Wilfried Schmid


Wilfried Schmid is a German-American mathematician and a professor at Harvard University. He is known for his work in representation theory, automorphic forms, and Hodge theory. Over the course of his career, Schmid has made significant contributions to our understanding of how these areas intersect, particularly in analyzing the geometric and analytic properties of various mathematical structures. In addition to his research, he has served on editorial boards for leading mathematical journals and has mentored many graduate students, helping shape the next generation of mathematicians.

All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Bernhard Riemann’s paper on Fourier series 2024 Wilfried Schmid
+ PDF Chat Lie Theory, from Lie to Borel and Weil 2020 Wilfried Schmid
+ PDF Chat Geometric Constructions of Representations 2018 Wilfried Schmid
+ Hodge theory and unitary representations, in the example of $\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{R})$ 2015 Wilfried Schmid
Kari Vilonen
+ Hodge theory and unitary representations 2015 Wilfried Schmid
Kari Vilonen
+ Hodge theory and unitary representations, in the example of $\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{R})$ 2015 Wilfried Schmid
Kari Vilonen
+ On the rapid decay of cuspidal automorphic forms 2012 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ Hodge theory and unitary representations of reductive Lie groups 2012 Wilfried Schmid
Kari Vilonen
+ PDF Chat The archimedean theory of the exterior square $L$-functions over $\mathbb{Q}$ 2011 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ The archimedean theory of the Exterior Square L-functions over Q 2011 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ PDF Chat Pairings of automorphic distributions 2011 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ Pairings of automorphic distributions 2011 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ On the rapid decay of cuspidal automorphic forms 2011 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ PDF Chat Adelization of automorphic distributions and mirabolic Eisenstein series 2011 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ The archimedean theory of the Exterior Square L-functions over Q 2011 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ On the rapid decay of cuspidal automorphic forms 2011 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ Adelization of Automorphic Distributions and Mirabolic Eisenstein Series 2011 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ Pairings of automorphic distributions 2011 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ Jacquet Modules for Real Reductive Groups 2010 W. Casselman
Dragan Miličić
Henryk Hecht
Wilfried Schmid
+ A general Voronoi summation formula for GL(n,Z) 2009 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ Singular unitary representations and indefinite harmonic theory 2008 Wilfried Schmid
+ Representation Theory of Real Reductive Lie Groups 2008 James Arthur
Wilfried Schmid
Peter E. Trapa
+ The Major Topics of School Algebra 2008 Wilfried Schmid
Hsin‐Kai Wu
+ Representation theory of real reductive Lie groups : AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, June 4-8, 2006, Snowbird, Utah 2008 James Arthur
Wilfried Schmid
Peter E. Trapa
+ PDF Chat The Rankin–Selberg Method for Automorphic Distributions 2007 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms 2007 Toshiyuki Kobayashi
Wilfried Schmid
Jae-Hyun Yang
+ PDF Chat Automorphic distributions, L-functions, and Voronoi summation for GL(3) 2006 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ The Rankin-Selberg method for automorphic distributions 2006 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ Distributions and analytic continuation of Dirichlet series 2004 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ PDF Chat The Highly Oscillatory Behavior of Automorphic Distributions for SL(2) 2004 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ Summation formulas, from Poisson and Voronoi to the present 2004 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ Geometric Methods in Representation Theory 2004 Wilfried Schmid
+ Automorphic Distributions, L-functions, and Voronoi Summation for GL(3) 2004 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ On the geometry of nilpotent orbits 2004 Wilfried Schmid
Kari Vilonen
+ Distributions and Analytic Continuation of Dirichlet Series 2004 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ Summation Formulas, from Poisson and Voronoi to the Present 2003 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of nilpotent orbits 2002 Wilfried Schmid
Kari Vilonen
+ Mathematics Unlimited — 2001 and Beyond 2001 Björn Engquist
Wilfried Schmid
+ PDF Chat Characteristic Cycles and Wave Front Cycles of Representations of Reductive Lie Groups 2000 Wilfried Schmid
Kari Vilonen
+ Characteristic cycles and wave front cycles of representations of reductive Lie groups 2000 Wilfried Schmid
Kari Vilonen
+ Characteristic cycles and wave front cycles of representations of reductive Lie groups 2000 Wilfried Schmid
Kari Vilonen
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of nilpotent orbits 1999 Wilfried Schmid
Kari Vilonen
+ PDF Chat Two geometric character formulas for reductive Lie groups 1998 Wilfried Schmid
Kari Vilonen
+ Two geometric character formulas for reductive Lie groups 1998 Wilfried Schmid
Kari Vilonen
+ Characteristic cycles of constructible sheaves 1996 Wilfried Schmid
Kari Vilonen
+ Characters, characteristic cycles, and nilpotent orbits 1995 Kari Vilonen
Wilfried Schmid
+ Quasi-Equivariant D-Modules, Equivariant Derived Category, and Representations of Reductive Lie Groups 1994 Masaki Kashiwara
Wilfried Schmid
+ Weyl Group Actions on Lagrangian Cycles and Rossmann’s Formula 1994 Wilfried Schmid
Kari Vilonen
+ Weyl group actions on Lagrangian cycles and Rossmann's formula: Noncompact Lie groups and some of their applications 1994 Kari Vilonen
Wilfried Schmid
+ Analytic and Geometric Realization of Representations 1992 Wilfried Schmid
+ Construction and Classification of Irreducible Harish—Chandra Modules 1991 Wilfried Schmid
+ Geometric quantization and derived functor modules for semisimple Lie groups 1990 Wilfried Schmid
Joseph A. Wolf
+ Homogeneous complex manifolds and representations of semisimple Lie groups 1989 Wilfried Schmid
+ Representations of reductive lie groups 1988 David A. Vogan
Wilfried Schmid
+ PDF Chat Geometric Constructions of Representations 1988 Wilfried Schmid
+ L 2 and intersection cohomologies for a polarizable variation of Hodge structure 1987 Eduardo Cattani
Aroldo Kaplan
Wilfried Schmid
+ Localization and standard modules for real semisimple Lie groups I: The duality theorem 1987 Henryk Hecht
Dragan Miličić
Wilfried Schmid
Joseph A. Wolf
+ Variations of polarized hodge structure: Asymptotics and monodromy 1987 Eduardo Cattani
Aroldo Kaplan
Wilfried Schmid
+ Some remarks on L2 and intersection cohomologies 1987 Eduardo Cattani
Aroldo Kaplan
Wilfried Schmid
+ Degeneration of Hodge Structures 1986 Eduardo Cattani
Aroldo Kaplan
Wilfried Schmid
+ Recent developments in representation theory 1985 Wilfried Schmid
+ PDF Chat A Vanishing Theorem for Open Orbits on Complex Flag Manifolds 1984 Wilfried Schmid
Joseph A. Wolf
+ PDF Chat The Equivariant Dolbeault Lemma 1984 Wilfried Schmid
Joseph A. Wolf
+ PDF Chat A vanishing theorem for open orbits on complex flag manifolds 1984 Wilfried Schmid
Joseph A. Wolf
+ PDF Chat The equivariant Dolbeault lemma 1984 Wilfried Schmid
Joseph A. Wolf
+ On the asymptotics of Harish-Chandra modules. 1983 Wilfried Schmid
Henryk Hecht
+ Singular unitary representations and indefinite harmonic theory 1983 John Rawnsley
Wilfried Schmid
Joseph A. Wolf
+ PDF Chat Characters, asymptotics and ν-homology of Harish-Chandra modules 1983 Henryk Hecht
Wilfried Schmid
+ Poincaré and Lie groups 1983 Wilfried Schmid
+ PDF Chat Poincaré and Lie groups 1982 Wilfried Schmid
+ Vanishing theorems for lie algebra cohomology and the cohomology of discrete subgroups of semisimple lie groups 1981 Wilfried Schmid
+ Representations of semi-simple Lie groups 1980 Wilfried Schmid
+ Erratum to the Paper: A Geometric Construction of the Discrete Series for Semisimple Lie Groups 1980 Michael Atiyah
Wilfried Schmid
+ PDF Chat A geometric construction of the discrete series for semisimple Lie groups 1979 Michael Atiyah
Wilfried Schmid
+ A geometric construction of the discrete series for semisimple Lie groups 1977 Michael Atiyah
Wilfried Schmid
+ A Geometric Construction of the Discrete Series for Semisimple Lie Groups 1977 Michael Atiyah
Wilfried Schmid
+ On integrable representations of a semisimple lie group 1976 Henryk Hecht
Wilfried Schmid
+ A proof of Blattner's conjecture 1976 Henryk Hecht
Wilfried Schmid
+ L 2 -Cohomology and the Discrete Series 1976 Wilfried Schmid
+ Some Properties of Square-Integrable Representations of Semisimple Lie Groups 1975 Wilfried Schmid
+ On the characters of the discrete series 1975 Wilfried Schmid
+ Some remarks about the discrete series characters of Sp(n,R) 1975 Wilfried Schmid
+ Abbildungen in arithmetische Quotienten hermitesch symmetrischer Räume 1974 Wilfried Schmid
+ Variation of hodge structure: The singularities of the period mapping 1973 Wilfried Schmid
+ On a Conjecture of Langlands 1971 Wilfried Schmid
+ Die Randwerte holomorpher Funktionen auf hermitesch symmetrischen R�umen 1969 Wilfried Schmid
+ PDF Chat Locally homogeneous complex manifolds 1969 Phillip Griffiths
Wilfried Schmid
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Asymptotic expansions of generalized matrix entries of representations of real reductive groups 1983 Nolan R. Wallach
+ PDF Chat Discrete series for semisimple Lie groups I: Construction of invariant eigendistributions 1965 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ PDF Chat Canonical Extensions of Harish-Chandra Modules to Representations of <i>G</i> 1989 W. Casselman
+ PDF Chat Discrete series for semisimple Lie groups. II: Explicit determination of the characters 1966 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ L 2 -Cohomology and the Discrete Series 1976 Wilfried Schmid
+ The action of a real semisimple Lie group on a complex flag manifold. II. Unitary representations on partially holomorphic cohomology spaces 1974 Joseph A. Wolf
+ Some Properties of Square-Integrable Representations of Semisimple Lie Groups 1975 Wilfried Schmid
+ PDF Chat The characters of semisimple Lie groups 1956 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ On a Conjecture of Langlands 1971 Wilfried Schmid
+ Localization and standard modules for real semisimple Lie groups I: The duality theorem 1987 Henryk Hecht
Dragan Miličić
Wilfried Schmid
Joseph A. Wolf
+ A Generalization of Casselman’s Submodule Theorem 1983 Alexander Beilinson
Joseph Bernstein
+ PDF Chat The Dimension of Spaces of Automorphic Forms 1963 R. P. Langlands
+ PDF Chat Invariant eigendistributions on a semisimple Lie group 1965 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ Jacquet Modules for Real Reductive Groups 2010 W. Casselman
Dragan Miličić
Henryk Hecht
Wilfried Schmid
+ Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces 2001 Sigurđur Helgason
+ Representations of Real Reductive Lie Groups 1981 David A. Vogan
+ Distributions and analytic continuation of Dirichlet series 2004 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ PDF Chat Representations of a semisimple Lie group on a Banach space. I 1953 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ PDF Chat Representations of Semisimple Lie Groups, V 1956 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ PDF Chat Dimension of spaces of automorphic forms 1966 R. P. Langlands
+ Differential Geometry and Symmetric Spaces 2001 Sigurđur Helgason
+ Homogeneous Vector Bundles 1957 Raoul Bott
+ On the classification of irreducible representations of real algebraic groups 1989 R. P. Langlands
+ Dirac Operator and the Discrete Series 1972 R. Parthasarathy
+ Gelfand-Kirillov dimension for Harish-Chandra modules 1978 David A. Vogan
+ An Analogue of the Borel-Weil-Bott Theorem for Hermitian Symmetric Pairs of Non-Compact Type 1970 M. S. Narasimhan
K. Okamoto
+ PDF Chat The orbits of affine symmetric spaces under the action of minimal parabolic subgroups 1979 Toshihiko Matsuki
+ Geometric quantization and derived functor modules for semisimple Lie groups 1990 Wilfried Schmid
Joseph A. Wolf
+ Lie Algebra Cohomology and the Generalized Borel-Weil Theorem 2009 Bertram Kostant
+ PDF Chat Locally homogeneous complex manifolds 1969 Phillip Griffiths
Wilfried Schmid
+ PDF Chat On some applications of the universal enveloping algebra of a semisimple Lie algebra 1951 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ Asymptotic behaviour of matrix coefficients of the discrete series 1977 Dragan Miličić
+ Lie Algebra Cohomology and the Generalized Borel-Weil Theorem 1961 Bertram Kostant
+ PDF Chat Automorphic Forms on GL (2) 1970 H. Jacquet
R. P. Langlands
+ PDF Chat Equivariant Sheaves and Functors 1994 Joseph Bernstein
Valery A. Lunts
+ A property of the characters of irreducible representations of real semisimple Lie groups 1975 A. I. Fomin
N. N. Shapovalov
+ Compact Clifford-Klein forms of symmetric spaces 1963 Armand Borel
+ Matsuki correspondence for sheaves 1992 I. Mirkovi
Tohru Uzawa
Kari Vilonen
+ The Algebraic Structure of the Representations of Semisimple Lie Groups I 1979 David A. Vogan
+ Variation of hodge structure: The singularities of the period mapping 1973 Wilfried Schmid
+ The Principal Three-Dimensional Subgroup and the Betti Numbers of a Complex Simple Lie Group 2009 Bertram Kostant
+ PDF Chat Representations of semisimple Lie groups. II 1954 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ Summation formulas, from Poisson and Voronoi to the present 2004 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ A proof of Blattner's conjecture 1976 Henryk Hecht
Wilfried Schmid
+ Topics in Classical Automorphic Forms 1997 Henryk Iwaniec
+ PDF Chat The Riemann-Hilbert Problem for Holonomic Systems 1984 Masaki Kashiwara
+ Topological vector spaces, distributions and kernels 2006 François Trèves
+ PDF Chat Adelization of automorphic distributions and mirabolic Eisenstein series 2011 Stephen D. Miller
Wilfried Schmid
+ PDF Chat Zeta Functions of Simple Algebras 1972 Roger Godement
Hervé Jacquet