar Schrohe
Jörg Seiler
+ Maximal $L_p$-regularity of non-local boundary value problems 2014 Robert Denk
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Determinants of classical SG‐pseudodifferential operators 2013 Lidia Maniccia
Elmar Schrohe
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Parameter-dependent pseudodifferential operators of Toeplitz type 2013 Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat On the noncommutative residue for projective pseudodifferential operators 2013 Jörg Seiler
Alexander Strohmaier
+ Ellipticity in pseudodifferential algebras of Toeplitz type 2012 Jörg Seiler
+ Parameter-dependent Pseudodifferential Operators of Toeplitz Type on Closed Manifolds 2012 Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat On the maximal L p -regularity of parabolic mixed-order systems 2011 Robert Denk
Jörg Seiler
+ On the Noncommutative Residue for Projective Pseudodifferential Operators 2010 Jörg Seiler
Alexander Strohmaier
+ PDF Chat The periodic b-equation and Euler equations on the circle 2010 Joachim Escher
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat $H_\infty $-calculus for hypoelliptic pseudodifferential operators 2010 Olesya Bilyj
Elmar Schrohe
Jörg Seiler
+ Natural domains for edge-degenerate differential operators 2010 Jörg Seiler
+ On the Noncommutative Residue for Projective Pseudodifferential Operators 2010 Jörg Seiler
Alexander Strohmaier
+ PDF Chat Bounded <i>H</i><sub>∞</sub>‐calculus for pseudo‐differential Douglis–Nirenberg systems of mild regularity 2009 Robert Denk
Jürgen Saal
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Inhomogeneous symbols, the Newton polygon, and maximal L p -regularity 2008 Robert Denk
Juergen Saal
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Operators with Singular Trace Conditions on a Manifold with Edges 2008 David Kapanadze
B.‐W. Schulze
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Bounded $H_\infty $-calculus for pseudodifferential operators and applications to the Dirichlet-Neumann operator 2008 Joachim Escher
Jörg Seiler
+ Bounded H_\infty-calculus for pseudodifferential Douglis-Nirenberg systems of mild regularity 2008 Robert Denk
Juergen Saal
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of the Kontsevich-Vishik trace 2007 Lidia Maniccia
Elmar Schrohe
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Realizations of Differential Operators on Conic Manifolds with Boundary 2007 Sandro Coriasco
Elmar Schrohe
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Bounded<i>H</i><sub>∞</sub>-Calculus for Differential Operators on Conic Manifolds with Boundary 2007 Sandro Coriasco
Elmar Schrohe
Jörg Seiler
+ Complex powers of classical SG-pseudodifferential operators 2006 Lidia Maniccia
Elmar Schrohe
Jörg Seiler
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat The Resolvent of Closed Extensions of Cone Differential Operators 2005 Elmar Schrohe
Jörg Seiler
+ Boundary value problems with global projection conditions 2003 B.‐W. Schulze
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Bounded imaginary powers of differential operators on manifolds with conical singularities 2003 Sandro Coriasco
Elmar Schrohe
Jörg Seiler
+ None 2002 B.‐W. Schulze
Jörg Seiler
+ Differential Operators on Conic Manifolds: Maximal Regularity and Parabolic Equations 2002 Sandro Coriasco
Elmar Schrohe
Jörg Seiler
+ Differential operators on conic manifolds: maximal regularity and parabolic equations 2001 S. Corisco
Elmar Schrohe
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Pseudodifferential Analysis on Manifolds with Boundary — a Comparison of b-Calculus and Cone Algebra 2001 Robert Lauter
Jörg Seiler
+ The Cone Algebra and a Kernel Characterization of Green Operators 2001 Jörg Seiler
+ Cone pseudodifferential operators in the edge symbolic calculus 2000 José Ignacio Burgos Gil
B.‐W. Schulze
Jörg Seiler
+ Continuity of Edge and Corner Pseudodifferential Operators 1999 Jörg Seiler
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Pseudo-Differential Operators on Manifolds with Singularities 1991 Bert‐Wolfgang Schulze
+ Boundary value problems and singular pseudo-differential operators 1998 Bert‐Wolfgang Schulze
+ An Algebra of Boundary Value Problems Not Requiring Shapiro–Lopatinskij Conditions 2001 B.‐W. Schulze
+ PDF Chat Boundary problems for pseudo-differential operators 1971 L. Boutet de Monvel
+ Cone pseudodifferential operators in the edge symbolic calculus 2000 José Ignacio Burgos Gil
B.‐W. Schulze
Jörg Seiler
+ Index Theory of Elliptic Boundary Problems 1982 Stephan Rempel
Bert‐Wolfgang Schulze
+ Pseudo-Differential Operators, Singularities, Applications 1997 Yu. V. Egorov
Bert‐Wolfgang Schulze
+ PDF Chat Complex powers of an elliptic operator 1967 R. Seeley
+ The Cone Algebra and a Kernel Characterization of Green Operators 2001 Jörg Seiler
+ The Atiyah-Patodi-Singer Index Theorem 1993 Richard Melrose
+ Functional Calculus of Pseudodifferential Boundary Problems 1996 Gerd Grubb
+ Functional Calculus of Pseudo-Differential Boundary Problems 1986 Gerd Grubb
+ On the closedness of the sum of two closed operators 1987 Giovanni Dore
Alberto Venni
+ Operators of Fuchs type, conical singularities, and asymptotic methods 1997 Matthias Lesch
+ PDF Chat On general boundary-value problems for elliptic equations 1998 B. Yu. Sternin
V. E. Shatalov
B.‐W. Schulze
+ PDF Chat Bounded<i>H</i><sub>∞</sub>-Calculus for Differential Operators on Conic Manifolds with Boundary 2007 Sandro Coriasco
Elmar Schrohe
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Bounded imaginary powers of differential operators on manifolds with conical singularities 2003 Sandro Coriasco
Elmar Schrohe
Jörg Seiler
+ Ellipticity and invertibility in the cone algebra onL p -Sobolev spaces 2001 Elmar Schrohe
J�rg Seiler
+ The Resolvent of an Elliptic Boundary Problem 1969 R. Seeley
+ R-Boundedness, Fourier Multipliers, and Problems of Elliptic and Parabolic Type 2003 Robert Denk
Matthias Hieber
Jan Prüß
+ PDF Chat A global calculus of parameter-dependent pseudodifferential boundary problems in Lp Sobolev spaces 1993 Gerd Grubb
Niels Jørgen Kokholm
+ Weakly parametric pseudodifferential operators and Atiyah-Patodi-Singer boundary problems 1995 Gerd Grubb
R. Seeley
+ PDF Chat The Resolvent of Closed Extensions of Cone Differential Operators 2005 Elmar Schrohe
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Linear and Quasilinear Parabolic Problems 1995 Herbert Amann
+ Ellipticity in pseudodifferential algebras of Toeplitz type 2012 Jörg Seiler
+ Boundary Value Problems with Global Projection Conditions 2018 Xiaochun Liu
Bert‐Wolfgang Schulze
+ Maximal L p -regularity for Parabolic Equations, Fourier Multiplier Theorems and $H^\infty$ -functional Calculus 2004 Peer Christian Kunstmann
Lutz Weis
+ Norms and Domains of the Complex Powers A B z 1971 R. Seeley
+ Spectral asymmetry and Riemannian Geometry. I 1975 Michael Atiyah
V. K. Patodi
I. M. Singer
+ PDF Chat Geometry and Spectra of Closed Extensions of Elliptic Cone Operators 2007 Juan B. Gil
Thomas Krainer
Gerardo A. Mendoza
+ The Mellin Pseudo-Differential Calculus on Manifolds with Corners 1992 Bert‐Wolfgang Schulze
+ Operator–valued Fourier multiplier theorems and maximal $L_p$-regularity 2001 Lutz Weis
+ Pseudo-differential boundary value problems, conical singularities, and Asymptotics 1994 Bert‐Wolfgang Schulze
+ None 2002 B.‐W. Schulze
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat A Short Introduction to Boutet de Monvel’s Calculus 2001 Elmar Schrohe
+ Pseudodifferential operators 1994 Alain Grigis
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Parametrices and Boundary Symbolic Calculus for Elliptic Boundary Problems without the Transmission Property 1982 Stephan Rempel
Bert‐Wolgang Schulze
+ Boundary value problems in Boutet de Monvel's algebra for manifolds with conical singularities II 1995 Elmar Schrohe
Bert‐Wolfgang Schulze
+ Operatori pseudo-differenziali inR n e applicazioni 1972 Cesare Parenti
+ PDF Chat Adjoints of elliptic cone operators 2003 Juan B. Gil
Gerardo A. Mendoza
+ The Index Problem for Manifolds with Boundary 1994 Michael Atiyah
R. Bott
+ Mellin and green pseudodifferential operators associated with non-compact edges 1998 J�rg Seiler
+ New thoughts on old results of R.T. Seeley 2004 Robert Denk
Giovanni Dore
Matthias Hieber
Jan Pr�ss
Alberto Venni
+ PDF Chat Realizations of Differential Operators on Conic Manifolds with Boundary 2007 Sandro Coriasco
Elmar Schrohe
Jörg Seiler
+ Continuity of Edge and Corner Pseudodifferential Operators 1999 Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Bounded <i>H</i><sub>∞</sub>‐calculus for pseudo‐differential Douglis–Nirenberg systems of mild regularity 2009 Robert Denk
Jürgen Saal
Jörg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Boundary value problems for the nonstationary Navier-Stokes equations treated by pseudo-differential methods. 1991 Gerd Grubb
V. A. Solonnikov
+ Differential operators on conic manifolds: maximal regularity and parabolic equations 2001 S. Corisco
Elmar Schrohe
Jörg Seiler
+ Complex powers of differential operators on manifolds with conical singularities 2003 Paul Loya