Harvey Goldstein


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Mixed-Effects Location Scale Models for Joint Modeling School Value-Added Effects on the Mean and Variance of Student Achievement 2023 George Leckie
Randall M. Parker
Harvey Goldstein
Kate Tilling
+ Multilevel models with random residual variances for joint modelling school value-added effects on the mean and variance of student achievement. 2021 George Leckie
Randall M. Parker
Harvey Goldstein
Kate Tilling
+ Mixed-effects location scale models for joint modelling school value-added effects on the mean and variance of student achievement 2021 George Leckie
Randall M. Parker
Harvey Goldstein
Kate Tilling
+ PDF Chat Estimating reliability statistics and measurement error variances using instrumental variables with longitudinal data 2020 Harvey Goldstein
Michele Haynes
George Leckie
Phuong Hanh Tran
+ PDF Chat Partitioning variation in multilevel models for count data. 2020 George Leckie
William J. Browne
Harvey Goldstein
Juan Merlo
Peter C. Austin
+ PDF Chat Assessing data linkage quality in cohort studies 2020 Katie Harron
James Doidge
Harvey Goldstein
+ Providing educational accountability for Local Authorities based upon sampling pupils within schools: moving away from simplistic school league tables 2020 Harvey Goldstein
George Leckie
Lucy Prior
+ School value-added models for multivariate academic and non-academic outcomes: A more rounded approach to using student data to inform school accountability 2020 Lucy Prior
Harvey Goldstein
George Leckie
+ Variance partitioning in multilevel models for count data 2019 George Leckie
William J. Browne
Harvey Goldstein
Juan Merlo
Peter C. Austin
+ PDF Chat Multiple Imputation with Survey Weights: A Multilevel Approach 2019 Matteo Quartagno
James R. Carpenter
Harvey Goldstein
+ The implications of Labour's plan to scrap Key Stage 2 tests for Progress 8 and secondary school accountability in England 2019 George Leckie
Lucy Prior
Harvey Goldstein
+ Variance partitioning in multilevel models for count data 2019 George Leckie
Will N. Browne
Harvey Goldstein
Juan Merlo
Peter C. Austin
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Models for Weighted Data with Missing Values: A Bootstrap Approach 2018 Harvey Goldstein
James R. Carpenter
Michael G. Kenward
+ Should we adjust for pupil background in school value-added models? A study of Progress 8 and school accountability in England 2018 George Leckie
Harvey Goldstein
+ PDF Chat A response to ‘assessment and learning: fields apart?’ 2017 Harvey Goldstein
+ PDF Chat A Bayesian model for measurement and misclassification errors alongside missing data, with an application to higher education participation in Australia 2017 Harvey Goldstein
William J. Browne
Christopher M J Charlton
+ PDF Chat Utilising identifier error variation in linkage of large administrative data sources 2017 Katie Harron
Gareth Hagger‐Johnson
Ruth Gilbert
Harvey Goldstein
+ Multilevel Models 2016 Harvey Goldstein
William J. Browne
+ Multilevel Models 2016 Harvey Goldstein
William J. Browne
+ PDF Chat Handling attrition and non-response in longitudinal data with an application to a study of Australian youth 2016 Joy Cumming
Harvey Goldstein
+ Record linkage 2015 Harvey Goldstein
Katie Harron
+ Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics 2015 Katie Harron
Harvey Goldstein
Chris Dibben
+ PDF Chat References 2015 Katie Harron
Harvey Goldstein
Chris Dibben
+ PDF Chat Population sampling in longitudinal suverys 2015 Harvey Goldstein
Peter Lynn
Graciela Muñiz‐Terrera
Rebecca Hardy
Colm O’Muircheartaigh
Chris Skinner
Risto Lehtonen
+ PDF Chat Jumping to the Wrong Conclusions 2015 Harvey Goldstein
+ PDF Chat Editorial: Big data in social research 2015 Natalie Shlomo
Harvey Goldstein
+ Bootstrapping in Multilevel Models 2015 Harvey Goldstein
+ Population sampling in longitudinal suverys 2015 Harvey Goldstein
Peter Lynn
Graciela Muñiz‐Terrera
Rebecca Hardy
Colm O’Muircheartaigh
Chris Skinner
Risto Lehtonen
+ Population sampling in longitudinal suverys 2015 Harvey Goldstein
Peter Lynn
Graciela Muñiz‐Terrera
Rebecca Hardy
Colm O’Muircheartaigh
Chris Skinner
Risto Lehtonen
+ Heteroscedasticity and Complex Variation 2014 Harvey Goldstein
+ Random Coefficient Repeated Measures Model 2014 Harvey Goldstein
+ How to handle missing data values 2014 Harvey Goldstein
+ Multilevel models with random effects for level 1 variance functions, with applications to educational data and child growth 2014 Harvey Goldstein
George Leckie
Chris Charlton
William J. Browne
+ PDF Chat Evaluating bias due to data linkage error in electronic healthcare records 2014 Katie Harron
Angie Wade
Ruth Gilbert
Berit MĂŒller‐Pebody
Harvey Goldstein
+ REALCOM-IMPUTE: multiple imputation using MLwin. Modified September 2014 2014 Harvey Goldstein
+ PDF Chat Fitting Multilevel Multivariate Models with Missing Data in Responses and Covariates that May Include Interactions and Non-Linear Terms 2013 Harvey Goldstein
James R. Carpenter
William J. Browne
+ Modelling non-independent residuals in multilevel models with random effects for variance functions 2012 Harvey Goldstein
William J. Browne
George Leckie
+ Multilevel Multiple Imputation 2012 Harvey Goldstein
+ Adjusting for differential misclassification in multilevel models: the relationship between child exposure to smoke and cognitive development 2012 Maria Eugénia Ferrão
Harvey Goldstein
+ Modelling non independent random effects 2012 Harvey Goldstein
William J. Browne
+ Statistical Modelling of Partially Observed Data Using Multiple Imputation: Principles and Practice 2012 James R. Carpenter
Harvey Goldstein
Michael G. Kenward
+ PDF Chat Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics 2011 Samuel Wilks
David J. Balding
Noel Cressie
Garrett M. Fitzmaurice
Harvey Goldstein
Iain M. Johnstone
Geert Molenberghs
David Scott
Adrian A. Smith
Ruey S. Tsay
+ MCMC sampling for a multilevel model with non-independent residuals within and between cluster units 2011 William J. Browne
Harvey Goldstein
+ <b>REALCOM-IMPUTE</b>Software for Multilevel Multiple Imputation with Mixed Response Types 2011 James R. Carpenter
Harvey Goldstein
Michael G. Kenward
+ Multiple Membership Models 2010 Harvey Goldstein
+ Multilevel Event History and Survival Models 2010 Harvey Goldstein
+ Models for Repeated Measures Data 2010 Harvey Goldstein
+ Measurement Errors in Multilevel Models 2010 Harvey Goldstein
+ Smoothing Models for Multilevel Data 2010 Harvey Goldstein
+ Cross‐Classified Data Structures 2010 Harvey Goldstein
+ Multilevel Models with Correlated Random Effects 2010 Harvey Goldstein
+ Multilevel Models for Discrete Response Data 2010 Harvey Goldstein
+ 3‐level Models and more Complex Hierarchical Structures 2010 Harvey Goldstein
+ Missing Data, Partially Observed Data and Multiple Imputation 2010 Harvey Goldstein
+ PDF Chat Subject index 2010 Harvey Goldstein
+ Analysing the probability of attrition in a longitudinal survey 2010 Gabriele B. Durrant
Harvey Goldstein
+ MCMC Sampling for a Multilevel Model With Nonindependent Residuals Within and Between Cluster Units 2010 William J. Browne
Harvey Goldstein
+ PDF Chat Statistical modelling of repeated measurement data 2010 Harvey Goldstein
Bianca De Stavola
+ Multilevel multiple imputation using the latent normal model 2010 Harvey Goldstein
+ Multilevel models with multivariate mixed response types 2009 Harvey Goldstein
James R. Carpenter
Michael G. Kenward
Kate Levin
+ PDF Chat Handling attrition and non-response in longitudinal data 2009 Harvey Goldstein
+ Multilevel Multivariate Modelling of Childhood Growth, Numbers of Growth Measurements and Adult Characteristics 2009 Harvey Goldstein
Daphne Kounali
+ PDF Chat Comment: Citation Statistics 2009 David J. Spiegelhalter
Harvey Goldstein
+ Handling missing data 2009 James R. Carpenter
Harvey Goldstein
+ Adapting econometric causal effect estimators to the public health arena 2009 Sara Geneletti
Nicky Best
Sylvia Richardson
Lorraine Dearden
Harvey Goldstein
Jon Rasbash
+ Modelling measurement errors and category misclassifications in multilevel models 2008 Harvey Goldstein
Daphne Kounali
Anthony L. Robinson
+ Modelling non-independent residuals in multilevel models 2008 William J. Browne
Harvey Goldstein
+ PDF Chat Adjusting for measurement error in the value added model: evidence from Portugal 2008 Maria Eugénia Ferrão
Harvey Goldstein
+ REALCOM: methodology for realistically complex multilevel modelling 2008 Harvey Goldstein
FA Steele
JR Rasbash
Cmj Charlton
+ REALCOM: methodology for realistically complex multilevel modelling Training materials manual 2008 Harvey Goldstein
Fiona Steele
Jon Rasbash
Christopher M J Charlton
+ The Future of Statistics Within the Curriculum 2007 Harvey Goldstein
+ The Future of Statistics Within the Curriculum 2007 Harvey Goldstein
+ Curriculum Matters: The Future of Statistics within the Curriculum. 2007 Harvey Goldstein
+ Measurement error in random coefficient multilevel models: An application to PLASC data 2007 Marco FlĂŽres FerrĂŁo
George Leckie
Harvey Goldstein
+ PDF Chat Multilevel Statistical Models 2006 Harvey Goldstein
+ A Multilevel Factor Model for Mixed Binary and Ordinal Indicators of Women's Status 2006 Fiona Steele
Harvey Goldstein
+ Estimation in generalised linear mixed models with binary outcomes by simulated maximum likelihood 2006 Edmond SW Ng
James R. Carpenter
Harvey Goldstein
Jon Rasbash
+ 12 Multilevel Models in Psychometrics 2006 Fiona Steele
Harvey Goldstein
+ Heteroscedasticity and Complex Variation 2005 Harvey Goldstein
+ Variance Partitioning in Multilevel Logistic Models that Exhibit Overdispersion 2005 William J. Browne
S. V. Subramanian
Kelvyn Jones
Harvey Goldstein
+ Random Coefficient Repeated Measures Model 2005 Harvey Goldstein
+ Multilevel Factor Analysis Models for Continuous and Discrete Data 2005 Harvey Goldstein
William J. Browne
+ Moving to two-tier GCSE mathematics examinations: An independent evaluation of the 2005 GCSE Pilot and Trial 2005 Gordon Stobart
Tamara Bibby
Harvey Goldstein
+ PDF Chat A general multilevel multistate competing risks model for event history data, with an application to a study of contraceptive use dynamics 2004 Fiona Steele
Harvey Goldstein
William J. Browne
+ A Flexible Procedure for Analyzing Longitudinal Event Histories Using a Multilevel Model 2004 Harvey Goldstein
Huiqi Pan
John Bynner
+ Some observations on the definition and estimation of effect sizes 2004 Harvey Goldstein
+ PDF Chat Partitioning Variation in Multilevel Models 2002 Harvey Goldstein
William J. Browne
Jon Rasbash
+ Multilevel modelling of medical data 2002 Harvey Goldstein
William J. Browne
Jon Rasbash
+ Bayesian and likelihood methods for fitting multilevel models with complex level-1 variation 2002 William J. Browne
David Draper
Harvey Goldstein
Jon Rasbash
+ Multilevel factor analysis modelling using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimation 2002 Harvey Goldstein
William J. Browne
William J. Browne
+ Likelihood methods for fitting multilevel models with complex level-1 variation 2002 William J. Browne
David Draper
Jon Rasbash
Harvey Goldstein
+ Multiple membership multiple classification (MMMC) models 2001 William J. Browne
Harvey Goldstein
Jon Rasbash
+ Meta-Analysis Using Multilevel Models with an Application to the Study of Class Size Effects 2000 Harvey Goldstein
Min Yang
Rumana Z. Omar
Rebecca M. Turner
Simon G. Thompson
+ Tutorial in Biostatistics-Longitudinal data analysis (repeated measures) in clinical trials by P.-S. Albert,Statistics in Medicine, 1999,18, 1707-1732 2000 Harvey Goldstein
+ PDF Chat Multilevel Models for Repeated Binary Outcomes: Attitudes and Voting over the Electoral Cycle 2000 Min Yang
Harvey Goldstein
Anthony Heath
+ A multilevel model framework for meta-analysis of clinical trials with binary outcomes 2000 Rebecca M. Turner
Rumana Z. Omar
Min Yang
Harvey Goldstein
Simon G. Thompson
+ PDF Chat Multivariate spatial models for event data 2000 Alastair H. Leyland
Ian H. Langford
Jon Rasbash
Harvey Goldstein
+ Multi-level repeated measures growth modelling using extended spline functions 1998 Huiqi Pan
Harvey Goldstein
+ Multilevel Modeling of Educational Data With Cross-Classification and Missing Identification for Units 1998 Peter W. Hill
Harvey Goldstein
+ Consistent estimators for multilevel generalised linear models using an iterated bootstrap 1998 Harvey Goldstein
+ MLwiN Macros for advanced Multilevel Modelling 1998 Min Yang
Jon Rasbash
Harvey Goldstein
Maria Eugénia Ferrão
+ PDF Chat Weighting for Unequal Selection Probabilities in Multilevel Models 1998 Danny Pfeffermann
C. J. Skinner
David Holmes
Harvey Goldstein
Jon Rasbash
+ Efficient estimation with missing data in multilevel models 1996 Harvey Goldstein
Geoffrey Woodhouse
+ PDF Chat Adjusting for Measurement Error in Multilevel Analysis 1996 Geoffrey Woodhouse
Min Yang
Harvey Goldstein
Jon Rasbash
+ Using Examination Results as Indicators of School and College Performance 1996 Harvey Goldstein
Sally Thomas
+ PDF Chat Improved Approximations for Multilevel Models with Binary Responses 1996 Harvey Goldstein
Jon Rasbash
+ Improved Approximations for Multilevel Models with Binary Responses 1996 Harvey Goldstein
+ Hierarchical Data Modeling in the Social Sciences 1995 Harvey Goldstein
+ PDF Chat The Graphical Presentation of a Collection of Means 1995 Harvey Goldstein
M. J. R. Healy
+ Multilevel time series models with applications to repeated measures data 1994 Harvey Goldstein
M. J. R. Healy
Jon Rasbash
+ Multilevel Cross-Classified Models 1994 Harvey Goldstein
+ Efficient Analysis of Mixed Hierarchical and Cross-Classified Random Structures Using a Multilevel Model 1994 Jon Rasbash
Harvey Goldstein
+ PDF Chat Efficient Analysis of Mixed Hierarchical and Cross-Classified Random Structures Using a Multilevel Model 1994 Jon Rasbash
Harvey Goldstein
+ Book Reviews 1993 Stephen E. Fienberg
Rudolf Beran
William M. Sallas
T. N. Srinivasan
Elizabeth A. Stasny
Paul S. Albert
Keith E. Muller
Peter A. Lachenbruch
Walter W. Stroup
Robert F. Woolson
+ Percentile Smoothing Using Piecewise Polynomials, with Covariates 1992 Harvey Goldstein
Huiqi Pan
+ Multi‐Level Statistical Models in Studies of Periodontal Diseases 1992 Jasim M. Albandar
Harvey Goldstein
+ Efficient computational procedures for the estimation of parameters in multilevel models based on iterative generalised least squares 1992 Harvey Goldstein
Jon Rasbash
+ A two-level cross-sectional model using grafted polynomials 1992 H. Pan
Harvey Goldstein
Di Guo
+ Nonlinear multilevel models, with an application to discrete response data 1991 Harvey Goldstein
+ Graded Assessment and Learning Hierarchies in Mathematics 1989 Richard Noss
Harvey Goldstein
Celia Hoyles
+ Restricted unbiased iterative generalized least-squares estimation 1989 Harvey Goldstein
+ PDF Chat A general model for the analysis of multilevel data 1988 Harvey Goldstein
Roderick P. McDonald
+ Multilevel covariance component models 1987 Harvey Goldstein
+ Practical Testing on Trial: A Study of the Reliability and Comparability of Results under Decentralized System of Practical Assessment. 1986 Harvey Goldstein
Alison Wolf
+ Multilevel Mixed Linear Model Analysis Using Iterative Generalized Least Squares 1986 Harvey Goldstein
+ Multilevel mixed linear model analysis using iterative generalized least squares 1986 Harvey Goldstein
+ Efficient statistical modelling of longitudinal data 1986 Harvey Goldstein
+ Current Developments in the Design and Analysis of Growth Studies 1984 Harvey Goldstein
+ Present Position and Potential Developments: Some Personal Views: Statistics in the Social Sciences 1984 Harvey Goldstein
+ Early development 1984 Philip Levy
Harvey Goldstein
+ Mathematics 1984 Philip Levy
Harvey Goldstein
+ Efficient estimation for a multiple matrix sample design 1983 Harvey Goldstein
Anthony James
+ The Recall Method in Social Surveys 1980 Ed Blair
Louis Moss
Harvey Goldstein
+ Some Models for Analysing Longitudinal Data on Educational Attainment 1979 Harvey Goldstein
+ Ethical Aspects of Survey Research 1979 Stella Y. Cunliffe
Harvey Goldstein
+ Sampling for Growth Studies 1978 Harvey Goldstein
+ PDF Chat A method for studying shape change in children 1978 Harvey Goldstein
Francis E. Johnston
+ Statistical ethics 1977 Harvey Goldstein
Gopal K. Kanji
+ An approach to the scaling of categorized attributes 1976 M. J. R. Healy
Harvey Goldstein
+ Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioural Sciences. 1976 Harvey Goldstein
Jacob Cohen
Patricia Cohen
+ Longitudinal Studies and The Measurement of Change 1968 Harvey Goldstein
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Multilevel Statistical Models 2006 Harvey Goldstein
+ Multilevel mixed linear model analysis using iterative generalized least squares 1986 Harvey Goldstein
+ Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys 1987 Donald B. Rubin
+ Multilevel time series models with applications to repeated measures data 1994 Harvey Goldstein
M. J. R. Healy
Jon Rasbash
+ Multilevel models with multivariate mixed response types 2009 Harvey Goldstein
James R. Carpenter
Michael G. Kenward
Kate Levin
+ PDF Chat Improved Approximations for Multilevel Models with Binary Responses 1996 Harvey Goldstein
Jon Rasbash
+ Nonlinear multilevel models, with an application to discrete response data 1991 Harvey Goldstein
+ Approximate Inference in Generalized Linear Mixed Models 1993 N. E. Breslow
David Clayton
+ The Estimation of School Effects 1995 Stephen W. Raudenbush
JDouglas Willms
+ PDF Chat Fitting Multilevel Multivariate Models with Missing Data in Responses and Covariates that May Include Interactions and Non-Linear Terms 2013 Harvey Goldstein
James R. Carpenter
William J. Browne
+ Implementation and performance issues in the Bayesian and likelihood fitting of multilevel models 2000 William J. Browne
David Draper
+ PDF Chat Partitioning Variation in Multilevel Models 2002 Harvey Goldstein
William J. Browne
Jon Rasbash
+ Restricted unbiased iterative generalized least-squares estimation 1989 Harvey Goldstein
+ Modelling measurement errors and category misclassifications in multilevel models 2008 Harvey Goldstein
Daphne Kounali
Anthony L. Robinson
+ PDF Chat Analysis of Growth and Dose Response Curves 1969 James E. Grizzle
David M. Allen
+ Multilevel Multivariate Modelling of Childhood Growth, Numbers of Growth Measurements and Adult Characteristics 2009 Harvey Goldstein
Daphne Kounali
+ An Assessment of Estimation Procedures for Multilevel Models with Binary Responses 1995 GermĂĄn Rodrı́guez
Noreen Goldman
+ Bayesian Analysis of Binary and Polychotomous Response Data 1993 James H. Albert
Siddhartha Chib
+ Multiple Imputation and its Application 2012 James R. Carpenter
Michael G. Kenward
+ Measurement Error Models 1988 Leonard A. Stefanski
Wayne A. Fuller
John Wiley
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Measures of Model Complexity and Fit 2002 David J. Spiegelhalter
Nicola Best
Bradley P. Carlin
Angelika van der Linde
+ Bayesian and likelihood methods for fitting multilevel models with complex level-1 variation 2002 William J. Browne
David Draper
Harvey Goldstein
Jon Rasbash
+ Polychotomous quantal response by maximum indicant 1970 J. Aitchison
James A.J. Bennett
+ PDF Chat A comparison of Bayesian and likelihood-based methods for fitting multilevel models 2006 William J. Browne
David Draper
+ Multiple imputation and its application 2013 James R. Carpenter
M. G. Kenward
+ Multilevel factor analysis modelling using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimation 2002 Harvey Goldstein
William J. Browne
+ A Crossed Random Effects Model for Unbalanced Data With Applications in Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Research 1993 Stephen W. Raudenbush
+ Multiple imputation: current perspectives 2007 Michael G. Kenward
James R. Carpenter
+ The theory of least squares when the parameters are stochastic and its application to the analysis of growth curves 1965 C. Radhakrishna Rao
+ A fast scoring algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation in unbalanced mixed models with nested random effects 1987 Nicholas T. Longford
+ Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data 1997 Joseph L. Schafer
+ Statistical modelling issues in school effectiveness studies. 1986 Murray Aitkin
+ Asymptotically Unbiased Estimation in Generalized Linear Models with Random Effects 1995 Anthony Y. C. Kuk
+ <b>REALCOM-IMPUTE</b>Software for Multilevel Multiple Imputation with Mixed Response Types 2011 James R. Carpenter
Harvey Goldstein
Michael G. Kenward
+ Random-Effects Models for Longitudinal Data 1982 Nan M. Laird
James H. Ware
+ Multiple membership multiple classification (MMMC) models 2001 William J. Browne
Harvey Goldstein
Jon Rasbash
+ Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data Via the <i>EM</i> Algorithm 1977 A. P. Dempster
N. M. Laird
Donald B. Rubin
+ REALCOM: methodology for realistically complex multilevel modelling 2008 Harvey Goldstein
FA Steele
JR Rasbash
Cmj Charlton
+ Multilevel Modelling of Health Statistics 2002 Eric R. Ziegel
+ Outliers in Multilevel Data 1998 Ian H. Langford
T. Lewis
+ Statistical Analysis With Missing Data 1989 Maureen Lahiff
Roderick J. A. Little
Donald B. Rubin
+ Analysis of Longitudinal Data 2001 Peter J. Diggle
Patrick J. Heagerty
Kung‐Yee Liang
Scott L. Zeger
+ PDF Chat Use of Multiple Imputation in the Epidemiologic Literature 2008 Mark A. Klebanoff
Stephen R. Cole
+ PDF Chat Adjusting for Measurement Error in Multilevel Analysis 1996 Geoffrey Woodhouse
Min Yang
Harvey Goldstein
Jon Rasbash
+ Efficient Analysis of Mixed Hierarchical and Cross-Classified Random Structures Using a Multilevel Model 1994 Jon Rasbash
Harvey Goldstein
+ An Introduction to the Bootstrap 1994 Bradley Efron
Robert Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat Evaluating bias due to data linkage error in electronic healthcare records 2014 Katie Harron
Angie Wade
Ruth Gilbert
Berit MĂŒller‐Pebody
Harvey Goldstein
+ PDF Chat Modeling Heterogeneous Variance–Covariance Components in Two-Level Models 2014 George Leckie
Robert M. French
Chris Charlton
William J. Browne
+ Multilevel Factor Analysis Models for Continuous and Discrete Data 2005 Harvey Goldstein
William J. Browne
+ Inference and missing data 1976 Donald B. Rubin