Daniel Ahlberg


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Multi-colour competition with reinforcement 2024 Daniel Ahlberg
Carolina Fransson
+ PDF Chat Mean field stable matchings 2024 Daniel Ahlberg
Maria Deijfen
Matteo Sfragara
+ PDF Chat Annihilating Branching Brownian Motion 2024 Daniel Ahlberg
Omer Angel
Brett Kolesnik
+ PDF Chat From stability to chaos in last‐passage percolation 2023 Daniel Ahlberg
Maria Deijfen
Matteo Sfragara
+ Chaos, concentration and multiple valleys in first-passage percolation 2023 Daniel Ahlberg
Maria Deijfen
Matteo Sfragara
+ From stability to chaos in last-passage percolation 2023 Daniel Ahlberg
Maria Deijfen
Matteo Sfragara
+ Is 'being above the median' a noise sensitive property? 2023 Daniel Ahlberg
Daniel de la Riva
+ Annihilating branching Brownian motion 2023 Daniel Ahlberg
Omer Angel
Brett Kolesnik
+ Multi-colour competition with reinforcement 2022 Daniel Ahlberg
Carolina Fransson
+ The number of geodesics in planar first-passage percolation grows sublinearly 2022 Daniel Ahlberg
Jack Hanson
Christopher Hoffman
+ PDF Chat To fixate or not to fixate in two-type annihilating branching random walks 2021 Daniel Ahlberg
Simon Griffiths
Svante Janson
+ On the rate of convergence in quenched Voronoi percolation 2021 Daniel Ahlberg
Daniel de la Riva
Simon Griffiths
+ PDF Chat On the rate of convergence in quenched Voronoi percolation 2021 Daniel Ahlberg
Daniel de la Riva
Simon Griffiths
+ On the rate of convergence in quenched Voronoi percolation 2021 Daniel Ahlberg
Daniel de la Riva
Simon Griffiths
+ PDF Chat Existence and Coexistence in First-Passage Percolation 2020 Daniel Ahlberg
+ PDF Chat The two-type Richardson model in the half-plane 2020 Daniel Ahlberg
Maria Deijfen
Christopher Hoffman
+ PDF Chat Tertiles and the time constant 2020 Daniel Ahlberg
+ To fixate or not to fixate in two-type annihilating branching random walks 2020 Daniel Ahlberg
Simon Griffiths
Svante Janson
+ Existence and coexistence in first-passage percolation 2020 Daniel Ahlberg
+ To fixate or not to fixate in two-type annihilating branching random walks 2020 Daniel Ahlberg
Simon Griffiths
Svante Janson
+ PDF Chat Competing first passage percolation on random graphs with finite variance degrees 2019 Daniel Ahlberg
Maria Deijfen
Svante Janson
+ PDF Chat A temporal perspective on the rate of convergence in first-passage percolation under a moment condition 2019 Daniel Ahlberg
+ PDF Chat Gilbert's disc model with geostatistical marking 2018 Daniel Ahlberg
Johan Tykesson
+ The two-type Richardson model in the half-plane 2018 Daniel Ahlberg
Maria Deijfen
Christopher Hoffman
+ PDF Chat Competition in growth and urns 2018 Daniel Ahlberg
Simon Griffiths
Svante Janson
Robert Morris
+ Existence of an unbounded vacant set for subcritical continuum percolation 2018 Daniel Ahlberg
Vincent Tassion
Augusto Teixeira
+ Noise sensitivity and Voronoi percolation 2018 Daniel Ahlberg
Rangel Baldasso
+ The two-type Richardson model in the half-plane 2018 Daniel Ahlberg
Maria Deijfen
Christopher Hoffman
+ Sharpness of the phase transition for continuum percolation in $$\mathbb {R}^2$$ R 2 2017 Daniel Ahlberg
Vincent Tassion
Augusto Teixeira
+ Competing first passage percolation on random graphs with finite variance degrees 2017 Daniel Ahlberg
Maria Deijfen
Svante Janson
+ PDF Chat Scaling limits for the threshold window: When does a monotone Boolean function flip its outcome? 2017 Daniel Ahlberg
Jeffrey E. Steif
+ Existence of an unbounded vacant set for subcritical continuum percolation 2017 Daniel Ahlberg
Vincent Tassion
Augusto Teixeira
+ Competing first passage percolation on random graphs with finite variance degrees 2017 Daniel Ahlberg
Maria Deijfen
Svante Janson
+ Existence of an unbounded vacant set for subcritical continuum percolation 2017 Daniel Ahlberg
Vincent Tassion
Augusto Teixeira
+ Competition in growth and urns 2016 Daniel Ahlberg
Simon Griffiths
Svante Janson
Robert Morris
+ Random coalescing geodesics in first-passage percolation 2016 Daniel Ahlberg
Christopher Hoffman
+ Sharpness of the phase transition for continuum percolation in R^2 2016 Daniel Ahlberg
Vincent Tassion
Augusto Teixeira
+ Inhomogeneous first-passage percolation 2016 Daniel Ahlberg
Michael Damron
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ Random coalescing geodesics in first-passage percolation 2016 Daniel Ahlberg
Christopher Hoffman
+ Competition in growth and urns 2016 Daniel Ahlberg
Simon Griffiths
Svante Janson
Robert Morris
+ Quenched Voronoi percolation 2015 Daniel Ahlberg
Simon Griffiths
Robert Morris
Vincent Tassion
+ Seven-dimensional forest fires 2015 Daniel Ahlberg
Hugo Duminil‐Copin
Gady Kozma
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ A Hsu–Robbins–ErdƑs strong law in first-passage percolation 2015 Daniel Ahlberg
+ Asymptotics of First-Passage Percolation on One-Dimensional Graphs 2015 Daniel Ahlberg
+ Asymptotics of First-Passage Percolation on One-Dimensional Graphs 2015 Daniel Ahlberg
+ Quenched Voronoi percolation 2015 Daniel Ahlberg
Simon Griffiths
Robert Morris
Vincent Tassion
+ Quenched Voronoi percolation 2015 Daniel Ahlberg
Simon Griffiths
Robert Morris
Vincent Tassion
+ A temporal perspective on the rate of convergence in first-passage percolation under a moment condition 2014 Daniel Ahlberg
+ Scaling limits for the threshold window: When does a monotone Boolean function flip its outcome? 2014 Daniel Ahlberg
Jeffrey E. Steif
GĂĄbor Pete
+ PDF Chat Partially Observed Boolean Sequences and Noise Sensitivity 2014 Daniel Ahlberg
+ PDF Chat Noise sensitivity in continuum percolation 2014 Daniel Ahlberg
Erik I. Broman
Simon Griffiths
Robert Morris
+ PDF Chat Bernoulli and self-destructive percolation on non-amenable graphs 2014 Daniel Ahlberg
Vladas Sidoravičius
Johan Tykesson
+ A temporal perspective on the rate of convergence in first-passage percolation under a moment condition 2014 Daniel Ahlberg
+ Scaling limits for the threshold window: When does a monotone Boolean function flip its outcome? 2014 Daniel Ahlberg
Jeffrey E. Steif
GĂĄbor Pete
+ Inhomogeneous first-passage percolation 2013 Daniel Ahlberg
Michael Damron
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ PDF Chat Convergence Towards an Asymptotic Shape in First-Passage Percolation on Cone-Like Subgraphs of the Integer Lattice 2013 Daniel Ahlberg
+ Bernoulli and self-destructive percolation on non-amenable graphs 2013 Daniel Ahlberg
Vladas Sidoravičius
Johan Tykesson
+ Bernoulli and self-destructive percolation on non-amenable graphs 2013 Daniel Ahlberg
Vladas Sidoravičius
Johan Tykesson
+ Inhomogeneous first-passage percolation 2013 Daniel Ahlberg
Michael Damron
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ Asymptotics and dynamics in first-passage and continuum percolation 2011 Daniel Ahlberg
+ Noise Sensitivity in Continuum Percolation 2011 Daniel Ahlberg
Erik I. Broman
Simon Griffiths
Robert Morris
+ Asymptotics of first-passage percolation on 1-dimensional graphs 2011 Daniel Ahlberg
+ Noise Sensitivity in Continuum Percolation 2011 Daniel Ahlberg
Erik I. Broman
Simon Griffiths
Robert Morris
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The critical probability for random Voronoi percolation in the plane is 1/2 2005 BĂ©la BollobĂĄs
Oliver Riordan
+ The Ergodic Theory of Subadditive Stochastic Processes 1968 J. F. C. KingmĂĄn
+ PDF Chat Quantitative noise sensitivity and exceptional times for percolation 2010 Oded Schramm
Jeffrey E. Steif
+ PDF Chat The Fourier spectrum of critical percolation 2010 Christophe Garban
GĂĄbor Pete
Oded Schramm
+ Noise Sensitivity of Boolean Functions and Applications to Percolation 2011 Itaı Benjamini
Gn. Kalai
Oded Schramm
+ Random growth in a tessellation 1973 Daniel Richardson
+ PDF Chat The Russo-Seymour-Welsh Theorem and the Equality of Critical Densities and the "Dual" Critical Densities for Continuum Percolation on $|mathbb{R}^2$ 1990 R. Roy
+ PDF Chat Noise sensitivity of Boolean functions and applications to percolation 1999 Itaı Benjamini
Gil Kalai
Oded Schramm
+ PDF Chat Some Limit Theorems for Percolation Processes with Necessary and Sufficient Conditions 1981 J. Theodore Cox
Richard Durrett
+ PDF Chat Noise sensitivity in continuum percolation 2014 Daniel Ahlberg
Erik I. Broman
Simon Griffiths
Robert Morris
+ Noise Sensitivity of Boolean Functions and Percolation 2014 Christophe Garban
Jeffrey E. Steif
+ PDF Chat The RSW theorem for continuum percolation and the CLT for Euclidean minimal spanning trees 1996 Kenneth S. Alexander
+ PDF Chat Geodesics in first passage percolation 2008 Christopher Hoffman
+ PDF Chat First passage percolation and a model for competing spatial growth 1998 Olle HÀggström
Robin Pemantle
+ Crossing probabilities for Voronoi percolation 2016 Vincent Tassion
+ Random Plane Networks 1961 E. N. Gilbert
+ PDF Chat First-passage percolation, network flows and electrical resistances 1984 Geoffrey Grimmett
Harry Kesten
+ PDF Chat Coexistence for Richardson type competing spatial growth models 2005 Christopher Hoffman
+ Aspects of first passage percolation 2006 Harry Kesten
+ Percolation 2006 BĂ©la BollobĂĄs
Oliver Riordan
+ First-Passage Percolation, Subadditive Processes, Stochastic Networks, and Generalized Renewal Theory 1965 J. M. Hammersley
Dominic Welsh
+ A Hsu–Robbins–ErdƑs strong law in first-passage percolation 2015 Daniel Ahlberg
+ PDF Chat On Continuum Percolation 1985 Peter Hall
+ PDF Chat An approximate zero-one law 1982 Lucio Russo
+ PDF Chat A Survey of Dynamical Percolation 2009 Jeffrey E. Steif
+ PDF Chat Domination by product measures 1997 Thomas M. Liggett
Roberto H. Schonmann
Alan Stacey
+ The critical probability of bond percolation on the square lattice equals 1/2 1980 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Chat Convergence Towards an Asymptotic Shape in First-Passage Percolation on Cone-Like Subgraphs of the Integer Lattice 2013 Daniel Ahlberg
+ Quenched Voronoi percolation 2015 Daniel Ahlberg
Simon Griffiths
Robert Morris
Vincent Tassion
+ PDF Chat Dynamic Scaling of Growing Interfaces 1986 Mehran Kardar
Giorgio Parisi
Yi-Cheng Zhang
+ PDF Chat On Russo's Approximate Zero-One Law 1994 Michel Talagrand
+ The influence of variables on Boolean functions 1988 J. Kahn
Gil Kalai
Nathan Linial
+ PDF Chat Coexistence in Preferential Attachment Networks 2016 Tonći Antunović
Elchanan Mossel
MiklĂłs Z. RĂĄcz
+ Models of First-Passage Percolation 2004 C. Douglas Howard
+ Particle–antiparticle annihilation in diffusive motion 1983 D. Toussaint
Frank Wilczek
+ PDF Chat Competition in growth and urns 2018 Daniel Ahlberg
Simon Griffiths
Svante Janson
Robert Morris
+ An upper bound on the sum of squares of degrees in a hypergraph 2003 Christian Bey
+ Threshold functions 1987 B. BollobĂĄs
Andrew Thomason
+ PDF Chat Subcritical regimes in the Poisson Boolean model of continuum percolation 2008 Jean-Baptiste Gouéré
+ Percolation Probabilities on the Square Lattice 1978 Paul Seymour
Dominic Welsh
+ PDF Chat On the Speed of Convergence in First-Passage Percolation 1993 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Chat Critical percolation in the plane: conformal invariance, Cardy's formula, scaling limits 2001 Stanislav Smirnov
+ Asymptotic behavior of densities for two-particle annihilating random walks 1991 Maury Bramson
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ A Surface View of First-Passage Percolation 1995 Charles M. Newman
+ PDF Chat Divergence of Shape Fluctuations in Two Dimensions 1995 Charles M. Newman
M.S.T. Piza
+ PDF Chat Exceptional planes of percolation 1998 Itaı Benjamini
Oded Schramm
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness and non-uniqueness in percolation theory 2006 Olle HÀggström
Johan Jonasson
+ Analysis of Boolean Functions 2014 Ryan O’Donnell
+ PDF Chat Limiting geodesics for first-passage percolation on subsets of $\mathbb{Z}^{2}$ 2014 Antonio Auffinger
Michael Damron
Jack Hanson
+ Absence of mutual unbounded growth for almost all parameter values in the two-type Richardson model 2000 Olle HÀggström
Robin Pemantle