David W. Rosen


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Multi-Irreducible Spectral Synchronization for Robust Rotation Averaging 2023 Owen Howell
Haoen Huang
David W. Rosen
+ PDF Chat Graph Neural Network Based Surrogate Model of Physics Simulations for Geometry Design 2022 Jian Cheng Wong
Chin Chun Ooi
Joyjit Chattoraj
Lucas Lestandi
Guoying Dong
Umesh Kizhakkinan
David W. Rosen
Mark Hyunpong Jhon
My Ha Dao
+ Rotation Invariant Convolutions for 3D Point Clouds Deep Learning 2019 Zhiyuan Zhang
Binh‐Son Hua
David W. Rosen
Sai-Kit Yeung
+ Rotation Invariant Convolutions for 3D Point Clouds Deep Learning 2019 Zhiyuan Zhang
Binh‐Son Hua
David W. Rosen
Sai-Kit Yeung
+ Lagrangian Duality in 3D SLAM: Verification Techniques and Optimal Solutions 2015 Luca Carlone
David W. Rosen
Giuseppe C. Calafiore
John Leonard
Frank Dellaert
+ Continued fraction representations of units associated with certain Hecke groups 2001 David W. Rosen
Christopher Towse
+ Multiplier systems for the Hecke groups 𝐺(√2) and 𝐺(√3) 1993 David W. Rosen
+ PDF Chat Hecke groups and continued fractions 1992 David W. Rosen
Thomas Schmidt
+ Introduction to Probability. 1988 David W. Rosen
John B. Thomas
+ The substitutions of the Hecke group?(2cos?/5) 1986 David W. Rosen
+ PDF Chat The Diophantine equation<i>ax</i>+<i>by</i>=<i>c</i>in<i>Q</i>(√5) and other number fields 1985 David W. Rosen
+ A Continued Fraction Algorithm for Approximating All Real Polynomial Roots 1978 David W. Rosen
Jeffrey Shallit
+ Continued Fractions in Algebraic Number Fields 1977 David W. Rosen
+ Continued Fractions in Algebraic Number Fields 1977 David W. Rosen
+ Probability and calculus 1971 Edgar Raymond Mullins
David W. Rosen
+ PDF Chat An arithmetic characterization of the parabolic points of <i>G</i>(2cos π/5) 1963 David W. Rosen
+ A note on the behavior of certain automorphic functions and forms near the real axis 1958 David W. Rosen
+ A class of continued fractions associated with certain properly discontinuous groups 1954 David W. Rosen
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A class of continued fractions associated with certain properly discontinuous groups 1954 David W. Rosen
+ �ber die Heckeschen GruppenG(?)II 1974 Armin Leutbecher
+ Über die Heckeschen Gruppen B(λ) 1967 Armin Leutbecher
+ PDF Chat An arithmetic characterization of the parabolic points of <i>G</i>(2cos π/5) 1963 David W. Rosen
+ The substitutions of the Hecke group?(2cos?/5) 1986 David W. Rosen
+ PDF Chat Multi-view Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Shape Recognition 2015 Hang Su
Subhransu Maji
Evangelos Kalogerakis
Erik Learned-Miller
+ Konstruktion der Modulformen und der zu gewissen Grenzkreisgruppen gehörigen automorphen Formen von positiver reeller Dimension und die vollständige Bestimmung ihrer Fourierkoeffizienten 1950 Hans Petersson
+ PDF Chat 3D ShapeNets: A deep representation for volumetric shapes 2015 Zhirong Wu
Shuran Song
Aditya Khosla
Fisher Yu
Linguang Zhang
Xiaoou Tang
Jianxiong Xiao
+ PDF Chat Ergodic continuous skew product actions of amenable groups 1985 Mahesh Nerurkar
+ PDF Chat On the embedding of subalgebras corresponding to quotient actions in group-measure factors 1985 Judith Packer
+ PDF Chat The local Hurwitz constant and Diophantine approximation on Hecke groups 1990 Joseph Lehner
+ Über die Bestimmung Dirichletscher Reihen durch ihre Funktionalgleichung 1936 E. Hecke
+ PDF Chat A general local ergodic theorem in<i>L</i><sub>1</sub> 1985 M. A. Akcoglu
M. Falkowitz
+ PDF Chat A maximal function characterization of a class of Hardy spaces 1985 Robyn Owens
+ PDF Chat Zero sets of interpolating Blaschke products 1985 Kei Ji Izuchi
+ PDF Chat Point spectrum of ergodic abelian group actions and the corresponding group-measure factors 1985 Judith Packer
+ PDF Chat On the location of zeroes of oscillatory solutions of<i>y</i><sup>(<i>n</i>)</sup>=<i>c</i>(<i>x</i>)<i>y</i> 1985 Harry Gingold
+ A Short Course in Automorphic Functions. 1968 Albert Marden
Joseph Lehner
+ PDF Chat A Geometrical Proof of a Theorem of Hurwitz 1916 Lester R. Ford
+ PDF Chat Cardinality constraints for pseudocompact and for totally dense subgroups of compact topological groups 1985 W. W. Comfort
Lewis C. Robertson
+ PDF Chat Diophantine approximation on Hecke groups 1985 Joseph Lehner
+ Length spectra of the Hecke triangle groups 1995 Thomas A. Schmidt
Mark Sheingorn
+ PDF Chat Gel’fand theory in algebras of differentiable functions on Banach spaces 1985 Jośe E. Galé
+ PDF Chat On automorphic groups whose coefficients are integers in a quadratic field 1906 J. I. Hutchinson
+ The Hurwitz Constant and Diophantine Approximation on Hecke Groups 1986 Andrew Haas
Caroline Series
+ Eine Bemerkung zur Hecke-GruppeG(λ) 1973 Walter Borho
Gerhard Rosenberger
+ PDF Chat Random permutations and Brownian motion 1985 J.M. DeLaurentis
Boris Pittel
+ An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. 1961 W. J. LeVeque
Ivan Niven
Herbert S. Zuckerman
+ PDF Chat Geodesic flows, interval maps, and symbolic dynamics 1991 Roy L. Adler
Leopold Flatto
+ PDF Chat The bigger Brauer group and étale cohomology 1985 Iain Raeburn
Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat An introduction to the theory of numbers 1960 G. H. Hardy
+ On Horocyclic Groups 1954 R. A. Rankin
+ Eine Bemerkung �ber Heckes Modulgruppen 1977 J�rgen Wolfart
+ On the Metrical Transitivity of the Geodesics on Closed Surfaces of Constant Negative Curvature 1934 Gustav A. Hedlund
+ Algebra Part 2 1889 George Chrystal
+ The Modular Surface and Continued Fractions 1985 Caroline Series
+ FPNN: Field Probing Neural Networks for 3D Data 2016 Yangyan Li
Sören Pirk
Hao Su
Charles R. Qi
Leonidas Guibas
+ An introduction to continued fractions 1986 A. J. van der Poorten
+ PDF Chat OctNet: Learning Deep 3D Representations at High Resolutions 2017 Gernot Riegler
Ali Osman Ulusoy
Andreas Geiger
+ PDF Chat Geometric Deep Learning: Going beyond Euclidean data 2017 Michael M. Bronstein
Joan Bruna
Yann LeCun
Arthur Szlam
Pierre Vandergheynst
+ PDF Chat PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation 2017 Raffaelli Charles
Hao Su
Kaichun Mo
Leonidas Guibas
+ PDF Chat 3DMatch: Learning Local Geometric Descriptors from RGB-D Reconstructions 2017 Andy Zeng
Shuran Song
Matthias Nießner
Matthew Fisher
Jianxiong Xiao
Thomas Funkhouser
+ PDF Chat ScanNet: Richly-Annotated 3D Reconstructions of Indoor Scenes 2017 Angela Dai
Anne Lynn S. Chang
Manolis Savva
Maciej Halber
Thomas Funkhouser
Matthias Nießner
+ Neural Message Passing for Quantum Chemistry 2017 Justin Gilmer
Samuel S. Schoenholz
Patrick Riley
Oriol Vinyals
George E. Dahl
+ Point-wise Convolutional Neural Network 2017 Binh‐Son Hua
Minh-Khoi Tran
Sai-Kit Yeung
+ PDF Chat AtlasNet: A Papier-Mâché Approach to Learning 3D Surface Generation 2018 Thibault Groueix
Matthew Fisher
Vladimir G. Kim
Bryan Russell
Mathieu Aubry
+ PDF Chat Learning SO(3) Equivariant Representations with Spherical CNNs 2018 Carlos Esteves
Christine Allen-Blanchette
Ameesh Makadia
Kostas Daniilidis
+ PDF Chat FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-Encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 2018 Yaoqing Yang
Chen Feng
Yiru Shen
Dong Tian
+ PDF Chat Tangent Convolutions for Dense Prediction in 3D 2018 Maxim Tatarchenko
Jaesik Park
Vladlen Koltun
Qian-Yi Zhou
+ Relational inductive biases, deep learning, and graph networks 2018 Peter Battaglia
Jessica B. Hamrick
Victor Bapst
Álvaro Sánchez‐González
Vinícius Zambaldi
Mateusz Malinowski
Andrea Tacchetti
David Raposo
Adam Santoro
Ryan Faulkner