Sally E. Shaywitz


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Prevalence of undiagnosed dyslexia in African-American primary school children 2023 Laura Cassidy
Kayla Reggio
Bennett A. Shaywitz
Sally E. Shaywitz
+ PDF Chat Family History Is Not Useful in Screening Children for Dyslexia 2021 Emilio Ferrer
Bennett A. Shaywitz
John M. Holahan
Sally E. Shaywitz
+ Dyslexia in the 21st century 2020 Sally E. Shaywitz
Jonathan E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ Treatment of Dyslexia 2020 Jack Μ. Fletcher
Barbara R. Foorman
David J. Francis
Bennett A. Shaywitz
Sally E. Shaywitz
+ PDF Chat The Yale Outcome Study: Outcomes for Graduates with and without Dyslexia 2020 Sally E. Shaywitz
John M. Holahan
Blair Kenney
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ Translating Scientific Progress in Dyslexia Into 21st Century Diagnosis and Interventions 2019 Bennett A. Shaywitz
Lawrence G. Weiss
Donald H. Saklofske
Sally E. Shaywitz
+ Dyslexia 2018 Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ Dyslexia 2018 Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ Effect of Atomoxetine Treatment on Reading and Phonological Skills in Children with Dyslexia or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Comorbid Dyslexia in a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial 2017 Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
Linda Wietecha
Sharon B. Wigal
Keith McBurnett
David W. Williams
William G. Kronenberger
Stephen R. Hooper
+ Dyslexia 2017 Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ Achievement Gap in Reading Is Present as Early as First Grade and Persists through Adolescence 2015 Emilio Ferrer
Bennett A. Shaywitz
John M. Holahan
Karen E. Marchione
Reissa Michaels
Sally E. Shaywitz
+ Translating Scientific Progress in Dyslexia into Twenty-first Century Diagnosis and Interventions 2015 Bennett A. Shaywitz
Lawrence G. Weiss
Donald H. Saklofske
Sally E. Shaywitz
+ Diffusion tensor imaging correlates of reading ability in dysfluent and non-impaired readers 2013 Catherine Lebel
Bennett A. Shaywitz
John M. Holahan
Sally E. Shaywitz
Karen E. Marchione
Christian Beaulieu
+ Dyslexia 2010 Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ Critical Issues in Response-To-Intervention, Comprehensive Evaluation, and Specific Learning Disabilities Identification and Intervention: An Expert White Paper Consensus 2010 James B. Hale
Vincent C. Alfonso
Virginia W. Berninger
Bruce A. Bracken
Catherine Christo
Elaine Clark
Marisa T. Cohen
Adrian Davis
Scott L. Decker
Martha B. Denckla
+ Uncoupling of Reading and IQ Over Time 2009 Emilio Ferrer
Bennett A. Shaywitz
John M. Holahan
Karen E. Marchione
Sally E. Shaywitz
+ The Education of Dyslexic Children from Childhood to Young Adulthood 2008 Sally E. Shaywitz
Robin D. Morris
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ The Education of Dyslexic Children from Childhood to Young Adulthood 2007 Sally E. Shaywitz
Robin D. Morris
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ The Neurobiology of Reading and Dyslexia 2007 Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ Management of Dyslexia, Its Rationale, and Underlying Neurobiology 2007 Sally E. Shaywitz
Jeffrey R. Gruen
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ Age‐related changes in reading systems of dyslexic children 2007 Bennett A. Shaywitz
Pawel Skudlarski
John M. Holahan
Karen E. Marchione
R. Todd Constable
Robert K. Fulbright
Daniel Zelterman
Cheryl Lacadie
Sally E. Shaywitz
+ Neural Mechanisms in Dyslexia 2006 Sally E. Shaywitz
Maria Mody
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ The Role of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Understanding Reading and Dyslexia 2006 Bennett A. Shaywitz
G. Reid Lyon
Sally E. Shaywitz
+ Dyslexia at an Early Age and Its Impact on Early Socio-Emotional Development 2006 Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ La dyslexie chez les jeunes enfants et son impact sur leur dÈveloppement socio-affectif 2006 Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ PDF Chat Dyslexia (Specific Reading Disability) 2005 Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ Evidence-Based Reading Policy in the United States: How Scientific Research Informs Instructional Practices 2005 Reid Lyon
Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
Vinita Chhabra
+ Effects of Intensive Reading Remediation for Second and Third Graders and a 1-Year Follow-Up. 2004 Benita A. Blachman
Christopher Schatschneider
Jack Μ. Fletcher
David J. Francis
Sheila M. Clonan
Bennett A. Shaywitz
Sally E. Shaywitz
+ Evidence‐Based Reading Policy in the US 2004 G. Reid Lyon
Sally E. Shaywitz
Vinita Chhabra
Robert W. Sweet
+ Development of left occipitotemporal systems for skilled reading in children after a phonologically- based intervention 2004 Bennett A. Shaywitz
Sally E. Shaywitz
Benita A. Blachman
Kenneth R. Pugh
Robert K. Fulbright
Pawel Skudlarski
W. Einar Mencl
R. Todd Constable
John M. Holahan
Karen E. Marchione
+ Reading Disability and the Brain Neurological science and reading research provide the scientific knowledge we need to ensure that almost every child becomes a successful reader. 2004 Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ Neural systems for compensation and persistence: young adult outcome of childhood reading disability 2003 Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
Robert K. Fulbright
Pawel Skudlarski
W. Einar Mencl
R. Todd Constable
Kenneth R. Pugh
John M. Holahan
Karen E. Marchione
Jack Μ. Fletcher
+ The science of reading and dyslexia 2003 Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ Dyslexia (Specific Reading Disability) 2003 Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ A definition of dyslexia 2003 G. Reid Lyon
Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ Effects of event probability and sequence on children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity, reading, and math disorder 2002 Rafael Klorman
Joan E. Thatcher
Sally E. Shaywitz
Jack Μ. Fletcher
Karen E. Marchione
John M. Holahan
Karla K. Stuebing
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ Disruption of posterior brain systems for reading in children with developmental dyslexia 2002 Bennett A. Shaywitz
Sally E. Shaywitz
Kenneth R. Pugh
W. Einar Mencl
Robert K. Fulbright
Pawel Skudlarski
R. Todd Constable
Karen E. Marchione
Jack Μ. Fletcher
G. Reid Lyon
Wenyaw Chan
David J. Francis
Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ Neuroimaging Studies of Reading Development and Reading Disability 2001 Kenneth R. Pugh
W. Einar Mencl
Annette R. Jenner
Jun Ren Lee
Leonard Katz
Stephen J. Frost
Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ Neurobiological studies of reading and reading disability 2001 Kenneth R. Pugh
W. Einar Mencl
Annette R. Jenner
Leonard Katz
Stephen J. Frost
Jun Ren Lee
Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ The neurobiology of dyslexia 2001 Bennett A. Shaywitz
Sally E. Shaywitz
Kenneth R. Pugh
Robert K. Fulbright
W. Einar Mencl
R. Todd Constable
Pawel Skudlarski
Jack Μ. Fletcher
G. Reid Lyon
John C. Gore
+ Disruption of posterior brain systems for reading in children with developmental dyslexia 2000 Bennett A. Shaywitz
Sally E. Shaywitz
Kenneth R. Pugh
Einar Mencl
Robert K. Fulbright
Todd Constable
Pawel Skudlarski
Annette R. Jenner
Jack Μ. Fletcher
Karen E. Marchione
+ The Angular Gyrus in Developmental Dyslexia: Task-Specific Differences in Functional Connectivity Within Posterior Cortex 2000 Kenneth R. Pugh
W. Einar Mencl
Bennett A. Shaywitz
Sally E. Shaywitz
Robert K. Fulbright
R. Todd Constable
Pawel Skudlarski
Karen E. Marchione
Annette R. Jenner
Jack Μ. Fletcher
+ Functional neuroimaging studies of reading and reading disability (developmental dyslexia) 2000 Kenneth R. Pugh
W. Einar Mencl
Annette R. Jenner
Leonard Katz
Stephen J. Frost
Jun Ren Lee
Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ Functional neuroimaging studies of reading and reading disability (developmental dyslexia) 2000 Kenneth R. Pugh
W. Einar Mencl
Annette R. Jenner
Leonard Katz
Stephen J. Frost
Jun Ren Lee
Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ Cognitive and Neurobiologic Influences in Reading and in Dyslexia 1999 Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ Comprehension and Decoding: Patterns of Association in Children With Reading Difficulties 1999 Donald Shankweiler
Eric Lundquist
Leonard Katz
Karla K. Stuebing
Jack Μ. Fletcher
Susan Brady
Anne Fowler
Lois G. Dreyer
Karen E. Marchione
Sally E. Shaywitz
+ PDF Chat Functional disruption in the organization of the brain for reading in dyslexia 1998 Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
Kenneth R. Pugh
Robert K. Fulbright
R. Todd Constable
W. Einar Mencl
Donald Shankweiler
Alvin M. Liberman
Pawel Skudlarski
Jack Μ. Fletcher
+ Dyslexia 1998 Sally E. Shaywitz
+ Neuroanatomy of Reading and Dyslexia 1997 Robert K. Fulbright
Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
Kenneth R. Pugh
Pawel Skudlarski
R. Todd Constable
Jack Μ. Fletcher
Alvin M. Liberman
Donald Shankweiler
Leonard Katz
+ The Functional Organization of Brain for Reading and Reading Disability (Dyslexia 1996 Bennett A. Shaywitz
Sally E. Shaywitz
Kenneth R. Pugh
Pawel Skudlarski
Robert K. Fulbright
R. Todd Constable
Jack Μ. Fletcher
Alvin M. Liberman
Donald Shankweiler
Leonard Katz
+ Developmental lag versus deficit models of reading disability: A longitudinal, individual growth curves analysis. 1996 David J. Francis
Sally E. Shaywitz
Karla K. Stuebing
Bennett A. Shaywitz
Jack Μ. Fletcher
+ A Matthew Effect for IQ but Not for Reading: Results from a Longitudinal Study 1995 Bennett A. Shaywitz
Theodore R. Holford
John M. Holahan
Jack Μ. Fletcher
Karla K. Stuebing
David J. Francis
Sally E. Shaywitz
+ Cognitive Profiles of Reading-Disabled Children: Comparison of Language Skills in Phonology, Morphology, and Syntax 1995 Donald Shankweiler
Stephen Crain
Lois Katz
Anne Fowler
Alvin M. Liberman
Susan Brady
Rosalind Thornton
Eric Lundquist
Linda Dreyer
Jack Μ. Fletcher
+ Defining and Classifying Learning Disabilities and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 1995 Bennett A. Shaywitz
Jack Μ. Fletcher
Sally E. Shaywitz
+ Brain morphology in normal and dyslexic children: The influence of sex and age 1994 Robert T. Schultz
Nam K. Cho
Lawrence H. Staib
Leon E. Kier
Jack Μ. Fletcher
Sally E. Shaywitz
Donald Shankweiler
Len Katz
John C. Gore
James S. Duncan
+ Cognitive profiles of reading disability: Comparisons of discrepancy and low achievement definitions. 1994 Jack Μ. Fletcher
Sally E. Shaywitz
Donald Shankweiler
Leonard Katz
Isabelle Y. Liberman
Karla K. Stuebing
David J. Francis
Anne Fowler
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ PDF Chat Teacher Questionnaires: A Classification Perspective 1993 Jack Μ. Fletcher
Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ The Validity of Discrepancy-Based Definitions of Reading Disabilities 1992 Jack Μ. Fletcher
David J. Francis
Byron P. Rourke
Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ PDF Chat Evidence That Dyslexia May Represent the Lower Tail of a Normal Distribution of Reading Ability 1992 Sally E. Shaywitz
Michael Escobar
Bennett A. Shaywitz
Jack Μ. Fletcher
Robert Makuch
+ PDF Chat Comparisons of Cutoff and Regression-Based Definitions of Reading Disabilities 1989 Jack Μ. Fletcher
Kimberly Andrews Espy
David J. Francis
Kevin C. Davidson
Byron P. Rourke
Sally E. Shaywitz
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Cognitive profiles of reading disability: Comparisons of discrepancy and low achievement definitions. 1994 Jack Μ. Fletcher
Sally E. Shaywitz
Donald Shankweiler
Leonard Katz
Isabelle Y. Liberman
Karla K. Stuebing
David J. Francis
Anne Fowler
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ Disruption of posterior brain systems for reading in children with developmental dyslexia 2002 Bennett A. Shaywitz
Sally E. Shaywitz
Kenneth R. Pugh
W. Einar Mencl
Robert K. Fulbright
Pawel Skudlarski
R. Todd Constable
Karen E. Marchione
Jack Μ. Fletcher
G. Reid Lyon
+ Phenotypic performance profile of children with reading disabilities: A regression-based test of the phonological-core variable-difference model. 1994 Keith E. Stanovich
Linda S. Siegel
+ PDF Chat Evidence That Dyslexia May Represent the Lower Tail of a Normal Distribution of Reading Ability 1992 Sally E. Shaywitz
Michael Escobar
Bennett A. Shaywitz
Jack Μ. Fletcher
Robert Makuch
+ Persistence of dyslexics' phonological awareness deficits. 1992 Maggie Bruck
+ PDF Chat Functional disruption in the organization of the brain for reading in dyslexia 1998 Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
Kenneth R. Pugh
Robert K. Fulbright
R. Todd Constable
W. Einar Mencl
Donald Shankweiler
Alvin M. Liberman
Pawel Skudlarski
Jack Μ. Fletcher
+ Failure to Activate the Left Temporoparietal Cortex in Dyslexia 1992 Judith M. Rumsey
+ Impaired visual word processing in dyslexia revealed with magnetoencephalography 1996 Riitta Salmelin
P. Kiesilä
K. Uutela
Elisabet Service
Oili Salonen
+ Dyslexia 1998 Sally E. Shaywitz
+ Developmental lag versus deficit models of reading disability: A longitudinal, individual growth curves analysis. 1996 David J. Francis
Sally E. Shaywitz
Karla K. Stuebing
Bennett A. Shaywitz
Jack Μ. Fletcher
+ Dyslexia: Cultural Diversity and Biological Unity 2001 Eraldo Paulesu
Jean‐François Démonet
Ferruccio Fazio
Eamon McCrory
Valérie Chanoine
Nicola Brunswick
Stefano F. Cappa
Giuseppe Cossu
Michel Habib
Chris Frith
+ PDF Chat Explicit and implicit processing of words and pseudowords by adult developmental dyslexics 1999 Nicola Brunswick
Eamon McCrory
C.J. Price
Chris Frith
Uta Frith
+ Abnormal processing of visual motion in dyslexia revealed by functional brain imaging 1996 Guinevere F. Eden
John W. VanMeter
Judith M. Rumsey
José M. Maisog
Roger P. Woods
Thomas A. Zeffiro
+ Cognitive Profiles of Reading-Disabled Children: Comparison of Language Skills in Phonology, Morphology, and Syntax 1995 Donald Shankweiler
Stephen Crain
Lois Katz
Anne Fowler
Alvin M. Liberman
Susan Brady
Rosalind Thornton
Eric Lundquist
Linda Dreyer
Jack Μ. Fletcher
+ Is developmental dyslexia a disconnection syndrome? 1996 Eraldo Paulesu
Uta Frith
Margaret J. Snowling
Alison Gallagher
John Morton
R. S. J. Frackowiak
Chris Frith
+ A Positron Emission Tomographic Study of Impaired Word Recognition and Phonological Processing in Dyslexic Men 1997 Judith M. Rumsey
K. Nace
Bryan Donohue
D Wise
José M. Maisog
Paul Andreason
+ Positron emission tomographic studies during serial word-reading by normal and dyslexic adults 1991 Karen Gross-Glenn
Ranjan Duara
Warren Barker
David Loewenstein
JC Chang
Fumihito Yoshii
Anthony M. Apicella
Shlomo Pascal
Thomas E. Boothe
Steven Sevush
+ Neural systems for compensation and persistence: young adult outcome of childhood reading disability 2003 Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
Robert K. Fulbright
Pawel Skudlarski
W. Einar Mencl
R. Todd Constable
Kenneth R. Pugh
John M. Holahan
Karen E. Marchione
Jack Μ. Fletcher
+ Uncoupling of Reading and IQ Over Time 2009 Emilio Ferrer
Bennett A. Shaywitz
John M. Holahan
Karen E. Marchione
Sally E. Shaywitz
+ A Matthew Effect for IQ but Not for Reading: Results from a Longitudinal Study 1995 Bennett A. Shaywitz
Theodore R. Holford
John M. Holahan
Jack Μ. Fletcher
Karla K. Stuebing
David J. Francis
Sally E. Shaywitz
+ Neuropsychological profile of adult dyslexics 1990 Rebecca H. Felton
Cecile E. Naylor
Frank Wood
+ Development of left occipitotemporal systems for skilled reading in children after a phonologically- based intervention 2004 Bennett A. Shaywitz
Sally E. Shaywitz
Benita A. Blachman
Kenneth R. Pugh
Robert K. Fulbright
Pawel Skudlarski
W. Einar Mencl
R. Todd Constable
John M. Holahan
Karen E. Marchione
+ Theories of developmental dyslexia: insights from a multiple case study of dyslexic adults 2003 Franck Ramus
+ Cerebral Mechanisms Involved in Word Reading in Dyslexic Children: a Magnetic Source Imaging Approach 2000 Panagiotis G. Simos
Joshua I. Breier
Jack Μ. Fletcher
Eldo Bergman
Andrew C. Papanicolaou
+ Decoding, Reading, and Reading Disability 1986 Philip B. Gough
William E. Tunmer
+ Spelling errors and reading fluency in compensated adult dyslexics 1991 Dianne L. Lefly
Bruce F. Pennington
+ A definition of dyslexia 2003 G. Reid Lyon
Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ Explaining the Differences Between the Dyslexic and the Garden-Variety Poor Reader 1988 Keith E. Stanovich
+ To see but not to read; the magnocellular theory of dyslexia 1997 John Stein
+ Preventing reading failure in young children with phonological processing disabilities: Group and individual responses to instruction. 1999 Joseph K. Torgesen
Richard K. Wagner
Carol A. Rashotte
Elaine A. Rose
Patricia Lindamood
Tim Conway
Cyndi Garvan
+ Toward a definition of dyslexia 1995 G. Reid Lyon
+ Achievement Gap in Reading Is Present as Early as First Grade and Persists through Adolescence 2015 Emilio Ferrer
Bennett A. Shaywitz
John M. Holahan
Karen E. Marchione
Reissa Michaels
Sally E. Shaywitz
+ A functional magnetic resonance imaging study during sentence reading in Japanese dyslexic children 2001 Ayumi Seki
Tatsuya Koeda
Shuji Sugihara
Masayuki Kamba
Yoshiharu Hirata
Toshihide Ogawa
Kenzo Takeshita
+ fMRI auditory language differences between dyslexic and able reading children 2001 David P. Corina
Todd L. Richards
Sandra Serafini
Anne Richards
Keith Steury
Robert D. Abbott
Denise R. Echelard
Kenneth R. Maravilla
Virginia W. Berninger
+ Instructional treatment associated with changes in brain activation in children with dyslexia 2003 Elizabeth Aylward
Todd L. Richards
Virginia W. Berninger
William E. Nagy
Katherine Field
Amie C. Grimme
Anne Richards
Jennifer B. Thomson
Steven C. Cramer
+ PDF Chat Dyslexia (Specific Reading Disability) 2005 Sally E. Shaywitz
Bennett A. Shaywitz
+ The role of instruction in learning to read: Preventing reading failure in at-risk children. 1998 Barbara R. Foorman
David J. Francis
Jack Μ. Fletcher
Christopher Schatschneider
Paras Mehta
+ Regional Cerebral Blood Flow Correlates of Language Processes in Reading Disability 1991 D. Lynn Flowers
F. B. Wood
Cecile E. Naylor
+ Reading and reading disturbance 2005 Cathy J. Price
Andrea Mechelli
+ Functional abnormalities in the dyslexic brain: A quantitative meta‐analysis of neuroimaging studies 2009 Fabio Richlan
Martin Kronbichler
Heinz Wimmer
+ PDF Chat The science of literacy: From the laboratory to the classroom 2000 Paula Tallal
+ Neural deficits in children with dyslexia ameliorated by behavioral remediation: Evidence from functional MRI 2003 Elise Temple
Gayle K. Deutsch
Russell A. Poldrack
Steven L. Miller
Paula Tallal
Michael M. Merzenich
John D. E. Gabrieli
+ fMRI during word processing in dyslexic and normal reading children 1999 Petra Georgiewa
R. Rzanny
Jens‐Max Hopf
René Knab
Volkmar Glauche
Werner-Alois Kaiser
Bernhard Blanz
+ The Prevention of Reading Difficulties 2002 Joseph K. Torgesen
+ Disruption of the neural response to rapid acoustic stimuli in dyslexia: Evidence from functional MRI 2000 Elise Temple
Russell A. Poldrack
Athanassios Protopapas
Srikantan S. Nagarajan
Talya Salz
Paula Tallal
Michael M. Merzenich
John D. E. Gabrieli
+ Developmental Dyslexia: Neural, Cognitive, And Genetic Mechanisms 1996 Rosén
Dana E. Glenn
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of letter string perception in the human occipitotemporal cortex 1999 Antti Tarkiainen
Päivi Helenius
P. Hansen
Piers L. Cornelissen
Riitta Salmelin
+ Neuropsychological deficits and neural dysfunction in familial dyslexia 2006 Simona M. Brambati
Cristiano Termine
Milena Ruffino
Massimo Danna
Giovanni Lanzi
Giacomo Stella
Stefano F. Cappa
Daniela Perani
+ Neural Systems Affected in Developmental Dyslexia Revealed by Functional Neuroimaging 1998 Guinevere F. Eden
Thomas A. Zeffiro