Guillaume Rond


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On the Nash points of subanalytic sets 2023 André Belotto da Silva
Octave Curmi
Guillaume Rond
+ PDF Chat The minimal cone of an algebraic Laurent series 2022 Fuensanta Aroca
Julie Decaup
Guillaume Rond
+ PDF Chat A proof of A. Gabrielov’s rank theorem 2021 AndrĂ© Belotto da Silva
Octave Curmi
Guillaume Rond
+ PDF Chat Finiteness results concerning algebraic power series 2020 Fuensanta Aroca
Julie Decaup
Guillaume Rond
+ A proof of A. Gabrielov's rank Theorem 2020 André Belotto da Silva
Octave Curmi
Guillaume Rond
+ PDF Chat Algebraic varieties are homeomorphic to varieties defined over number fields 2020 Adam ParusiƄski
Guillaume Rond
+ PDF Chat Artin approximation over Banach spaces 2020 Guillaume Rond
+ Artin approximation over Banach spaces 2020 Guillaume Rond
+ Finiteness results concerning algebraic power series 2020 Fuensanta Aroca
Julie Decaup
Guillaume Rond
+ Artin approximation over Banach spaces 2020 Guillaume Rond
+ Finiteness results concerning algebraic power series 2020 Fuensanta Aroca
Julie Decaup
Guillaume Rond
+ Preordered groups and valued fields 2019 Julie Decaup
Guillaume Rond
+ Multiparameter perturbation theory of matrices and linear operators 2019 Adam ParusiƄski
Guillaume Rond
+ Transcendental holomorphic maps between real algebraic manifolds in a complex space 2019 Guillaume Rond
+ Transcendental holomorphic maps between real algebraic manifolds in a complex space 2019 Guillaume Rond
+ Exemples de fonctions de Artin de germes d'espaces analytiques 2019 Guillaume Rond
+ The minimal cone of an algebraic Laurent series 2019 Fuensanta Aroca
Julie Decaup
Guillaume Rond
+ Preordered groups and valued fields 2019 Julie Decaup
Guillaume Rond
+ Transcendental holomorphic maps between real algebraic manifolds in a complex space 2019 Guillaume Rond
+ The minimal cone of an algebraic Laurent series 2019 Fuensanta Aroca
Julie Decaup
Guillaume Rond
+ PDF Chat Support of Laurent series algebraic over the field of formal power series 2018 Fuensanta Aroca
Guillaume Rond
+ PDF Chat Local topological algebraicity with algebraic coefficients of analytic sets or functions 2018 Guillaume Rond
+ Multiparameter perturbation theory of matrices and linear operators 2018 Adam ParusiƄski
Guillaume Rond
+ PDF Chat Linear nested Artin approximation theorem for algebraic power series 2018 Francisco JesĂșs Castro JimĂ©nez
Dorin Popescu
Guillaume Rond
+ Algebraic varieties are homeomorphic to varieties defined over number fields 2018 Adam ParusiƄski
Guillaume Rond
+ Multiparameter perturbation theory of matrices and linear operators 2018 Adam ParusiƄski
Guillaume Rond
+ Higher order approximation of analytic sets by topologically equivalent algebraic sets 2017 Marcin Bilski
Krzysztof Kurdyka
Adam ParusiƄski
Guillaume Rond
+ PDF Chat About the algebraic closure of the field of power series in several variables in characteristic zero 2017 Guillaume Rond
+ Remarks on Artin approximation with constraints 2017 Dorin Popescu
Guillaume Rond
+ Local topological algebraicity of analytic function germs 2016 Marcin Bilski
Adam ParusiƄski
Guillaume Rond
+ An irreducibility criterion for power series 2016 Guillaume Rond
Bernd Schober
+ Higher order approximation of analytic sets by topologically equivalent algebraic sets 2016 Marcin Bilski
Krzysztof Kurdyka
Adam ParusiƄski
Guillaume Rond
+ An irreducibility criterion for power series 2016 Bernd Schober
Guillaume Rond
+ Higher order approximation of analytic sets by topologically equivalent algebraic sets 2016 Marcin Bilski
Krzysztof Kurdyka
Adam ParusiƄski
Guillaume Rond
+ PDF Chat Local zero estimates and effective division in rings of algebraic power series 2015 Guillaume Rond
+ Artin Approximation 2015 Guillaume Rond
+ Local zero estimates and effective division in rings of algebraic power series 2014 Guillaume Rond
+ Local topological algebraicity of analytic function germs 2014 Marcin Bilski
Adam ParusiƄski
Guillaume Rond
+ Local topological algebraicity of analytic function germs 2014 Marcin Bilski
Adam ParusiƄski
Guillaume Rond
+ About the algebraic closure of the field of power series in several variables in characteristic zero 2013 Guillaume Rond
+ Lojasiewicz inequality over the ring of power series in two variables 2013 Guillaume Rond
+ About the algebraic closure of the field of power series in several variables in characteristic zero 2013 Guillaume Rond
+ The Abhyankar–Jung Theorem 2012 Adam ParusiƄski
Guillaume Rond
+ The Abhyankar-Jung Theorem 2011 Adam ParusiƄski
Guillaume Rond
+ The Abhyankar-Jung Theorem 2011 Adam ParusiƄski
Guillaume Rond
+ Bornes effectives des fonctions d'approximation des solutions formelles d'Ă©quations binomiales 2010 Guillaume Rond
+ An algebraic proof of Gabrielov's theorem about analytic homomorphisms in any characteristic 2007 Guillaume Rond
+ Homomorphisms of local algebras in positive characteristic 2006 Guillaume Rond
+ PDF Chat Sur la linéarité de la fonction de Artin 2005 Guillaume Rond
+ PDF Chat A propos de la fonction de Artin en dimension <mml:math xmlns:mml="" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mo>â©Ÿ</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:math> 2005 Guillaume Rond
+ Approximation diophantienne dans les corps de series en plusieurs variables 2005 Guillaume Rond
+ Series de Poincare motiviques geometrique et arithmetique d'un germe d'hypersurface irreductible quasi-ordinaire 2005 Guillaume Rond
+ Sur la linearite de la fonction de Artin 2004 Guillaume Rond
+ Theoreme d'approximation cylindrique dans le cas des anneaux analytiques 2003 Guillaume Rond
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Algebraic approximation of structures over complete local rings 1969 Michael Artin
+ PDF Chat Singularités quasi-ordinaires toriques et polyÚdre de Newton du discriminant 2000 Pedro D. Gonzålez Pérez
+ The Abhyankar–Jung Theorem 2012 Adam ParusiƄski
Guillaume Rond
+ Fiber polytopes and fractional power series 1995 John McDonald
+ Fields: Algebraically closed and others 1992 Paulo Ribenboim
+ PDF Chat A new proof of D. Popescu’s theorem on smoothing of ring homomorphisms 1999 Mark Spivakovsky
+ On the Jung-Abhyankar theorem 2004 K. Kiyek
J. L. Vicente
+ Commutative Ring Theory 1987 H. Matsumura
+ Homomorphisms of local algebras in positive characteristic 2009 Guillaume Rond
+ The rank condition and convergence of formal functions 1989 Shuzo Izumi
+ Analytic and polynomial homomorphisms of analytic rings 1978 Pierre D. Milman
+ PDF Chat Rational points in henselian discrete valuation rings 1966 Marvin J. Greenberg
+ PDF Chat Relations among analytic functions. I 1987 Edward Bierstone
Pierre D. Milman
+ On functions of several complex variables 1916 William F. Osgood
+ On the Theory of Local Rings 1943 Claude Chevalley
+ A theorem on solutions of analytic equations with applications to deformations of complex structures 1975 John J. Wavrik
+ Puiseux parametric equations of analytic sets 2004 Fuensanta Aroca
+ Real algebraic geometry 2014 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ PDF Chat An extension of Greenberg’s theorem to general valuation rings 2011 Laurent Moret-Bailly
+ PDF Chat Exposé on a conjecture of Tougeron 1977 Joseph Becker
+ PDF Chat Power series and smooth functions equivalent to a polynomial 1986 Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat General NĂ©ron desingularization and approximation 1986 Dorin Popescu
+ PDF Chat The Artin conjecture for Q-algebras 1997 Ronan Quarez
+ ÉlĂ©ments de gĂ©omĂ©trie algĂ©brique 1964 Alexandre Grothendieck
+ Resolution of Singularities of an Algebraic Variety Over a Field of Characteristic Zero: I 1964 Heisuke Hironaka
+ PDF Chat Quasianalytic multiparameter perturbation of polynomials and normal matrices 2011 Armin Rainer
+ Applications of functional analysis to the solution of power series equations 1979 Joseph Becker
William R. Zame
+ PDF Chat On the functions counting walks with small steps in the quarter plane 2012 Irina Kurkova
Kilian Raschel
+ Differentiably Finite Power Series 1980 Richard P. Stanley
+ PDF Chat Completion of real fans and Zariski-Riemann spaces 2006 GĂŒnter Ewald
Masa-Nori Ishida
+ Local topological algebraicity of analytic function germs 2016 Marcin Bilski
Adam ParusiƄski
Guillaume Rond
+ PDF Chat Diagonalization and rationalization of algebraic Laurent series 2013 Boris Adamczewski
Jason P. Bell
+ The relation between topological and algebro-geometric equisingularities according to zariski 1973 Alexander Varchenko
+ PDF Chat Increase, convergence and vanishing of functions along a Moishezon space 1992 Shuzo Izumi
+ Homomorphisms of analytic local rings. 1970 Marius van der Put
Shreeram S. Abhyankar
+ Arc-wise analytic stratification, Whitney fibering conjecture and Zariski equisingularity 2017 Adam ParusiƄski
Laurenƣiu Păunescu
+ Gabrielov's rank condition is equivalent to an inequality of reduced orders 1986 Shuzo Izumi
+ Ultraproducts and approximation in local rings I 1979 Joseph Becker
Jan Denef
Leonard Lipshitz
Lou van den Dries
+ PDF Chat On the algebraicity of Puiseux series 2017 Michel Hickel
Mickaël Matusinski
+ PDF Chat Constructions in algebra 1974 A. Seidenberg
+ PDF Chat General NĂ©ron desingularization 1985 Dorin Popescu
+ The Abhyankar-Jung theorem revisited 1993 María-Ángeles Zurro
+ PDF Chat An algebraically closed field 1968 Francis J. Rayner
+ A Family of Algebraically Closed Fields Containing Polynomials in Several Variables 2009 Fuensanta Aroca
Giovanna Ilardi
+ The Newton Procedure for several variables 2011 MarĂ­a Soto
J. L. Vicente
+ PDF Chat On ordered division rings 1949 Β Neumann
+ PDF Chat Courbes analytiques sur un germe d'espace analytique et applications 1976 Jean-Claude Tougeron
+ Mehrfach perfekte Kïżœrper 1933 Friedrich Schmidt
+ On the theory of graded structures 1986 Lorenzo Robbiano