Jibo Dai


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Integrated single photon emitters 2020 Junyi Lee
Victor Leong
Dmitry Kalashnikov
Jibo Dai
G. Alagappan
Leonid A. Krivitsky
+ PDF Chat Reply to “Comment on ‘Past of a quantum particle revisited’ ” 2019 Berthold‐Georg Englert
Kelvin Horia
Jibo Dai
Yink Loong Len
Hui Khoon Ng
+ PDF Chat Quantum absorption refrigerator with trapped ions 2019 Gleb Maslennikov
Shiqian Ding
Roland HablĂŒtzel
Jaren Gan
Alexandre Roulet
Stefan Nimmrichter
Jibo Dai
Valerio Scarani
Dzmitry Matsukevich
+ PDF Chat Unambiguous path discrimination in a two-path interferometer 2018 Yink Loong Len
Jibo Dai
Berthold‐Georg Englert
Leonid A. Krivitsky
+ PDF Chat Quantum and classical dynamics of a three-mode absorption refrigerator 2017 Stefan Nimmrichter
Jibo Dai
Alexandre Roulet
Valerio Scarani
+ PDF Chat Past of a quantum particle revisited 2017 Berthold‐Georg Englert
Kelvin Horia
Jibo Dai
Yink Loong Len
Hui Khoon Ng
+ PDF Chat Quantum absorption refrigerator with trapped ions 2017 Gleb Maslennikov
Shiqian Ding
Jaren Gan
Roland HablĂŒtzel
Alexandre Roulet
Stefan Nimmrichter
Jibo Dai
Valerio Scarani
Dzmitry Matsukevich
+ PDF Chat Power of an optical Maxwell's demon in the presence of photon-number correlations 2017 Angeline Shu
Jibo Dai
Valerio Scarani
+ PDF Chat Initial system-bath state via the maximum-entropy principle 2016 Jibo Dai
Yink Loong Len
Hui Khoon Ng
+ PDF Chat Rectification of light in the quantum regime 2015 Jibo Dai
Alexandre Roulet
Huy NguyĂȘn LĂȘ
Valerio Scarani
+ What is the joint system-bath state? 2015 Jibo Dai
Yink Loong Len
Hui Khoon Ng
+ PDF Chat Experimental Detection of Entanglement with Optimal-Witness Families 2014 Jibo Dai
Yink Loong Len
Yong Siah Teo
Berthold‐Georg Englert
Leonid A. Krivitsky
+ PDF Chat Controllable generation of mixed two-photon states 2013 Jibo Dai
Yink Loong Len
Yong Siah Teo
Leonid A. Krivitsky
Berthold‐Georg Englert
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Ultrabright source of polarization-entangled photons 1999 Paul G. Kwiat
Edo Waks
A. G. White
Ian Appelbaum
Philippe Eberhard
+ PDF Chat Nanoscale Heat Engine Beyond the Carnot Limit 2014 J. Roßnagel
Obinna Abah
F. Schmidt–Kaler
Kilian Singer
Eric Lutz
+ PDF Chat Controllable generation of mixed two-photon states 2013 Jibo Dai
Yink Loong Len
Yong Siah Teo
Leonid A. Krivitsky
Berthold‐Georg Englert
+ PDF Chat Past of a quantum particle 2013 Lev Vaidman
+ PDF Chat Quantum-State Reconstruction by Maximizing Likelihood and Entropy 2011 Yong Siah Teo
Huangjun Zhu
Berthold‐Georg Englert
J. Ƙeháček
Z. Hradil
+ PDF Chat Bell inequalities and the separability criterion 2000 Barbara M. Terhal
+ PDF Chat Past of a quantum particle revisited 2017 Berthold‐Georg Englert
Kelvin Horia
Jibo Dai
Yink Loong Len
Hui Khoon Ng
+ PDF Chat The quantum internet 2008 H. J. Kimble
+ PDF Chat Experimental observation of anomalous trajectories of single photons 2017 Zong‐Quan Zhou
Xiao Liu
Yaron Kedem
Jin-Min Cui
Zongfeng Li
Yi-Lin Hua
Chuan‐Feng Li
Guo‐Ping Guo
+ PDF Chat Realising a quantum absorption refrigerator with an atom-cavity system 2016 Mark T. Mitchison
Marcus Huber
Javier Prior
Mischa P. Woods
Martin B. Plenio
+ PDF Chat Quantum Absorption Refrigerator 2012 Amikam Levy
Ronnie Kosloff
+ PDF Chat Work extraction and thermodynamics for individual quantum systems 2014 Paul Skrzypczyk
Anthony Short
Sandu Popescu
+ PDF Chat How Small Can Thermal Machines Be? The Smallest Possible Refrigerator 2010 Noah Linden
Sandu Popescu
Paul Skrzypczyk
+ PDF Chat Experimental quantum teleportation 1997 Dik Bouwmeester
Jian-Wei Pan
Klaus Mattle
Manfred Eibl
Harald Weinfurter
Anton Zeilinger
+ PDF Chat Incomplete quantum state estimation: A comprehensive study 2012 Yong Siah Teo
B. Stoklasa
Berthold‐Georg Englert
J. Ƙeháček
Z. Hradil
+ PDF Chat Quantum thermodynamic cooling cycle 2001 José P. Palao
Ronnie Kosloff
Jeffrey M. Gordon
+ PDF Chat Quantum-enhanced absorption refrigerators 2014 Luis Alfonso Correa
José P. Palao
Daniel Alonso
Gerardo Adesso
+ PDF Chat Minimal tomography with entanglement witnesses 2010 Huangjun Zhu
Yong Siah Teo
Berthold‐Georg Englert
+ PDF Chat Small quantum absorption refrigerator in the transient regime: Time scales, enhanced cooling, and entanglement 2015 Jonatan Bohr Brask
Nicolas Brunner
+ PDF Chat Autonomous quantum refrigerator in a circuit QED architecture based on a Josephson junction 2016 Patrick P. Hofer
MartĂ­ Perarnau-Llobet
Jonatan Bohr Brask
Ralph Silva
Marcus Huber
Nicolas Brunner
+ PDF Chat Brownian Carnot engine 2015 Ignacio A. MartĂ­nez
Édgar Roldán
Luis DinĂ­s
Juan M. R. Parrondo
RaĂșl A. Rica
+ PDF Chat Minimal Self-Contained Quantum Refrigeration Machine Based on Four Quantum Dots 2013 Davide Venturelli
Rosario Fazio
Vittorio Giovannetti
+ PDF Chat Quantum Heat Engines and Refrigerators: Continuous Devices 2014 Ronnie Kosloff
Amikam Levy
+ PDF Chat A single-atom heat engine 2016 J. Roßnagel
S. T. Dawkins
Karl Nicolas Tolazzi
Obinna Abah
Eric Lutz
F. Schmidt–Kaler
Kilian Singer
+ PDF Chat Work Measurement as a Generalized Quantum Measurement 2014 Augusto J. Roncaglia
Federico Cerisola
Juan Pablo Paz
+ PDF Chat Experimental demonstration of optimal unambiguous state discrimination 2001 Roger B. M. Clarke
Anthony Chefles
Stephen M. Barnett
Erling Riis
+ Quantum thermalization through entanglement in an isolated many-body system 2016 Adam M. Kaufman
M. Eric Tai
Alexander Lukin
Matthew Rispoli
Robert Schittko
Philipp M. Preiss
Markus Greiner
+ PDF Chat Interacting two-level defects as sources of fluctuating high-frequency noise in superconducting circuits 2015 Clemens MĂŒller
J. Lisenfeld
Alexander Shnirman
Stefano Poletto
+ PDF Chat Multiphoton-scattering theory and generalized master equations 2015 Tao Shi
Darrick E. Chang
J. I. Cirac
+ PDF Chat Diamonds with a high density of nitrogen-vacancy centers for magnetometry applications 2009 VĂ­ctor M. Acosta
Erik Bauch
M. P. Ledbetter
C. Santori
Kai‐Mei C. Fu
Paul E. Barclay
Raymond G. Beausoleil
H. Linget
Jean-François Roch
François Treussart
+ PDF Chat Quantum Interference of Single Photons from Remote Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond 2012 Alp Sipahigil
Michael Goldman
Emre Togan
Yiwen Chu
Matthew Markham
Daniel J. Twitchen
A. S. Zibrov
Alexander Kubanek
M. D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat Optically Controlled Switching of the Charge State of a Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Center in Diamond at Cryogenic Temperatures 2013 Petr Siyushev
H. Pinto
Mårton Vörös
Ádåm Gali
Fedor Jelezko
Jörg Wrachtrup
+ PDF Chat Ion-trap measurements of electric-field noise near surfaces 2015 Michael Brownnutt
Muir Kumph
Peter Rabl
R. Blatt
+ PDF Chat Virtual qubits, virtual temperatures, and the foundations of thermodynamics 2012 Nicolas Brunner
Noah Linden
Sandu Popescu
Paul Skrzypczyk
+ PDF Chat Nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond: Model of the electronic structure and associated dynamics 2006 Neil B. Manson
J. P. Harrison
Matthew J. Sellars
+ PDF Chat Rediscovering black phosphorus as an anisotropic layered material for optoelectronics and electronics 2014 Fengnian Xia
Han Wang
Yichen Jia
+ PDF Chat Stable three-axis nuclear-spin gyroscope in diamond 2012 Ashok Ajoy
Paola Cappellaro
+ PDF Chat Photoelectric detection of electron spin resonance of nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond 2015 Emilie Bourgeois
Andrey Jarmola
Petr Siyushev
Michal Gulka
Jaroslav HrubĂœ
Fedor Jelezko
Dmitry Budker
MiloĆĄ NeslĂĄdek
+ PDF Chat About Position Measurements Which do Not Show the Bohmian Particle Position 1996 Yakir Aharonov
Lev Vaidman
+ PDF Chat Experimental Observation of the Role of Mutual Information in the Nonequilibrium Dynamics of a Maxwell Demon 2014 Jonne Koski
V. F. Maisi
Takahiro Sagawa
J. P. Pekola
+ PDF Chat Linear optical quantum computing with photonic qubits 2007 Pieter Kok
William J. Munro
Kae Nemoto
Timothy C. Ralph
Jonathan P. Dowling
G. J. Milburn
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear coupling of continuous variables at the single quantum level 2008 C. F. Roos
Thomas Monz
Kihwan Kim
M. Riebe
Hartmut HĂ€ffner
Daniel F. V. James
R. Blatt
+ PDF Chat Towards equilibration and thermalization between finite quantum systems: Unitary emulation of dephasing effects and inelastic interactions 2012 Manas Kulkarni
Kunal L. Tiwari
Dvira Segal
+ PDF Chat Quantum Szilard Engine 2011 Sanguk Kim
Takahiro Sagawa
Simone De Liberato
Masahito Ueda
+ Tracing the trajectory of photons through Fourier spectrum 2015 Zhao-Qin Wu
Hui Cao
Jiehui Huang
Li-Yun Hu
Xue-xiang Xu
Haoliang Zhang
Shi‐Yao Zhu
+ PDF Chat Linear and nonlinear optical spectroscopy of a strongly coupled microdisk–quantum dot system 2007 Kartik Srinivasan
Oskar Painter
+ PDF Chat Optical generation of excitonic valley coherence in monolayer WSe2 2013 Aaron M. Jones
Hongyi Yu
N. Ghimire
Sanfeng Wu
Grant Aivazian
Jason Ross
Bo Zhao
Jiaqiang Yan
David Mandrus
Di Xiao
+ PDF Chat Measure for the Degree of Non-Markovian Behavior of Quantum Processes in Open Systems 2009 Heinz‐Peter Breuer
Elsi-Mari Laine
Jyrki Piilo
+ PDF Chat Discrete four-stroke quantum heat engine exploring the origin of friction 2002 Ronnie Kosloff
Tova Feldmann
+ PDF Chat Equilibration, thermalisation, and the emergence of statistical mechanics in closed quantum systems 2016 Christian Gogolin
Jens Eisert