J. Deasy


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Fine-tuning Protein Language Models with Deep Mutational Scanning improves Variant Effect Prediction 2024 Aleix Lafita
Ferran Gonzalez Hernandez
Mahmoud Hossam
Paul Smyth
J. Deasy
Ari Allyn-Feuer
Daniel D. Seaton
Stephen G. Young
+ Generalising sequence models for epigenome predictions with tissue and assay embeddings 2023 J. Deasy
Ron Schweßinger
Ferran Gonzalez Hernandez
Stephen L. Young
Kim Branson
+ Heavy-tailed denoising score matching 2021 J. Deasy
Nikola Simidjievski
Píetro Lió
+ The r-Hunter–Saxton equation, smooth and singular solutions and their approximation 2020 Colin J. Cotter
J. Deasy
Tristan Pryer
+ Constraining Variational Inference with Geometric Jensen-Shannon Divergence 2020 J. Deasy
Nikola Simidjievski
Píetro Lió
+ Adaptive Prediction Timing for Electronic Health Records. 2020 J. Deasy
Ari Ercole
Píetro Lió
+ Constraining Variational Inference with Geometric Jensen-Shannon Divergence 2020 J. Deasy
Nikola Simidjievski
Píetro Lió
+ Constraining Variational Inference with Geometric Jensen-Shannon Divergence 2020 J. Deasy
Nikola Simidjievski
Píetro Lió
+ Adaptive Prediction Timing for Electronic Health Records 2020 J. Deasy
Ari Ercole
Píetro Lió
+ Dynamic survival prediction in intensive care units from heterogeneous time series without the need for variable selection or pre-processing 2019 J. Deasy
Píetro Lió
Ari Ercole
+ Impact of novel aggregation methods for flexible, time-sensitive EHR prediction without variable selection or cleaning 2019 J. Deasy
Ari Ercole
Píetro Lió
+ Dynamic survival prediction in intensive care units from heterogeneous time series without the need for variable selection or pre-processing 2019 J. Deasy
Píetro Lió
Ari Ercole
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Scalable and accurate deep learning with electronic health records 2018 Alvin Rajkomar
Eyal Oren
Kai Chen
Andrew M. Dai
Nissan Hajaj
Michaela Hardt
Peter J. Liu
Xiaobing Liu
Jake Marcus
Mimi Sun
+ PDF Chat Recurrent Neural Networks for Multivariate Time Series with Missing Values 2018 Zhengping Che
Sanjay Purushotham
Kyunghyun Cho
David Sontag
Yan Liu
+ Dynamic survival prediction in intensive care units from heterogeneous time series without the need for variable selection or pre-processing 2019 J. Deasy
Píetro Lió
Ari Ercole
+ PDF Chat Multitask learning and benchmarking with clinical time series data 2019 Hrayr Harutyunyan
Hrant Khachatrian
David C. Kale
Greg Ver Steeg
Aram Galstyan
+ Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization 2014 Diederik P. Kingma
Jimmy Ba
+ Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning 2007 Christopher Bishop
+ MADE: Masked Autoencoder for Distribution Estimation 2015 Mathieu Germain
Karol Gregor
Iain Murray
Hugo Larochelle
+ Momentum maps and measure-valued solutions (peakons, filaments, and sheets) for the EPDiff equation 2007 Darryl D. Holm
Jerrold E. Marsden
+ PDF Chat On the numerical approximation of $$\infty $$ ∞ -harmonic mappings 2016 Nikos Katzourakis
Tristan Pryer
+ On the finite element approximation of infinity-harmonic functions 2015 Tristan Pryer
+ PDF Chat Homogeneous Sobolev Metric of Order One on Diffeomorphism Groups on Real Line 2014 Martin Bauer
Martins Bruveris
Peter W. Michor
+ PDF Chat Continuous and Discrete Clebsch Variational Principles 2007 Colin J. Cotter
Darryl D. Holm
+ On a nonlinear hyperbolic variational equation: I. Global existence of weak solutions 1995 John K. Hunter
Yuxi Zheng
+ An Introduction to the Bootstrap 1994 Bradley Efron
Robert Tibshirani
+ The Hunter–Saxton equation describes the geodesic flow on a sphere 2007 Jonatan Lenells
+ The Hunter–Saxton Equation: A Geometric Approach 2008 Jonatan Lenells
+ PDF Chat Global Solutions of the Hunter--Saxton Equation 2005 Alberto Bressan
Adrian Constantin
+ PDF Chat Clebsch optimal control formulation in mechanics 2011 François Gay‐Balmaz
Tudor S. Raţiu
+ PDF Chat Orientation waves in a director field with rotational inertia 2009 Giuseppe Alı̀
John K. Hunter
+ Geodesic Shooting for Computational Anatomy 2006 Michael I. Miller
Alain Trouvé
Laurent Younès
+ On a completely integrable nonlinear hyperbolic variational equation 1994 John K. Hunter
Yuxi Zheng
+ Dynamics of Director Fields 1991 John K. Hunter
Ralph Saxton
+ On a nonlinear hyperbolic variational equation: II. The zero-viscosity and dispersion limits 1995 John K. Hunter
Yuxi Zheng
+ Euler equations on homogeneous spaces and Virasoro orbits 2003 Boris Khesin
Gerard Misiołek
+ PDF Chat The Camassa–Holm equation as a geodesic flow on the diffeomorphism group 1999 Shinar Kouranbaeva
+ Statistical exponential families: A digest with flash cards 2009 Frank Nielsen
Vincent Garcia
+ Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder–Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation 2014 Kyunghyun Cho
Bart van Merriënboer
Çaǧlar Gülçehre
Dzmitry Bahdanau
Fethi Bougares
Holger Schwenk
Yoshua Bengio
+ The Euler–Poincaré Equations and Semidirect Products with Applications to Continuum Theories 1998 Darryl D. Holm
Jerrold E. Marsden
Tudor S. Raţiu
+ PDF Chat Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision 2016 Christian Szegedy
Vincent Vanhoucke
Sergey Ioffe
Jon Shlens
Zbigniew Wojna
+ PDF Chat Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition 2016 Kaiming He
Xiangyu Zhang
Shaoqing Ren
Jian Sun
+ A kernel two-sample test 2012 Arthur Gretton
Karsten Borgwardt
Malte J. Rasch
Bernhard Schölkopf
Alexander J. Smola
+ Adaptive Computation Time for Recurrent Neural Networks 2016 Alex Graves
+ Rényi Divergence Variational Inference 2016 Yingzhen Li
Richard E. Turner
+ The Breadth of Symplectic and Poisson Geometry 2007 Jerrold E. Marsden
Tudor S. Raţiu
+ Convex Functions and Their Applications 2018 Constantin P. Niculescu
Lars‐Erik Persson
+ PDF Chat On the finite-element approximation of ∞-harmonic functions 2018 Tristan Pryer
+ PDF Chat Deep EHR: A Survey of Recent Advances in Deep Learning Techniques for Electronic Health Record (EHR) Analysis 2017 Benjamin Shickel
Patrick J. Tighe
Azra Bihorac
Parisa Rashidi
+ Fashion-MNIST: a Novel Image Dataset for Benchmarking Machine Learning Algorithms 2017 Xiao Han
Kashif Rasul
Roland Vollgraf
+ PDF Chat Second-order <i>L</i> <sup>∞</sup> variational problems and the ∞-polylaplacian 2018 Nikos Katzourakis
Tristan Pryer
+ Understanding disentangling in $β$-VAE 2018 Christopher Burgess
Irina Higgins
Arka Pal
Löıc Matthey
Nick Watters
Guillaume Desjardins
Alexander Lerchner
+ PDF Chat Generalized Bregman and Jensen divergences which include some f-divergences 2018 Tomohiro Nishiyama
+ Improving Explorability in Variational Inference with Annealed Variational Objectives 2018 Chin-Wei Huang
Shawn Tan
Alexandre Lacoste
Aaron Courville
+ PDF Chat A Lie symmetry analysis and explicit solutions of the two‐dimensional ∞‐Polylaplacian 2018 Georgios Papamikos
Tristan Pryer
+ Learning Representations of Missing Data for Predicting Patient Outcomes 2018 Brandon Malone
Alberto García-Durán
Mathias Niepert
+ Diagnosing and Enhancing VAE Models 2019 Bin Dai
David Wipf
+ Learning Hierarchical Representations of Electronic Health Records for Clinical Outcome Prediction 2019 Luchen Liu
Haoran Li
Zhiting Hu
Haoran Shi
Zichang Wang
Jian Tang
Ming Zhang
+ Interpretable Outcome Prediction with Sparse Bayesian Neural Networks in Intensive Care 2019 Anna-Lena Popkes
Hiske Overweg
Ari Ercole
Yingzhen Li
José Miguel Hernández-Lobato
Yordan Zaykov
Cheng Zhang
+ Weight Uncertainty in Neural Networks 2015 Charles Blundell
Julien Cornebise
Koray Kavukcuoglu
Daan Wierstra
+ Stochastic Backpropagation and Approximate Inference in Deep Generative Models 2014 Danilo Jimenez Rezende
Shakir Mohamed
Daan Wierstra
+ RETAIN: An Interpretable Predictive Model for Healthcare using Reverse Time Attention Mechanism 2016 Edward Choi
Mohammad Taha Bahadori
Jimeng Sun
Joshua A. Kulas
Andy Schuetz
Walter F. Stewart