Alisa Sedunova


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Relative class numbers and Euler-Kronecker constants of maximal real cyclotomic subfields 2024 Neelam Kandhil
Alessandro Languasco
Pieter Moree
Sumaia Saad Eddin
Alisa Sedunova
+ PDF Chat The Kummer ratio of the relative class number for prime cyclotomic fields 2024 Neelam Kandhil
Alessandro Languasco
Pieter Moree
Sumaia Saad Eddin
Alisa Sedunova
+ The Kummer ratio of the relative class number for prime cyclotomic fields 2024 Neelam Kandhil
Alessandro Languasco
Pieter Moree
Sumaia Saad Eddin
Alisa Sedunova
+ PDF Chat The multiplication table constant and sums of two squares 2024 Andrew Granville
Alisa Sedunova
Cihan Sabuncu
+ PDF Chat A higher order Levin–Faĭnleĭb theorem 2023 Olivier Ramaré
Alisa Sedunova
Ritika Sharma
+ The multiplication table constant and sums of two squares 2023 Andrew Granville
Cihan Sabuncu
Alisa Sedunova
+ PDF Chat A Higher Order Levin-Fainleib Theorem 2022 Olivier Ramaré
Alisa Sedunova
Ritika Sharma
+ A higher order Levin-Feinleib theorem 2022 Olivier Ramaré
Alisa Sedunova
Ritika Sharma
+ PDF Chat Intersections of binary quadratic forms in primes and the paucity phenomenon 2021 Alisa Sedunova
+ Intersections of binary quadratic forms in primes and the paucity phenomenon. 2021 Alisa Sedunova
+ Intersections of binary quadratic forms in primes] Intersections of binary quadratic forms in primes and the paucity phenomenon 2021 Alisa Sedunova
+ Intersections of binary quadratic forms in primes and the paucity phenomenon 2021 Alisa Sedunova
+ Jordan totient quotients 2019 Pieter Moree
Sumaia Saad Eddin
Alisa Sedunova
Yuta Suzuki
+ Computation of the Kummer ratio of the class number for prime cyclotomic fields 2019 Alessandro Languasco
Pieter Moree
Sumaia Saad Eddin
Alisa Sedunova
+ PDF Chat A logarithmic improvement in the Bombieri–Vinogradov theorem 2019 Alisa Sedunova
+ PDF Chat Constrained ternary integers 2018 Florian Luca
Pieter Moree
Robert Osburn
Sumaia Saad Eddin
Alisa Sedunova
+ PDF Chat A partial Bombieri–Vinogradov theorem with explicit constants 2018 Alisa Sedunova
+ A computational history of prime numbers and Riemann zeros 2018 Pieter Moree
Izabela Petrykiewicz
Alisa Sedunova
+ Jordan totient quotients 2018 Pieter Moree
Sumaia Saad Eddin
Alisa Sedunova
Yuta Suzuki
+ Bounds for the integral points on elliptic curves over function fields 2017 Alisa Sedunova
+ PDF Chat Points on algebraic curves over function fields, primes in arithmetic progressions : beyond Bombieri-Pila and Bombieri-Vinogradov theorems 2017 Alisa Sedunova
+ Points sur les courbes algébriques sur les corps de fonctions, les nombres premiers dans les progressions arithmétiques : au-delà des théorèmes de Bombieri-Pila et de Bombieri-Vinogradov 2017 Alisa Sedunova
+ A logarithmic improvement in the Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem 2017 Alisa Sedunova
+ PDF Chat On the Bombieri–Pila method over function fields 2017 Alisa Sedunova
+ A logarithmic improvement in the Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem 2017 Alisa Sedunova
+ Bounds for the integral points on elliptic curves over function fields 2017 Alisa Sedunova
+ Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem with explicit constants 2016 Alisa Sedunova
+ A variant of Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem with explicit constants 2016 Alisa Sedunova
+ A variant of Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem with explicit constants 2016 Alisa Sedunova
+ PDF Chat On the asymptotic formulae for some multiplicative functions in short intervals 2015 Alisa Sedunova
+ Mean values of some multiplicative functions 2015 Alisa Sedunova
+ On the Bombieri-Pila Method Over Function Fields 2015 Alisa Sedunova
+ PDF Chat Mean Values of Some Multiplicative Functions 2015 Alisa Sedunova
+ On the mean values of some multiplicative functions on the short interval 2013 Alisa Sedunova
+ On the asymptotic formulae for some multiplicative functions in short intervals 2013 Alisa Sedunova
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1987 E. C. Titchmarsh
D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ PDF Chat A variant of the Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem with explicit constants and applications 2014 Amir Akbary
Kyle Hambrook
+ PDF Chat The analytic principle of the large sieve 1978 Hugh L. Montgomery
+ On the difference between consecutive primes 1971 M. N. Huxley
+ Sur une somme liée à la fonction de Möbius. 1983 F. Drerss
Gershon Tenenbaum
Henryk Iwaniec
+ Proofs of Some Formulae Enunciated by Ramanujan 1923 Benjamin Wilson
+ Arithmetical Aspects of the Large Sieve Inequality 2009 Olivier Ramaré
+ Daniel’s Twists of Hooley’s Delta Function 2011 Jörg Brüdern
+ On the Number of Primes in an Arithmetic Progression 1935 Aurel Page
+ Exponential sums and the Riemann zeta function v 2004 M. N. Huxley
+ PDF Chat On the representation of a number as the sum of two squares and a prime 1957 C. Hooley
+ PDF Chat The Density of Rational Points on Curves and Surfaces 2002 D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ PDF Chat A binary quadratic Titchmarsh divisor problem 2020 Junxian Li
+ On the representation of a number as the sum of a prime and two squares of square-free numbers 2018 C. Hooley
+ On the sum of a square and a square of a prime 2001 Stephan Daniel
+ The number of integral points on arcs and ovals 1989 Enrico Bombieri
Jonathan Pila
+ The Riemann Zeta-Function 1992 A. A. Karatsuba
Сергей Воронин
+ The ternary Goldbach problem 2015 H. A. Helfgott
+ The arithmetic mean of the divisors of an integer 1981 Paul T. Bateman
Paul Erdös
Carl Pomerance
E. G. Straus
+ An Introduction to Sieve Methods and Their Applications 2005 Alina Carmen Cojocaru
M. Ram Murty
+ PDF Chat Coefficients and higher order derivatives of cyclotomic polynomials: Old and new 2020 Andrés Herrera-Poyatos
Pieter Moree
+ PDF Chat Cyclotomic polynomials at roots of unity 2018 Bartłomiej Bzdęga
Andrés Herrera-Poyatos
Pieter Moree
+ PDF Chat The Dirichlet series of $ζ(s)ζ^α(s+1)f(s+1)$: On an error term associated with its coefficients 1996 U. Balakrishnan
Y.-F. S. Pétermann
+ Approximation of singular series and automata 2000 Pieter Moree
+ Basic Analytic Number Theory 1993 Anatolij A. Karatsuba
Melvyn B. Nathanson
+ What is ⋯ the schwarzian derivative? 2009 Valentin Ovsienko
Serge Tabachnikov
+ Analytic Number Theory 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Analytic Number Theory 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ An effective Bombieri–Vinogradov theorem and its applications 2017 H.-Q. Liu
+ Elements of number theory 1954 Ivan Matveevich Vinogradov
Saul Kravetz
+ Prime paucity for sums of two squares 2008 Valentin Blomer
Jörg Brüdern
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Analytic Number Theory 1976 Tom M. Apostol
+ Handbuch der Lehre von der Verteilung der Primzahlen 1911 Edmund Landau
+ The ternary Goldbach problem 2014 H. A. Helfgott
+ PDF Chat On an estimate of Walfisz and Saltykov for an error term related to the Euler function 1998 Y.-F. S. Pétermann
+ PDF Chat Primality testing with Gaussian periods 2019 Hendrik W. Lenstra
Carl Pomerance
+ An Extremal Problem 1967 J. Neuringer
D. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat On a generalization of the Euler totient function 2012 Jerzy Kaczorowski
+ Mean Value Theorems in Prime Number Theory 1975 R. C. Vaughan
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the Pólya–Vinogradov Inequality 2011 Carl Pomerance
+ On Another Sieve Method and the Numbers that are a Sum of Two <i>h</i> th Powers 1981 C. Hooley
+ The number of lattice points on a convex curve 1974 H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer
+ A generalization of the Pólya–Vinogradov inequality 2013 Dmitry Frolenkov
K. Soundararajan
+ Classical Theory of Arithmetic Functions 2018 R. Sivaramakrishnan
+ PDF Chat Explicit estimates on several summatory functions involving the Moebius function 2014 Olivier Ramaré
+ Exponential Sums and Lattice Points III 2003 M. N. Huxley
+ Computation of the first factor of the class number of cyclotomic fields 1992 Gilbert Fung
Andrew Granville
Hugh C. Williams
+ Points on curves in small boxes and applications 2014 Mei-Chu Chang
Javier Cilleruelo
Moubariz Z. Garaev
J. Loreto Hernández
Igor E. Shparlinski
Igor E. Shparlinski
Ana Zumalacárregui
+ Discrete Fourier transforms when the number of data samples is prime 1968 Charles M. Rader
+ An introduction to sieve methods and their applications 2006 Alina Cojocaru
M. Ram Murty